SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
もともとウイスキーマニアでしたが、月桂冠大倉記念館に見学に行って、どっぷりハマりました! 今は旅行がてら、酒蔵めぐりをしています。 滋賀住みなので、滋賀酒推しです。 滋賀は酒造が33ヶ所あって、ちょっとした酒処なんですよ。 飲みごたえのある、濃いお酒が好きです。

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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My family tasted it at the brewery (I was a driver, so I couldn't taste it (T_T)), and they said it was the most delicious one. It has a delicious taste with no bitterness. It is honestly "delicious"! Repeat!
Tamagawa雄町 2017年熟成酒純米吟醸
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I tasted it at the brewery, Kinoshita Sake Brewery, and bought it because it was delicious. It has a yellowish color, which is typical of aged sake, but it has none of the weirdness that is common in aged sake, and is a delicious sake with a delicious flavor.
Hidakami伊達のBON6108 吟のいろは純米吟醸
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On my way back from a business trip to Sendai, I found a restaurant in Sendai Station that was really particular about Japanese sake! I asked him if he had any good hikakimi. I had had a very tasty sake the day before, so I asked, "Do you have any good sake from Hikakami? I asked him if he had any good hikakami, and he said, "We have a good one that's limited! I asked him if he had any good Hidakami, and he said, "We have a good one that is just limited edition! It seems to be a limited edition product of a liquor store called Mutoya. The aroma is very fruity! It has a hint of sweetness in the mouth, and when swallowed, the sweetness quickly disappears and the fruity aroma remains in the mouth. Ah! This is a good sake!
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This is my favorite sake that I always buy at Oharaicho when I visit Ise Jingu Shrine. The refreshing acidity spreads quickly in the mouth and disappears as you swallow, leaving behind a subtle sweetness. It is a sake that I want to drink all the time.
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I thought it was a junmai sake, but it was a honjozo sake. It is a thick sake with a high alcohol content without watering after the top vatting, and has an alcohol content of 18-19 degrees Celsius. The alcohol content is 18-19%, which is very strong for a honjozo sake, but it is not so sweet. You can enjoy the sake alone without any snacks.
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I happened to find it at Family Mart on a business trip and bought it. It is nice to be able to drink Hokkaido sake easily. Perhaps it was because it had been chilled in the refrigerator, but the aroma was not very strong, but the flavor was strong. It is a refreshing type of sake with a slight acidity that disappears after a short while. I wanted to pair it with fish. It would have been a shame to serve it without any side dish.
Imanishiki銀撰 酒槽搾り普通酒
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At Yonezawa Shuzo, a regular sake for everyday drinking along with Junmai-shu. It has a subtle sweetness and a clean aftertaste. You will never get tired of drinking it, and you can continue drinking it with peace of mind.
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A light golden color. The aroma does not stand up much, but the taste is strong. But the aftertaste is so refreshing that it leaves almost no aftertaste. You can drink it as much as you want!
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The aroma is of a type that does not stand out much, but if you explore it carefully, you will find a faintly sweet, fruit-like aroma. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel a good sweetness that is not too strong, and when you swallow it, the sweetness will slowly fade away. It is good with some other snacks, but it can also be enjoyed on its own. The price is less than 1000 yen for a 720ml bottle. It is quite a good value 😄.
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I bought it immediately after reading the booklet from Liquor Mountain (^o^). The aroma was not so strong, probably because it was chilled. When you put it in your mouth, you can feel the acidity and citrus fruits. When swallowed, the nose is filled with the aroma of rice, which is typical of Japanese sake. It has a refreshing feeling that is not typical of junmai ginjo.
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Ayu fish caught by myself, cooked in a sweet soy sauce and served with Okunomatsu Junmai Daiginjo! Sweet and fruity aroma! I wonder if this is what they call the ginjo aroma? When you put it in your mouth, the attack is slightly sweet and it goes down your throat. It leaves a faint lingering taste in the mouth. Delicious! This is one you can't stop drinking!
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We visited the Abekan Sake Brewery in Shiogama City, Miyagi Prefecture, to purchase this product. The Abekan Shuzo's house style (?) is dry, and this one has a refreshing taste that does not linger in the mouth. It is also very refreshing and doesn't leave a lingering taste in the mouth. However, you can feel a hint of sweetness in your mouth. It is delicious on its own, but it would be great to drink it with a strong-flavored dish to wash out the taste of the dish in your mouth.
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On my way back from a business trip to Sendai, I went to Shiogama City and visited Mr. Saura of Urakasumi. It was a pity that I could not taste the sake due to the Corona, but when I asked him about the limited edition sake, he explained it to me in detail. He recommended the Sendai limited edition and seasonal sake, and after much deliberation, I purchased the seasonal "Junmai Natsu-shu" (Junmai Summer Sake). It was called "summer sake," and it went down smoothly without leaving any residue in the mouth. It is not dry, but has a hint of sweetness in the mouth. You can gobble it up, this is a bad boy!
Kikusuiふなぐち 菊水 一番しぼり原酒生酒
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It's something you often see in convenience stores (lol). The "funaguchi" is a device used to squeeze sake, and the sake that comes out of the funaguchi first is put in an aluminum can to keep it fresh for everyone to drink! The first thing that hits you when you drink it is the sensation of "Sake! The first thing that hits you when you drink it is the sensation of "Sake! The first thing that hits you is the sensation of "Sake! The first thing that hits you is the feeling of "Sake! Is it too much to say that it is the best sake in the world? But it doesn't leave a sticky residue on the palate, but rather a subtle sweetness that quickly disappears. It is a thick type of sake that is hard to believe it is from Niigata, so please give it a try.
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I participated in Okamura Honke's brewery festival and this was my favorite of the many tastings I bought. The moment it hits the palate, the rice flavor comes through with a bang! The sweet aroma is a bit strong, and the taste is rich and thick as it is a pure sake. The lingering aftertaste is like being in a freshly harvested rice field, and in any case, you can really taste "rice sake. This is my favorite one!
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I visited the Takeuchi Sake Brewery while feeling dizzy from climbing the mountain. I came down from the mountain just looking forward to it, thinking that since it is a sake brewery, I would be able to sample some of their products. But I was told, "We don't do tastings except when the brewery is open. But I was told that "we don't have sake tasting except for the first day of the brewery opening". Disappointing... Since we had come all the way to the brewery I asked for a sake that I could only buy here. I asked for a sake that I could only buy here, and this is what I was served. The umami is so powerful! It was as if I was drinking a solid block of sake flavor. The rice flavor comes through and lingers for a long time. This is my favorite type! I wonder if it is only available in March, as it is the last pressing. I want to repeat it next year.
Kyokujitsu玉栄 隠し蔵No.6特別純米原酒
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The moment you taste it, the umami and acidity hit you hard. When you drink it, it seems to disappear quickly, leaving only the umami on your tongue. However, the lingering umami flavor remains for a long time. The slight bitterness is also pleasant, making it a delicious sake.
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When I visited a brewery in Miyazu, Kyoto I was attracted by the POP of "sweet Junmai-shu" (pure rice sake with a sweet taste) and bought it. I was attracted by the POP sign that said "sweet Junmai-shu" and bought it. It is indeed sweet, but it is not the kind of sweetness that makes you feel a rush. It is indeed a sweet sake. It is not very fragrant, but after a few sips, I was able to enjoy the taste. The aroma is not very strong, but after drinking it, you can smell the aroma of rice. It is not too rich, and you can easily enjoy it. If you drink it while watching You Tube, you will finish it in no time. To say the least, I like it!
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I bought it at a brewery in Makino Town, Shiga Prefecture, on my way back from a fishing trip to Tsuruga. The first thing that hits you when you drink it is its peculiar peculiarity! I read on the Internet that it was "like fish" or "like bran," but to me, a resident of Shiga Prefecture, it was "like the algae in Lake Biwa. But to me, a resident of Shiga Prefecture, it is "like the algae in Lake Biwa. I am a resident of Shiga Prefecture, so I feel it is "like algae from Lake Biwa. The taste itself is good, with a hint of koji sweetness, but after drinking it, I could feel the algae from Lake Biwa in my nose! This is hard to drink by itself. I heard that peculiar things go well with peculiar things, so I paired it with Camembert cheese with blue cheese, but... the peculiarity of Takefujima won out! I read on the internet that if you heat it up to 50 degrees Celsius, the peculiarity disappears and it tastes better, so I gave it a try. But it's still too strong to drink by itself. Incidentally, a funa-zushi (fermented crucian carp sushi) restaurant near the brewery said, "This sake is the best match for our funa-zushi. In the world of whiskey, the more I get into whiskey, the more I tend to go for Islay malt, a peculiar whiskey, but when I get more into sake, I might get into this sake.
I'd like to try something scary. I would like to cross the line when I visit Shiga ^ ^.
Waya Mojahira. You should definitely give it a try! It's worth a try!
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I went to a local supermarket on my way home from work in search of sake for everyday drinking. I had decided that Gekkeikan was the sake I was going to drink on a regular basis. I found "Josen Gekkeikan" and "Josen Gekkeikan Premium Blend" on sale for the same price. I hesitated, but the Premium Blend had a newer production date, so I bought this one. When I got home and drank it, I found it wasn't so bad. No, it's delicious! This one! It has a fruity aroma and the richness is perfect! It has a nice sharpness and does not leave a persistent taste. For this price, I am very satisfied! According to the description, it is blended with 10% daiginjo-shu. This may be the reason for the fruity aroma. I think I can enjoy this without hesitation for a while.