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Hidakami伊達のBON6108 吟のいろは純米吟醸
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On my way back from a business trip to Sendai, I found a restaurant in Sendai Station that was really particular about Japanese sake! I asked him if he had any good hikakimi. I had had a very tasty sake the day before, so I asked, "Do you have any good sake from Hikakami? I asked him if he had any good hikakami, and he said, "We have a good one that's limited! I asked him if he had any good Hidakami, and he said, "We have a good one that is just limited edition! It seems to be a limited edition product of a liquor store called Mutoya. The aroma is very fruity! It has a hint of sweetness in the mouth, and when swallowed, the sweetness quickly disappears and the fruity aroma remains in the mouth. Ah! This is a good sake!