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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店 入間店

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Koeigiku Check-in 1Koeigiku Check-in 2
雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店 入間店
 I opened a bottle of Koei Kiku Tsukishita Muyo, which was recommended to me by a liquor store owner.  The alcohol content is 17%, which is high for Koei Kiku, but it is easy to drink without feeling the harshness of alcohol.  It is sweet on the palate and the aroma spreads softly in the mouth.  The label is also cool 😄.
Senkin Check-in 1Senkin Check-in 2
雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店 入間店
 Sentori Sakura 🌸 before the cherry blossoms fall due to rain and wind.  Easy to drink with moderate sweetness but well balanced with bitterness.  I wanted to drink it while viewing cherry blossoms if possible 🥲.  Worried about being able to see the cherry blossoms before they fall due to bad weather and work rush
Sogga pere et fils「ヌメロシス」 サケ エロティック生酛生酒
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2
雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店 入間店
 I had been curious about Sogapère Ephis on social networking sites for a while and found it at a liquor store and bought it immediately!  It has a strong dryness and a soft wine flavor, probably due to the fact that it shares equipment with the winery.
Kamonishiki Check-in 1Kamonishiki Check-in 2
雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店 入間店
 It's been a long time since I've had a cargo tag sake 🍶.  This time it was Hachitan-Nishiki. It was recommended to drink it within 2 months from the date of production, but it's been 3 months...  Still, it has a strong fruity flavor, and the alcohol content is low, so it's very easy to drink.  Slightly more alcoholic after a few days than right after opening the bottle.
Sharaku純米吟醸 吉川山田錦 一回火入純米吟醸生詰酒
Sharaku Check-in 1Sharaku Check-in 2
This is the sake I bought last year and have been neglecting it for a long time. I have to start drinking the sake that I cherish too much and haven't drank yet lol. It reminds me a little bit of banana...the so-called "magic ink" aroma. I always think it's interesting that the standing aroma is magic, but when you drink it, you don't feel it at all! Surprisingly, the mouthfeel is fresh and crisp for a moment. The aroma is fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh.... The sweetness is not the main taste, but it is around the umami. It has a strong umami, but it's not too rich, so you can drink it easily. The acidity is not too bright, but only accentuates the flavor. I guess it is the acidity that keeps it from being too sweet. Rather than using acidity to create a flavor, the acidity is there to suppress the sweetness to a certain extent. It is not for beginners, but many sake lovers will like it. It is heavy but light, a very elegant and elegant mellow umamikuchi sake with a good aroma, though it is sake-like. I don't remember much about it because I drank it right up before I could get it down in writing, but it was delicious! LOL!
Sarathe starry night Vesper生酒
Sara Check-in 1
Sara Check-in 2Sara Check-in 3
This sake bears the name "Yoi no Meisei (Evening Star)". From the title, package, and 14% alcohol content, one would expect a light, modern, fruity sake, but one is in for a surprise! To begin with, the aroma is weak...or rather, almost imperceptible. I guess it is because the acidity stimulates the taste buds, just like Sairai. As soon as I took a sip, I thought it was a little heavy at first, but as I continued to drink it, I was surprised to find that it was easy to drink...! There is almost no aroma, and the sweet and umami flavors are kept to a certain level, so it has a strange addictive quality despite its rather bland impression. On the first day, it is a bit like Suitama's special junmai, which is a bit vigorous and has a moderate sweetness, and when it is at room temperature, it becomes sweeter and closer to Suitama. On the second day, it was a bit calmer and similar to yesterday's, but as a result it tasted completely different from Suitama, so I couldn't catch up with my understanding of it. I can't catch up with my understanding of the taste. It was a new kind of sake, so I can't quite put my finger on how to describe it, and I can't really think of what kind of food I should pair it with.
Hello, Mr. Doggie. Hi there... I wasn't sure what it was, but other reviewers have described it as yogurt or lactic acid! If you try it, please let me read your review~(^^)
Sara花澄み 特別純米 無濾過生原酒特別純米原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
Sara Check-in 1Sara Check-in 2
This is the second one for Sairai. It reads "Kasumi". It's a fashionable name, isn't it? So much so that it would just barely not be a glittering name if you gave it to your child? LOL. Sairai has a very good hi-ire junmai ginjo, so I'm curious to see how my favorite special junmai is. It has a slight sparkle and a light cloudiness. The initial aroma is a mild ginjo aroma. It is a special junmai, and the aroma does not spread too much, which I like. The aroma, somewhat reminiscent of strawberries, reminds me of late winter or early spring, and is very atmospheric. The umami and sweetness are not too much, but really just right. The acidity gives it a sharpness that suddenly weakens the sweetness and umami, but it is not too sharp, which is a characteristic of this sake. A similar type of sake is Chiebijin Hachitan-Nishiki Special Junmai, but the difference is that the other one is a bit more massive, while this one is more easygoing. I was a bit surprised that the waiter said something similar. At 1,485 yen, it is a very good quality sake that fits within 1,500 yen. It's not the price, is it, but the sake.
Fusano KankikuOCEAN99 空海
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 1Fusano Kankiku Check-in 2
One sip and you're like, "This is super tasty!" It has a rummy aroma and a refreshing sweetness that is not too light and well balanced. You can enjoy it just by drinking it. The view of the ocean view hotel in Tateyama where I stayed before comes to mind 😁. I want to drink this while slowly gazing out at the ocean! Regret not buying another bottle!
Oze no Yukidokeももいろにごり純米大吟醸生酒にごり酒
Oze no Yukidoke Check-in 1
Oze no Yukidoke Check-in 2Oze no Yukidoke Check-in 3
I have known about this for years. I even saw a customer at the cash register next to me asking for this when I stopped by the liquor store. I have the impression that it is also drunk a lot on this site. It also comes up a lot in the recommendations on this site. So when the opportunity presented itself, I bought some! The aroma is sweet, but I rather feel a strong alcohol taste. When I tried it, it was sweet and sour! It's sweet and sour like strawberries and other fruits! The low alcohol content and the fizzy feeling make it very easy to drink, and even though I only drink about 1 bottle in a day, this one is so easy to drink that I could probably finish a 4th bottle in one day! It is more like a dessert sake before...or after a meal, rather than with a meal. And although it has a strong juice-like taste, it definitely has the deliciousness of sake and the flavor of rice, so it's not just a juice at all! I don't know why I didn't drink it before! This kind of sake is good for a change! I hope I can drink it again next year! And with 10% alcohol content, I feel like I've had enough and can drink it without feeling guilty lol.
Hi flos_lingua_est ☀️ I've been curious about this one too, but I haven't had a chance to pick it up 💦 After reading your review, I've made up my mind to buy it if I ever come across it 😄.
Hello flos_lingua_est (**))) This one was a definite repeat for next year🎶. Although I will definitely drink too much because it is a low-alcohol, sweet and sour drink ( ´-ᴗ- ก)💦.
Hi flos_lingua_est ☀️ I drank it for the first time this year and it was delicious 😆💕. I love it 😍I'm sure I'll be back ❣️.
flos_lingua_est❕🤩🤩I'll definitely buy it next year 💕💕!
Hello, Pon-chan! There are some alcoholic beverages that I often see but am not sure whether to buy them or not. I have a lot of them, so I try to buy them after reading your reviews 😊💡.
Hello, Eririn! I know what you mean! This is delicious! You really shouldn't drink too much lol🤣 I don't drink this much light alcohol, but I think it's good for a lazy drink after dinner at night ✨.
Hi, Tsubu-chan! The fact that everyone is so unanimous in their repeat orders shows the value of this sake 🤭. I hope everyone will be able to buy it next year! 🙏✨
Hello, Rika! By all means! It's so delicious ⤴︎⤴︎⤴︎! The colors are pretty too 🥰✨ I'm sure there are still some stores in Saitama that sell it 😅.
宮泉純米にごり 生酒純米生酒にごり酒
宮泉 Check-in 1宮泉 Check-in 2
Miyazumi has an image of being a gutsy or richly flavored sake. I was very curious to see how the nigori sake, which was to be released at the end of the year, would taste like, so I always kept an eye on its release! Surprisingly alcoholic aroma. It has a freshness that is typical of new sake, but also a bitterness that is also typical of new sake. It is also delicious. It is sweet on the first day, but only slightly sweet and very moderate. The nigori (nigori is the Japanese word for "cloudy") component amplifies the umami, but it is not "overdone," which I believe is a characteristic and feature of this sake. The best "moderation" in the Kurakuraku Miyazumi I have ever had. On the fourth day, the rice flavor was very rich and delicious! The overall sensation is mellow, yet refreshing and easy to drink. It seems much clearer and easier to drink than the year-round Miyazumi. Personally, it was the easiest of all the Kakuraku Miyazumi sakes I started drinking after the summer. It also goes well with Japanese food, if anything, I was surprised that it goes well with curry!
Senkin初槽 あらばしり原酒生酒荒走り無濾過おりがらみ槽しぼり
Senkin Check-in 1Senkin Check-in 2
I drink this first tank every year, but this is my first time drinking arabashiri! The tailings are sinking quite well. When you turn it over, you can see from the movement of the tailings that it is very smooth. It's so beautiful that it might have been good for a video. The nose is fruity like a peach. It has a pleasant, swooshing sensation in the mouth. The mild fruitiness and the unexpected dryness of the aroma are surprising. The acidity is very effective and not only contributes to the dryness, but also enhances the juiciness. Overall, it tastes like a sparkling white wine. However, when I explored the taste, there was definitely a decent amount of rice flavor, which surprised me here as well. I think it can be enjoyed both before and during meals. It has a light mouthfeel, so it is a bit like a strong champagne, and I think it can be used as a toast. If you want to pair it with a meal, it would go well with appetizers such as carpaccio or salad, Asian-style dishes, or ahijos.
宮泉純米吟醸 山田穂 火入れ純米吟醸
宮泉 Check-in 1宮泉 Check-in 2
I've been drinking Miyazen and Collage for the past few months. I guess this is an autumnal drink in its own right. As it says on the Miyazumi Meijo website, the initial aroma is refreshing, like apples, and when you drink it, you can feel citrusy acidity, like grapefruit. Overall, it is very juicy with a strong sense of some kind of fruitiness. In the literal sense of the word "fruity," it can be called "fruity," but I don't think it's the same as the fruity you imagine. This is because, as is typical of Miyazumi, the flavor itself is quite intense. If I were to use a manzai (comic dialogue) metaphor, I would say it's like when someone says "Shabekuri manzai" and they get Jaru Jaru. Laughs When you try to drink it purely on its own, I think it has "strength" along with umami, acidity, and a bit of bitterness. It is easy to lose the balance with light dishes such as white fish sashimi, so I think it goes well with slightly thicker dishes such as Chinese stir-fries or black vinegar sauce.
Sharaku純米吟醸 なごしざけ純米吟醸ひやおろし
Sharaku Check-in 1Sharaku Check-in 2
The shop where I bought it said "If you're imagining glamour, I don't think that's what you're getting." Apparently, it's a calm sake in the寫Raku range. I can't get enough of the elegant banana overtones, and寫Raku has just the right kind of elegant banana overtones! It's sour, juicy, delicious! It has a strong flavor, and that flavor is not monotonous, but has the right amount of depth...this is too good. I want to keep it in my mouth forever... lol Even though you can feel the umami so well, the sweetness is suppressed and it goes well with meals. It's a well-calculated sake, and I can't help but be impressed. The website says to drink it cold, and if you follow the instructions, you'll get the image of "refreshing and satisfying". However, I prefer to drink it cold (at room temperature), as it has more character. Nagoshi-Kozo is more subdued than other Keisaraku, and has a more subdued position because it is less sweet. However, I personally found it to be the most delicious of all the Keisaraku and Miyazumi I've had. I'll probably repeat it again next year.
宮泉純米吟醸 渡船弍号純米吟醸
宮泉 Check-in 1
宮泉 Check-in 2宮泉 Check-in 3
This is the first time for me to drink Miyazumi Meijo. I tried it as the shop assistant invited me! The initial aroma is juicy apple. When you taste it, you get a melon or banana-like aroma and sweetness. Although the sweetness is fairly strong, it is elegant enough to go with a meal. This is delicious. The reason is the spread of the umami of the rice that does not lose to the sweetness. I guess it goes well with meals because you can feel the rice flavor. In the end, it is finished with just the right acidity that leads to a sharp finish, and a bitterness that makes you feel the depth of nourishment. The waiter says, "It's very rich. It goes especially well with meat dishes. Yes, it's thick, but I don't feel it's too thick because I'm still drinking the remaining Taiyo no Ikkan every day... lol. In fact, it's more refreshing than I expected! It's hard to describe this taste in words, but I would say it's "koku". It's the kind of richness that you don't get anywhere else that makes this sake so special. It's delicious. There are days when it is incredibly crisp and days when it is well-balanced, and it is interesting to see how the flavor changes from day to day. ...Ah! It's still thick!
Sara純米吟醸 彩の国より來たりし見知らぬ麗酒純米吟醸生詰酒
Sara Check-in 1
Sara Check-in 2Sara Check-in 3
It had been sitting in a closet for a few months after I bought it, but I suddenly remembered it and pulled it out to see if I could drink it. I couldn't believe it, I thought it was twice-fired, but it was raw! Despite my misgivings, I opened the bottle! The aroma was quite weak, with just a hint of ginjo scent. When I took a sip... it was delicious! It's been a long time since I've had something sweet and delicious! There are a lot of similar sakes that are hard to drink, but this one is different! It has a nice fruity aroma! If you ask me what kind of fruit it is, I can't tell you for sure because the aroma is a mixture of many different fruits, but I can tell you that it has nuances like muscat, pear, melon, and peach. These characteristic notes are combined with a round honey-like sweetness that makes it feel juicy. But it's not overdone! It's the goodness of a fresh bottling that it's not flashy! At the end, it finishes gently with acidity. I found myself drinking too much, one more sip, one more glass.... I don't know if the self-ageing (lol) worked miraculously or if it was originally at this level, but it was much more delicious than I had imagined, which surprised me!
Hello, flos_lingua_est😃. I've been storing some sake in the closet for about 10 days after consulting with the liquor store clerk. Maybe it's matured a little? 😁.
Maa., good evening! Ideally, it should be refrigerated, but if that's not possible, it should be kept at room temperature for a time💦. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.
Senkin Check-in 1
Senkin Check-in 2Senkin Check-in 3
I've been drinking this Senkou Kabutomushi for a few years now. I'm sure some of you may be a bit tired of it, since you've all been posting about it, but please forgive me. My first impression is... lemon squash! I have no idea how rice can make this taste. You can feel the mysteriousness and depth of sake. On the second day, you will be able to feel a little bit of rice flavor in the nose, and a bitterness that seems to be integrated with the umami flavor. This is the characteristic that sets it apart from others. It's like a less-sweet lemon squash or lemon sour, and I can see why everyone describes it as an "adult lemon squash". I remember drinking a lot of sweet and sour things when I was a kid, and this flavor reminds me of that (although it's not as sweet). I admire the sense of naming it "kabutomushi" as a symbol of something that reminds me of my childhood. From the third day, the sweetness and especially the rice-like taste comes to the fore, similar to Honkin, and the fourth day is the middle taste between the first day and the third day, which is probably my favorite.
