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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店 入間店

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Senkin初槽 あらばしり原酒生酒荒走り無濾過おりがらみ槽しぼり
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I drink this first tank every year, but this is my first time drinking arabashiri! The tailings are sinking quite well. When you turn it over, you can see from the movement of the tailings that it is very smooth. It's so beautiful that it might have been good for a video. The nose is fruity like a peach. It has a pleasant, swooshing sensation in the mouth. The mild fruitiness and the unexpected dryness of the aroma are surprising. The acidity is very effective and not only contributes to the dryness, but also enhances the juiciness. Overall, it tastes like a sparkling white wine. However, when I explored the taste, there was definitely a decent amount of rice flavor, which surprised me here as well. I think it can be enjoyed both before and during meals. It has a light mouthfeel, so it is a bit like a strong champagne, and I think it can be used as a toast. If you want to pair it with a meal, it would go well with appetizers such as carpaccio or salad, Asian-style dishes, or ahijos.
宮泉純米吟醸 山田穂 火入れ純米吟醸
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I've been drinking Miyazen and Collage for the past few months. I guess this is an autumnal drink in its own right. As it says on the Miyazumi Meijo website, the initial aroma is refreshing, like apples, and when you drink it, you can feel citrusy acidity, like grapefruit. Overall, it is very juicy with a strong sense of some kind of fruitiness. In the literal sense of the word "fruity," it can be called "fruity," but I don't think it's the same as the fruity you imagine. This is because, as is typical of Miyazumi, the flavor itself is quite intense. If I were to use a manzai (comic dialogue) metaphor, I would say it's like when someone says "Shabekuri manzai" and they get Jaru Jaru. Laughs When you try to drink it purely on its own, I think it has "strength" along with umami, acidity, and a bit of bitterness. It is easy to lose the balance with light dishes such as white fish sashimi, so I think it goes well with slightly thicker dishes such as Chinese stir-fries or black vinegar sauce.
Sharaku純米吟醸 なごしざけ純米吟醸ひやおろし
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The shop where I bought it said "If you're imagining glamour, I don't think that's what you're getting." Apparently, it's a calm sake in the寫Raku range. I can't get enough of the elegant banana overtones, and寫Raku has just the right kind of elegant banana overtones! It's sour, juicy, delicious! It has a strong flavor, and that flavor is not monotonous, but has the right amount of depth...this is too good. I want to keep it in my mouth forever... lol Even though you can feel the umami so well, the sweetness is suppressed and it goes well with meals. It's a well-calculated sake, and I can't help but be impressed. The website says to drink it cold, and if you follow the instructions, you'll get the image of "refreshing and satisfying". However, I prefer to drink it cold (at room temperature), as it has more character. Nagoshi-Kozo is more subdued than other Keisaraku, and has a more subdued position because it is less sweet. However, I personally found it to be the most delicious of all the Keisaraku and Miyazumi I've had. I'll probably repeat it again next year.
宮泉純米吟醸 渡船弍号純米吟醸
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This is the first time for me to drink Miyazumi Meijo. I tried it as the shop assistant invited me! The initial aroma is juicy apple. When you taste it, you get a melon or banana-like aroma and sweetness. Although the sweetness is fairly strong, it is elegant enough to go with a meal. This is delicious. The reason is the spread of the umami of the rice that does not lose to the sweetness. I guess it goes well with meals because you can feel the rice flavor. In the end, it is finished with just the right acidity that leads to a sharp finish, and a bitterness that makes you feel the depth of nourishment. The waiter says, "It's very rich. It goes especially well with meat dishes. Yes, it's thick, but I don't feel it's too thick because I'm still drinking the remaining Taiyo no Ikkan every day... lol. In fact, it's more refreshing than I expected! It's hard to describe this taste in words, but I would say it's "koku". It's the kind of richness that you don't get anywhere else that makes this sake so special. It's delicious. There are days when it is incredibly crisp and days when it is well-balanced, and it is interesting to see how the flavor changes from day to day. ...Ah! It's still thick!
Sara純米吟醸 彩の国より來たりし見知らぬ麗酒純米吟醸生詰酒
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It had been sitting in a closet for a few months after I bought it, but I suddenly remembered it and pulled it out to see if I could drink it. I couldn't believe it, I thought it was twice-fired, but it was raw! Despite my misgivings, I opened the bottle! The aroma was quite weak, with just a hint of ginjo scent. When I took a sip... it was delicious! It's been a long time since I've had something sweet and delicious! There are a lot of similar sakes that are hard to drink, but this one is different! It has a nice fruity aroma! If you ask me what kind of fruit it is, I can't tell you for sure because the aroma is a mixture of many different fruits, but I can tell you that it has nuances like muscat, pear, melon, and peach. These characteristic notes are combined with a round honey-like sweetness that makes it feel juicy. But it's not overdone! It's the goodness of a fresh bottling that it's not flashy! At the end, it finishes gently with acidity. I found myself drinking too much, one more sip, one more glass.... I don't know if the self-ageing (lol) worked miraculously or if it was originally at this level, but it was much more delicious than I had imagined, which surprised me!
Hello, flos_lingua_est😃. I've been storing some sake in the closet for about 10 days after consulting with the liquor store clerk. Maybe it's matured a little? 😁.
Maa., good evening! Ideally, it should be refrigerated, but if that's not possible, it should be kept at room temperature for a time💦. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.
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I've been drinking this Senkou Kabutomushi for a few years now. I'm sure some of you may be a bit tired of it, since you've all been posting about it, but please forgive me. My first impression is... lemon squash! I have no idea how rice can make this taste. You can feel the mysteriousness and depth of sake. On the second day, you will be able to feel a little bit of rice flavor in the nose, and a bitterness that seems to be integrated with the umami flavor. This is the characteristic that sets it apart from others. It's like a less-sweet lemon squash or lemon sour, and I can see why everyone describes it as an "adult lemon squash". I remember drinking a lot of sweet and sour things when I was a kid, and this flavor reminds me of that (although it's not as sweet). I admire the sense of naming it "kabutomushi" as a symbol of something that reminds me of my childhood. From the third day, the sweetness and especially the rice-like taste comes to the fore, similar to Honkin, and the fourth day is the middle taste between the first day and the third day, which is probably my favorite.
Koeigikuスノウクレッセント 雄山錦原酒生酒無濾過にごり酒
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The first time I drank Koyogiku was Snow Crescent in winter. It was so delicious that I rushed to buy it when I found it this time. But still, Snow Crescent in summer... it's delightfully out of season! Some people describe it as "cute xxx" or "charming xxx", but I used to think "is there such an expression? But this is really "cute". But this one is really a "cute sourness". The sweetness is not so bad, but it is refreshing to drink because of the strong bubbling and the cute citrus acidity. You can feel the flavor of the rice from the cloudiness, and it is very drinkable. You can feel the sweetness a little bit, but it is not too sweet because it clears up with a slight bitterness! It's a clean hit with a wide range of people. There are probably few people who don't like it. I think it's best served before or after a meal rather than during.
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店 入間店
The lactic acid and gasiness make for a refreshing drink. Also, the ori adds the flavor of the rice to the overly light mouthfeel. It cuts through the sparseness when paired with meals with strong flavors or fried foods with a lot of oil. The bitterness from the middle to the latter half is like the bitterness of grapefruit peel and is an accent that firmly encourages the next meal. Sounds like a good choice for those who like bitterness and acidity. ★★★★ The aroma blossomed on day two! ★★★★☆
Hello, yuichiro. I had Snokre the other day. It had lactic sweetness and sourness. I liked the Sunburst better. It has become a novel taste since the Toji took over.
Thank you for your comment, Duke. The Sunburst is one I'd like to try as I haven't had a chance to drink it yet.
My apologies for the misprint. Thank you for your continued support 🙇️♂.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it, but I'm sure I'll be able to make it. I'd like to thank you for your time and attention to detail.
Mr. Duke. No, thank you for your kindness!
Good evening, Mariponnu! I've been reading your reviews too! I've been drinking too much and I'm completely empty!
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I know it's a little late, but now that it's getting warmer, here's my review of the Sunburst. I want to drink it as soon as I get it, but the fridge situation... lol The aroma is citrus, floral, and some peach. It's not my favorite scent. In fact, I like it. When you taste it, it has a Muscat nuance similar to a white wine. The lightness and freshness of this wine is due to the citrus-like acidity. As the name "Sunburst" suggests, it is quite strong. At first, I thought it was not so strong, but as I continued to drink it, I felt that the acidity was quite strong. At the same time, the sweetness is soft and fluffy on the palate... I feel the "gentleness typical of Koyoshiku" here. The flavor of the rice appears for a moment, and then the bitterness appears after it leaves the nose. Obviously, it tastes best when served cold, so when drinking it at home in the summer, I definitely recommend pouring a little at a time and keeping the glass cold. As for meals, it goes well with ketchup. It has a sour taste, so it goes well with western food. It also goes well with salted tomatoes (although it may just be that it goes well with tomatoes), so if it has acidity, it may go well with a wide range of foods regardless of the intensity of the flavor.
Aramasaエクリュ 別誂 中取り純米生酛原酒
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It's been a while since I've had a bottle of Shinsei... I used to drink it when I first got into sake, so it's been about 5 or 6 years since I've had it. I don't know what I was thinking, but it had been stored at room temperature, so I had a bad feeling about it. At first I was like "Hmm? But as the days went by, I became "Oh! as the days went by. The aroma is mild and slightly peachy. You can already sense the acidity in the nose, so it smells like unripe plums. Strong acidity in the mouth! There is a little bit of sweetness, but the acidity makes it feel surprisingly dry. At the end, the bitterness and the alcoholic taste will make you feel dry. Despite the dryness, the aftertaste is rather long. It has a unique and interesting flavor. It's amazing that even after a few days have passed, the strengths of this beer remain unchanged and delicious. I think I caught a glimpse of the greatness of Shinsei.
Hououbiden山田錦 三割五分 荒押合併 無濾過本生純米大吟醸生酒荒走り責め
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It's a 35% polished Daiginjo class sake! If it's a Nakadori, it can cost close to 10,000 yen... but if it's a blend of Araduki and Tameshi, you can buy it for only 2,000 yen, so it's a huge bargain. I don't know how to explain it, but it's hard to explain with such high specs. I'll try to give you a simple explanation. The aroma is really a typical Hououmida ginjo aroma. There is little miscellaneous taste, and sweetness and sourness are the center of the taste. Yes, it is sweet, but it is not too sweet. It is said that Aradaruki has a rough and fresh taste, and Tameshi has a complex taste with a lot of miscellaneous flavors, but this sake doesn't have the Aradaruki taste, but it doesn't have the Tameshi taste. I paired it with garland chrysanthemum with sesame paste, and the bitterness and freshness of the garland chrysanthemum harmonized with the freshness and sweetness of the sake, and it was delicious. Personally, I think the second day is wonderful. The roughness is removed and the taste becomes muscat-like and easy to drink. It's the kind of drink you'd rather have with everyone than alone! Oh, I'd love to bring it to a drinking party. It's the kind of sake that will surely bring a smile to your face.
Hello, flos_lingua_est ❗️ I completely agree with your thoughts on day 2🤝. I even regretted going ahead with the cup on the first day😓. Day 3 was just as calm and beautiful as day 2✨.
Good evening, tkmt! I'm a little more confident in my palate now that you seem to have the same opinion! LOL! I also often regret drinking too much on the first day, so this was a good lesson for me again 😂.
Chiebijin特別純米酒 八反錦 おりがらみ 生酒特別純米生酒おりがらみ
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The nose is surprisingly mild, with a hint of alcohol and a so-called "sake" flavor. The aroma on the nose is refreshing, like white grapes. It has a slight apple taste. When the temperature rises a little, you can feel a banana-like flavor. From the hiragana name and the appearance, you'd think it would be a sweet fruity sake, but contrary to the appearance, it's not that sweet! This may be because of the influence of the citrus acidity. The sweetness comes out when it reaches room temperature (although I think it has something to do with the lack of fizziness). It's a dry sake, but it's juicy and has a good flavor that makes it worth drinking! Since it has conflicting characteristics, it seems that the range of people who like it is quite wide. You can enjoy it on its own, but if you want to pair it with food, I think it goes well with Western-style food. If you think it looks like something, it's Hanayo-yoku! I never imagined it would be this good of a drink, so I'm impressed!
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The memorable 50th post is this one of Hououmida's made-to-order products! This is the third time I've tried Hououmita, and it's been about three years since I've had it, but I've never been disappointed, which makes me wonder why I haven't had much of it before. When I went to the liquor store, it just happened to be right after the pre-order started, so I figured it was a good omen and pre-ordered it! The upfront aroma is caproic acid plumping! The strength of this aroma is as expected of Hououmida! When you take a sip, the apple-like aroma and fresh strawberry-like sweetness spreads quickly, and then fades away. There is almost no bitterness or acidity, and the sweetness is the core of the flavor. There is a review that says this elegant sweetness is similar to Kudokido. What is even more characteristic is the soft and gentle mouthfeel, as if it were made by making a nishimoto with special attention to water. It is very light even though it is not low alcohol. When it approaches room temperature, the harshness of the caproic acid becomes noticeable, and in a bad way, the contours become clearer, so the softness is ruined. It is best drunk cold.
Excuse my comment, congrats on 50 check-ins🎉. I know what you mean. -')(. I know what you mean. You can't go wrong with Hououmida!
yuta. Thank you for your comment! I'm extremely happy because I thought no one would ever say anything to me! ✨ I can't haz~! I bought another Hououmida, so now I'm looking forward to it♪
Tenbi春の天美 純米吟醸 うすにごり 生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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I was curious about it but couldn't get my hands on it because it sold out so quickly, but I finally got it! The nose is lightly perfumed. It's floral, peachy, but most of all it's muscat. The top end is round and slightly sweet, just as I had imagined. However, there is a pleasant bitterness at the end, which is a good accent. There are times when this is noticeable and times when it is not felt at all, depending on the combination of food. What happens when you mix the tailings... Actually, when you open the bottle, it is so vigorous that the stopper flies to the ceiling (for the first time in my life!). This is the first time in my life! It's not that cloudy, but it tastes so different! This is my favorite type! However, as time goes by, the fizzy feeling fades and the taste quickly approaches the top clear taste. It's a little fruity, a little sweet, a little fragrant, but with characteristics that don't end there, it's no wonder it's so popular right now!
There is no such thing as an average good sake except. I'd like to taste this kind of liquor ♪ Even if it has a fruity aroma, Muscat? Green apple? White peach? I like sake that makes me wonder. I always end up drinking too much of it, though.
Kozo-san. A good average drink, that's exactly how I pictured it! This kind of sake is not kind to your liver because you drink too much of it, despite its mouthfeel lol. It's the same with Senkou, isn't it!
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It's been a few months since the shock of the last Snow Crescent I drank... and now it's time for this one. A hint of muscat. A fresh and spicy sensation on the palate. The gentle sweet flavor stands out along with the juicy acidity, and there is not much bitterness. Drink it cold, because the advantages are canceled out as it approaches room temperature. If I had to compare it to other alcoholic beverages, I would say it is similar to Sogapellen. Therefore, if you were to compare it to a fruit, it would be something like white grapes. It is never an apple or a banana. It can be drunk on its own, without any spikes, and is easy to understand for everyone! It's full of the "uniqueness" of Koyogiku that everyone loves. I drank too much of it because of the low alcohol content. I still have some Sunburst left in the fridge, but it's low in alcohol and high in acidity, so I'll drink it when it gets a little hotter.
Good evening, flos_lingua_est! 😄 Anastasia still looks delicious... I want to drink it when I remember... 😋 Sunburst is perfect for the upcoming season, so I'm looking forward to this one too 😆.
Hi, MAJ! I really enjoyed the low ale goodness up front... I'm really looking forward to the Sunburst! I'm also looking forward to the sake that's coming out this month♪
Senkinオーガニックナチュール 0 nigori生酛原酒生酒にごり酒
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It's similar to Sakeya Hachibei's Ginsei Nigori... and it's insanely good! This one has a low alcohol content of 13 degrees so you can drink it without getting bogged down. Is it the aroma of grain? The aroma is different from the ginjo aroma. The taste is full of rice flavor, and it's really good! It's somewhat fruity, like grapey, but maybe I'm imagining it? It's not sweet, it's dry, but the alcohol doesn't feel that strong, so it's hard to feel it's dry. The aroma is gentle, in contrast to the flashy snowman. But it does share the same outstanding flavor. Sengori's Nigori is a wonderful sake that is not too sweet and can really be drunk endlessly.
Senkinモダン仙禽 亀ノ尾 2020BY純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店 入間店
I hadn't had it in 5 years, but it felt much drier and drier than I thought it would be because of the old image. It has a wine-like fruit acidity that makes it easy to drink, and it has an elegant apple taste. It also has peach and melon notes. There is a slight gassy feeling. It is very soft and does not have a lot of clinging. This softness is not only due to the low alcohol content, but is also the result of solid ingredients and techniques. It is a beautiful sake with a dry taste and high aroma. As it gets closer to room temperature, you can feel the banana taste and the umami taste, so I personally prefer not to drink it cold. In fact, as a sake that is clean and refreshing, but has a lot of umami, isn't its personality more pronounced at room temperature? However, in this way, it is like a classic Senkou. The second day is the balance where you can easily feel the umami and banana-ness, and I prefer this. But it's crazy juicy, sweet and sour... Senkou. It's very, very good, but the personality that makes it instantly recognizable as Senkou is fading... I'm asking for too much because I love Senkou so much. Things have changed since the old days, haven't they? The impermanence of all things. No, it's really very delicious.
Hidakami希望の光 明けない夜はない 純米吟醸純米吟醸生酒
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店 入間店
Ten years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake. 10 years ago, it was meant as a recovery sake. This time, it was re-released with the desire to overcome the Corona disaster and from the perspective of the 10-year anniversary of the disaster. The sake was sold by reservation only, but I wondered what power was at work, and before I knew it, reservations had been closed. It was almost a pleasure to meet you, Hitotakami. At the time when I drank it a few years ago, I only understood a little of this deliciousness of Hidakami, but now I can assure you that Hidakami is a wonderful sake. The aroma is mildly banana. Like the aroma, the taste is also mild, but it has a delicious flavor and an incredibly soft and gentle touch. What is this...this is an extraordinary product...so delicious that it makes me sigh. It is exactly what I mean when I say that it is easy to drink. I should have reserved another bottle. The taste made me decide to try the regular product the next time I find it. It is a good idea to finish it within 3 days after opening.
I only drank Hidakami at an izakaya, so I only have the image of it being a little dry!
Akahariba-san I had the same impression in the same situation, but as for this one, it had a mild aroma and a deep flavor, and it had a decent sweetness too (^^)
There's a pub I go to, and they go out of their way to stock me with alcohol I've never had! I didn't keep the bottle, so why don't you serve it to the other customers? I mean, serve it! Reduce it quickly! That's why I pay as I go!
Red Rabbit. I love the idea of meeting new drinks through socializing!
Senkin初槽 なかどり原酒生酒中取り無濾過
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I buy this series every year at the end of the year and the beginning of the new year, but this year (2020-2021) they have come up with a dry taste. People who like it sweet may not like it (lol). If you like sweet, you may be a little disappointed (laughs), but just wait until the taste hits you. When you first taste it, there is a slight hint of the Senkou flavor, and that alone makes me personally happy to drink it. I wonder if this unique taste is due to the acidity unique to Senkou. Isoamylic acid aroma, banana-like impression. There is a little bit of lees and some gas, so it may seem dry at first, but after a little while in the glass, the sweetness starts to show, and it becomes more like the usual first tank. If you like it sweet, give it a little time to sink in! It was hard until the second or third day, but from the fourth day, the corners were removed and the flavor came out to show its true potential. This year, too, it was delicious.