profile iconrich815
I live near San Francisco. I expanded my enjoyment after a 3-day sake class in Mar 2017. Now enjoyed with all dinners. Visited Kyoto in 2018 and really added to my appreciation and am now addicted!








rich815私の英語を言い訳してください 幻想的な酒。瞬く間にお気に入りの酒のトップに躍り出た。甘いフルーツの素晴らしい香りとアーモンド、キャラメル、ジューシーなフルーツの素晴らしい味わい。ウニのお盆と焼きそばの小鉢、そしてゴールデンゲートブリッジの近くで9歳の娘と一緒に獲れた新鮮な赤岩ガニの蒸し物と一緒にいただきました。 😁
金鹿Rai Mountain Pioneer純米
rich815私の英語を言い訳してください 酸味が強く、辛口で、強い料理との相性は抜群です。マシュマロとキャラメルのニュアンスがあるが、ほんの少しだけ。多くの日本酒によく見られるフルーツ、花やメロンの特徴がほとんどないのが非常に面白い。非常にストレートな日本酒で、複雑ではないが、それは悪いことではない。妻が用意してくれたケチャップをかけたパン粉チキンとローストしたベビーキャロットとベビーポテトと一緒に楽しんだ。
獺祭純米大吟醸 45純米大吟醸
rich815私の英語を言い訳してください 私はダッサイ酒が大好きで、45は料理との相性が抜群です。メロンのようなキャラクターだが、焼き魚やスパイシーな料理にも耐えうるほどの酸味と力強さがある。素晴らしい花のような香り。今夜はオヒョウのガーリックバター焼きと一緒にいただきました。
rich815私の英語を言い訳してください 複雑な味わいが素晴らしいメロン、柑橘類、アプリコット、そしてアーモンドのマジパンのような後味。これも私の新しいお気に入り。 ハマチカマ、ポケサラダ、甘エビと一緒に。
八海山Eight Peals特別純米
rich815私の英語を言い訳してください 口に含むとフルボディ感があり、食事と一緒に飲むのに適した少し酸味があり、トロピカルフルーツもあるが、ミネラル感とウッディさもあり、甘すぎない。ちらしの刺身セレクション、チキンカツ、ポケサラダと一緒に楽しみました。
rich815私の英語を言い訳してください Smooth and sweet but with a great mouthfeel. Apple, melon and tropical fruit delicious and nice complex character. Enjoyed with roasted salmon filet and white rice.
菊水Chrysanthemum Water純米吟醸
rich815私の英語を言い訳してください Continues to be one of my favorites. Light and dry, initial strong/sharp taste to stand up to spicy food with hints of melon, tropical fruit and citrus. Just love this sake. Enjoyed with skewers (yakitori) of barbecued Korean pork and Xinjiang-spiced pork with rice prepared by my wife.
獺祭Otter fest sake純米大吟醸
rich815私の英語を言い訳してください My first time trying the 45, I really like Dassai so was happy my wife found this at our local Japanese market. Wonderful fruit, essence of grape, caramel & anise. Stronger alcohol flavor I think helps with strong foods. Enjoyed with a seafood (shrimp/scallops) Thai coconut curry over rice that my wife made for me. So delicious. I hope everyone is safe and healthy. I miss Japan so much, we were supposed to go over again this summer. Maybe next year. My best wishes to all.
なべPlease stay cool and healthy at home. We know we will overcome together.
rich815Thank you. 😌
白鶴Superior junmai ginjo純米吟醸
rich815私の英語を言い訳してください This sake is one of my favorites. So light and a nice dryness with melon, flowers, cantaloupe and pear nuances. Enjoyed with unagi, yakisoba and cold rare beef mixed with ginger, onions and teriyaki sauce. I hope everyone safe and healthy!
蒲原Bride of the Fox純米吟醸
rich815私の英語を言い訳してください Rich and almost syrupy the first sip hits you with strong complex flavors of fruit, grape and creaminess. With a definite rice nuance. Enjoyed with fresh homemade pasta noodle sautéed with large prawn shrimp, garlic and butter.
rich815Thank you Shiholy.
Shiholy私の英語を言い訳してください means “Please excuse my English” So it may be better to write as 私の英語を訳してください。^_^
rich815私の英語を言い訳してください Not very refined or complex and nothing really jumps out to me in character but certainly not bad. Dry and mild candy-like flavor. Enjoyed with pasta and red meat sauce.
rich815私の英語を言い訳してください Wow. Wonderful sake. Great complexity with different multiple flavors coming at me, apricot, grape, candy; nice and dry with just a hint of sweetness. Wonderful fragrance too. A new favorite for me. Enjoyed with oven-broiled sea bream.
NoLoNow, I translate it. とても良い日本酒ですね。杏や葡萄、飴の様な複雑で異なる様々な味を感じて、辛口かつほんのりと甘さをとても良い香りとともに感じます。私の新しいお気に入りです。おつまみは焼いた鯛でした
rich815Thank you NoLo. :-)
superbebeThis is one of my favorites. Easy to obtain (Costco), reasonable price, and excellent flavor.
rich815私の英語を言い訳してください First impression: quite dry with not very wide or complex character. Strongest flavor is spice and mild pine. But I reserve judgement since admittedly it tasted much better once drunk with food. I enjoyed with shrimp gyoza dipped in chili oil and soy sauce.
rich815私の英語を言い訳してください Nuances of apple, nutmeg, slight pepper and a nice smooth palate. Good sake but a bit middle character that I like but I sometimes like a more a forward identity. Enjoyed with sushi nigiri and rolls.
More Turkey意訳:リンゴとナツメグに僅かなコショウのニュアンス、口当たりは滑らか。中間的な味わいながらも、たまに個性が顔出す良いお酒。お寿司と一緒に楽しみました。
rich815One of my favorites, light yet good flavor to stand up to food. Honey overtones, candy and grape. Enjoyed with my wife’s red Thai Chicken curry over Rice and a grilled striped bass. :-) 私の英語を言い訳してください
獺祭純米大吟醸 50純米大吟醸にごり酒
rich815Really good. I like nigori but often it’s too sweet for having with food but this one not as thick and not as sweet, drier than most. Also less opaque too than typical nigori. Apple, fruit, mango flavors. Enjoyed with yakisoba stir-fry with beef and broccoli.
金鹿Rai Mountain Pioneer純米
rich815Fuller bodied than I usually like with umami flavors, slight candy, citrus and a bit of acidity. Was actually perfect with my wife’s beef sukiyaki over rice and a nice contrast to the lighter sakes I usually drink. As the French say Vive la difference! :-) 私の英語を言い訳してください
rich815Finished off my 2nd bottle tonight with salmon sashimi, hamachi kama and grilled sanma saury!
若竹Wakatake onikoroshi純米大吟醸
rich815私の英語を言い訳してください Absolutely wonderful sake! A new favorite for me. Creamy mouthful with overtones of citrus, tropical fruit and melon, really enjoyable. Enjoyed with sake (salmon) sashimi and hamachi kama.
rich815Had again with Thai curry chicken. I love this sake. A new favorite for sure.
rich815私の英語を言い訳してください Very dry. Dryer than any I’ve tried I think. My first taste I struggled to find flavors and nuances to identify. Best I came up with was mineral-like aspects. Turns out to be a fortuitous choice for my meal: red Thai coconut curry pork and broccoli over rice that my wife made, along with a cob of steamed yellow corn. Dry sake was a good choice after all with this spicy dinner but honestly many other sakes I prefer much more.
rich815Yes I agree. Not bad at all. I might get more used to a drier type soon. :-)
越の魂Junmai daiginjo純米大吟醸
rich815私の英語を言い訳してください Terrific Sake! Smooth, no edges, banana, cantaloupe, a little mineral. Long and complex mouth feel as the sake runs through my palate. Enjoyed with sushi! Tamago, amaebi, maguro and a wonderful hamachi kama. I’m a very happy person right now. Life can be great sometimes. :-)