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Juyondai大極上生 播州山田錦純米大吟醸生酒
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Immediately after opening the bottle, there was a slight fizziness, as is typical with namaishu, and the sweetness was a little stronger, but the bitterness and acidity made it sharp and fresh. As the day went on, the fizzy feeling disappeared and the taste changed to a beautiful, smooth mouthfeel. I finished it with a good taste, but to be honest, I wasn't as impressed as I was when I first drank the Jyushiyo. My honest impression is that it didn't taste as good as I expected for the trouble I went through to get it, and I might have had a different impression if I drank it at a store. However, if I see it again, I will buy it.
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I heard that Kamikawa Daisetsu Brewery's Tokachi, which used to be available only in the Tokachi region of Hokkaido, is now available nationwide. Unlike Kamikawa Daisetsu, the brewing water seems to be a little harder, but the overall taste is still soft. The sourness asserts itself modestly, and there is a slight astringency and spiciness in the aftertaste. It is refreshing and easy to drink, but the rice polishing ratio is as high as 70% and you can feel the full flavor of the rice, so it is very drinkable. I think I understand a little why Kamikawa Taisetsu is so popular.
Kokuryu純吟 垂れ口純米吟醸生酒にごり酒
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The acidity and bitterness were very assertive on the palate, but on the second day, the sweetness comes forward and you can taste the familiar melon-like fruitiness. Still, the sweetness is understated and refreshing, and the lingering faint taste of rice is very nice.
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This is the first time for me to drink a Junmai Ginjo that is served all year round. Immediately after opening the bottle, the alcohol feeling was strong, and the aroma and sweetness were reserved. On the second day after opening the bottle, the familiar sweetness-dominant banana-like fruitiness is stronger and softer. There is a slight sourness and bitterness to it that gives it a core taste. I would buy it again if I see it in the future.
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I got the honoured chrysanthemum which seems to have been secretly sleeping in the shop since last June. There were about 10 people in line at the time of opening, although it was in the morning on a weekday, and I thought that it was still popular. As for the taste, there is a strong acidity and a gentle sweetness, not to say intense, and even though it is undiluted sake, it is lightly foamy and has a low alcohol content. It may be that it has become a little calmer because it has been laid down, but the taste is generally as good as its reputation, and it is understandable why it has become so popular. I think it's going to get harder and harder to find, so I'd like to taste it and drink it.
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It has been a long time since I drank Shinsei. While the sweetness and slightly peculiar sourness assert themselves, the aftertaste is of rice, and the sharpness is due to an astringent rather than a weak bitterness. The strength of this lot was 14 degrees, but it's still very drinkable. It's tasty enough, but considering the price, I personally felt that the ecru was sufficient. The matte bottle and the design of the label is very cool, so I would recommend it as a gift.
Gakki Masamune本醸造 中取り本醸造中取り
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It has a clean sweetness and an understated gassy aftertaste that doesn't leave an aftertaste, and it's light enough to drink without feeling like it's 16 degrees. I felt it was a little rougher than the Dewa Sanzu x Yamadanishiki I drank before, but I still think the cost is pretty good. This is a bottle that I want to drink regularly.
Tenbi特別純米 生原酒
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It's a hot topic right now. It is the one. The sourness and bitterness are noticeable, but it is very fresh with a gassy feeling. It is so gassy that you can hear it when you open the bottle. Also, you don't taste the alcohol at all, and the aftertaste is very natural and clean. It is certainly easy to drink, but I personally would have liked a little more sweetness. About 3 days after opening the bottle, the gasiness settled down and I could feel the sweetness and the aftertaste. The flavors are well balanced and delicious.
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I was finally able to open it after less than nine months of storing it in my household refrigerator since it was shipped in April. When I drank it with trepidation, I didn't feel that the sweetness came forward strongly and the balance was lost. It has a clean sweetness, with enough bitterness and flavor in the aftertaste to make it worth drinking. The price is high, but the taste is very satisfying and I would like to drink it again on special occasions.
Jikon純米吟醸 雄町火入純米吟醸
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As it was the end of the year, I opened a bottle of Zijima, which I was lucky enough to get around May, at my parents' house. The sourness was a little strong, and the taste was like an understated pineapple, but after the second day, the sweetness came to the fore and the taste changed to a berry-like flavor, which was delicious. However, after 3 or 4 days, the aroma faded considerably and I could feel the alcohol in the aftertaste. My parents don't have a refrigerator that can hold a bottle of sake, and because it was winter, the temperature wasn't properly controlled, so I think it changed too quickly. After all, sake should be drunk quickly.
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It has a juicy sweetness with fruit notes like banana and melon. Yet, the aftertaste is refreshing and very tasty. However, considering the availability, I think it is hard to repeat.
Kokuryu純吟 三十八号純米吟醸
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The mouth opening is very clean and clean. There is no acidity and a slight sweetness and bitterness. It's fairly easy to drink, but I thought it lacked a little too much character. However, after a day after opening the bottle, the taste softened and I was relieved to see the distinctive melon-like sweetness and acidity come to the fore.
GekkeikanTHE SHOT 純米酒純米
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I knew there was a new junmai sake on the market, but I hadn't seen it before, so I finally saw it at my local supermarket and bought it. It has a strong acidity and then a rounded sweetness. It's fruity and tastes like an apple. The sourness is not bad, but the sweetness quirk just didn't work for me. The price is quite cheap to begin with, so if you want to drink it on a discounted basis, it might be worth it.
Sharaku純米吟醸 なごしざけ 羽州誉純米吟醸
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The mouthfeel is soft, sweet and tart, very juicy and delicious. There is no bitterness, and the aftertaste is natural and crisp. It's the first time in a long time that I've had sake, but out of all the sake I've had, I think it's one of my favorites, just as much as the one from Keisei-Raku. I'd like to drink it on its own for a while.
Denshu純米吟醸 山廃純米吟醸山廃
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It's gassy, with a sweet and sour apple-like aroma that fills the mouth and kicks in with some bitterness. It's been a while since I've had a sip of sake, but one sip reminded me that this is what sake used to taste like.
Sharaku純米吟醸 備前雄町純米吟醸
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The aroma is subdued and has a strong acidity. The aftertaste is sharp with a slight bitterness. Even after opening the bottle, the sweetness did not come forward and was crisp and firm.
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The aroma is moderate, with a berry-like sweet and sour taste. It leaves a slightly alcoholic aftertaste, but it's not too much of an issue, and it's generally refreshing. After a few days, the taste softens considerably and the flavor is fully appreciated. It's inexpensive, and I think it's a great cosmetic product.
Kanae純米吟醸 限定秋あがり純米吟醸ひやおろし
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The assertion of sweetness is quite strong from the opening of the mouth. However, it's not a persistent sweetness that leaves an aftertaste. And it has a slightly peculiar taste, so I think it's a matter of taste. It's not hard to drink, but I'd like to drink it a little at a time, as it doesn't seem to be something I'd be able to drink a lot of at once.
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It is sweet and fruity with a strong melon taste. It has a slightly spicy aftertaste, but it is refreshing. It's smooth on the tongue and goes down smoothly. The price is surprisingly high, and you can get a bottle for just over 2,000 yen, so I think the cost effectiveness is excellent. However, the sweetness increases rapidly after opening the bottle, so I suggest drinking it sooner rather than later.
Sharaku純米吟醸 酒未来純米吟醸
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Immediately after opening the bottle, you can fully appreciate the sweetness of the wine. The acidity is a little stronger, but not too strong. If I were to compare it to a fruit, it would taste like a ripe melon, not a banana. There was no significant change in taste after opening the bottle. It's been a long time since I've been impressed with the taste of this drink. I have high hopes for the upcoming season of liquor in the future of the convalescence.