ikuranShojoKitamura ShuzoNara1/2/2024, 4:07:06 AM2ikuranDry but firm taste Easy to drinkJapanese>English
ikuranKamonishikiKamonishiki ShuzoNiigata12/13/2023, 10:28:18 AM2ikuranname-brand sake Sweeter and cleaner than Haneya. Less sake-likeJapanese>English
ikuranMansakunohanaHinomaru JozoAkita12/13/2023, 9:38:13 AM1ikuranNot as dry as I thought. Not as dry as I thought it would be. Not as dry as I thought it would beJapanese>English
ikuranKonotsukasaShibata ShuzojoAichi12/6/2023, 11:31:04 AM12/6/2023ikuranJunmai Ginjo Ginsekai Nigori Nama-zake Delicious slight effervescenceJapanese>English
ikuranGokyoSakai ShuzoYamaguchi12/6/2023, 11:29:18 AMikuranAmakutai? It wasn't the first of three.Japanese>English
ikuranGokyoSakai ShuzoYamaguchi12/6/2023, 10:52:22 AM12/6/2023ikuranlightly cloudy Delicious! seems to be sweetJapanese>English
ikuranKokuryuKokuryu ShuzoFukui11/15/2023, 11:37:44 AM11/15/2023旬肴焼場 一十1ikuranIt is crispy. More sake-like than ZakuJapanese>English
ikuranTedorigawaYoshida ShuzotenIshikawa11/15/2023, 10:46:18 AM11/15/2023旬肴焼場 一十1ikuranSake-like Normal? No, it's not sweet, it's clean. A little dry?Japanese>English
ikuranGikyoYamachuhonke ShuzoAichi10/25/2023, 10:22:33 AMikuranEnishi Sake-like! Darker! It has a peculiar taste! Yellowish!Japanese>English
ikuran楚々淡麗Takechi ShuzoShiga10/15/2023, 8:40:43 AMサカグラ上本町店12ikuranToo dry. Easy to drink but the umami..,Japanese>English
ikuran美月Yoshida ShuzoShimane10/15/2023, 7:37:35 AM10/15/2023鉄板とおばんざい はなきんikuranNot spicy. Easy to drink but not sake-like Junmai GinjoJapanese>English
ikuranKikuizumiNishida ShuzotenAomori9/29/2023, 10:55:13 AM1ikuranEasy to drink not too much of a bad taste Delicious and easy to drinkJapanese>English
ikuranHirotogawaMatsuzaki ShuzotenFukushima9/29/2023, 10:53:48 AM1ikuranIt's like a raw sake but tasty! It tastes good because it's chilled! Full-bodied, sweet and savory! Not today!Japanese>English
ikuranYokoyamaOmoya ShuzoNagasaki9/1/2023, 9:56:37 AM1ikuranVery easy to drink! Easy to drink but refreshingJapanese>English
ikuranHokenHoken ShuzoHiroshima8/13/2023, 9:37:01 AMikuranDelicious and refreshing Not too richJapanese>English
ikuranAtagonomatsuNiizawa JozotenMiyagi8/13/2023, 8:51:13 AM魚屋スタンド ふじikurangood taste at first dry at first aftertaste is not so much Aftertaste is less harsh than KamikigenJapanese>English
ikuranJokigenSakata ShuzoYamagata8/13/2023, 8:44:21 AM魚屋スタンド ふじikuranDry and refreshing Delicious good with fishJapanese>English
ikuranSunshu NakayaFujitakasago ShuzoShizuoka8/7/2023, 11:51:40 AM1ikuranEasy to drink! DryJapanese>English
ikuranTaisetsunokuraGodo ShuseiHokkaido7/28/2023, 11:01:56 AM1ikuranTHE Sake Sake is a very popular drink. Goes well with Iburi GokoJapanese>English
ikuranHaneyaFumigiku ShuzoToyama7/28/2023, 10:13:56 AM3ikuranAroma is also good The aftertaste is refreshing The face is stronger than the snowdrift in OzeJapanese>English