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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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A Tokyo souvenir given by a friend. It seems that the brewery is located in Tokyo Station! The rice flavor and sweetness are irresistible. The aftertaste is surprisingly refreshing and easy to drink! Thank you for the treat 😋. Quote below This is a sake brewery located in Ekinaka, which is unprecedented in the world. The entire sake brewing process, from rice washing, steaming, koji making, fermentation, and bottling to hi-ire, The entire sake brewing process, from rice washing, steaming, koji making, fermentation, bottling, and hi-ire, The entire brewing process, from rice washing, steaming, koji making, fermentation, bottling, and fire-firing, is carried out in a small brewery of 22.8m2.
Koimari SakiPropulsionにごり酒
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Imari City, Saga Prefecture 🍶 Sake Rare once-a-year raw sake, "Activated Nigori Fruity aroma from a slight bubbly sensation✨. Pineapple-like sweetness and acidity, The aftertaste is surprisingly clean and easy to drink! The aftertaste is surprisingly refreshing and very easy to drink! It was a treat 😋. What is "propulsion"? Propulsion is the power to push things forward and make them happen. It is precisely because we live in such times that we should not be defeated by the headwinds. We want to move forward in spite of the headwinds. The name "propulsion" is derived from the idea of "the power to push things forward and carry them out".
MiyanomatsuSILVA 活性にごり生にごり酒発泡
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Saga's recommended brewery. It is my favorite active nigori from Miyanomatsu. I think it took about 5 minutes to open the bottle. The aroma reminds me of lactobacillus drink 😂. Shwashy mouthfeel, Sweet and sour but easy to drink✨. Miya no Matsu's nigori is still delicious 😋. Thank you very much for the treat.
Sharaku2023BY 一回火入れ純米
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Here is the last sake. This is also my favorite drink 🍶. Fresh and tart ✨. Thanks for the treat 😋. A must visit when you visit Takeo City. Sake and craft beer from all over Japan. Master carefully selects and stocks. He will make suggestions according to your taste 😊. We do not have a food menu, but you are welcome to bring your own food, You can bring in your own food, so Please enjoy your favorite pairing ✨.
Hi Rumion 🐦. They are all delicious and wonderful to drink 😻I'm glad you asked me about my preferences: ❣️ I didn't know there were so many breweries in Saga 😳.
Hi Ponchan ✨ This is totally my kind of drink comparison 😂. Thanks to the master's attention to detail! There are quite a few sake breweries in Saga 😊every brewery has a unique and delicious sake 😁.
Shinshu Kireiひとごごち純米原酒生酒無濾過
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The second cup continues Everyone loves Shinshu Kamerei. The juicy flavor is the best ✨. Sake from Nagano Prefecture is delicious 😋. I wish I could drink it while gazing at the stars in Nagano 😂. This is a must visit place when you visit Takeo City. Sake and craft beer from all over Japan. Master carefully selects and stocks. He will make suggestions according to your taste 😊. We do not have a food menu, but you are welcome to bring your own food, You can bring in your own food, so Please enjoy your favorite pairing ✨.
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The third party after the class reunion. We went to "Guild", a familiar standing bar. Nice to meet you 🍶. Fresh and fruity ✨. Nagano sake is delicious after all 😋. A must visit when you visit Takeo City. Sake and craft beer from all over Japan. Master carefully selects and stocks. He will make suggestions according to your tastes 😊. We do not have a food menu, but you are welcome to bring your own food, You can bring in your own food, so Please enjoy your favorite pairing ✨.
Manrei活性にごり生酒 雄町純米吟醸原酒生酒にごり酒発泡
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After the meeting, we broke up and went to the after-party. This year, I couldn't go to the brewery opening and gave up. Manrei's limited edition sake for the first time this year. I didn't expect to find it! I thanked the waiter several times and placed my order. I was pretty drunk at a classmate's party, I honestly don't remember what it tasted like💦. I remember it was very good 🥹. I like the oyster ajillo at this restaurant, but I was not in the right place at the right time of the year, so I went for the squid ajillo 🦑. Thank you for the food.
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Matsuuraichi Sake Brewery is also famous as a tourist sake brewery. Activated nigori from the Junmai Haraju series 😊. We have high expectations for the active nigori, which is rare for Matsuuraichi! It was so vigorous that it took a few minutes to open the bottle. From the schwashy mouthfeel The rice flavor and sweetness, then a bit of bitterness. The final taste is a bit alcoholic. Surprisingly easy to drink ✨. Thank you for the treat 😋.
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Matsuuraichi Sake Brewery is famous for its kappa mummies. They were the first in the prefecture to make sake using Omachi rice. The impression is juicy like a pear. The umami and acidity of Omachi come later, Finally, the alcohol taste comes in with a thump ✨. Matsuura Ichi's raw sake is basically 17 degrees. With my favorite chicken tataki. Thank you for the meal 😋.
MiyanomatsuTO PINKS 桃色活性にごりにごり酒
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The perfect sake for the cherry blossom 🌸 season✨ And, The sake that got me hooked on Miyanomatsu even more. At first it was not called TOPINKS, I think it was Aizan Junmai Daiginjo 🤔. Sorry I couldn't pink it last year 🙏. This year it is quite low with 9 degrees alcohol content. It has a sweet and sour mouthfeel. I can also taste the flavor of the rice ✨. This will be gone in seconds 😂. Thanks for the treat 😋.
Gakki Masamune愛山 中取り純米吟醸中取り
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Just outside the gate of Takeo Onsen Hot Spring in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, Takeo Onsen, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. The bar is a stand-up drinking style with no food menu. Instead, you can bring your own food🙆. You can taste sake and craft beer from all over Japan! Even if you are not familiar with Japanese sake and craft beer If you are not familiar with Japanese sake or craft beer, the master will offer recommendations according to your tastes. You can drink with peace of mind ✨. The sweet and savory taste of Aizan is the best 😊. Thank you for the food 😋.
Hoka春 純米 かすみ酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Just outside the gate of Takeo Onsen Hot Spring in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, Takeo Onsen, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. The bar is a stand-up drinking style with no food menu. Instead, you can bring your own food🙆. You can taste sake and craft beer from all over Japan! Even if you are not familiar with Japanese sake and craft beer If you are not familiar with Sake and Craft Beer, the master will give you a recommendation according to your taste. You can drink with peace of mind ✨. Nice to meet you at Toyoka. Nagano sake is really good 😋.
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Just outside the gate of Takeo Onsen Hot Spring in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, Takeo Onsen, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. The bar is a stand-up drinking style with no food menu. Instead, you can bring your own food🙆. You can taste sake and craft beer from all over Japan! Even if you are not familiar with Japanese sake and craft beer If you are not familiar with Japanese sake or craft beer, the master will offer recommendations according to your tastes. You can drink with peace of mind ✨. Definitely in my top 10 favorite sakes! Sake from Kashima City, Saga Prefecture 🍶. The juicy flavor is irresistible 😊.
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Memorandum of March 22. March 20 was the brewery open day at Komatsu Sake Brewery, but But I couldn't go because of my schedule... I was disappointed to find it at a liquor store. The sake was supposed to be sold directly at the brewery opening, but I found it at the liquor store and bought it immediately 😊. Maybe the tanks are different? Speaking of Manrei, I have an image of dry sake. but Manryei is a sweet sake with a sake strength of -15. It has a smooth, clear and gentle sweetness on the palate. I can't get enough of it 😊. I had an image of a more mellow sweet sake, but this one is clear and easy to drink. but this one is clear and easy to drink, I couldn't help but drink too much ✨. I want to go to the brewery opening next year and buy a bottle! Thank you for the treat 😋.
Hiran蔵限定酒 2023α原酒生酒無濾過
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Memorandum of March 19. This is a limited edition sake from the Hiran brewery purchased during a recent trip to Hirado. The rice used for the premium is 80% polished rice from Hikomaru produced in Hirado. It is a low-polished, unfiltered, raw sake. It has a firm umami and fruity acidity. It has a perfect balance with a bitterness. It is so delicious ✨. It's good cold, but warming it up a bit increases the aroma and flavor 😁. I'll go back to buy some more! Thank you for the food 😋.
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Memorandum of March 16. Speaking of Aizan from Nabeshima, Junmai Daiginjo and Classic series of special junmai every year, but the junmai ginjo is only available this season! but the Junmai Ginjo is limited to this season! Maybe. The pink spring-like label is nice 😁. Well, let's open the bottle right away. The bottle was opened immediately and poured into a glass with little gas. The aroma is gorgeous, as is typical of Nabeshima ✨. The mouthfeel has a gentle sweetness and fresh acidity, Then comes the umami of the rice, a slight bitterness, and a sharp finish. The sweetness of the rice and the fresh acidity are well balanced and delicious ▐. The sweetness of the rice and the fresh acidity are well balanced and delicious 😋. I like Nabeshima again, and now I have more specs 🥹. Thank you for the food 😋.
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Memorandum of March 15. The sake that I was fortunate enough to get🍶. On this day, March 15 is a psycho day. We opened the bottle to drink the best sake ✨. I was told that it was low-polished rice, I had an image of what it would taste like, but it was completely unexpected. It was totally unexpected. I was first surprised at how clean and light it was on the palate. The taste of rice and the sweet and sour taste typical of Shinmasa. The end of the bottle has a tangy and bitter taste. This is as expected from Niimasa 😁. This is delicious✨ I wish I could drink it again! Thanks for the treat 😋.
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On March 9, we went to a certain popular hotel in Hirado, Nagasaki. Our companion for the trip was a bottle of Hiran Classic Nama-zake purchased at the Sazan Hiradoguchi Store in Hirado. The accompaniment for the trip was a bottle of "Hiran Classic Nama-zake" purchased at Sazan Hiradoguchi Store in Hirado. Was it a Nagasaki Prefecture limited edition? I think it was. It is not available in Saga, so I bought it last year at the time of the opening of the brewery. I bought it last year when the brewery opened its doors and loved it ✨. The aroma is mild, The aroma is mild, but after the acidity and bitterness that is typical of nama sake, there is a gentle sweetness and juicy flavor 😁. The aroma is mild, but after the acidity and bitterness typical of nama-shu, there is a gentle sweetness and juicy umami 😁. It's still delicious 😋. For dinner, we had a bottle of Hiran's regular sake. Thank you for the meal 😋.
Good evening, Rumion 😃. I remember visiting Jay family's roots Ikitsuki Island already the year before last 🥹I remember taking a picture of Hiran Sandesi at the Hirado Sea Hotel ☺️ I wish I could go back!
Hi Jay & Nobby, ☀️ I see your roots are in Ikitsuki😊I used to go swimming there when I was younger 😁It's a really nice place ✨. I would love to visit Mori Sake Brewery as well as Fukuda Sake Brewery!
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Memorandum of March 8. The first Miyanomatsu of the year is a junmai ginjo, unfiltered and unpasteurized. Sake made with Yamadanishiki produced in Shiraishi, Saga Prefecture🍶. The tableware is from a kiln in Arita Town, Saga Prefecture, where the brewery is located. Eggshell by Yamadaira Kiln in Arita Town, Saga Prefecture, where the brewery is located. It is 1mm thick and shaped like a wine glass. It is a glass with a good mouth feel and enjoy the aroma ✨. Now, for the drinks, Fresh and sweet aroma reminiscent of pineapple and pear fruits Juicy flavor and acidity spread ✨. The taste is complex and well-balanced! It is well-balanced and well balanced! It's still my favorite kind of sake 🍶. I will enjoy Miyanomatsu again this year 😁. Thank you ✨
Good evening, Rumion ඊ😃. Miyanomatsu looks delicious 🤤I hope there will be a special distributor in Kansai soon! The Arita-yaki sake cups are beautiful too 🤩. I wish I could go to the Arita pottery market in GW as I heard that Miyanomatsu also has a store there 😌.
Hi Aladdin 😁. I heard that Miyanomatsu still has only a few distributors nationwide 💦I wish more people would drink it✨. I love this sake cup! I saw you at the Arita Pottery Fair! I went on a different day so it was a different brewery 😭
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Memorandum of March 5. Today's sake is from Iwate Prefecture, "Purple Space Strawberry Label." I'm totally a fan of the star label I drank the other day😊. It is a combination of Iwate's Gin-Otome and Iwate Prefecture yeast Giovanni no Chikara, It is brewed with a combination of Iwate's Ginotome and Iwate yeast Giovanni. "A sake that spreads the joy of a gentle and relaxing intoxication. "A sake that spreads the joy of a gentle and relaxing intoxication. This is one of the first bottles we have brewed with the aim of "spreading the joy of a gentle and relaxed intoxication. (HP quote) From the gentle and gentle aroma to the refreshing acidity and Well balanced sweetness and umami ✨. I knew I'd like it 😊. Thank you for the food 😋.