antaresKoeigiku美雲2025 無濾過生原酒Koeigiku ShuzoSaga1/25/2025, 11:10:43 AM19antaresI drank another kind before and got hooked, so this is a repeat 🍶.Japanese>English
antaresIppongi生貯蔵酒Ippongikubo HontenFukui9/8/2024, 12:30:19 PM18antaresI bought it at a store in Fukui Prefecture.Japanese>English
antaresShichifukujin純米酒Kikunotsukasa ShuzoIwate8/10/2024, 10:04:29 AM1antaresIt was a delicious sake with a gorgeous aroma and a clean finish!Japanese>English
antares大嶺3粒 火入れ 山田錦大嶺酒造Yamaguchi7/28/2024, 10:57:26 AM2antaresIt was a delicious sake with a sweet and refreshing aftertaste. It has a rich aroma and is enjoyable even before you put it in your mouth.Japanese>English