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中ドラIt smells quite fruity. When you drink it, you will find that it tastes just like the aroma, with a muscat flavor and a smooth rice sweetness, making it a very delicious sake! It is not only fruity, but also has a refreshing aspect that is very interesting!
中ドラSake with a fruity aroma The moment you put it in your mouth, the aroma is more intense and very sweet, but there is also a slight spiciness, which makes it a very harmonious sake.
中ドラAt first, it has a watery and refreshing taste, but later you can taste a bit of spiciness. For those who prefer spicy sake, I recommend this sake.
中ドラThe first sip is quite sour. However, when you taste it well, you can taste the sweetness afterward, making it a full-bodied sake. It was a very delicious sake with a fruity aftertaste somewhat like white wine 🍶.
中ドラThe first sip tastes as refreshing as water, followed by a fruity sweetness. I found this sake to be quite easy to drink, even for beginners. My girlfriend, who has just started drinking sake, also liked it a lot and said it was easy to drink, which is a highly appreciated sake 👏. A sake I would like to drink after dinner to cleanse my palate 🍶.
中ドラI have been curious about this sake for a long time and finally got it at a liquor store in Nagoya. The aroma is strong. It has a strong initial acidity when you drink it, and there is a gaseous sensation that passes through your nose. Compared to other sake, it has a more robust sake flavor and richness.
中ドラIt felt different from anything I'd ever had before. I looked it up on the Internet and found that it costs 40,000 to 50,000 yen for a bottle. It is quite a luxury for me personally to drink a bottle of Jyushiyo at a restaurant, but I ordered it as a reward. The aroma of rice in the mouth, the sweetness, and the aftertaste were perfect! I can't even describe how delicious it was!
中ドラQuite a sweet sake Daikoku Masamune gives the impression of being refreshing, but this one has a different image from the others. It is a good after-dinner drink. The bottle is cute, so it's even better! I bought it directly from Matashiro 11th Generation, and I am grateful that they were more attentive to my needs than any of the other directly managed stores I have visited. Please visit them too.
中ドラComparison of Omachi and Yamadanishiki Omachi has a thick, rich, and bold flavor. Yamada-Nishiki has a strong aroma and sweetness. I am amazed at how different they are even though they are the same except for the sake rice! Please try it!
中ドラSweet from the start with no bitterness. The aftertaste is very fruity and easy to drink. One of the hardest bottles to get hold of.