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Senkin立春朝搾り 純米吟醸純米吟醸原酒生酒
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This is the Risshun morning pressing of Sentori. This is the second bottle of Sentori after Yukidaruma. I reserved it immediately after I learned of its existence at the beginning of this year. After all, today is my birthday. It is a great pleasure for sake lovers to be able to drink a lucky sake pressed on the day of my birthday. The aroma is mild and the texture is smooth. The taste is refreshing with a slight muscat-like sweetness. It is easy to drink without feeling alcohol, and the sensation that it soaks into the body without resistance is like that of water. It is so easy to drink that if one did not exercise self-control, one might finish a whole bottle.
Good evening, Hori 😃. Happy Birthday 🎂🎉! It's a good omen that you are celebrating with Senkori's Risshun morning sakashi 🤗This one is so good that it will kill you in the blink of an eye 😋.
Jay & Nobby, thank you for your comments! I only started enjoying sake in earnest late last year, so I regret that I didn't know this existed until now. I savored it while chewing my lucky 365th 😋.
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My first crop was the entry-priced Gennochi. I did not underestimate it because it was the cheapest in the lineup, but it tasted better than expected. It was a very satisfying bottle for the price. Fruity aroma. It has a mild sweetness that is typical of rice, but it also has a freshness, and after swallowing, it goes down smoothly with a touch of acidity. There is nothing outstanding, but each flavor element is very well balanced. The balance is so good that you can taste the various flavors that make up the wine. It does not interfere with meals. You can drink it without getting bored. It is probably because it is an entry price wine that many people like me pick up for the first time that it is this perfection without cutting corners. It seems that I will not be able to end up with this bottle.
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I was interested in buying this alcohol because I heard it was very popular. I opened the bottle with trepidation, but it escaped exploding with only a gas leak. I guess it was because I chilled it well. The taste was surprising. I thought it would be a juicy, sweet sake with gas, but it also had a traditional sake taste with a firm bitterness. According to the matrix on the back label, Akitsuho 657 seems to be one of the standard sake in the Kaze no Mori series, so I am looking forward to tasting more variations. Postscript. Two days after opening the bottle. Drinking on the third day. Most of the gas has been released, but fine bubbles still appear immediately after pouring into a glass. The bitterness that had a strong presence has settled down, and the taste has changed to a milder one, as if the corners have been removed. We were able to experience multiple flavors in one bottle.
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This is one that I had been looking forward to having tucked away in the back of the fridge. I was going to let it sit for a while longer, but then the traffic jam of sake I wanted to drink started, so I opened the bottle. This is the second nigori I have had after Sengoku Yukidaruma. Even though they are the same nigori, the impression I got from drinking them was different. Compared to Snowball, which has a similar lactic acidity but is sweet and fruity, Miyazumi is less sweet and has a nice bitterness, and has a refreshing taste with elements of classic sake. We enjoyed it with yakitori (grilled chicken) and bonito tataki, and were left with the impression that it is also suitable as a food sake, as it does not leave a lingering sweetness. I would like to repeat this bottle next year.
kamosu mori純米大吟醸純米大吟醸
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I had been curious about this sake for a while. Immediately after pouring it into a glass, I thought there was no gas because the bubbles did not rise. After watching it for a while, fine bubbles appeared and slowly rose in the slightly thickened golden color, which combined with the brand name created a fantastic atmosphere. It was like watching a snow globe in reverse, a slow and mysterious time. Since it was served at 5°C, the aroma was modest, but the taste was floral and sweet. It tastes of juicy and sour fruits such as pineapple and muscatel. The soft gasiness adds a freshness to the wine that makes you want to drink more. [Postscript.] The next day, the gas was gone, but I noticed some nigorigo. It seems that I drank only the top clearings yesterday. In the latter half of the bottle, the fruity flavor was combined with a yogurt-like acidity, and it tasted like a dessert.
Kameizumi純米吟醸原酒 CEL-24純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Strong sweetness in a thick texture. I remember this sweetness and feel the same sweetness as when I drank amazake. Is this the sweetness of koji? A refreshing sourness is added to it, giving it a fruity taste. I think I understand why it is called pineapple juice. In fact, this sake was one of the first things I wanted to try when I first became interested in modern sake. I came across it at a liquor store I stopped by on a trip to Numazu and purchased it along with Kaiun. It was a sake with enough flavor and character to destroy the image I had of sake until then.
Koshinokanbai純米吟醸 灑純米吟醸
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Repeat because it was delicious. The clarity and transparency of the sake is the very essence of lightness. It is a sake that you should always have on hand as a food sake. The light and gentle sweetness that is typical of rice can be felt in the lightness of the sake, but it disappears without leaving a lingering aftertaste. A liquid that goes better with food than with water. The taste is somewhat bland and lacking in character, but (in my opinion) the high level of perfection shows the technical skill of a legendary brewery. While there are many sakes that have a strong impact, this one does not rely on a catchy personality, but rather maintains a blurring stance in its pursuit of the ultimate in lightness, which gives it the air of a champion.
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My first Sentori. My first snowball. This was my first experience with nigori sake. The white appearance of the sake reminded me of amazake, so I expected it to be sweet, but when I drank it, I found it to be refreshing and easy to drink. The sake has a gaseous taste that makes you want to drink more and more of it. I had heard beforehand that the taste changes (evolves) every year, and especially this year I had heard that it was less sweet, so I was able to taste it without any confusion. As a result, it was very tasty. I personally enjoyed it with a wide range of foods, including grilled chicken, cheese, cured ham, olive oil, and tomatoes. If it were still available, I would have kept another bottle of this alcohol.
Good morning, Hori 😃. First Sentori ㊗️✖️ First Snowball ⛄️㊗️✖️ First Nigori ㊗️ I haven't had it this season 🤗I'm glad you enjoyed it 😅Sure glad you enjoyed it 😄.
Thanks for your comment 🫡. As an inexperienced sake drinker, my first impression was "is this sake?" was my first impression 💦. I found it to be very tasty as a drink, beyond the boundaries of sake or alcohol: ⭐️
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I bought this bottle at a liquor store on the way home after drinking it at Umiichi during my trip to Numazu and liking it so much. It has a classical flavor with a sweetness that makes it easy to drink. It has an acidic aftertaste and a sharp finish, making it suitable for a mid-meal drink, but it is also good to drink slowly before or after a meal.
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A four-part bottle purchased at Masaruya Sake Shop in Machida. This is my first time to drink this instrumental Masamune. I couldn't find the standard green label, so I bought this one of the same Nakadori. It is sweeter than I imagined. The taste is surprising to my tongue, which learned to appreciate sake in Niigata. It is fruity and sweet, with a strong sense of umami, but the acidity makes it not too heavy, and it has the sense of being able to be quickly snapped out of it. It is very delicious. I started drinking it at 5°C, but as it approached room temperature, it became mellower and more rounded. It is a great sake that lives up to its reputation. Next time, I would like to taste the green label.
Koshinokanbai純米吟醸 灑純米吟醸
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KAWAI of Koshino-Kanmei When I lived in Niigata, I almost never had a chance to drink Kuswa. I was attracted by the beautiful blue bottle, so I bought it. As the image on the bottle suggests, it has a refreshing taste. It has a watery, non-habitual sensation, and it soaks into the body without hesitation. It is a light and refreshing sake that does not interfere with meals.
Hananomai山田錦 純米吟醸
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I bought this 300ml bottle on the way to Numazu. Since I drank it right after Kirinzan "Potari-Potari", I had a rather mature impression of it, but it seems to be easier to drink with meals than Potari-Potari. I have not been able to evaluate it properly, so I plan to drink it again in the near future and write an additional report.
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I bought this Ihyakumangoku version of Kirinzan's "Potari-Potari" draft sake in December. It is fresh and intense. It has a gorgeous aroma, unlike the traditional dry and super dry versions of the same Kirinzan. I look forward to comparing it with the Koshitanrei version that will be released soon.
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I liked it so much in a set of three 300ml bottles that I bought a four-pack. It will be my regular sake for the time being. The date is about right.
Kirinzan伝統辛口 初日の出
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New Year's Day sake is freshly pressed, traditional dry sake. We celebrated the New Year with a festive label and fresher than usual Denshin. After a few days, I couldn't tell the difference between it and regular Denshin.
Koshinokagetora特別本醸造 名水仕込特別本醸造
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I liked Keitora's Famous Water Brewing when I lived in Niigata. I didn't know there were Junmai and Honjozo, so I bought both and opened the bottle at the same time. After comparing the two several times, I could tell the difference between them. The date is about.
Koshinokagetora特別純米酒 名水仕込特別純米
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I liked Keitora's Famous Water Brewing when I lived in Niigata. I didn't know there were Junmai and Honjozo, so I bought both and opened the bottle at the same time. After comparing the two several times, I could tell the difference between them. The date is about.
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Koshino Keitora" was my favorite brand in Niigata. It has a unique Keitora flavor that is different from Kirinzan's super dry taste.
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Junmai Daiginjo 300ml I bought this as a little special sake for New Year's Eve. It is smooth and easy to drink, but never watery and pale, and has an elegant atmosphere with aroma and sweetness. I would like to repeat this sake.
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One of a set of three 300ml Kirinzan bottles (traditional dry, super dry, and soft). It is more refreshing and crisp than the traditional dry one. When warmed up, it has a different aroma and expression.