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We received a bottle of Mimuro Sugi Summer Jun. This is the second bottle of Mimuro Sugi following Hana Kyun in spring. It has a cool appearance with a blue label on a clear bottle, which can be said to be the royal road to summer sake. If you look in the refrigerator on a hot day and see this bottle, you will be tempted to reach for it. The taste also has a clear, summery impression. It is not too light, but has a good balance of umami, sweetness, and acidity without having any one of them stand out. Each flavor is clearly perceptible without any cloying taste. Sake made by Mimuro Sugi is brewed in Miwa, the birthplace of sake brewing and also known as the sacred land of sake. Perhaps it is a preconceived notion that comes from this, but the taste is more royal than unique. However, it is not mediocre at all, but rather a rare brand whose individuality lies in its extraordinary high quality. I have only had two bottles of seasonal sake from Mimuro Sake, so I would like to explore more deeply in the future, including their standard sake.
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We received the HANABI CUP from Daimine. Like SAKURA CUP in the spring, we took it out camping to take advantage of its portability. It has a fruity flavor reminiscent of muscat, which is typical of Omine, and a mineral taste. It is nothing but happiness to be able to easily drink this delicious sake outside. It was hot at the campsite today, so the moment I drank the cold sake out of the cooler box was an exquisite moment. When camping, meals always tend to be meat-based and rich in flavor, but when sake is prepared, there is more variety in the meals to match. Today I made my favorite, octopus carpaccio. We took the SAKURA CUP to a cherry blossom viewing party after camping, but where should we take the HANABI CUP? Since the camp was in the mountains, will it be at the beach next time? Or is it a fireworks display? The small size of the OHMINE CUP makes it a perfect companion for events.
Sharaku夏吟 うすにごり純米吟醸
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It is a light nigori summer Gin. It is the first time for me to drink Collage. It has been on the top of my list since the beginning. I was interested in the winter Oragara, but I couldn't get it, and after that I couldn't get it because of the high price and the difficulty of knowing where to start. So when I found out that the Gin Usu Nigori was released this summer, I immediately rushed to the sake store. The first time I drank it, I was impressed by the hardness of it. The moment you put it in your mouth, you will feel the rich flavor of the rice. The bitter and spicy nigori taste comes up soon after, and it finishes with a crisp and clean taste. It has a deep and rich flavor that defies the light image of summer sake, and the refreshing sensation is produced by the sharpness of the bitterness and spiciness, rather than relying on acidity. I felt that this is an authentic sake that retains strong traces of classical sake, which is different from fruity or juicy sake. The timing of this Collage was too good for me, as I have recently become a fan of complex sake with a more typical sake taste. This is the first time I've tried other Collage.
大嶺大嶺3粒 夏のおとずれ
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I received a bottle of Daimine's Summer Otoshiri. I knew it existed at the end of last year when I started enjoying sake, and I was definitely looking forward to drinking this bottle in the summer. What kind of taste does summer sake have, and this label design? The sake that I had never run out of interest in is now in front of me. This is the moment I have been waiting for. The first sip was impressive for its clear, clean taste with no cloying flavors. The low alcohol content makes it easy to drink, but it is not too light and has a moderate body that is very satisfying. The smooth texture has a fruity aroma reminiscent of apples. Juicy mouthfeel with sweetness and acidity. The apples are not honey-sweet red apples, but rather fresh green apple nuances. The minerality that was also felt in the Harukaze Kasumi Nama Sake Aizan is added to this, and the refreshing aftertaste is pleasant. I found this sake to be more perfect for summer than I had imagined. If this mineral-derived flavor is Omine's unique character, it is understandable that many people are captivated by it. It is a sake that should be chilled to a crisp, but it is not just a light sake, so even if the temperature rises to near room temperature, it will show a different flavor. This long-awaited summer saké exceeded my expectations and was the best summer saké I have ever tasted.
Hi Hori, good evening 😃. We were curious about it but once we saw the price we passed 😅but we met again and got it 👍It was a great decision after all 🤗It will be a memorable bottle of summer 😋.
Jay & Nobby, thank you for your comments... It's definitely a good price 💰 I bought it without hesitation because it was a long-awaited drink, but I would think twice about a second bottle. But I am sure it tastes great for the price!
Senkinハローワールド by サケラボトーキョー生酛原酒生酒無濾過にごり酒
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This is the 2nd bottle of Sentori Hello World. We have already acquired the 3rd bottle, but we opened the 2nd bottle first. It has been 3 months since I bought it, but it still has a strong sense of gas, and when I poured it into the glass, it bubbled up. When I drank it, I found it to be "this, this..." delicious. It has a sweet, savory, acidic, bitter and sweet taste. The sweetness, umami, acidity, bitterness, and astringency are balanced out by the freshness of the carbon dioxide gas. It has been a while since I have had nigori sake, but it has a complex flavor that is different from the summer sake that I have had many opportunities to drink recently. Of course, summer sake on a hot day tastes the best, but in essence, I think I prefer this one. It is still before the summer season, but I am already looking forward to this season's snowball.
Sogga pere et filsイリヤ ソントン [ IL Y A 100 ANS ]生酛原酒生酒
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This is my first Sogapère Ephis. I bought it from a certain sake retailer's home drinking support set and let it sit in the refrigerator for about two and a half months. I was interested to hear that it was sake made by a winery and wanted to try it someday, and luckily I was able to get my hands on it near the end of the season. There are several types of sakes made by Sogapère Ephis, and this one is called Ilya Thornton, which means "100 years ago" in French. There is a description of the message behind the name on the back label. When the cork is removed and the wine is poured into a glass, it has a sweet aroma and at the same time a refreshing alcoholic taste. The taste has a complex, mild umami and sweetness that is typical of the sake's sake yeast at the first sip, but immediately afterwards it finishes dry with a spicy alcohol sensation that spreads like a classical sake. The label on the back says "mixed fermentation of No.1 and No.2 yeast" and "assemblage of male and female sake," and it is indeed a sake with a strange flavor that seems to unite two opposing personalities. The manufacturer's quality assurance period has passed, and the sake "may have an ultra-geeky aroma and taste." But it was a big hit for me personally.
Good evening, Hori 😃. Congratulations on your first sogape ㊗️ 🎉! A highly anticipated one that has been laid down for 2 months! Glad to see your big hit ⚾️ 🤗
Thank you for your comment, Jay & Nobby! It was a unique yet very tasty drink. ☺️ I don't think I'll get a chance to choose, but if I get another Ilya Thornton, I'd like to drink it within the quality assurance period 😊.
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This is my second bottle of Kabuto this summer. This is the second of three bottles I purchased with the intention of opening one each in June, July, and August. As soon as I drink this one, I will have only one bottle left. I never thought I would realize how short summer is in this way. Today was a midsummer day with a high temperature of 38 degrees. Even at night, it was still 30 degrees Celsius, so I opened the bottle thinking, "There is no other way but today! So I opened the bottle. I put ice in the bottle right from the start and took a sip of the refreshing saké with a cool clinking sound. It was a great decision. The first time I drank the first bottle, I was a little confused by the unexperienced acidity and lightness, but today I found myself wanting more of it. I am very glad that I bought it, but at the same time, I have a touch of regret that three bottles were definitely not enough. I sliced the octopus into thin slices and had it with carpaccio. The acidity of the lemon juice in the carpaccio and the sourness of the kabutomushi blended seamlessly without any difference in level, a pleasant sensation. The lingering bitterness, reminiscent of citrus peel, gives the dish a cool and crisp feeling, bringing back the waning appetite. By the end of the appetizers, I was feeling rather hungry, followed by two bowls of spicy homemade curry. It is the perfect drink for summer, including that part.
Good evening Hori 😃. Buying 3 bottles of Kabutomushi 🌈 and releasing them every month ❗️ is a great activity 🤗Eh! I think 😳 that summer will be over next time and I want to drink it again 😊Blime job with the composite Kabuto that you have to buy 2 bottles to take a picture👍.
Thanks for your comments, Jay & Nobby 😊. When I bought my third bottle, I thought it would be safe for this summer, but it wasn't even close 💦. Now I'm after a bottle of Mimasu Sake Brewery's direct-drafted light nigori Kabutomushi 🎯.
Fusano KankikuSilver Lining純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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This Junmai Daiginjo is made from So-no-Mai rice grown in Chiba Prefecture. This is the first time I have heard of So-no-Mai, so I looked it up and found out that it is a variety born in Chiba Prefecture, created by crossbreeding sake rice called Hakumyo-Nishiki and rice called Chubu-72. HIROMYOSHI-NISHIKI has an ancestor in OMACHI, and CHUBU 72 has an ancestor in KOSHIHIKARI, so it is like a thoroughbred in the sake rice world. Silver Lining is made by milling this So-no-Mai to 29%. From the high milling ratio and the flashing design of the label, I imagined a sharp and clear flavor, but when I tried it, I was very disappointed. Rather, it had a rich sweet taste, the highest level ever among Kangiku wines. The slightly thickened texture also helped give a syrupy impression of sweetness, but it did not taste heavy or cloying, perhaps because it is made from 29% polished rice. The acidity is moderate, so the word "juicy" does not apply, but there is a freshness from the fine bubbles of slightly carbonated air, and while the sweetness and umami are well perceived and full, the back palate finishes with a slight bitterness. The Leap Day we drank two months ago was also 29% polished rice, but the taste was different. I wonder if the difference is largely due to the difference in sake rice.
Oze no Yukidoke夏吟純米大吟醸生詰酒
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This is Junmai Daiginjo Natsugin of Oze no Yukidoke. Oze no Yukidoke is a sake from my hometown in Gunma, but this is the first time I have had it. Sengoku Kabutomushi opened our summer sake season, and this Natsu-gin is the second summer sake we have had. When poured into a glass, it has a fresh fruity apple aroma. There is no sense of gas, but the clear appearance gives a cool impression. In the mouth, it tastes as sweet and fruity as the aroma. However, as soon as it is swallowed, a firm bitterness spreads in the mouth. The bitterness tightens the inside of the mouth and brings a refreshing feeling. The bitterness refreshes the palate, giving the impression that it is as perfect to drink during a meal as beer. When you taste it carefully, you will notice that the liquid itself does not have much sweetness. The sweetness is largely due to the aroma. Since aroma and taste are inseparable, it is nonsense to talk about them separately, but when you taste it with your nose pinched, it is clear, light, and mainly bitter. Sweet and bitter, fruity and clear, gorgeous and refreshing. By adding a fruity aroma to a dry sake suitable for summer, it is a good combination of elements that might be thought to be at odds with each other.
大嶺大嶺3粒 春風かすみ生酒 愛山生酒おりがらみ
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The second bottle of Oumine is Harukaze Kasumi Nama Sake Aizan. This bottle has a special appearance with its lees dancing in the air. The Dairei bottle is a printed bottle, so you can clearly see the lees dancing. The taste is similar to the fire-aged Aizan we had previously, with a deep sweetness. At the same time, there is a bitterness that is slowly felt on the tongue. It has a characteristic freshness that is not often felt in other sakes, making it a strange sake that is easy to drink despite its strong flavor. I was drinking it while trying to figure out what this refreshing sensation, which is different from the gaseous or alcoholic sensations and whose origin is unknown, was, but after about the third glass, I came to the conclusion that it was the taste of the brewing water. I had never felt the mineral taste that I often hear about, but maybe this is the mineral taste. The flavor has a clear outline rather than a gentle feeling. So the bitterness and alcohol taste comes through without being buried. I feel that this is the true nature of this refreshing sensation. Sake that makes the most of the characteristics of water. It gives the impression of a complete sake, in which the individuality of the water and the flavor obtained through brewing have been assembled like a puzzle with no gaps. I get the impression of active sake brewing, where the sake is not "made" because of this water, but rather "made" because of this water.
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This is Gekko from Koei Kiku. It was one of the 3-bottle set of Sakepo Masariya's "Home Drinking Support Set". I bought this set to get the "corked bottle," but I was lucky to find my favorite Koei-Kiku in the set, which has a strong gacha element. Moreover, I had been hesitant to purchase Gekko because of its price, so I felt it was fate that brought us together. I was afraid to open the bottle because the Snow Crescent I drank just before had the fastest launch speed when opening the bottle, but the bottle opened normally without any flying. The taste is shocking. The dense sweetness and overflowing deliciousness spread out the moment we drank it. The taste was deep and complex, with a hint of bitterness and a woody astringent nuance unique to Kouei Chrysanthemum. After filling the mouth with happiness, the fruity sweetness continues through to the aftertaste, and then recedes neatly with a sense of alcohol with a mellow aroma that passes through the nose. As one would expect from Koei Chrysanthemum, this is their flagship bottle. There was certainly enough satisfaction to justify the price. I am very interested to see if it has a gassy or more complex flavor.
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This is the first time I have had Sentori Kabutomushi. I was looking forward to it when I heard it was a typical summer sake, but right after the release date, it was gone everywhere, and I realized how popular it was. After a short wait, I was lucky enough to get a restock. When I opened the screw cap, I was immediately hit with a refreshing aroma. I had heard that it was a lemon squash-like alcoholic beverage, so I assumed that the moment I opened it, it would come to me in a rush, but it is not fizzy. However, it is not fizzy. One sip and you will notice a pronounced sourness. It certainly reminds me of lemon. There is almost no sweetness, and the wine is clear and light. The lingering bitterness and astringency has an atmosphere of lemon peel, and I feel that it is highly reproduced. I did not expect it to be so swept away by acidity, so this was a bit of a shock. It has a distinctly different and solid personality from other alcoholic beverages, so it may be a love-it-or-hate-it kind of drink, but I could see why so many people are hooked on it. This is one that you will want to drink only in the middle of summer. I am sure it will not be available by then, so I would buy another bottle while I can. It might be interesting to try drinking it with tonic water to compensate for the gassy and sweet taste.
Hi Hori 😃 Congratulations on your first Sentori Kabutomushi ㊗️ 🎉It looks like it's easier to get the restock! As you said, this one is swept away by the acidity! I see 🧐Adding a touch of gas might be a good idea 🤗.
Thank you for your comments, Jay & Nobby. I've been looking forward to the Kabutatsushi since the end of last year and I enjoyed it 😊I tried tonic water but it was best left as is as it turned out to be something else 🍋.
Ubusuna山田錦 五農醸原酒生酒無濾過
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This is the second bottle produced. The last bottle was a Ninonunomoto, and this time it is a Go-Nonomoto. Two weeks after I bought the second bottle, I found a slightly better priced bottle of San-do at the same liquor store. I was drawn into the world of san-do when I investigated why it was so expensive even though it looked the same. In addition to "rice grown in the Wassui area of the Kikuchi River basin" and "sake brewing," the five regulations used are "no fertilizer," "no pesticides," and "wooden vat brewing," which are the same as those used for Ninonozo. These regulations are also shown on the tag and the illustration on the back label. Poured into a glass, it looks almost identical to the Ninonozo. It has a thin, thick texture with fine air bubbles. The taste is roughly the same grape nuances as the Ninomoto, but with more depth and complexity. The trade-off for the complexity is that the latter half is less refreshing, but this allows the sweetness and umami to be fully appreciated. The lactic acidity, which is felt more clearly than in the Ninoh brew, also helps to give the overall impression of strength. This may be due to the image of the regulation, or it may not be accurate due to the time difference between the two wines, but I have the impression that the Ni-No-Brewery can be drunk light and the Go-No-Brewery can be tasted well.
KoeigikuSNOW CRESCENT 雄山錦原酒生酒無濾過
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The sixth Koei Kiku is Snow Crescent's Oyama Nishiki. This is the fourth bottle of Snow Crescent alone. The order was Yamadanishiki, Sagabiyori, Sagabiyori, and Yuyamanishiki. This time, there was no warning tag attached to the bottle, so I was caught off guard. I held the cork to make sure it was sealed, but the moment I took my finger off the cork to pull it out, it flew open and hit the ceiling. It flew off at the same time as Kangiku Haruhi Orikara, but it flew faster this time. Because it is such a lively sake, it has a strong effervescence. Pouring only the supernatant into a glass, it looks like a carbonated beverage. The sizzling and popping taste is perfect for summer. When the lees are stirred and the wine is drunk, it tastes just like this. The harmony of sweetness, umami, acidity, bitterness, and a hint of woody flavor creates a unique character that sets Snow Crescent apart from other sakes. Where does this woody nuance, which is similar to an oaky aroma, come from? I would like to try other sakes that have this nuance. Hopefully, I would like to compare the different rice varieties, but there is the problem of space in the fridge, and above all, I am sure that I will not be able to resist opening it until then.
Hi Hori, ☀️ I haven't had a Snoclet yet, but I have some Yamadanishiki sitting in my fridge 😌✨. As for Hori, which of the Snoclet you've had was your favorite?
Thank you for your comment, Kotaro: ‼️ I feel like the first Yamada Nishiki was delicious 🌾It is possible that I have a memory correction from the impact of drinking it for the first time, so I will try to answer your question with the next season's Yamada Nishiki 😊.
Fusano KankikuOcean 99 空海 Inflight純米吟醸原酒無濾過
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Ocean 99 is a limited edition of Kangiku's limited edition sake Ocean 99 that matches the transition of the seasons. This is the third bottle, starting with Ginkai in winter, followed by Nagi in spring, and Kukai in early summer. Since the last time I drank Nagi was in early February, it has been four months since I last had a bottle of Ocean 99. It has been two months since I bought the bottle, but it was probably a good time to drink it since it is said to be a sake inspired by an airplane flying in the sky in early summer. When the bottle is opened, it is fresh with a pusher of gas leaking out. When poured into a glass, fine air bubbles float on the surface. The aroma has a mellow sweetness derived from unrefined sake, and at the same time, it has a freshness. The taste is exactly like that of Kangiku. It is sweet and fresh with a strong umami flavor. It is so fresh that you would not even know it was fire-aged unless you are told. It also has a fruity feeling from the acidity, with a refreshing bitterness on the back palate. The refreshing alcohol taste that passes through the nose evokes an image of the fresh blue sky of early summer. Each of these elements is well balanced without collapsing. And there is a slight but obvious nuance unique to Kangiku. Whether it is the character of the water, the yeast, or the facilities, it is difficult to put into words, but the unique character of Kangiku is definitely present in the taste. It was a bottle that made us realize that the presence that is not buried in the midst of trends is due to such "character.
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This is one of the 3-bottle set to support home drinking by Masaruya Sake Shop, Blax Cat by Shinmasa Sake Brewery. This is the second sake from Shinmasa, following the directly pumped Ecru. It was manufactured in January and purchased in March. The label on the back of the bottle reads, "Please let it sit for a while." It has been refrigerated for 4 months after production and 2 months after purchase, and was opened today. The refreshing top notes are gentle without being assertive. There is no sense of fizz, and when poured into a glass, it is as serene as if it were filled with fresh water from a spring. The taste is clear and straightforward. The delicate sweet and sourness spreads in the mouth and finishes lightly, just as it is supposed to. The taste is very straightforward and leaves a beautiful impression, as there is no bitterness or other changes in the aftertaste. Although I had prior knowledge that this sake is made with white malted rice and has a sour taste, it had more acidity than I had expected, and I felt it had a character not similar to any other sake I have ever tasted. The meal consisted of standard carpaccio and caprese as appetizers. After that, we paired it with a Margherita pizza. The acidity of the wine brings freshness to not only the sour appetizers but also to the oily pizza, making it a good match. Personally, I loved the combination of the fresh basil's intense aroma and the flax cat. I hope to get it again sometime.
Sakuyabi純米吟醸 直汲み 荒ばしり純米吟醸荒走り
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My name is Sayami from the Takamusume Sake Brewery. Nakanojo Town in Gunma Prefecture, where the Kimasu Sake Brewery is located, is my hometown. The representative brand "Kimusume" has been familiar to me since I was a child, and even though I had never had it before, I always had an image of Kimusume when I thought of Japanese sake. When I started drinking sake in earnest at the end of last year, I wanted to try Takamusume, so I looked it up and learned that this Sakiyami was the main brand name, and I was on the lookout for it. I came across Koyama Shoten. There were about three different types with different specifications, but I chose this pink label, which is the most commonly seen. When poured into a glass, it had a slightly thick and rich sweet aroma. The bubbles are very fine, as the label says to be careful when opening the bottle. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel a fresh sweet and sour taste with a slight carbonation. The wave of bitterness slowly fades away as it tightens the sweetness in the mouth. To be honest, I was surprised at how much better it tasted than I had imagined. You may think I am patronizing my hometown, but it is a taste that comes pretty high up in my personal preference. I am also interested in the Natsuyomi, which I would like to drink in the coming season, and the Usunigoromi, which I am sure will be delicious. I would like to stop by the brewery when I return home.
Mr. Hori. Nice to meet you & good morning. Sakiyami is indeed delicious, isn't it? It is even more so when it is a sake from your hometown! The brewery, rice, water, and hometown are all packed into this sake.
Thank you for your comment, WOM. ‼️ Maybe it tastes even better because it is water and rice from the land where I was born and raised 😊. I am starting to wonder about other sake from Gunma 🍶.
Good evening, Hori 😃. Sakuyami! We're interested in this brand right now 😍You mentioned the other day that your mom's parents live near here too 🤗.
Thank you for your comments, Jay & Nobby. 🙇‍♂️ That area is quite rural, but I didn't realize you had neighbors! I was unaware that I had never heard of such a delicious drink before. It's dark under the light 😅.
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The first Imi is a standard Junmai Ginjo Blue Label. This sake is made by Sugihara Sake Brewery, which is well known for being the smallest sake brewery in Japan. I had been planning to buy it someday if I came across it, and I was lucky enough to come across it in a corner of Koyama Shoten. The aroma of the just-opened bottle is a gorgeous, fruity ginjo aroma. The aroma is reminiscent of ripe apples and pineapples with a strong sweetness derived from koji. It is an orikarami sake, but first take a sip of the clear part. The mouth is filled with the umami and sweetness that is characteristic of rice. The clear acidity combined with the sweetness completes the pineapple flavor. When served on the lees, it adds complexity to the umami and makes the taste more full-bodied. The sweetness is also strongly felt, but the bitterness and acidity rise up immediately afterward, so it is not heavy, but rather light and easy to drink. The cool aftertaste of alcohol rinses the mouth, making you want to take another sip right away. The snack was oily prosciutto cream cheese and carpaccio, which went perfectly with the refreshing taste. Sweet, tasty, acidic, and complex lees flavor. It was exactly what I like. This may be the first time in a long time that I have encountered a great hit saké.
Good morning, Hori 😃. Congratulations to Hatsushimi-san ㊗️ 🎉! I knew you were Mr. Koyama! A big hit sake ‼️ we hope to see you somehow too 🥹.
Thanks for your comments, Jay & Nobby 😊. It has some unique aspects that are not too subtle, and may not be to your liking, but it's right up my alley: ⭐️ If you see it, please give it a try: ‼️
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One of a set of 3 bottles to support home drinking by Masaruya Sake Shop. It is Akitsu Yamadanishiki from Nichinichi. This sake is brewed by the famous Hinode Matsumoto. I was lucky because Nichinichi is a brand I have been wanting to try. I heard that he had trained as a samurai at breweries that even I know, such as Shinmasa, Senkou, and Sancho's Hana-no-Kou Sake Brewery, before setting up Hibi Brewery, and I have been interested in sake since I started drinking it in earnest. There was no sensation of gassing when the bottle was opened, but when I poured it into a glass, fine bubbles appeared. The aroma was a hearty, fresh, fruity ginjo aroma. It tasted very beautiful when I drank it. As the clean and simple image on the label suggests, there is nothing flashy about it. It has a rich umami, moist sweetness with a hint of sourness, but it is not juicy and elegant. There is an assertive bitterness that escapes through the nose. The slight woody flavor, which may be intentional, is accented by the woodiness and adds a core to the flavor. The aftertaste is not sharp, but rather fades away with the bitterness, leaving a lingering aftertaste. In general, it gives the impression of a well-proportioned and neatly balanced flavor. I do not have the taste buds or experience to detect the difference in taste of Yamada-Nishiki from the special A district, but I felt that I could sense something very special about this sake.
Takasago山廃仕込純米吟醸 無濾過 あらばしり純米吟醸山廃荒走り無濾過
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I bought this bottle when I went camping in Shizuoka. It is a bottle of Takasago Yamahai Unfiltered Arabashiri. When I was looking for a sake shop, I found that there was a brewery nearby, so I stopped by the Fuji-Takasago Sake Brewery and bought this bottle. I was told that most of their sake is dry, but this Yamahai brewed unfiltered Arabashiri was one of the few sweet ones among them. The decisive factor was the "Pirit Juwatto Umamama" on the shoulder label. It has a freshness and a sweet aroma like banana. The strong flavor and strong taste is probably a characteristic of arabashiri. It seems to be a type that gives a sense of sharpness through its acidity, and although it is not gassy, it leaves a chili chili aftertaste. To me, it was "juwatto, umami, piri piri". This was probably the first time for me to drink Yamahai sake, but it had a complex and powerful flavor that was different from the sake I have been drinking recently, and I felt it had a strong individuality. I guess you could say that this is a hearty and robust type of sake. I realized that there are many different types of sake even within the same sake. I thought I had drunk many brands of sake in my life, but I realized that my knowledge of sake was still limited to a narrow range, perhaps due to my bias toward trends.