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KameizumiCEL-24 純米吟醸純米吟醸原酒生酒
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This is my second bottle of Kameizumi's CEL-24. When I first became interested in Imadoki sake, this was the first sake I wanted to try. This time I bought it at a liquor store near my house, and although I was a little disappointed to find out that it was produced six months ago, it tasted exactly like Kameizumi CEL-24. I was told that each tank had a different value on the label, so I compared it to the label on the first bottle and it really was different. The sake level was -16 for the first bottle and -14 for this one. Compared to my memory of a few months ago, the sweetness was indeed more moderate. No, I cannot deny the possibility that preconceived notions coming from the numerical values are affecting my sense of taste. It is also possible that my tongue has simply become accustomed to sweeter drinks. To begin with, it is nonsense to ask for accuracy when comparing a drink with a memory from four months ago. Even so, I feel that this sake is simply delicious. The refreshing acidity is as usual combined with a strong sweetness to create a fruity sensation. The juiciness that can only be achieved with nama-zake is added to this, and what it reminds me of is unmistakably pineapple. I have had many brands of sake since the first bottle, but for me, this is the sake that I always want to return to.
Hi Hori 😃 It's nice to have a sake of origin 😊we think that's what Senkou is 🤗. Sake that is simply delicious 😋! It's good👍
Thanks for your comment! Entrance is very important 😊In my case, I did a lot of research and drank beforehand, but it would have been more shocking if we had met by chance. I hope to have such encounters in the future♪
Fusano Kankiku晴日 -Spacial Yell- 販売店限定品純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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Another bottle of Kangiku Seibi. This is a special special Seiheki, a special limited edition of Koyama Shoten's bespoke special order. It looks the same, but has a label on the back to indicate that it is a limited edition. Since it is a "direct-feeding Nakadori Oorigarami" of the already delicious Haruhi, expectations are high. Since it was so good, I tried to compare it with the regular version I posted one time before. First of all, the cork flew to the ceiling the moment I opened the bottle. I have had several bottles of sake with a warning against opening the bottle, but this was the first time the cork flew out. Fortunately, it did not spurt out and I was able to avoid the problem. I did not feel any gas in the regular version, but the limited edition was slightly effervescent. The lactic acidity adds complexity and softness to the sweet, delicious, juicy, middle-of-the-road flavor of the regular version. It also has a bitter taste that adds depth to the flavor. I had an image that ogara-mi would increase the sweetness, so the bitterness was unexpected. I was surprised at the bitterness, as I had always imagined that orikagara would increase the sweetness. It is rare to have an opportunity to compare the same sake, clear and nigori, and since it was my favorite Kangiku, it was a very valuable experience for me. It is the regular version that I feel embodies the image of "Haruhi." My personal favorite is the limited edition, in my opinion.
Fusano Kankiku晴日 -Special Yell-純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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We purchased a bottle of Kangiku no Harehi in March. It is a bottle for "Hare-no-hi," so we opened a bottle on a special anniversary day in our home. While the leap day we had the other day had a rather delicate flavor, the Haruhi had a rich and mellow taste. The consistent sweetness and juiciness of Kangiku was maintained, but with a stronger sweetness with more body and an acidity that accentuated the sweetness. The bitterness and astringency are not present to the extent that they are felt, and it is an impeccably modern type of sake that stands out for its freshness and freshness that is typical of unfiltered, unpasteurized sake. While Leap Day is made from Gohyakumangoku, a representative of the light-bodied type, Haruhi is made from 80% Akaban Omachi and 20% Yamadanishiki. In addition to the difference in rice polishing ratio (29% for Leap Day and 50% for Haruhi), the difference in rice may also determine the difference in flavor. Haruhi has a rich, mellow flavor that is delicious enough to be enjoyed on its own, but it could also be enjoyed during a meal. It is not out of place with a purely Japanese dish such as yudofu, and its acidity also made it a good match for roast beef. The best dish is cream cheese wrapped in prosciutto with a sprinkle of coarsely ground black pepper. It was such a perfect match that it would not be an exaggeration to say that the mouth seasoning with Haruhi was a marriage that complemented each other.
Tedorigawa能登の復興応援 つなぐ石川の酒 大吟醸 原酒大吟醸原酒
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Tsunagu Ishikawa no Sake" is a sake for the victims of the Noto Peninsula Earthquake and the affected breweries. Nineteen brands are participating in the event under the auspices of the Ishikawa Federation of Sake Brewers' Associations. Coincidentally, this was my first Tetorigawa. According to the introduction by the Ishikawa Sake Brewers Association, "Tetorigawa is characterized by its fresh aroma, elegant sweetness, and the three-dimensionality and freshness of the original sake. This is exactly what we found when we actually drank it. This is exactly what we found when we actually tried it. The aroma is fruity and gorgeous, just like a daiginjo. The aroma is refreshing, like that of muscat. In the mouth, it has an elegant sweetness, but it is not heavy, and it cuts through easily. Although the texture is a little thick, as is typical of the original sake, the refreshing aroma and sharpness make it go down the throat smoothly. It is sweet, but rather than being juicy due to its acidity, it is a type that lets you taste the umami of the rice. This bottle sparked my interest in Yoshida Shuzoten's other sake and other Ishikawa sake as well. Just thinking about which one to try next will keep me busy for a while.
Fusano Kankiku閏日 -Special One 2024-純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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We received a leap day bottle of Kangiku, which we are chasing along with Koei Kiku. This is a special bottle brewed only once every four years in a leap year. We had not been able to open the bottle because it would have been a shame to do so, but we had more Kangiku in stock, so we decided to open the bottle. The taste is typical of Kangiku, with sweetness and umami pushing through. Whether it is the water or the yeast, the unique nuance of KANGIKU makes you feel at ease. Perhaps it is because of the prior information that the rice is 29% polished Chiba-grown Gohyakumangoku, but I felt the taste was clear and free of stagnation. The taste is not complex, but rather straightforward, with each element of taste, such as sweetness and acidity, being clearly perceived. It was so pleasant on the palate that one did not feel the 15% alcohol, and I finished it in one sitting, feeling that it was a waste of time. Recently, I have been in the routine of opening a bottle more than two months after purchasing it, but I want to bring it into my drinking rotation as soon as possible because I often cannot repeat drinking it after two months, even if I think it is delicious. I should have bought another bottle before drinking it, especially since leap day is 4 years away at the earliest. No regrets ahead of time.
Horiさん、こんばんは🌙 こちら確保はしてあるのですが、在庫事情により同じく開栓が遅れ気味です💦でもとても美味しそうで開けるのが楽しみです😊 特に生酒は美味しく楽しむ為にも早めに飲まなきゃですよね😂
Thank you for your comment, Kotaro...it's a problem that bothers me because the amount of alcohol I want to drink is out of balance with the amount I can drink 😅I really enjoyed the leap day!
HiranBLACK JACK 21 ブラックジャック 極辛口生酛
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One of a set of 3 bottles to support home drinking by Masariya Sake Shop. It is "Black Jack" by Tobiran. It seems that Black Jack is not only from Tobiran but also from other breweries, so it must be a cross-brewery project. The label on the bottle is very shiny and says "Extremely dry" and "Beyond the Karakuchi. Beyond Karakuchi and beyond. The label is very shiny and has the words "Extremely Dry" and "Beyond Karakuchi and Beyond. It has an unusual atmosphere. When poured into a glass, the aroma is surprisingly fruity and sweet. It is no different from the sweet sake that I have been drinking recently. However, this all changed when I drank it. It has a clear, clear taste with a sense of umami but no sweetness. It is so crisp and clean that it leaves a chili-like aftertaste. There is a strange sensation of having an aroma but no taste. The difference between the aroma and the taste is so great that it confuses the brain. I was puzzled by this new type of sake, which was so different from the light, dry sake I was used to, but as I drank more and more, I began to understand the quality of this sake. This clear and light sake is a versatile sake that can be served with any meal. The lightness of this sake makes it perfect for summer drinking. It may be served with ice or soda water, depending on the occasion. At first glance, this sake may seem quirky, but I interpreted it as a challenging bottle that presents new possibilities for dry sake.
Ubusuna山田錦 二農醸原酒生酒無濾過
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I was able to obtain a sansho that I have been wanting to try someday. It is a Yamada-Nishiki Futanohbrewery. According to the company, they have their own rules to rank their products according to how much they use traditional local ingredients and brewing methods, from rice cultivation to brewing. When the bottle is sealed and opened, the gas leaks out with a lively puffing sound. When you pour it into a glass, you can feel the bubbles. The taste has a grape nuance. The aroma and sweetness remind one of purple grapes like Kyoho grapes, not muscat grapes. The sweetness is strong, but the bitterness and gasiness that follows immediately after makes it easy to drink. I put the cork back in the refrigerator and drank it again after about an hour had passed, and the bitterness I felt immediately after opening the bottle had mysteriously faded. The fresh and fruity flavor was still there, and I was able to enjoy it all the way through to the aftertaste, so personally, I was right to give it some time. I haven't finished the bottle yet, so I am looking forward to seeing how the taste changes over the next day.
Good morning, Hori 😃 I like the Sandoni Nounou brewery, ☺️ I wanted to drink it after reading your comment 🤤. It's also good after the gas has weakened after opening the bottle, and personally, the last glass is the best as it's a bit of an orikara 😊.
Aladdin, thank you for your comment...I really enjoyed my first batch 😊 I didn't realize there was lees! I am looking forward to my last glass 💫Thank you for sharing!
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A new sake released by Koei Kiku that we are in the process of pursuing. It is impossible not to try it. As the name "Twilight Orange" suggests, it has a fresh sweetness reminiscent of oranges. It is also fresh and juicy, truly orange-like. With a balance of acidity and slight bitterness, it is definitely an orange, not a honeydew. It is hard to believe that it is made from rice and water. The bitterness is not as strong as in Snow Crescent, which has a grapefruit feel, and the sweetness is the axis of the flavor. The woody nuances that I have found in other Kouei Kiku sakes were also apparent in this twilight orange. Was the origin from the brewing water or the raw rice? Could it be from the yeast or the facilities? This unique nuance is what makes Koei Kiku unique to me and what I like about it. I can't wait to see what the next sake will be.
Hi Hori😃 Kouei Chrysanthemum's Dusk Orange 🍊 is delicious 🤗 we love it too and follow it every season👍It's really amazing how rice and water can produce this taste 😳
Thank you for your comments, Jay & Nobby.... Sake is a wonder, isn't it? Is it the power of the yeast 🧪 or is it the accumulated skills of making sake over the years 🧪 ⤴️ delicious sake is a benefit of that 😊.
Gakki Masamune純醸 中取り純米原酒生酒無濾過
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The third bottle of Musical Instrument Masamune is a Junjo-Nakadori. I was born in Niigata (I learned to drink sake in Niigata), and this was the first mellow, umami-guchi sake I ever drank, and it is also the sake that expanded my world of sake. This Junjo-Nakadori also stands out for its sweet and fruity taste, but the acidity and bitterness follow it, so it does not feel heavy. Although the details were different, it had the same "instrumental Masamune" flavor as the two bottles I have had so far. The difference is that the two bottles we had so far were honjozo, while this one was junmai. Junjo" in Musical Instrument Masamune means "pure rice," right? Furthermore, perhaps because brewing alcohol is not used, the alcohol content of the two previous bottles was 16 degrees, whereas this Junjo Nakadori was 14 degrees. I honestly cannot tell the difference between honjozo and junmai, but I could clearly tell the difference in alcohol content. As proof, I found myself drinking more than half of the bottle in one sitting. My impression was that it tasted more like the first bottle of Honjozo Bessen Chutori than the standard Honjozo Chutori that I drank in the second bottle. I felt that it had a similar atmosphere to the first bottle that opened the door to sake for me, and I feel like I am back to my roots. It was a good milestone for me to renew my commitment to sake from now on.
Murayu常盤ラベル 亀口取り 無濾過 生原酒原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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The first Murayu I ever drank was a Tokiwa label Kameguchidori. I had never had it when I lived in Niigata, but of course I had heard of it. When I think of Murayuke, I have an image of this Tokiwa label with green letters on a black background. It is a special bottle of Junmai Daiginjo-standard Tokiwa label called Kameguchidori, which means that the sake is bottled directly without stressing the unrefined sake. The bottle is visually appealing with its freshness, with white lees drifting in the bottle. When poured into a glass, it has a gentle aroma with a hint of sweetness. In the mouth, it has a slightly thickened texture with a mellow sweetness. After the elegant sweetness like Wasanbon and the unassertive natural acidity spread out, as its reputation suggests, it also has a crisp and spicy taste that is typical of Niigata sake. It is sweet but not heavy, and although it is not fizzy, the aftertaste is light and does not interfere with meals. I felt it was a sake with a sense of balance that could pass through the eye of a needle. I wonder if I would have been able to make this evaluation if I had had this sake when I was living in Niigata (about 15 years ago), when I thought that light and dry sake was supreme. It is not easy to find this sake, but as someone who was born in Niigata (and learned to appreciate the taste of sake in Niigata), I would like to get a bottle of it as soon as I find another color label.
Mutsuhassen赤ラベル 特別純米 火入れ純米
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This is my first time drinking Mutsu Hachisen. It was given to me as a gift from a colleague at work. I have been interested in this sake for a long time, so I can only express my gratitude. The aroma immediately after opening the bottle was very sweet. Perhaps I was pulled in by the image of the color of the label, but I strongly felt the nuance of apples. The taste is also fruity like apples. The sweetness stands out and the acidity is moderate. It tasted as if it were the juice of grated and squeezed ripe apples full of honey. It is probably one of the sweetest sake I have ever tasted. Since it tastes this good when hi-ire, I wonder how it tastes when it is unpasteurized. I am sure there will be some summer sake that I would like to try in the future, so this will be a brand to watch for a while.
AramasaColors 生成 エクリュ 直汲純米生酛
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The first Shinmasa is an ecru directly pumped. I got this bottle as part of Sakeya Masuruya's birthday project. For a month, I was torn between wanting to drink it quickly before it lost its flavor and feeling that it would be a shame to drink it, but today, my personal anniversary, I finally opened the bottle. My first impression was delicate and clear. Fresh sweet and sour with fresh slight bubbles. The sweetness and acidity are both strongly felt, yet the taste is thin and transparent. It is so clear that you don't even feel the alcohol. There is no outstanding individuality, but the impression is that the balance is very good, and the level of balance is outstanding. Before drinking it, I was worried whether I would be able to appreciate the taste of Niimasa and whether I would be able to tell the difference from other sakes, but after drinking it, I could clearly sense the difference. No, it is possible that my expectations influenced my evaluation, but since it is a luxury item, I think that is fine. Our meal was caprese and carpaccio, and the sweet and sour taste and microbubbles matched perfectly. I avoided some of the sashimi before making the carpaccio and had it with soy sauce and wasabi, but I felt the carpaccio went better with it. I don't know when I will encounter this sake again, but I am looking forward to that day.
Good evening Hori 😃. On what is your anniversary 😆Congratulations on your first Shinsei ㊗️ 🎉The direct pumping wrapped in a bag is very special 😊It's delicious and I can tell you had a very happy time 🤗.
Thank you Jay & Nobby for your comments 😊I thought all the Shinsei was in the bag, but it wasn't! There was also a serial number on the back of the lower tag ✨. It was a great experience ☺️
KoeigikuSNOW CRESCENT さがびより原酒生酒無濾過
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This is the third bottle of Snow Crescent. The first bottle was Yamadanishiki, but the second and third bottles were from Sagabiyori. Again, the taste was stable and delicious. Grapefruit-like flavor with a woody atmosphere. The clearly perceptible fizz invites you to take another sip, making it an unstoppable, unstoppable sake. This was the first time I finished a four-pack in one sitting. I think the high repeat rate of Snow Crescent is not only because it is delicious, but also because it has a unique character. Although my experience level with sake is still low, I feel that it has a unique flavor that is unlike any other sake I have ever tasted. Conversely, it is a sake that can be liked or disliked, but fortunately for me, it is one of my top "favorite" sakes. It's very tasty, I like it, and it's relatively always available. This was the third bottle that convinced me that I am sure to repeat the experience. *I drank it, so the bottle and the glass are water.
Senkinさくら OHANAMIおりがらみ
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Due to the cherry blossom front that came later than usual, Tokyo was able to view the cherry blossoms in full bloom even in the second week of April. Since the events and festivals at the regular hanami spots were over, we were able to take our time and enjoy the cherry blossoms, which was a very elegant experience. Late March is when the cherry blossoms usually come into bloom. We had not been able to come across this sake easily, but we scrambled to catch the arrival information of a sake store within range on SNS. I was told to tell the name of the product at the counter, not to put it in the fridge, and I successfully got it. And the taste, it was wonderfully sweet and juicy. It is juicy with a sourness that is not uncommon nowadays, but the balance between the two is exquisite. It is not too bitter, but it is just bitter enough not to make you feel bitter, and it goes away clean and crisp. There was no need to think about anything difficult, and the taste was easy to understand and intuitively delicious. This taste, which could be perceived as somewhat lacking in individuality, is probably the fate of Senkyoku, since it is a top runner in the market. Nevertheless, the unrivaled high degree of perfection is a goal that only SENKYO can achieve by pursuing this direction without being eccentric or being side-tracked.
Hi Hori 😃. Speed is the key to make social networking information a thing 👍and the effort and challenge of Senkou is great 🥹. I can only hope for the renewal of ‼️ 🤗
Thanks for your comments, Jay & Nobby 😊. It was a victory in the information war: ✌️ I'm sure the renovations will take Sentori even further ahead. They have also built a new wine cellar, and I look forward to seeing what the future holds: ⭐️
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For the first time, Mimurosugi became the Hana-kyun of spring sake. Mimuro-sugi is always mentioned when talking about delicious sake, and it was one of the sake I wanted to try someday. I am aware that the spring-like label design, as well as the naming, was a big part of the reason why I was attracted to this sake. The moment you open the bottle, it bubbles up inside. Even before drinking it, the promise of a shuwa shuwa mouthfeel was made, and my expectations were high. The soft, cloudy ogara-mi seems to represent a spring haze. As it enters the mouth, the sweetness that is typical of the origami is combined with acidity, resulting in a sweet, sour, and juicy taste. The low alcohol content (13%) and low bitterness make it easy to drink without resistance. It tastes just like the brand name "Hana-kyun," and the flavor is so reminiscent of spring that it makes one wonder if this is the middle of spring sake. It made me suddenly interested in other Mimuro cedar sake as well. It was such an encounter with Hana-kyun.
Hi Hori 😃 Congratulations on your first Mimuro cedar 🫰 at ㊗️ 🎉It's just the right one for spring 🌸🤗.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌉. Delicious, Mimuro cedar 🍶I'm glad it's not only tasty but also easy to find 😊. I may have taken another step into the depths💦.
Senkinハローワールド byサケラボトーキョー生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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This is the second volume of SAKELABO TOKYO's PB "SENKYO Hello World (hereafter HW)". Since the first product was unavailable before the sake boom, it was a must to obtain the second product. I was told that it was "a supreme bottle that was completed with the aim of surpassing the super-popular Snowball," so I kept a bottle of Snowball that I had bought with the intention of drinking it during February and compared them. Since they are both active nigori from the same Sengoku, the flavors were not at all different. HW definitely tastes like it is based on Snowball. The difference between the two is that while the Snowball tastes sweet, it is surprisingly not sweet, the HW tastes distinctly sweet. Furthermore, the bitterness of HW is less than that of Snowball, so it can be enjoyed on its own, and at the same time, it still has a sharp and refreshing taste that is suitable for mid-meal consumption. Also, both have a gaseous feel, but the 2-week-old HW is clearly more gaseous than the Snowball that has been in the fridge for 2 months. This exquisite balance is easy to understand even for a beginner like me, and the high degree of perfection makes it easy to drink, which is why I took it to be "beyond Snowball.
Good evening Hori 😃. Glad you persevered and were able to compare drinks 🤗. Even at the local Tochigi residents' group, where more than a snowball's worth of HW‼️11 people gathered, how many people got zero 😱 I wish I could have drunk it 🥲.
Thank you Jay & Nobby for all your comments ‼️ I've booked it over work 😊. I think that the ⛄️ is just a more catchy finish, there is no superiority or inferiority, and the evaluation will change depending on TPO 🤔.
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I opened a bottle of Senkyu's Yukidaruma on a summer day with a high temperature of 28 degrees Celsius, which is unusual for Tokyo in March. This is the second bottle of Yukidaruma since I drank it after New Year's. It was made in November 2023, so it has been more than four months since it was produced. It was produced in November 2023, so it was opened more than 4 months after production and exactly 2 months after purchase. I felt exactly the same way about the first bottle, it looks sweet but it is not sweet. I can't help but imagine it tastes like sweet sake from its appearance, so I was surprised that it is not that sweet. The sweetness is restrained while the umami is strong, and the acidity and bitterness make it refreshing to drink despite the strong umami. Moreover, it has a freshness due to its slight effervescence. While it has a unique character, it also has the nostalgia of being able to match with a wide range of meals, both Japanese and Western. The taste may be based on a precise calculation that is hard to imagine from the loose atmosphere of the label. This is the last of this season's Yukidaruma. We look forward to seeing what the next season's Yukidaruma will be like.
Hi Hori, good evening 😃 Some people let the snowman ☃️ lie in bed for a year 😅 seems like it's better to drink it as soon as possible 😊. We skipped this season, but after a long time I think I'll drink it next season 🤗
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃 I actually meant to drink it earlier, but I had to put it down to compare it with Hello World 💤I'm looking forward to next season's Snowman now, as I hear the taste changes every year, not only for Snowman, but for all alcoholic beverages 😊.
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This is my third bottle of Harukoi. This is the first time I bought three bottles of the same sake. Anyway, it is delicious. Pink color. Smooth texture and pleasant gasiness. Sweet and sour taste and slight presence of rice grains. It is one of the best tasting of all drinks, removing the barrier of sake, and also the barrier of alcohol. I let the third bottle sit in the fridge for about two weeks, and it was even better, with more gas than the second bottle, which I opened right after I bought it. Of course, we paired it again with the strawberry x cream cheese wrapped in prosciutto for the devil's pairing. It was a winner. I think this is the last bottle I will drink, but if I see it again, I might buy it. It is probably a good thing that there is no liquor store nearby where I can buy it. Let's look forward to next year.
Hori-san konban-ha(o´ω`o)no~~ Harukai is a sake that I keep coming back to 🥰.
Thanks for your comment, Eririn 😊. Harukoi, they are delicious! I never thought I would buy 3 bottles myself💦.
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I had been curious about Shihou because I often see it on social networking sites. When I saw a cute pink SHI-CHU at a liquor store, I immediately snatched it up. It seems that Murasaki Chizu is an all-seasonal brand with no year-round products, and this pink one is a strawberry label that is released in early spring. The origin of the strawberry is stated on the label. The fresh sweetness felt in the mouth is certainly strawberry-like. The sourness that one associates with strawberries is moderate, and the lingering bitterness and slight astringency are very adult-like. It is a deep taste with two contradictory aspects: sweetness and bitterness, childishness and maturity. I actually tried it with strawberries, and they went well together. The strawberry compensates for the acidity that the sake lacks, and the sake adds a sharpness that the strawberry lacks. An endless loop of complementation is completed. It seems that there are many variations, so it would be difficult to complete the collection, but this is a brand that I would like to pursue to the extent of buying it whenever I see it.
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I received a SAKURA CUP from Daimine. From the rice markings, the contents are probably three grains of Yamadanishiki. It had a juicy mouthfeel with umami and sweetness, reminiscent of fresh muscat or pineapple fruit. The acidity and overall lightness of the flavor makes it a good match for any meal, Japanese or Western, and it seems to go well with delicate dishes. This time, I took it out camping to take advantage of its one-cup advantage and drank it with a camp meal that was rich in flavor, such as a meat dish. After dinner, drinking Omine while gazing at the campfire was also exceptional, and I am grateful to Omine Sake Brewery for producing a one-cup of their delicious sake. Sake is not very portable, not only in one bottle, but even in four-pack bottles, so I would be happy if other sake breweries would offer one-cup, one- or two-pack bottles in small quantities, even if it is a small amount. I bought six bottles and have three more to go, so I will look forward to enjoying the rest during hanami (cherry blossom viewing).