KeiFuji Taikan純米大吟醸 瓶燗火入Morishima ShuzoIbaraki3/18/2025, 10:27:49 PM3/16/202523KeiFresh aroma, sharp and good aftertaste. There is a sense of gas.Japanese>English
KeiMorishimaひたち錦 辛口 純米吟醸Morishima ShuzoIbaraki3/15/2025, 5:40:02 AM3/13/202518KeiDry. Light and smart with a sharp finish.Japanese>English
KeiKankobai純米吟醸 HARU酒Mie3/10/2025, 10:55:50 PM3/10/202523KeiFruity🍏 and sharp. Slightly gassy.Japanese>English
KeiToko季節限定 純米酒Kojima SohontenYamagata3/9/2025, 10:36:00 PM3/7/202527KeiFlavorful and fruity.Japanese>English
KeiMorishima生酒 純米大吟醸Morishima ShuzoIbaraki2/10/2025, 11:24:22 AM2/8/202516KeiFruity, crisp, sweet and delicious. It is also wonderful that there is no tailing off from the bottle. The idea of "throwing a stone" also resonates clearly.Japanese>EnglishあきざかりI bought mine today! I'm going to drink it now. (^^)Japanese>English
KeiHamafukutsuru純米大吟醸小山本家酒造 灘浜福鶴蔵Hyogo2/9/2025, 10:53:37 PM1/27/202517KeiIt is only my personal preference among the Koyama Honke Sake Brewery Group.Japanese>English