たけうち木村式 奇跡のお酒純米吟醸Kikuchi ShuzoOkayama3/25/2023, 2:01:22 PM15たけうちCrisp and dry, with a refreshing aftertaste.Japanese>English
たけうちまぼろしの酒純米吟醸原酒無濾過板野酒造本店Okayama3/25/2023, 2:00:13 PM3/25/202316たけうちIt is firm, but not too strong, and well-balanced.Japanese>English
たけうちSawayamatsumotoMatsumoto ShuzoKyoto3/20/2023, 10:46:07 AM3/20/202320たけうちIt starts off with a sake-like feeling and seems to end with a strong taste, but it ends with a light and fluffy taste. It is delicious.Japanese>English
たけうちDaishinshu特別純米Daishinshu ShuzoNagano3/20/2023, 10:39:34 AM3/20/202316たけうちDry, with a hint of sweetness at the end. The crispness is a little thin. But it is delicious.Japanese>English
たけうちIppakusuisei特別純米Fukurokuju ShuzoAkita3/20/2023, 9:27:30 AM3/20/202319たけうちI recommend it because it is spicy but has a refreshing aftertaste without being too harsh. It is easy to match with food.Japanese>English
たけうちKyonoharu純米無ろ過生原酒純米原酒生酒Mukai ShuzoKyoto3/20/2023, 9:23:58 AM1たけうちIt's spicy and sweet, and so delicious!Japanese>English
たけうちTakaji純米雄町 濃醇辛口原酒生酒無濾過Juhachizakari ShuzoOkayama2/11/2023, 8:55:57 AM2/11/2023浜吉18たけうちDelicious without the fluffy sweetness at the end.Japanese>English
たけうちTaitenshiragikuトリプルA純米生酒無濾過Shiragiku ShuzoOkayama2/11/2023, 8:17:27 AM2/11/2023浜吉12たけうちDry, but quite sweet.Japanese>English
たけうちKenkon'ichi特別純米大沼酒造店Miyagi3/9/2022, 10:18:29 AM14たけうちsalty (taste) It's refreshing. Sweetness at the end.Japanese>English
たけうちTen'on生もと純米生酛Itakura ShuzoShimane2/12/2022, 9:45:54 AM2/12/202213たけうちGoes well with hot sake.Japanese>English
たけうち二重橋純米吟醸Toshimaya ShuzoTokyo1/2/2022, 5:14:26 AM1/2/202211たけうちGood lukewarm. It feels like sake.Japanese>English
たけうちKikuhime純米生詰酒ひやおろしKikuhimeIshikawa11/7/2021, 11:13:53 AM12たけうちNeat. It's quite easy to drink.Japanese>English
たけうちFurosen紅葉おろし純米吟醸山廃ひやおろしUehara ShuzoShiga11/7/2021, 10:53:59 AM15たけうちGood. It's clean, not too sweet, and easy to drink.Japanese>English
たけうちよこやま Silver7純米吟醸生酒Omoya ShuzoNagasaki11/7/2021, 10:30:16 AM11たけうちIt's clean and crisp, but the sweetness of Junmai is strong.Japanese>English
たけうちDaishinshu純米吟醸Daishinshu ShuzoNagano10/30/2021, 11:04:40 AM10/30/20211たけうちSuper dry taste. It is good to match it with sushi or dishes without disturbing.Japanese>English
たけうちGangiひやおろし純米ひやおろしYaoshin ShuzoYamaguchi9/23/2021, 8:36:05 AM9/23/2021立喰い寿司あきら 築地店20たけうちSweet at first, but with a clean aftertaste.Japanese>English
たけうちZaku雅の智純米吟醸Shimizuseizaburo ShotenMie9/23/2021, 8:15:57 AM9/23/2021立喰い寿司あきら 築地店20たけうちRice flavor is strong. The sweetness comes at the end.Japanese>English
たけうちBanshuikkon夏のうすにごり純米吟醸生酒San'yohai ShuzoHyogo7/21/2021, 9:24:29 AM1たけうちNeat and easy to drink.Japanese>English