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Kanhokuto辛口純米酒 shi - bi - en純米
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I drank this sake at a lunchtime drinking place I stopped by on a whim. I have not had much sake from Kyushu, so this was a new experience for me. I had a false impression that most of the sake I drank was heavy, but I was surprised at how elegant it was. Since it was Father's Day, I took the liberty of celebrating the occasion on my own!
Shichihon'yari純米吟醸 近江産 吟吹雪純米吟醸
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The sake has a clean mouthfeel, but it has a light umami and a light short punch. Overall, it is a cohesive sake, but the punch that comes at the end is just right, so you will never get tired of it.
Daisekkeiアルプス天然伏流水仕込み 淡麗辛口
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When my wife went on a trip to a hot spring resort in Nagano with a neighbor's wife She bought several 500 ml bottles of local sake sold at the supermarket Tsuruya as a souvenir. The first bottle I drank without much expectation! It was beautiful but tasty and delicious... It had a nice assertiveness in a coherent way!
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I bought this sake because of its cute label. I have seen this sake before, but this was my first time drinking it. I don't often drink light cloudy sake, so it was new to me! I drank it after taking a bath, so... It has a slight sourness and sweetness, and is slightly carbonated. I drank it in one gulp after another... It was delicious.
Shinomine純米生原酒 ー押槽無濾過生原酒ー純米原酒生酒
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As it is unfiltered, it has a slight fizziness. It is a rough sake, so one would expect it to be punchy, but it is crisp and easy to drink. I personally prefer unfiltered unpasteurized sake because of its fizziness and punch. I personally think of unfiltered nama-shu as a double-boosted, punchy sake, but this is not the case! I have an image of unfiltered nama-shu that has a double punch with a sparkling and punchy taste, but this was a beautifully put-together sake.
Horaisen荒川杜氏シリーズ BLACK純米
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It seems to be a series of sake brewed for the overseas market. Speaking of Houraisen, "Sora" is the most famous one. I drank it a long time ago when I started living in Aichi, It was really empty...well, it was a beautiful and straight sake. Since then, I never drank Houraisen, but it was still a beautiful sake. It was still a beautiful sake. I heard it is popular in foreign countries, and I wonder if they like this kind of sake. It is easy to drink, and is good for a mid-meal drink, and I think it is a sake that can be drunk mainly with food. I think it is a sake that can be drunk mainly with food.
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It is a very sharp sake, and the beginning of drinking is pleasant! It has a great flavor and freshness. I want to drink it chilled and guzzle it... The aftertaste is heavy and lingering, as it is characterized by its aftertaste. It leaves a heavy aftertaste. This was my first sake of this brand!
Suigei特別純米酒 生酒 しぼりたて特別純米生酒
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I had a bottle of freshly pressed sake. The sake was fresh and a little elegant. I often go to drunken whales and only drink honjo-zake before a drinking party. It was fresh and new to me. so it was fresh and new to me.
Hohai純米しぼりたて 生酒 限定品純米生酒
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I have heard of this sake, but this is my first time drinking it. It is a junmai (pure rice) sake, but it has a nice aroma like a junmai daiginjo. It was not only mellow, but also delicious and umami. It was one of the best sake we prepared this year! My father and brother both agreed.
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Sake prepared for New Year's Day Tatenogawa has a strong image of being refreshing. This time's sake is also very clear, just like a daiginjo! As expected, there is no particular aftertaste, but it is clear! It is easy to drink, but without any richness or taste. In a good sense, it is a sake that you get tired of drinking.
Daishichi生酛 箕輪門純米大吟醸生酛
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I learned about this sake on a certain Izakaya Shinkansen. I selected it for this year's New Year's sake and drank it for the first time. Since it is from Tohoku, I thought it might be too sweet, But it is easy to drink and has a nice, clean taste. It is a good sake. I never get tired of drinking it. I thought it would be a good sake for a mealtime drink.
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Saku City, Nagano, Japan Saku-no-Hana Sake Brewery Co. Second bottle of loot from my trip to Nagano Prefecture. I bought this for heating sake for dinner. I knew the brand name, but this was my first time drinking it. I had only drunk Masumi before. First, I tried it without heating it up... yes, it has a nice punch, but it has a very cloying aftertaste. It has a very strong aftertaste! The part where the sake hits the bottle tingles, which I don't like! When heated...it's good. It's delicious with a mild aftertaste and only the punch remains! It was just what I was looking for and I was satisfied.
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Matsumoto City, Nagano Daishinshu Sake Brewery Co. These are the spoils of my trip to Nagano Prefecture. This time, we selected them with an emphasis on cosmetics. I knew the brand name, but this was my first time drinking it. It is a punchy sake with a strong drinking experience. Sake! It might be good for those who like the feeling of "Sake! I think it might be better if it is heated up. It's almost the season for heated sake... Maybe I'll try it again this year!
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Kamiina-gun, Nagano Yonezawa Sake Brewery Co. Imanishiki Nakagawa-mura no Tamako Special Junmai sake Hiyashioroshi The spoils of my trip to Nagano (No.1) I only knew the label, but I saw this sake and bought a packet! I saw it and bought a packet! I heard that hiyaoroshi has legs growing on the tadpole on the label. I heard that the tadpole on the label grows legs. It is an easy to drink sake. It has a consistent and stimulating taste from the beginning to the end of drinking. It is a sake that tastes consistently stimulating from the beginning to the end and leaves a lingering aftertaste.
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We had it at a standing sake tasting store in Nagano station. Today we will enjoy Nagano sake!
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Yoshinoya Stock Association, Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture Zenkoji Junmai Ginjo Nishinomon We had it for a late lunch at Zenkoji temple. We had it for a late lunch. It is a sake with a crisp mouthfeel and a slight sweetness that lingers! It has a slight sweetness to it!
Kakurei吟醸 生吟醸生酒
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Minamiuonuma-gun, Niigata Aoki Sake Brewery Co. It is a purchase during the Obon return trip. The transparent bottle and water droplets on the surface are summery. It is light, but is that because it is a ginjo-shu? It has a good balance of drinkability and punch. I never got tired of drinking this sake.
Kayama越淡麗 生酒 無濾過原酒 純米吟醸純米吟醸生酒無濾過
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Kita-ku, Niigata DHC Brewery Co. Purchased at Pon Shukan when returning to Niigata. There were 4 companies selling sake during the Obon festival. The specialty sake of the day was Yoshinogawa... I bought it with the sales pitch that it would be produced in a limited edition of 800 bottles. It is an unfiltered unpasteurized sake, but it does not have much punch or sparkle. It is a raw sake without filtration, but it has little punch or sparkle, but it is a very nice sake. Well, it was a commemoration of the Bon Festival.
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Suwa City, Nagano Miyasaka Brewery Co. I bought this for cosmetic reasons. I remember drinking Masumi several times, but in general The types I drank were easy to drink Taste that you never get tired of Sake that is strong but not overpowering So, we enjoyed it very much.
Horai飛騨山麓 秘境天生水仕込み
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Hida City, Gifu Prefecture Watanabe Sake Shop This sake was sold at Aeon. The price was less than 1000 yen for a four-pack, but it was delicious. It has a slight sweetness at first taste. It is a sake that has a slight sweetness at the mouth, but the flavor of the sake comes through immediately. In general, I would say that it is a dry sake. It is a good sake with a strong punch because it has a high alcohol content of 19 degrees. It is not always produced because it is sold in limited quantities.