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Horai飛騨山麓 秘境天生水仕込み
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Hida City, Gifu Prefecture Watanabe Sake Shop This sake was sold at Aeon. The price was less than 1000 yen for a four-pack, but it was delicious. It has a slight sweetness at first taste. It is a sake that has a slight sweetness at the mouth, but the flavor of the sake comes through immediately. In general, I would say that it is a dry sake. It is a good sake with a strong punch because it has a high alcohol content of 19 degrees. It is not always produced because it is sold in limited quantities.
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Kurume City, Fukui, Japan Asahikiku Sake Brewery Co. This is a first for this brand! And it's from Kyushu, Fukui Prefecture! The taste is straightforward, but it is a good sake with an astringent taste. Is this also a typical sake from the west? It is not bad. It is a good sake to drink by itself.
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Sakata City, Yamagata Prefecture Furoi Sake Brewery Co. First brand! This is delicious... Unusually for a Tohoku sake, it has no sweetness! It has a nice sharpness and is a very drinkable sake. Somehow? I felt it was a full-bodied sake. It is a new discovery.
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Yoshida-gun, Fukui Prefecture Kuroryu Shuzo Co. A drinking friend from Fukui Prefecture told me a lot about this sake. It gives the impression of being a beautiful sake, but it has an astringent taste that clings to the tongue. It is a beautiful sake, but it has an astringent taste that clings to the tongue. It is a good sake because it is so beautiful that it does not require a choice of dishes. Some people may find it lacking in taste. In Fukui, Kuroryu brand is loved as an evening drink.
Akabu純米吟醸 酒未来 NEW BORN特別純米
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Morioka City, Iwate Akabe Sake Brewery Co. This is the first Akabu we have had in a long time. It has sweetness, but it also has a good amount of acidity. It is a sake that you can't stop drinking. The super light jab at the end of drinking is good. I also like the design of the label.
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Maruishi Kinsei Co. Maruishi Kinsei Junmai Ginjo Special Order Nama-zake It has a sweet taste, but it has a refreshing sharpness. It is very good to drink. It can also be enjoyed as a mealtime sake!
Kid純米吟醸 春ノ薫風純米吟醸
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My personal image of Kido is one of acidity and a slight fizziness. but this one is very easy to drink. This one is very easy to drink. In a word, it is characterized by its lack of characteristics. It is a good sake to drink straight.
Kikusuiふなぐち 菊水 一番しぼり原酒生酒
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Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture Kikusui Sake Brewery Co. This sake brings back memories. When I first started drinking sake, I drank this sake a lot at company drinking parties. It is a very easy to drink and has no peculiarities. I remember hearing at the time that it used to be recommended as a sake for seducing women. It is sold everywhere and is highly recommended.
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Sakaiminato-shi, Tottori Chiyomusubi Sake Brewery Co. Sake from Tottori Prefecture (maybe... no, I don't remember). I bought this sake expecting it to be warmed up. I had it cold and heated to 45°C. The warmed sake was The warmed sake was mellower and better to drink. The cold sake is a bit rough on the palate, but it's not bad. It is not a bad sake. Personally, I prefer it warmed up.
七冠馬純米吟醸 生原酒 ザ・セブン「タイプR」純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Nita-gun, Shimane Chikkami Seishu Gomei Kaisha I bought it because it looked like a rare Akita sake. I bought it because it looked like a rare Akita sake... I don't remember drinking any sake from Shimane Prefecture! It was an easy to drink sake with a slight freshness.
Dewazakuraしぼりたて 生原酒純米原酒生酒
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Tendo City, Yamagata Prefecture Dewazakura Sake Brewery Co. Dewazakura I haven't had in a long time! When served cold, it is an easy-to-drink sake with no habits. It is a sake with a slight sweetness. I also tried it lukewarm, and the smell of the sake was noticeable. The smell of the sake is very noticeable. Personally, I enjoyed the sensation better. I'd like to have a sake bottle with a warming function these days...
Mimurosugi特別純米 辛口 露葉風特別純米
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Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture Imanishi Sake Brewery Co. We have had Mimuro Sugi for a long time. Personally, I have an image of Mimuro Sugi as a "umami-guchi" (delicious) sake, but this time I got a bottle that is claimed to be dry. It is easy to drink with a refreshing taste. It does not have a dry taste, but it has a light jab at the bottom of the mouth. I think it is a good sake for a mealtime drink. I tried heating the sake, but there was no change in taste. I think it is a sake that can be enjoyed without any change in taste when it is cold.
Senkinモダン 無垢生酒
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Sakura City, Tochigi Senkin Co. I have had this sake several times at Izakaya (Japanese-style pubs), but this is the first time I have had it in an open bottle. It was a sake with a fizziness from the first sip, and the acidity and slight sweetness spread It has a sparkling taste from the first sip, and the acidity and slight sweetness spread out. It is a kind of modern sake. It is a sake that is widely favored. It is a sake that is widely liked. This may be the first time I've tasted it carefully.
Izumofuji純米 山田錦純米
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Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture Fuji Sake Brewery Limited Partnership I think this is the first sake from Shimane, but it is also the first brand. It is a strange sake with no change in taste from the first sip to the last sip. It is an easy to drink sake with no taste or peculiarity. It is so easy to drink that you have to be careful not to drink too much. It is a sake that does not make you feel like you are drinking too much. There must be a better way to describe it... I'm sorry for the clumsy expression.
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Iwate Prefecture Murasaki Horinoi (Takahashi Sake Brewery) I had it lukewarm. It is a mild and gentle tasting sake that is easy to drink! I would say it has no characteristics. I never get tired of it! I like orthodoxy! It was the kind of sake I would call "orthodox"!
Kamotsuru生酛 特別純米 酒中在心 藍特別純米生酛
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Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture Kamotsuru Sake Brewery Co. This is probably the first time for me to drink this brand... It is a sake with a clean mouthfeel and umami flavor. It is a sake with a sharp taste and a sour taste that comes afterwards. It is a sake that you can enjoy the change of taste. It is a sake that can be enjoyed.
Tsukimizunoike辛口 純米酒純米
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Itoigawa City, Niigata Prefecture Inomata Sake Brewery Co. It is a typical Niigata sake, so much so that the label on the back says it is a high standard sake! It even says "high standard sake" on the back label! We had it lukewarm, and it's an incredibly straightforward sake. I first tasted it at room temperature, and while it is a typical Niigata sake, it is very easy to drink when heated.
Sakata生酛 純米酒純米生酛
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Sakata City, Yamagata Prefecture Tohoku Meihin Brewery This is the first brand we have seen. It was warmed up to lukewarm (maybe 40℃). It was a good sake, with a sour taste on the palate, followed by a nice sake-like taste in the mouth. I like heated sake...I think I'm going to get into it this year.
Ippakusuisei特別純米酒 良心特別純米
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Minami-Akita-gun, Akita Prefecture Fukurokuju Sake Brewery Co. I bought this sake for my evening drink, in addition to the one I received at New Year's. The price was reasonable, so I gave it a try. I tried it because I thought it was a reasonable priced sake. I first drank it cold, and my impression was that it was sweet and fresh on the palate. It has a sweet and fresh taste, but there is a slight sake taste in the aftertaste. The taste is sweet and fresh on the palate, with a hint of sake flavor in the aftertaste. Next, I tried it lukewarm (40°C), and the sweetness and freshness of the mouthfeel disappeared. The sweetness and freshness of the mouthfeel is gone, and the taste of the sake stands out! However, the flavor is lost when the sake cools down, so it is best to serve it warm...
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Minami-Akita-gun, Akita Prefecture Fukurokuju Brewery Co. I was interested in this brand when it was introduced on YouTube as a sake that was close to the taste of Jyushidai. I was interested in this brand because it was introduced on YouTube as a sake that was close to the taste of Jyushidai. I was interested in this brand because it was introduced on YouTube as a sake with a taste similar to that of Jyushidai. It is a very straight and easy to drink sake with a moderate sweetness. It is a beautiful sake with no cloying taste, but it does have some flavor. It is a good sake. I am not sure if it was similar to the Jyushiyo, which is the most important thing. I don't know if it was similar to Jyushidai or not. If I have a chance, I would like to compare them.