もいけHokenHoken ShuzoHiroshima7/6/2024, 12:12:57 PM47もいけI guess Hiroshima sake is good too. I thought HoukenJapanese>English
もいけAsahitakaTakagi ShuzoYamagata7/6/2024, 12:12:14 PM45もいけAt Asakusa. They didn't have any Jyushiyo, so I went with a different one. Too bad, but it is delicious!Japanese>English
もいけShinshu Kirei山恵錦Okazaki ShuzoNagano7/6/2024, 12:10:41 PM47もいけA hard-to-find brand at home! It was a luxury!Japanese>English
もいけNabeshima純米吟醸Fukuchiyo ShuzoSaga6/14/2024, 3:15:44 AM68もいけNabeshima is not too sweet and aromatic. Delicious.Japanese>English
もいけSeiko純米吟醸Takenoi ShuzoYamanashi6/13/2024, 11:54:28 PM56もいけWas it refreshingly light?Japanese>English
もいけJikon千本錦 生Kiyasho ShuzojoMie6/13/2024, 11:53:22 PM61もいけDelicious. Just the right amount of sweetness.Japanese>English
もいけAKABU翡翠赤武酒造Iwate5/26/2024, 3:36:53 AM85もいけ13 degrees alcohol. Easy to drink like juice. It is not too sweet and tasty. It might be better if it were more carbonated.Japanese>English
もいけKid夏ノ疾風Heiwa ShuzoWakayama5/26/2024, 3:35:45 AM70もいけRefreshing, soft and sweet in flavor. Delicious.Japanese>English
もいけJokigen純米吟醸雄町50Sakata ShuzoYamagata5/26/2024, 3:34:21 AM57もいけAttracted by the label. I think it was "refreshingly light". It was delicious.Japanese>English
もいけHidakami純米渡船2号Hirako ShuzoMiyagi5/26/2024, 3:33:12 AM57もいけA little sakey and dry? Delicious!Japanese>English
もいけRoman純米大吟醸Hanaizumi ShuzoFukushima5/13/2024, 11:22:10 PM80もいけSweet and mild. Easy to drink and delicious.Japanese>English
もいけKid純米吟醸Heiwa ShuzoWakayama5/13/2024, 11:14:19 PM57もいけIt is smooth and tasty with a hint of sweetness!Japanese>English
もいけNabeshima特別本醸造Fukuchiyo ShuzoSaga5/11/2024, 12:32:38 AM60もいけSlight sweetness in a refreshing taste! Very tasty! Nabeshima is delicious!Japanese>English
もいけKudokijozu純米吟醸酒未来Kamenoi ShuzoYamagata5/11/2024, 12:31:22 AM51もいけthe taste for the sensual pleasuresJapanese>English