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The first sip, before I got drunk, was refreshing, with a good balance of acidity and sweetness. As it got to room temperature and I got drunk. The sweetness became hard to pick up and it was good as a food. And the cost is great!
Clear and easy to drink Sweet taste is gentle and strong It has an impact for a low alcohol. I don't know if the sourness comes from the nigori I thought it had a lot of thickness. I guess it has a concept. I don't know if it's deep or complex, but It's very easy to drink and it's like a muddy rice juice.
It's sweet delicious, but the sweetness was good in the food. Maybe it's the clean acidity and the bitterness that lingers a bit. As the day goes by, the bitterness becomes stronger. Somehow, it reminded me of Isoban. It was delicious even if it was blended with a strong habitual Yamahai Kosake.
It's fabulously delicious. All I'm saying is something delicious lol. But this one is really good. It was excellent, no question. The scent is incredibly fruity. Gentle and strong sweetness from sip to swallow A sweetness that lingers in the back of the mouth. It's gassy, with just the right amount of irritation and bitterness. If only I could have drinks like this all the time. I'll be a bad person. lol
Delicious! I really like the flavors that come with the aftertaste. Maybe it's also sour... White koji is called citric acid. If this is it, it's not what I was expecting. I love that. It's something like the other white koji I've had. It's a little different. Japanese sake is too much fun. I love it when it's warmed up, too!
First time after fall This is what you taste like after fall! I don't know what that means. It's just good. I like the assertion of acidity too much. Mellowness? I've experienced a... I feel like... It reminds me of the time I drank the Shoryu Horae that had been sitting around for a year. Anyway, I like it. When it's warmed up, it's really hard to find any other choice during the meal.
Junmai Daiginjo! It felt like a beautiful drink. I'm getting a taste of both worlds. When I say as per the specs, I mean. It was easy to drink. But personally, I tend to prefer more of a miscellaneous drink these days. After the second day, it was pretty voluminous. It was even more fun and tasty to drink.
Personally, I'm impressed by the deliciousness of the Nigori category. I used to be a little uncomfortable with cages and dirt. I really like this one special. After all, Tamagawa is a good sake that I have a special place in my heart It's strong and rich, but not at all obnoxious. And a dense sweetness like honey that comes with a snap. It's really addictive. On the contrary, soda and hot drinks go well together. It's become one of my personal supreme drinks.
The first day was also a bit bitter and a bit sweet, but not too sweet. The owner said it was very good after 2 years of age This is my first visit to Mt. And it was a good drink, personally. I felt its true value when I took it around the fourth day. The volume just kept getting higher and higher. It's not just the sweetness, it's the taste of the ride. And after all this time, the future of Sharaku sake per week after opening the package. So that's what I'm thinking about. Sake, too deep.
I can't get enough of the addictive flavor. Maybe it's the low alcohol content. It felt a little underwhelming. I mixed it up with some of the darker sake later on. A tremendous sense of happiness took over my life. lol
Juicy! Sweet and sour bitterness with a hint of fruit And it's thick! That, coupled with the low-alcohol part of it. It's hard to feel alcohol. You wouldn't expect it to taste like that from the scent. I think Greffle Juice is an odd thing to say. Wow! Glory chrysanthemum! That's a laugh. I love it.
With a hint of sweetness that is easily recognizable as sugar. Then you can feel the swelling, or rather, the voluptuous flavor With acidity and a slight accent of bitterness The taste fades rapidly at the end. It's very light and smooth in terms of liquid feeling. I'm satisfied. It's fun to drink, with simultaneous tastes and flavors that could probably be described as complex. But it disappears so quickly that I never get tired of drinking it. It's too cool.
Delicious! It's kind of new to me. You're beautiful, but you have a habit of it. The image of a very clever, clean drink that covers up a lack of substance. So I never get tired of it. I don't need any nibbles. I liked it hot. It was very smooth in the snow chill. Feel like water. Flat-poured unpasteurized rice, 70% polished So sad that it's all sold out.
repeat purchase The unique vinegar-like pungent aroma and sourness is addictive. I'm repeating myself. It's cued and sour and low in alcohol. It's not exactly Japanese sake. Anyway, I like it. It goes well with oils and sweet things. My personal favorite.
Not too sweet and I sensed just the right amount of alcohol. It's a thick drink. Light and pleasantly bitter and alcoholic with a kick. It was very good. I thought it would be a good idea as a mid-meal.
My impression changed about two weeks after opening the bottle. Easy to drink, sharp and tasty. It was an interesting sake.
Senkinクラシック仙禽 無垢
I drank it in a pub and liked it. Liquor purchased in bottles as well. It's the nature of sweetness, or rather, balance. Anyway, I like it. It's still good after the second day, though. The acidity is getting stronger and a little different. Anyway, it's kind of classy right off the bat. I liked the balance tremendously.