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ほぼ宅飲みです。 日本酒初心者です。山廃好きです。 味を理解して言語化するって難しいけど面白いです。 記録の意味も含めて、味の感想を書いていきたいと思っています。 宜しくお願い致します。

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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The brewery was founded in the first year of Bunsei. The name "Miwafuku" was specially authorized by Miwa Shrine in Nara, which is known as the god of sake. The impression I got from drinking it was that it was quite sweet, with the sweetness of the rice coming out ahead rather than being fruity. It was well-balanced and tasty both cold and warmed. I had it for the first time at a soba noodle restaurant in the mountains of Kishiwada, and it was an excellent match for soba, simmered dishes, and tempura.
Kaze no Mori秋津穂657純米生酒
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The name comes from the place name "Kaze no Mori Pass" in Gosho City. It is located at the foot of the lush green Katsuragi Kongo Mountain, and a pleasant breeze runs through the pass all year round. The tradition of Nara sake established 500 years ago has been modified by using modern technology, and we will continue to challenge to make the next sake which can only be made in this age. Kaze no Mori expresses the difference in taste depending on the type and polish of the rice. At ALPHA Kaze no Mori, we will continue to seek the possibilities of the next sake with flexible ideas and new technology. Quote from the website Impressions At the first sip, the complex, multi-layered sweetness, faint sourness, bitterness, and slight carbonation all come together at the same time without any lingering aftertaste. It was my first time to drink sake, and that was my honest impression. To be able to enjoy this taste for less than a thousand yen is a great price, and although I haven't tried many brands, I think it is a sake that stands out from the rest.
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The foothills of Mt. Rokko in Kobe, where Fukuju's sake brewery is located, are blessed with all the climate, topography, soil, and water necessary for making good sake. The water is richly stored in the Rokko mountain range, and the sake rice grows at the foot of the mountain. We add koji (rice malt) to these blessed raw materials unique to Rokko, and polish them carefully with inherited techniques. In other words, Fukuju is the pure taste created by Rokko itself. It is a sake that brings you good fortune. Quote from the website It was given to me as a gift, so it's hard for me to say what it is, but At first sip, it is sweet and fruity, but it has a softness and a spiciness that makes it easy to drink. It's a delicious and easy to understand ginjo-shu. It is easy to drink.
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                   Corporate Philosophy We aim to create a rich culture of living in harmony with nature and people. Founded in the first year of Bunka (1804) It's really good. Easy to drink sweetness and mild bitterness in the first sip. The aftertaste is long and lingering, yet it has a nice, clean finish. It's a shame it's gone, and it's fun to drink it with a knob and a little nibble, nibble, nibble. It's a good costumer. I want to drink it again. Thank you very much for making such a delicious sake. I want to try something else next time. Now I'm going to do the Shokken-Tsuki again today! subjective impressions . Weak Fragrance ★★★☆☆☆ Strong Fragrance Great quirks. ★★★★★ Easy to drink. Bitterness ★★☆☆☆ Sweetness Taste and Yin Short ★★★★★ Taste and Yin Long Cosmo bad ★★★★★ Cosmo good Sorry: ★★★★★ Thank you. ⚠️This is just my personal opinion.
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KIDO -KID- pure rice wine The name "Kido" was chosen to refer to the "climate of Kishu". The brewery is located in a basin at the foot of the mountains in Wakayama, a region with many mountains. The location is ideal for brewing sake because of the severe morning and evening chill and the abundance of groundwater polished by the trees, mountains and earth. We are trying to express the good quality water of Kishu. The softness on the palate is characterized by a gorgeous ginjo aroma on the palate. The Fusushi of Kishu. We hope you can feel it. isozukogengen heiwa shuzo co. It seems to be. The first sip is a muscat. It has a sweetness, followed by a pungent and bitter taste. The aftertaste is short and crisp. Although it is a Junmai-shu, it has a gorgeous and light taste like a Junmai-Ginjo-shu. (Impressions of cold sake only) It's a good cosmetic. This was one that I would make a heavyweight if I could find a store near my house to buy it. subjective impressions . Fragrance weak ★★★★☆ Fragrance strong Great quirks. ★★★★★ Easy to drink. Bitterness ★★☆☆☆ Sweetness ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Taste, lingering long A rip-off ★★★★★ Cosmo good I want to be loved. ★★★★* I want to love you. ⚠️This is just my personal opinion.
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The 19th-century Englishwoman traveler Isabella Bird called Yamagata "the Arcadia of the East," a land of bountiful harvests. This fertile land, which was once known as the "Land of the Feathers," has nurtured an abundance of fruit over time. The following is an abbreviated version The description is long. It's a lot of brackets. I gave up typing until the end. Look at the pictures. It's delicious. A sweet aroma like melon goes through the nose. The aftertaste is long and pleasant, and the sweetness is deep and pleasant. It has a sweet flavor, so it will be a matter of liking and disliking, but I recommend it. subjective impressions . Weak Fragrance ★★★☆☆☆ Strong Fragrance Great quirks. ★★★★★ Easy to drink. Bitterness ★★★★ ☆ Sweetness Taste and Yin Short ★★★★☆ Taste and Yin Long Carnivores ★★★★ ☆ Herbivores ⚠️This is just my personal opinion.
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You wrote on your website that your manufacturing methods and beliefs have been unchanged since the Edo period to deliver products to customers in the "best possible condition". You wrote on your website, "We deliver our products to our customers in the best condition. Since the Edo period, of course, the taste of rice has continued to change with the effort and evolution of rice, but I was watching the final episode of Yabechi FC thinking how amazing it is to keep thinking about that method. Nowadays there is a lot of freedom to choose from, but in the Edo period, there were only a limited number of things to drink, and if they had this kind of alcohol, I think it would have been a very impressive animal. Anyway, the first sip is sweet and soft, followed by a pleasant dry aftertaste. I drank Dewazakura last time, but this one is a little more spicy. But it's easy to drink. I can drink it very easily. subjective impressions . The fragrance is weak. It's amazingly quirky. ★★★★☆ Easy to drink Bitterness ★★☆☆☆ Sweetness ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Taste, lingering long A rip-off ★★★★☆ Nitpickers overpriced I want to love you. ★★★★ ☆ I want to be loved. Passage ★★★★ ☆ Marriage ⚠️This is just my personal opinion.
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It's been a while, everyone. An echo of beauty and complexity Dewa cherry blossoms open up a new frontier of mountain abandonment I've never seen a sake from Yamagata before. I've never tasted a sake from Yamagata before. The American cherry is nice and big, but the delicacy of the cherry is also hard to put down, I thought as I took a sip It's certainly one of the easiest Sanpai I've ever drunk. If it's at a bar, I think it's unstoppable. If by "beautiful" you mean "clear", then this is certainly a very easy to drink, easy to drink and not a habitual drinker. On the other hand, if you like Kikuhime and Tengu Mai, it's not enough for you. (in a good way) It's easy to drink and has a nice crispness and a mild aftertaste. It has a mild aftertaste, so I recommend it to first time drinkers. subjective impressions . The fragrance is weak. It's very easy to drink. Bitterness ★★☆☆☆ Sweetness Taste, lingering, short. Bad Cospa ★★★☆☆ Good Cospa Tung... ★★★★★ Delle Regular ★★★☆☆☆ The Last Supper ⚠️This is just my personal subjective view.
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The aroma was almost imperceptible. The mouth is smooth like an amazake, the sweetness is front and center, the flavor is thick and piquant like a slight carbonation, pungent, a little bitter, and the aftertaste is easy to drink. It was the first time for me to drink nigorizake, but it was very easy to drink. It is easy to drink. I recommend it if you don't like the muddy taste.
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It is KAGATOBI of cold brewing. I drank it cold. The aroma is slightly sour and has a taste of mountain waste. When you take a sip, there is a slight sweetness and lingering sourness, then you can feel a pungent taste from the tip of the tongue to your nose and throat. It is a good example of how to make a good wine. It had a long and pungent aftertaste on the tongue. It had a refreshing and light impression.
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At room temperature, it has a sweet aroma of rice, and when it is chilled, the aroma changes to fruity. The taste is lighter at room temperature. On the other hand, when you drink it chilled, the fruity, sweet and light taste comes out in front of you. Personally, I prefer chilled sake. I'd like to try it hot if I get the chance.
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冷酒で飲みました。 香りはそんなに強くありません。 酸味と苦味が先にきてその後少しの甘味と苦味が残る感じです。 開封したばかりの時は甘味が強かった印象ですが、 時間が経つと辛味や酸味、苦味が前に出てくるように思います。 味の変化が、苦手な場合は早めに飲んじゃう方が良いように思います。
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肥料、農薬を使わない自然栽培で収穫したお米で作られたお酒だそうです。 冷酒がおすすめと言うことで冷やしてみました。 一口目、苦味の少しある甘味。お米の細かな甘味だと思います。フルーティな香りもありますが、米の甘味が、前にある感じ。余韻は長くないですが、ゆっくりと引いていく感じです。 常温に近づいてくると甘味がさらに、ふくよかになる印象です。 甘味が好きな人は常温でもありだと思いました。
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米の甘い匂い。 柔らかい米の甘味が一口目の印象。 すっーと鼻から喉に通る柔らかな旨味。 後味に弱い酸味があります。 常温でしか飲んでませんが、優しいお米の味を感じる日本酒です。 フルーティーさは、ないですが米本来の旨味を感じます。 菊姫や天狗舞の山廃ほど米の輪郭はしっかりでないですが、近い米の旨味を感じるお酒です。
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柔らかな飲み口。強くないお米の香りとフルーティーな甘味 一口含むと甘みの後に少しピリッと辛味が走り最後に苦味が、ほんのり残ります。 凄く飲みやすいなと感じました。 おつまみ無しでもグイグイいけちゃいますね。
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飲む前は花のような強くない香りがあり、一口含むとマスカットのような甘みが口に広がります。 程なく喉の頭の辺りから鼻にかけて辛味が抜けます。 飲んだあと少し長い余韻で苦味とピリピリと小さな辛味が残ります。 爽やかで飲みやすい印象。 日本酒の超辛口の基準は分かりませんが、パッケージシールに書かれている程の辛味は感じませんでした。 爽やかでいてフルーティでした。
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香りは米を感じられ、そんなに強くはありません。 一口飲んで感じたのが、カカオに近い香り。 ココアやチョコレートのような強くない苦味。 フルーティさなどは、ありませんが、柔らかで濃厚な米の旨さがあると思いました。辛味なども少ないです。 常温だと上記の苦味の輪郭が顕著で、燗酒になると、よりその苦味が柔らかく変わる印象です。
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色は、ほんのり山吹色。 香りはフルーティーで飲みやすい印象。 柔らかい味です。 良い意味で甘みがあり、飲みやすい。 後味の最後に、ほんの少しピリっと弱い辛味があります。 味の余韻はキレ良く。 香りの余韻が長めに残る。
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香りは、強くなく 口に含むと米の甘みを、濃縮したような旨味。 酸味もあり、余韻も深い。 熱燗にすると酸味が円やかさに変わる。 後半、辛味が鼻を抜ける。 とても複雑で美味しいと思います。 温度によって表情が変わるのも楽しい。