SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
埼玉県なう 辛口が好きだけど、おすすめされたものを飲んでるよ 適当に書いてるから参考にするとよくないとおもいますけど一緒に飲んでる気分になれたらいいなーって思ってかいてみる! そんな適当な文章にいいねありがとうございます。 飲んでコメント書いてるときしかログインしていないのでイイネ!にムラがありますがそーゆー酔っぱらいなんですねって距離とってもらえると本望

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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I heard there is a limited @ weekend. I want to be poured with "Good job this week! I want to be poured with a "Good work this week! I think I need to learn what is a "fresh sake". I'm not going to do it today. I'm going to have the non-namazume one after this. No comment on the taste at all! I know, right? To be continued
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I know what I'm talking about, why you named it Sunshine Yellow. Yeah, I know. I won't write it here (doubtful). There's something bananas about it. I'm sure. It's that distinctive banana flavor. I don't know.
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I like this one the best. You're the best. I've never done anything like this before. I'm glad I met you. You're all I have. I won't die because I love you. I'm not good enough. I'm glad to have met you. I'm sure I'll be kinder to you than anyone else in the world. I'm trembling with longing to see you. I wonder if I've conveyed my feelings to you. I know I'm giving away my age.
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Don't get too nervous! For a moment, I thought it was a sweet melon, but it tasted a little bit like alcohol. I love it, I love it, I love it! I was totally pulled in by the daccha comment. Cheers Ramu-chan!
BornBORN GOLD純米大吟醸無濾過
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It's so golden that the Chinese characters of Brahma are already sketched. Is it in the photo? It's not my fault that it's hard to see. Believe me! Trust me! It's a Zunmai Daiginzo❤ It's so soft, it wraps around your tongue. It's like being wrapped in tenderness. I like it because I can easily drink it if I'm wrapped in tenderness. I like it because I like it! Boom!
THEmoon 満月純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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Nice to meet you, no, it's another one. I remember you. We've met before, right? The feeling of alcohol that rises into your head when you drink it, even though at first you think it's going to go "soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I like it.
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Kyuun, sukiyaki! A thicker version of the Tedori River. I think the Tedori River is very smooth. I think it's different. I'll look at the one I wrote later. It's not much of a reference at all. !!!!! The scenery I used to see in the past looks different when I see it as an adult, doesn't it? That's how it is, yeah.
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The first thing that comes in is water. And then, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Fruit. And then... It's a little bit of a surprise. How does it compare to other Yamamoto products? I don't even remember being asked that. Heh heh. There were a lot of Yamamoto-san in my class, but I don't remember their names. But I have memories of Yamamoto-san. That's how it is. In other words, Sunshine Yellow is also delicious. End of proof
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Vidal Sassoon if you want to go slurp. Suisui suisui suisui. Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very It's like that. I'm sure everyone can understand that.
the moon 満月純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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I think it's considerable to name it Full Moon. Because it can't grow any more, can it? Such confidence (I expect. I'm sorry, but it's probably not true.) I like it because it has a refreshing aftertaste when I drink it. I like it because it has a refreshing aftertaste. My local friends are usually bad. I'm like that. I like such a confident work (probably) a lot (not a lot). I don't need to write this, but the label reminds me of the black hole in Kinnikuman.
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It is not filtered after the top vatting in order to express the delicate aroma. It says "No filtration after top-fermentation to express delicate aroma. Oh, oh. It tastes like that, probably from the meibi probaburi! I thought it tasted sweet at first, but then a refreshing taste came. In other words, I love it! I'm going to say it twice because it's a W! Delicate...
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This rice is amazing 2022 Rice already don't! Rice don't! Taste! The taste is just heavy. If it were a chopper, it would be Heavy Point, if it were Trunks, Super Saiyan 2. If it were Trunks, it would be Super Saiyan 2, the embodiment of what you would get if you gathered all the goodness together. I'm sorry, I'm using a lot of manga material. Does rice taste like this? I'm imagining that it would be good to eat it with seared fish.
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Yamamoto's green one. I think I understand Yamamoto better by taking off the label with his name on it rather than taking off the label on the front. I like it because it feels thinner than the other ones and it is easy to drink 😊.
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Delicious❤ I often write that it is the top of the melon. But it's still a little bit of sake, and only at the end does it insist that it's still sake. It's like a bird. It's called a flying bird, but basically birds fly, I know. It's perfect for grilling and eating a bird that doesn't fly.
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A green version of W, yes. Green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green. Didn't we sing this in elementary school? I think you've met all the members of the Watanabe Brewing Squadron. I'm sorry, is this limited too? Is it possible that I won't be able to see you again? Sake and people are both once in a lifetime encounters. I want to cherish every encounter. When I start to get philosophical like that, it's a sign that I'm drunk. I should write down the taste of alcohol, right? This is.... It's a little bit stronger than other W's. It doesn't go down your throat with a thud, but it does go down your throat a ton.
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I can't write "Hourai" in hiragana, can I? Hourai. I can write it, I can read it, I can shout it. It's a melon. This is the first bite of melon. I'll give it back to you in the studio! No, wait a minute. This aftertaste. There's a nice, sweet aftertaste that leaves something delicious behind! It's also limited. Damn it! !!!! Why is it limited! (exclaims) Hell, limited editions are delicious. Also, I'm going out to eat under the "Vote with me today! I'm eating out under the law!
Glorious Mt.Fuji星天航路純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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The master of my favorite restaurant said to me, "You liked Cao Cao of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, didn't you? It is a sake made from rice called "Comet". It seems to be a limited edition sake. I'm happy when a limited edition sake tastes good, but I'm afraid I'll never drink it again. I felt as if I would never be able to drink it again, as if Guan Yu would never come back. It's sad, like the great defeat at Red Cliff. I feel refreshed and relieved. But it's not so spicy. I'm sure they took the best of the best of the best of rice and did something with it. It's delicious. I wish they would not make it a limited edition, but keep it on the shelf all the time. If you see the person who makes it, please, please, please. So please stay close to me, because I love you, and I want you to know that my love is for you.
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I can't read "Tenro kanrojide"! Tenro kanroji de? Tenrei-kanroji-de? What? What is it? Isn't that longer than a four-character idiom? The first bite of a melon. Simply put, the first bite of a melon. It's on the test! You can't read "Reisen" from there, but you can't read "Ten~" either, but you can't read that either. It's quite good, though it doesn't blow my mind. Let me recommend it! I'd love to have one of these after work! I'll be the pirate king! Kiriri!