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687-1 Mitakedō, Ueda, Nagano
map of 山三酒造
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Japanese coinage first minted in 760 CE Between classic and modern. Calm. Sweet and sour taste. It has a gradually delicious flavor. It is a well-balanced, food wine. Weakly acidic. 87 points Sweetness: 2.6 Acidity: 2.8 Dryness: 2.4 Hinted aroma: 2.4
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pure and large Sweet and sour gas. Gas. Sweetness. Rumene. Easy to drink. Modern and tasty. 87 points. Sweetness: 3.2 Acidity: 3 Dryness:2.3 Hinted aroma: 2.7
Yamasan山恵錦 火入れ 4割純米大吟醸原酒無濾過
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Chilli and gassy. Fruity, like muscat. Refreshing sweetness. It goes down your throat smoothly. Delicious!
Yamasan純米吟醸 ひとごこち 五割 無濾過生原酒
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I haven't gone back to work yet. I'm home every day. I can't stop opening Dora's 🤣. Yamazan Jungin Hitogokochi ✨🥂✨. Almost no aroma! When you drink it Sourness from sweetness spreads A light smell of cemedine and a light tingling There is a light bitterness in the aftertaste. This goes very well with eggplant and cucumber It goes very well with pickled eggplant and cucumber The bitterness disappears and it's great ❣️😆👍
Good evening, Tsubu-chan 🌛. I thought we were drinking the same thing, but I see you're drinking the raw sake and I'm the fire-brewed one 😁. It had a characteristic bitter aftertaste, but it certainly seems to be neutralized if it's pickled ✨.
Hi Gyve, good evening 🌙 I was wondering if it was the same for me too 🤭. I knew it would leave a bitter aftertaste ❗️ I'm not a big fan of bitterness, so when I combined it with the rice bran, I thought, oops ❣️ 😄♪
Yamasan純米吟醸 ひとごこち 五割 無濾過原酒 火入れ
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I've been sober for a week since my last checkup 💦. No matter how many times I've done it, I think the time during the gastroscopy is the hardest time of the year 😵. Now that the checkup is over and I'm sober for the first time in a week, let's have a drink 🍶. Yamazan Junmai Ginjo Hitogokochi Gowari Unrefined Unrefined Unrefined Sake I bought this at the Eiya Bessho store in the Bessho Onsen spa resort I visited on my recent trip to Shinshu 😁. [I bought it at the Eiya Bessho store in the Bessho Onsen district of Shinshu.] The aroma is mellow and apple-like, the slight carbonation on the tip of the tongue is a good taste and sweetness, and it finishes with an apple-like aroma typical of Shinshu sake, a pleasant fade-out of lingering umami, and bitterness that lingers in the back of the throat. [Mokkiri.] A clean, sweet aroma of rice, a tangy, slightly carbonated mouthfeel, umami reminiscent of grated apples, and a pungent bitterness that comes afterwards, followed by a bitter taste that lingers at the back of the throat after it finishes. It is rare that the taste changes so noticeably depending on the sake cup, personally, I would definitely go for the sake cup ✨. This is the first "Yamazan" I've heard of 🎉 This is delicious! Inspired by [ma-ki-] and [Ao-chan], we went to our local [Okame] for take-out yakitori 🍖! There is a very drunken yakitori restaurant in Fukui, though it is hidden behind the famous Akiyoshi 😋.
Hi Gyve, good evening. It's refreshing to see a photo of you with yakitori in your post, Gyve ✨. This sake also looks delicious with a lot of flavor 🎵. I'd love to compare and contrast the different sakes from Nagano one day 😊.
Hi Jive 🐦. The one after the checkup is Yamasan, which you can't find in Kansai! I love it 😻I would love to have a good drink after a hard day's work 😊. I'd like to have a gulp of it too 😁.
Hi Jive, good evening 😃 It's Yamasan. ‼️ I drank it once and it was delicious 😆 I recently had my checkup and this year I wasn't confident at all, but the data was better than last year 😲 I can drink more alcohol with peace of mind 😁.
Hi Jayve, good evening 😃. I admire people who do gastroscopy 😅Jay has never had one and Nobby is J&N's natural enemy because once he does it, he's done 😫😱A drink after enduring the pain of alcohol abstinence and gastroscopy🥹that's Yamazan for sure😚.
Hi, ma-ki-chan! I tend to drink and eat a lot, and since I pair it with delicious local fish, there's not much meat in the menu 💦. I'm always torn between Shinshu sake and other sake 😁.
Hi Pon-chan! I'm a fan of this sake, but I'm not sure if I can buy it in Nagoya from Kansai. I'm sure it would go well with rice bran 😁.
Hi Noodle King, ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀. I too was concerned about my weight gain due to my ligament and meniscus injury earlier this year, but I'm relieved to see that it's surprisingly within acceptable limits 😁. I'm feeling much better now, so I'm trying to find a balance between exercise and drinking.
ジェイ&ノビィさん、こんにちは☀ 毎年麻酔打とうか悩むんですが、通勤が車で片道1時間かかるのを考慮すると麻酔打てないですよね💦 バリウムして怪しいと胃カメラ飲むくらいなら最初からしておこうの精神です
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Since our town Iida was introduced on TV as a town of yakiniku (grilled meat), here is a bottle that goes well with yakiniku! Yakiniku soy sauce and plenty of wasabi (Japanese horseradish) on the ribs. The wasabi softens the delicious fat, and the flavor fills your mouth as you gulp it down. It is endless.
Yamasan純米吟醸 ひとごこち 無濾過原酒
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It goes in smoothly and smoothly on the palate. Strong flavor and sweetness The aftertaste is refreshing! Delicious!
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Junmai Daiginjo Yamae-Nishiki 40% unfiltered unpasteurized sake 720ml Yamae-Nishiki (100% Yaehara rice grown in Tomi City, Nagano Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio 40 Alcohol content 15%. On Sunday, we went to a Chinese restaurant in Nanao to have Bean-curd soup with Bean-curd soup and told my wife that we would return home via Senrihama. I told my wife that I would return home via Senrihama. Yamazan, I brought it home safely. It has a nice aroma, soft and elegant taste, good.
Hi @Mizuhashi 🐦. Your wife's response is wonderful 😆 I'm sure every family feels the same way about their drinking companions 🤣. Senrihama, it's a nice view ✨.
Good evening, Ponchan 🌆. I'm sure everyone has their own daily challenges😅 But I try to tolerate each hobby, or rather, I try to tolerate each hobby 😉.
Yamasan山恵錦 四割純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Zukudase! Shinshu Sake Exploration. This time it's Yamazan, a recent favorite. It is a brand that I am glad to be able to buy in my neighborhood. I guess it is Alps Yeast. Sweet and fruity. It is refreshing, perhaps due to the quality of Yamae-Nishiki. It is easy to drink even in summer.
Yamasan金紋錦 三割五分純米大吟醸原酒無濾過
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Delicious 😋. This is my first time drinking this brand and I can see why it is so popular. It's clean, clear, elegant in aroma, slightly tongue-tingling, yet delicious, full-bodied, and satisfying with every sip. I would love to try another class.
Yamasan純米吟醸 山恵錦・ひとごこち 五割五分 無濾過原酒
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Just the right amount of fruity, sweet and delicious. It tastes like many things, It's hard to describe, like melon or banana. It's hard to describe it as melon or banana, but it's really good! It is similar to the feeling I had when I drank "Ni-Rabbit".

Brands from 山三酒造

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