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酒の狩人 白菊屋

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Rafa papaスピめしバウムboukenちばさんnon nonヒロやんワカ太


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酒の狩人 白菊屋
After a series of farewell parties, we chose "Morishima" (🍶) for our first drink at home in a while. I chose this sake because I was impressed with the taste when I drank it for the first time last time. The aroma was not so assertive as before, but rather the sake flavor came out in full force. Then I took a sip. Dry ⁉️ Sourness and spiciness coexist, and the spiciness and sourness disappear with the sake at the same time as it clears the throat, leaving a refreshing aftertaste. It's another one that you can drink too much of 💦You'll end up drinking too much 😱😋😋😋. Oh well 😍 It's been a while since I've had a drink at home, so I'll drink until I'm satisfied😅.
Good morning, Mr. Baum 😃. Morishima-san's Miyamanishiki ‼️ is so good you can't help but drink too much 🤗. I've only had the hi-iro sake, so I'd like to try the draft as well 😋.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😊Morishima-san is really good 😋I got some fresh sake and I'm really looking forward to it😍but... the owner told me it's still young and I should try to sleep for a month 💤 so I'm patient😅
Yamasanひとごこち 五割五分純米吟醸にごり酒
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酒の狩人 白菊屋
This time of year is a time of meeting and parting, and this year there is a rush of farewell parties🍻 more than usual. So I had been trying to curb my drinking at home a little, but I ran out of sake stock and had to go out 🚲. I was a little tired, so I decided to go to "Yamazan" to get something close to home.... I arrived at the store and immediately went to the fridge 👀. There's a "Yamasan" 💫💦. I'm pretty sure I've had this one before 😅Check with the owner 👂. The owner told us that a different kind would be coming in but it would be a little while before we could get it. 😂. And they only have 1 bottle 😱. Since I came all the way here, I took a bottle. It's still delicious 😋. I can't wait to try the other specs 😊.
Good morning, Mr. Baum 😃. Yamasan! You went there 🤗It's too bad they didn't have Green Label 😢But we were also first-timers here and it's definitely good 😋You're right about the bottle 👍.
Jay & Nobby, good evening 😊It's certainly good here too... but when it's this good, I can't wait to drink more of the others 😅.
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酒の狩人 白菊屋
Today we had "Yokoyama" 🍶 for a long time. The first bottle I drank was a super-hot 7, which made me set the bar a little too high, and the subsequent bottle of "Yokoyama" was a big gap from the shock 😅. The aroma is fruity and unchanged 😍I took a sip and felt a little sourness after the petitiveness, which is also a new sensation 😊I didn't feel the spiciness I felt at first and this time I got a more mature impression 🍶I got used to the taste as I continued drinking 😋, and this is delicious 😋. After all, you end up with a delicious ❗️😋😅
Hi Baum 😃 So it was a super spicy revenge? I'm glad you found the fruity dry taste so good 🤗. I totally agree with you 😋, it all comes down to deliciousness in the end!
Hi Jay & Nobby 😊At the end of the day, I'll settle for a good ❗️ with my standard sake 😅. As long as it's good 😋.
Yamasanひとごこち 五割五分 うすにごり純米吟醸
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酒の狩人 白菊屋
Today is also the first issue of the first issue series🍶 "Yamasan". This is another brand I was curious about at Sake-no-wa. I found it at a liquor store and talked to the owner, who checked the bottle and said "It's young but just barely drinkable"... ❓❓😅😅 I took it with me and opened the bottle and started with the aroma, wondering if it would be better to let it sit for a while. The claim is that it's not that good. I felt a bit of sourness and a little bit of petitiveness when I took a sip, but in the mouth it was clean and refreshing 😍. This is a good one 😱. The word "delicious" is becoming a standard word, but this is really bad 😍. I wonder what this will be like when it's younger ⁉️ and more ripe 😋. I have to give a review before I get drunk😅I'm drinking and uploading my comments with my phone 📱 in hand⤴️ I'm lucky to find another bad one ✌️ I'll enjoy the comments in moderation 😋😋😋.
Good evening, Mr. Baum 🌛Congratulations on getting Yamasan at Shirakikuya 🎉I went there to buy it too 🍶The store staff tasted it and sometimes they don't put it on the shelves if the taste is not good 😅.
Nemuchisan, good evening😊You're right...that's why it's "young". That makes sense😊It's the owner's obsession, isn't it? I want to get it again, and I have to commute with the owner 😅.
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酒の狩人 白菊屋
After wondering whether to take a day off from drinking, I decided to reward myself for all the hard work I put in by drinking my first brand of Morishima 🍶. The liquor store I hadn't been to in a while didn't have the brand I wanted to bring along 😱. I wandered around the store and found 👀 I opened the fridge and found it was the last one 😂Lucky ✌️ Opened the bottle and started with the aroma. A little fruity, but not that much... A sip, and you'll be surprised ⁉️ how it goes from slightly fizzy to refreshing and the acidity is not that bad, it just goes right along with it 😋. This is a winner 🎯 delicious ❗️ Oh man, I'm drinking too much😅. I can drink as much as I want! I'm having trouble choosing the right gift for my wife 😅. More problems to be thankful for 😩.
Good morning, Mr. Baum 😃. Congratulations on your first Morishima-san ㊗️ as a reward 🎉We got addicted to the delicious Miyamanishiki we drank the year before last and drank 2 bottles 😋 I recommend it 👋. Thankful troubles... we have them 😆.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃I have more problems every time I find a good sake 😅I'm glad I'm into sake, my problems are increasing every day and they are endless 😅.
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酒の狩人 白菊屋
We went to Shirakikuya, which we were taken to on our sake shop tour of Kita-Osaka. I entered the store secretly deciding that this sake was a must have. However, I was so impressed with the wide variety of sake at Shirakikuya that I couldn't resist 💦but I knew I wanted it, so I bought it 😊. I am still moved by the story of the Noto Peninsula earthquake disaster. I'm from Osaka, but I'm cheering for you from the bottom of my heart. I think the most notable thing about this Okunoto Shirakiku is its gentle sweetness and flavor. ❣️ It's a little dry. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep drinking it👍. The 300 check-in was by Yukimi in Akita, so I cheered for the 400 here 📣Hirupeko-san also had a 400 with a different Shirakiku from Okunoto, so I was deeply impressed to see that everyone has the same feelings 😊Thank you Rafa-san for guiding us 💕.
Congratulations on your 400 check-in, Wakata 😆🎉I love Okunoto's Shirakiku, but I haven't been able to drink it since the earthquake 😂I donated money for it, but I haven't been able to drink it😇. It's really delicious with a gentle sweetness just like your review 😆🎉.
Congratulations on your 400th check-in, Wakata🎉! The gentle sweetness of Okunoto's white chrysanthemum is really healing 😊I will continue to drink and support you in your quest for healing 📣👍.
Congratulations to Wakata on your 400 check-ins at ㊗️. It is even more wonderful that you got Okunoto's Shirakiku at Shirakikuya! Shirakiku's Shirafuji-san is doing a great job too. Please keep drinking and supporting us, it is important to keep going.
熊谷 朋之
Hello, Wakata! 😄 Congratulations on your 400 check-ins! 🎉🎉🎉 It's so wonderful that you chose Okunoto's white chrysanthemum as a disaster relief! 👍
Hi Wakata-san 😀😀 Congratulations on your 400th check-in! Congratulations on your 400th check-in 🎉㊗️🎉Congratulations on your milestone 🎊The sake breweries in Noto that were affected by the disaster are doing their best to recover, so let's support them by drinking 😊.
Hello Mr. Wakata! Congratulations on 400 🎊🎉🎊🎉. The one I want to drink but don't know where to find a distributor 😭 Drink and support 📣✊ it's important 😊.
Thank you, Mr. Manachie 😊There are quite a lot of fans of white chrysanthemum in Okunoto 💕You are also full of kindness, Mr. Manachie, even making a donation 😊.
Maru, thank you very much😊Yes, I will get my hands on it whenever I come across it, Noto sake👍I hope we will soon have a daily life where Noto sake decorates our table without us having to think about it that way😊.
Thank you, WOM 😊Yes, it has already been May since the earthquake on New Year's Day, and everyone has been working hard for the past 4 months.
Tomoyuki Kumagai, thank you 😊I was able to find this sake at the right time, so I bumped it up to 400 👍I will continue to do whatever I can to help in this way 😁.
Thank you very much, Maecin 😊You are right, I can't do anything from Osaka, but I will support you as much as I can in this way 👍😁.
Thank you, Eririn 😊Where is the distributor? I know, there is a problem 😁I wouldn't have met you if I didn't have this tour in North Osaka 💦I'll keep drinking and supporting you 📣.
Congratulations on your 400 check-in, Wakata! ㊗️🎊I'm glad we could celebrate with the same Okunoto Shirakiku 🥂✨It has a delicious sweet and savory taste like a well-deserved caramel. Please come back to Hokusetsu again😊.
Good evening, Wakata 😃. Congratulations on your 400 check-in ㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️🎉Kiri number in Okunoto! That's great👍I think it's great that there are so many Okunoto reviews from Kansai 🥹I hope everyone can get involved 🤗.
Thank you, Hirupeko😊Well, caramel, indeed‼️Now I would like to go around Hirupeko's recommended route with you‼️Thank you very much🙇‍♀️
Thank you Jay & Nobby 😊I'm sure 70% of the Okunoto reviews from Kansai are the work of Rafa, the reigning sake god 😆✨I really hope we can all get together to make this happen👍💕.
Congratulations to Wakata for 400 check-ins㊗️🎊🎉㊗️ It's a great number, filled with your feelings for Noto and the sake relationship with Kansai Sake-no-wa 😊. We hope to continue both the yell for Noto📣 and the sakewa relationship for a long time☺️
Congratulations to Wakata-san on his 400th check-in 🎉! I wish I could have gone on the Hokusetsu liquor store tour, it sounds like a lot of fun just listening to you 💨 And to win 400 for Shirakiku also shows how you feel about the disaster area ✨.
Aladdin, thank you very much 😊You are right, it is the sake connection of Kansai Sake no Wa, when I think about it, I feel more and more that it is already a miracle that I could drink here ✨We must not let the support and the connection become only for now 😊✨.
Thank you, Yoohee 😊Rafa's tour was really a wonderful tour filled with his personality💕The 400 white chrysanthemum was really a good timing. I was able to meet him at the right time 😊👍
Rafa papa
Congratulations Wakata on your 400 check-in ㊗️🎉🎊 For the sake of deciding, you were struggling for quite a while with other drinks 🤣It's hard to narrow it down to one at a restaurant you're going to for the first time 😁Congratulations on the Kiri number 📣👏👏👏👏👏👏.
Rafa papa, thank you so much 😊I was so worried 😩Shirakikuya, too many good sake is a problem. thanks to Rafa for guiding me at the right time. ❤️
Good evening, Wakata-san😄! Congratulations on your 400 check-ins㊗️🎉🎊Congratulations on your recovery and hope for the recovery of Okunoto's Shirakiku! It's wonderful😊It's one of my favorite sake too😋Let's keep drinking and supporting📣✊🏻
Thank you, Tsubu-chan 😊There are many fans of Okunoto's Shirakiku 💕The soft and relaxing flavor is hard to beat 👍.
Congratulations on your 400th check-in 🎊🎉 I also drank Kochira sake at New Year's 😋. I also drank Kochira sake on New Year's Day 😋It's very gentle and sweet 😊I want to drink more Shirakiku and support it too 🤗.
Thank you, bouken 😊I'm sure you drank Okunoto's Shirakiku on New Year's Day with nothing but love for the disaster area. I'm so proud of you bouken ✨I'd love to meet some other shiragane that I haven't gotten to yet 😆.
Waka-chan, congratulations on your very belated 400 check-in: 🎉🎉🎉🎉 I can feel your love for sake and your celebration of 300 followed by 400 📣 🥰 I wish I could follow in your footsteps 😊.
Pon, thanks for your help here too 😊 we will try our best to catch up with you 👍😆.
Wakata-san, I know I'm late, but thank you very much for the 400ckin! ㊗️🎊✨ I know that more than half a year has passed in the blink of an eye, but I hope that the recovery will come as soon as possible.
Thank you very much for taking the trouble to do this 😊I have heard nothing but news about the lack of progress in the recovery efforts, and my concern is only growing, but I am willing to try my hand at recovery support sake👍.
十六代九郎右衛門純米 八重原産ひとごこち 火入れ原酒純米原酒
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酒の狩人 白菊屋
Rafa papa
Jyugodai Kuroemon Junmai Yaebaru Hitogokochi Hi-ire Genshu 2023BY Brewing No.25 We had a great time with Maru-san at the sake shop 🤣. The next week, May 12, we went on another liquor store tour... This time... With Mr. & Mrs. Wakata & Yuki 😊. Purchased at the 3rd Shirakikuya store ✌️‼️ I'm usually first in, first out, but... I drank all of my bottle of Wakanami 😁... We had this one first 😋. The concept is... The concept is... "For everyday drinking without any change or pretension...". It's a classic sake. Just as I like classic sake 😌... 😌. Honey-like sweetness and refreshing acidity After spreading in the mouth at the same time It's a very nice and clean taste with a slight astringency.... This is an apple at its best 😊. A bottle costs less than 3,000 yen 💴. This is a regular sake 👍‼️ The brewery is located 936 meters above sea level. It is said to be "the closest sake brewery to the stars in Japan"... I feel romantic ⭐️🥰
Hello Rafa papa😄 I recently had a bottle of the same wine, but I didn't know the location of the brewery, so I couldn't enjoy it as much as I would have liked to.
Hi Rafa papa😃 I have to drink a bottle of the highly acclaimed ‼️ this one 🤗As a celestial uncle, I would love to stay at the brewery and look at the stars 🌌🥹.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 I tasted this sake at an event at Hankyu the other day, where it was on display and was delicious😇. I would love to take it home and drink it at home once my fridge is settled 😀.
Hi Rafa 😃Thank you for the other day 😃‼️ a brewery close to the stars is too cool 👍✨I've already opened a bottle of that time, it's a quintessence ✨I'll buy Kuroemon like an apple next time I see it 😊.
Rafa papa
Good morning Lutertemi 😃. I heard that the high altitude is not an easy environment for sake brewing, but they are facing nature to brew delicious sake 😌I would like to drink it again 😋.
Rafa papa
Good morning Jay & Nobby 😃. The concept of 'for everyday drinking without any change and without pretension...' is close to ideal for me 😌 I really liked the taste and the simplicity of the drink 😋 Try drinking it while looking at the stars 🤣.
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasbaye 😃. I see you drank at the event😊This is a delicious drink 😋Shirakikuya is now detected by GPS ⁉️😁
Rafa papa
Good morning, Wakata 😃. Close to the stars...romantic, isn't it 🤣 the slight astringency in the aftertaste made me feel like an apple 🍎I wanted to drink the sake you gave me first, but the bottle ran out first 😅...
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酒の狩人 白菊屋
Rafa papa
Okunoto Shirakiku Special Junmai Sake May 5th is Children's Day 🎏. Maru-san and I went on a liquor store tour... The third store is Shirakikuya😊. The sake we chose was... Shirakiku from Okunoto ✌️‼️ The Noto Peninsula earthquake caused extensive damage 🥲. Dunks for brewing and electrical equipment were damaged. The president and his wife are university alumni🎓.  Mr. Suzuki of Iwaki Kotobuki  Mr. Takahashi of Aizu Musume came to the scene 💨. The mash made for new sake production to another sake brewery 55km away. We made two round trips for two days to get it out 🚛. We were able to press the sake on schedule👍. The sake will be brewed and bottled and will be on sale 😌. This is the sake that remained safely in the brewery in R4BY. I guess this is the sake that was safely left in the brewery in R4BY Thankful to be able to drink it... I had an image of it being sweet. It's drier than I thought it would be 😋. In the firm spiciness It has a gentle, round sweetness and umami. It finishes cleanly and neatly, leaving a gentle aftertaste. It leaves a gentle aftertaste on the palate 🤤. A versatile sake that is easy to pair with any meal 🎯.
Rafa, good morning ☀☀I'm jealous of Shirakiku from Okunoto 😂I haven't been able to get it since the earthquake 😇I'd love to have Tokujun warmed up to lukewarm 🤤.
Rafa papa, good morning 😃Thank you for explaining the situation in great detail😊I must savor and drink the whole episode slowly after reading this👍But I finished it yesterday😅.
Good morning Rafa papa 😃. It may be a miracle that I can drink this sake, so it's kind of gratifying to see it being drunk even though I didn't buy it myself 🥹. I look forward to the rest of your North China liquor store tour with Maru 😊.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 It sounds like you were able to fully enjoy the life force of the sake that survived the earthquake😇. I have not yet hit Shirakikuya on my GPS, so I would love to visit again 🤣.
Rafa papa Good evening (^o^) Sake that survived the earthquake! It is really precious sake. And the other breweries are cooperating in various ways to support it 😊That's really wonderful! It makes me love sake more and more!
Rafa papa
Hello Manachie 😃 I didn't think I'd be able to buy it either, so I'm lucky ✌️5 types were lined up and I had a hard time deciding but I went with orthodox and went with special jun... 😅I thought it would be good heated up but as usual it was gone before I could drink it 🤣.
Rafa papa
Hello Mr. Wakata 😃 I heard that Mr. Suzuki of Iwaki Kotobuki rushed to the site right away 🤣I guess he was able to move quickly because of the hardship he went through 👍Great friendship!
Rafa papa
Good evening, Mr. Aladdin😃. Shirakikuya had a good number of 5 different types of sake 😊you might be able to find it if you go to the distributor 😁I used to see this Tokujun at Hanshin department store 😌Maru and I will be making our next sake shop tour last 😊.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Yasube 😃. I see... the sake that survived that earthquake can give us life force 😳‼️Shirakikuya is not on the GPS🤣Maybe we should not rely too much on GPS 😁.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Mr. Sashu😃. I was fortunate to drink some precious sake🤣It's really great that breweries are supporting each other😊I think sake is evolving and moving in the right direction 😌.
Rafa papa konbanha(o´ω`o)no~~ I want to drink sake that's hard to get. It's fun to visit sake shops with sake lovers. ☺️
Rafa papa
Good morning Erin 😃. I'm glad I got to drink as I thought I wouldn't be able to for a while 😌I learn a lot and have more fun than going alone 😊Thanks for your help in Utsunomiya 😁I had a great time 🤣.
Hi Rafa, good evening. I see you have a lot of shirakiku shop 😳I haven't peeked in there lately, maybe I should go there. Okunoto's white chrysanthemum is too good 😊.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Hirupeko 😃 Shirakikuya had several kinds of sake... and a good number of them 😊 They also had kujo-zake 😌The junmai was unexpectedly dry but very tasty 😋.
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酒の狩人 白菊屋
It seems to be for hot water only, but it can go all the way. Very tasty. The sweetpotato taste. The aroma is wonderful. It is not sharp and easy to drink straight. Even when it is watered down, the aroma is not destroyed and it has a good sharpness.
Ohmine Junmai3grain 無濾過生原酒 出羽燦々原酒生酒無濾過
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酒の狩人 白菊屋
Rafa papa
Ohmine Junmai 3grain Unfiltered Nama Sake Dewa Sanzu Yamaguchi Prefecture has a lot of good sake 🥰. I've been drinking a lot of Amami 💦. I wanted to drink Ohmine for a long time so I went to the store to buy some. What was in the store? 3 grains Yamadanishiki Hi-ire 3 grains Yumachi Hi-ire 3 grains Dewa Sanzu Unfiltered Nama Sake I wanted to drink the raw so I went for the Dewa Sanzan 😊. I rarely drink Dewa Sanzan... I've had... Takachiyo and Hanamup 😅 Very tasty 😋. Nice and fizzy 😌. The sweetness is like melon and the sourness is like grapefruit. The refreshing sourness is like grapefruit 🍊 Nice bitterness and clean aftertaste ✨. Very fruity and fresh 🤤. This was a jackpot 🎯. Happy with a bottle 🤣.
Good morning Rafa papa 😁. I used to drink a lot of Amami 😁 I also used to drink a lot of Otters and Toyo Bijin in Yamaguchi 😁. I also had a choice between the above 😁 Dewa Sanzan, raw 😁 Looks delicious 😊.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 Thanks for checking in on my hometown, Yamaguchi Prefecture 😊. Although, I've only had Oumine-san nigori 🤣 I'd love to try the regular Oumine-san 😀. I would love to try the regular Oumine-san as well 😀.
Hi Rafa papa 😃 We are the 6th largest drinker in Yamaguchi prefecture. We are the 6th largest drinker in Yamaguchi Prefecture 🤗We get many different brands, but I have not been able to drink the 3 grains of Omine at home yet 🥲. I'll try to get some next time I go shopping👍.
Rafa papa, good evening😃You are right, Yamaguchi is also rich in sake. I love Yamaguchi Prefecture and Yamaguchi Sake. ❤️Satisfied with a bottle of sake, Rafa. I saw someone who looked like Rafa at the Yamanaka Sake store yesterday. Did you go there?
Rafa papa
Good morning Ohmine 😃 Ohmine is also delicious but you have to go far to buy it... 😅I really enjoyed the freshness of the raw 🍊
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasubeyesan😃Yasubeyesan! Yamaguchi was your hometown, wasn't it😊Yuki Onna is everyone's favorite drink at Omine, but other sake is also delicious 😋 Please try it 😌.
Rafa papa
Good morning Jay & Nobby 😃 Amami is a refreshing one and Daimine is a bit sweeter, so maybe Amami is better for you Nobby 😅 but it's well-balanced and easy to drink so give it a try👍
Rafa papa
Good morning, Wakata 😃. All the sake from Yamaguchi prefecture are delicious 😋I just stopped by the whatsapp Monodoya sake store on Saturday after tennis 😁I haven't been to Yamanaka sake store for a while 🥲I've only been to certain stores lately 😅.
Good morning, Rafa 🐥. I haven't actually had Omine at home 💦 partly because I can buy it anytime and partly because I know it's delicious 😅I'd like to taste it once properly 😊I like Yamaguchi bundle too 🤔.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Ponchan 😃. The lineup of Yamaguchi Prefecture's sake alone is enough to enjoy 😊I think Ohmine is losing out by splitting the vote between "Ohmine" and "Ohmine"... 🥲I think they are underrated even though they are very good 🙄.
Okunoto no shiragiku活性にごり酒にごり酒
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酒の狩人 白菊屋
Rafa papa
Okunoto Shirakiku Activated Nigori Sake To the victims of the Noto Peninsula earthquake We would like to express our deepest condolences to the victims of the Noto Peninsula earthquake. I sincerely hope that the days of peace and tranquility will be restored as soon as possible and that the reconstruction of the affected areas will progress. We are praying for the restoration of the disaster area and the restoration of peace and tranquility. I hope the day when you can sleep soundly I hope the day when you can sleep soundly in peace will come soon...
Good morning Rafa papa 😃. I really hope so. I feel it is important to remember to continue the support we can give now and in the future.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 I really hope that the victims in Noto can get back to their peaceful lives soon 🙏. As a nigori lover, I'm very interested in this sake... but I guess I won't be able to get a new one for a while 😭.
Hi Rafa 🐦. The nigori from Okunoto looks delicious ❣️ I just pray that I can drink this drink again 🙏. Rafa's sleeping face makes me feel the happiness of peaceful daily life 🐱💤✨.
Hi Rafa papa 😃. We, in Okunoto, have only had this nigori 😢I hope the days when we can drink pickled plums as a snack will come soon again 😌.
Good evening, Rafa papa! This is a nice one you got here: ❗️ It's so rare now that you could say it's a phantom sake👍. I feel sad when I see Shirafuji's instagram...
Rafa papa
Good morning, Aladdin 😃. It will take a long time to recover from this disaster, so we would like to support them as much as we can without making it a temporary stop 😊.
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasbay 😃. I hope you get back to your peaceful life soon 🥺The nigori here is alsobe, but it is very easy to drink 😋I hope you will be able to drink it soon😊.
Rafa papa
Good morning, Pon 😃. The nigori was delicious 😋I hope you get to drink it again 😊I'm grateful for the peace and tranquility of everyday life 😌.
Rafa papa
Good morning Jay & Nobby 😃. I drank this nigori last year too and was hoping to drink it again this year... 🥲I'm glad I was able to buy it in the last bottle, but I just pray I can drink it again 😌.
Rafa papa
Good morning Haruei Chichi 😃. I had planned to buy it at the beginning of the year since last year 😊I went to buy it first thing in the morning on the first business day of this year at a special store 😌It's hard to see the installations... 🥺.
Good morning Rafa! Quick selection of sake for reconstruction. I'm impressed. It is true that the damage is enormous, but we have no choice but to take the pinch as an opportunity, so I don't want them to just give up and close the brewery.
Rafa papa
Good morning, sake-run 😃. You are right... 😌I hope they can turn the pinch into an opportunity to make better tasting sake as soon as possible😊There are some breweries in Nada that have revived themselves that way...
山の壽純米酒 山田錦 燗上がり 辛口 THE KAN純米
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酒の狩人 白菊屋
Rafa papa
Yamatohisyu Junmai-shu Yamadanishiki, heated, dry, THE KAN Suddenly it's getting cold. ❄️ I want to warm up with sake...☺️ THE KAN... The joy of rediscovering heated sake Yamada-Nishiki is used to make what Yamabisu considers to be the The ideal junmai sake The rich umami expands softly. The mild acidity whets the appetite. Warming up the sake increases its flavor. ⤴️ Gentle and goes well with any food 😌. Oden and heated sake is the best 🍢🤣
Good morning, Rafa: ☀️ What could be better than heated sake and oden in the cold winter 😊. I'd like to try Yaman no Kotobuki, I haven't had it yet 🥰.
Good morning, Rafa! I love 🍢 warming up at the end of the year 🍢❣️ most of all, I really like the label design 😆 I wonder if Takimoto will carry this label too 🙄.
Good morning, Rafa papa 😃. I think this avant-garde etching looks great on a bottle of sake 😄. I'd like to try it with some oden daikon and then chase it with some KAN heated sake and say "kooooo" 🍢🍶☺️
Rafa, you asked for me 😁. By the way, it's a very colorful label 😊. I'm sure you will have many opportunities to drink kan sake during the New Year's holidays 😊.
Hi Papa, Kan was heated 😆 🎵 don't worry, I thought it was the late Kan from ❤️🎵, love wins in the end 😅.
Rafa papa
Hi Maru 😃 I found this sake in the mail from Kadoya Sake Shop when I wanted to drink heated sake after the cold weather 😳Yaman no Kotobuki is the second sake I drink since they started selling it last month 😅I would like to try other sake too😊.
Rafa papa
Hi Ponchan 😃 Okan and oden🍶 are the best 🤣I ordered it by email so I saw the label for the first time when I went to the store😁It's a nice Pop label 😊Tastes like rice to drink 🍚 with the full flavor of the rice.
Rafa papa
Hi Aladdin 😃 As you said, I think this label would look great on a bottle 👍‼️ It's a fun design to look at and it doesn't look like sake 🤣I groaned 'kuh' about 10 times last night 🍶🍢😌.
Rafa papa
Hello kan 😃 I've missed you lately kan 🥺High-color is a good description 🤣I think the design combines nostalgia and freshness 😌I'll be drinking kan sake during the New Year's holidays 😋.
Rafa papa
Hi Harry 😃 The late kan is still young and will be missed 🥲 that song has cheered me up many times 😊kan I would like to mourn him by drinking 🙏 I think I will play some background music and drink 😌...
Hi Rafa papa 😀 Oden with hot sake is a great combination 😀. But my wife still has a bad image of hot sake, so it's not possible at home 😅. Now I'm looking for heated sake that even the wife can drink 😀.
Hi Rafa papa 😃 It's hard to imagine heated sake from the colorful and pop labels in the picture 😅I'd love a glass of hot sake 🍶 while eating oden🍢 🤤....
Good evening, Rafa papa. I've never had a bottle of Yamabusyu, but I'd like to try this THE KAN! Just imagine it with oden 💭🍢😋🍶 it would suit me 😆.
Rafa papa
Good evening Yasube 😃 Many people of our generation don't have a good image of hot sake 🥺I have a lot of bad memories of it too 😅but if you drink good heated sake, your image might change 😊How about fresh sake heated lukewarm 😌⁉️
Rafa papa
Good evening, Jay and Nobby 😃. The label may be colorful and pop, but the taste is authentic heated sake 😋 with a very pleasant full flavor spread 🤤Oden🍢 and sake🍶 are the best part of being born in Japan🤣.
Rafa papa
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 😃. I really want Hirupeko to drink it 🤣This is my second bottle of Yamazan no Kotobuki and both were dry 😳It is a very tasty food sake with a very clear and clean taste 👍‼️
十六代九郎右衛門純米吟醸 ひとごこち 活性にごり生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒にごり酒
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酒の狩人 白菊屋
Rafa papa
Jyugodai Kuroemon Junmai Ginjo Hitogochochi Activated Nigori Nama-shu The first nigori of the season was a dobrok-like Kawanakajima nigori... I want to drink a vigorous nigori that makes the lees dance on its own in the bottle. I want to drink a vigorous nigori that makes the lees dance by itself in the bottle... 😊. I bought a bottle of "Active Nigori". After all, it is active... 😁. I want to drink it with a lot of energy,  Open and close the lid slowly to release the gas. ❗️ "Be careful when opening the bottle.  Please open the bottle gently without shaking. This is what you can expect 😆. When I opened the bottle... nothing changed 😅 Hey, hey, hey, hey... 🙄. I started with the top clear liquid... I took a sip and I wasn't wrong... 😮‍💨 Elegant sweetness clothed in lactic acidic acidity... Refreshingly light and petite ✨. A true calpis soda 😋. I've always wanted to drink something like this. The lees mixture calmed it down... It became even easier to drink 🤤. Nigori is still delicious 😌. I can see why it's so popular this time of year...
Good morning Rafa papa 😃 We are in the middle of the season of Licorice ❗️ And you can enjoy it twice as much with the top clearings and stirring 😁. This one looks delicious too! I wonder where I can find it...
Good morning, Rafa papa 😃. I wanted to drink this one too 🤤The snowman is cute ⛄️ Kuroemon XVI is flying off the shelves after winning the IWC Trophy, hope it won't be too hard to buy 🤔.
Hi Rafa papa 😃 I saw this one the other day when I was doing my end of the year shopping 😅I had already gone through quite a few 😢I should have bought it 😫.
Rafa papa konbanha! Is this on sale now? It looks delicious. I think I'll go out to buy some 🤔.
Rafa papa
Haruei Chichi-san Good evening 😃Nigori is delicious this time of year 😋I was late to the party this season so this is practically like my first bottle... 😅But it was delicious 🤤.
Rafa papa
Good evening Mr. Aladdin 😃. I was torn between this and the Yuki-Onna from Omine, but since Kuroemon was a first for me, I went with this one 😌I'm glad I chose this one👍‼️
Rafa papa
Good evening Jay & Nobby 😃. There are so many sake to drink this time of year 😅I was late to the nigori party and couldn't buy most of the major ones, so on the contrary, I can choose freely 😁This sake was a jackpot 🎯.
Rafa papa
Good evening Erin 😃 It's made in November 2023, so I guess it's still available if you look for it 😊There are many popular liquors, so many people might not go through with it even if they see it 🙄I think I've seen someone like that somewhere 🤣...
Hi Rafa! I want to drink all kinds of nigori ❣️ last year, I gave up because the store wife said it was too hard to open 😂I saw the review and thought even I could do it 😳I'll buy some next time I see it 😁.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Ponchan 😃. I was expecting 💃lees dancing in the bottle...not what I expected 😭 but the taste is more than I expected and I'm very satisfied 👍‼️ it's easy to open and if it tastes good it's great 🤣
Hi Rafa papa 😀 I think the nigori is great 😀. We had quite a bit of nigori and sparkling sake this winter, and we have come to the conclusion that we love the shuwashu sake!
Rafa papa
Good evening, Yasube 😃. Shuwa shuwa sake is delicious 😋 wine 🍷 beer 🍺 and of course sake 🍶 🤣 I also love the petit petit with a little bit of foam on the glass 🤤.
Good evening, Rafa! I didn't know this "Shirakikuya" even carries this sake! Ohmine and Okunoto are both high on my list of places I'd like to try drinking 💧, but I'm a hard-core shut-in 💧.
Rafa papa
Good morning, Mr. Sakeran 😃. I wanted to drink Oumine and Nemuchi told me about Shirakikuya 😊I can't go there often because it's far away but the selection is very attractive 👍‼️ this time I went to buy Yokoyama 10 and met this sake 🤣.
YokoyamaSILVER 10 純米吟醸 生酒純米吟醸生酒
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酒の狩人 白菊屋
Rafa papa
YOKOYAMA SILVER 10 Junmai Ginjo Nama Shu One day a man tweeted... "I've been looking for a bottle of Yokoyama 10...  but you can't find it in Kansai... 💦" Then the search for the "Yokohama 10" started everywhere... 😁. They have it there but only in 1 bottle... They only have 7 and 1810 here... They have it at that store but it's far away... I happen to be drinking it right now and it's delicious... etc... 🤣 In the meantime... I found myself buying one too😅 Beautiful drink like a Yokoyama ✨ Just the right amount of sweetness and gentle acidity 😌. Very easy to drink 😋. I can see why a guy was so desperate to find it 🤔. I heard one guy ended up buying it... Yoohee, after you 🤣. It was delicious 🤣
Hi Rafa 😊 I'm one of those who was moved by some guy's tweet 🤣. Beautiful drinking sweet and sour 😍. I have a feeling it's the best 😋.
Hi Rafa, good evening 🌙 I saw this last week, but I went through it thinking it was indeed bad that everyone can buy it at the store 🤭 It looks delicious! I'll get some if they still have them🤣.
Good evening, Rafa papa 😃 We have only had one bottle of Yokoyama 😅 about 2 years ago. We've only had one bottle of Yokoyama 😅I had a bottle of this 10 about 2 years ago 🤗I thought it was too sweet at the time, but I'd like to taste it with my grown-up palate 😄.
Rafa papa
Hi Maru, good evening😃 Maru, you were moved by a certain man's tweet 🤣It's very tasty 😍I think you can expect the best 😋.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Ponchan 😃 Sake is for those who can buy it but not for those who can't 😁I would be happy if I could buy the sake that is hard to buy and the mismatch is omoroi 🤣.
Rafa papa
Jay & Nobby, good evening 😃. Was it too sweet 2 years ago... 🥲I don't like too sweet either so I don't think it's that sweet... 😁I don't think I can rely on it since my tongue is starting to blur 🤣...
Rafa Good evening ⭐︎ Sorry for the trouble 💦💦. Personally, I find 1814 sweet and 7 sweet, so I was wondering about the 10, which is shipped in smaller quantities..., It will be a while before I can drink it 💧.
Rafa papa
Good evening Mr. Yoohee 😃 It was interesting to see how everyone commented on this and that from Yoohee's tweet🤣It's nice to gather a lot of information from a tweet 😊I'll try to tweet soon...what should I tweet... 🤔.
Good morning, Rafa papa 😃. Yokoyama 10 is a hard to find sake in Kansai area. ❗️ I'm in an environment where it's always available, so I tend to pass it up. It's too bulky to keep in the fridge 😄. It's been a while since I've had it.
Rafa papa
Haruei Chichi, good morning 😃. Yokoyama drink is delicious but I tend to pass it by when I see it 😅This time it suddenly came into the limelight because of some guy's tweet 💡😁10 you certainly won't see much of it 🤔One guy is very attached to Nagasaki... 🤣
Hello Rafa papa 😃 A guy tweeted! 😁 Rafa papa I thought you bought it easily but you searched a lot 😰. I'm starting to wonder too 🤣.
Rafa papa
Ao, good evening 😃 Someone tipped me off that 'it's in this store'... 😁 so I didn't have any trouble at all 😅I was going to go to a far away store to buy it but I got it at a nearby store 🤣.
Ohmine Junmai3grain 生詰めひやおろし 雄町純米生詰酒ひやおろし
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酒の狩人 白菊屋
Rafa papa
Ohmine 3grain Namafuku Hiyoroshi Omachi First hiyaoroshi of the year😊. Ohmine hasn't had it in a while... It's very calm like an autumn saké 🍂. From the smooth mouthfeel After the deep umami of Omachi's unique flavor followed by a gorgeous aftertaste. The sweetness and acidity are both very gentle. Easy to drink 😋. I don't actively choose autumn sakes. but to taste the sake of the season in its season... That's not bad at all 😌. I can't play tennis for 3 consecutive weekends due to a sprained ankle 🥲. I'm taking it easy ☺️ Rafa on my lap 😴😴.
Hi Rafa 😃A sprain is sobering and you can't do anything with it so it leaves you with a lot of free time 😩. This three-day weekend, I have to drink from morning till night 🤣❗️ can't do anything, so it's no wonder 🤣❗️
Hi Rafa! I'm sorry about your sprain 😰Rafa looks happy though 😺💕Thanks for the three day weekend, it's all about the drinks and Rafa 😊. So it's early fall sake 😳I like it and drink as much as I can 😁.
Rafa papa congrats on your decision! Take care of your sprain 🙏🙏. I'm sure they won't get mad at you for sitting down and drinking 🍶 because they don't want it to become a habit.
Rafa papa
Good morning, Manachie 😃. My sprain is much better now and I can walk normally even if I can't play tennis 😌, drive to Awaji Island 🚗, plant vegetables in the field 🥦, drink in moderation... 🤣
Rafa papa
Good morning, Pon-chan 😃. I don't drink much fall sake 🍂I think this time last year I was only drinking the standard... 🙄 I thought seasonal sake was nice and I would like to try some other sake too😊.
Rafa papa
Good morning Erin 😃 I see 🙄 just sit down and drink... 😁 sprains have always been rotten and hard to get rid of 🥲I think it's because of my age that I heal so slowly 😅...
Okunoto no shiragikuおり吟醸純米吟醸おりがらみ
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酒の狩人 白菊屋
Rafa papa
Okunoto's Shirakiku ORIGINJO It's been a long time since I've had this 😊. I think it's been a while since I bought nigori together with bouken and Nemuchi... 🙄. I think it's been a while since I bought a bottle of nigori... 🙄. Shirakiku is a stable taste 😋. When the cover of the stopper is removed, it makes a nice popping sound. Automatic bottle opener with a pop 💥. It's very energetic 😀. No automatic stirring... two beautiful layers... Carefully mixing and stirring by myself... A firm acidity with a hint of sweetness... The sweetness is brought out while the sourness is brought out... Gradually, the bitterness emerges and fades out nicely. Fades out nicely... This is delicious 🤤. I drank too much and sank on the floor with Rafa two days in a row Sinking on the floor... 🤣
Rafa-san, good morning 😃This year, there are only a few shirakiku from Okunoto, so I haven't been able to drink much because they are always sold out even if I go to special dealers 😫 Looks delicious 🤤.
Good morning Rafa 😃 White chrysanthemum, since that thing 🤣I missed it a little 🤣Rafa's sleeping face looks so happy and nice 😽.
Good morning! 2 days on the floor sinking🤣Already the 4th picture looks like Rafa 😆I see you are ok to show your face ❗️I want to drink Noto's Shirakiku this year ❣️
Hi Rafa! Rafa looks like Rafa to me too😊😺I wonder if they look alike when they are together✨. I haven't had a drink in Okunoto this year💦I'm going to visit 3 restaurants this time 🚗💨
Rafa papa
Hello Manachie 😃 I see you have less Shirakiku this year 🥲I was lucky to buy Ori Ginjo even though it was a little bit older than most fall sake these days 😋 It was delicious 😋.
Rafa papa
Hello bouken 😃 I haven't seen you since that thing 🤣I had a lot of offline meetings after that so it feels like a very long time ago😅I think I'm sleeping with a happy face too... 😴.
Rafa papa
Hi Yucachin 😃 Actually, I've been sinking on the floor a lot lately...😅My wife has given up and won't even talk to me 🥲I don't have a face to show you, so I'll show you Rafa instead...😅Please drink it, it's delicious Shirakiku 😅Please drink it 😋‼️
Rafa papa konbanha 🥰. Rafa is sleeping comfortably 🥰. In addition, I found ⭕️ ヾ(o´▽`)ノHey☆!
Rafa papa
Hi Pon-chan 😃 I don't know 🙄⁉️ similar 😅Shirakiku was delicious 😋Shirakiku-ya is just 20 minutes away from Kadoya if you drive 🚗 you can't miss it 🤣.
Rafa papa
Good evening Eirin 😃 Rafa really makes me feel good 😊he talks in his sleep....and snores 😁⭕️ is that... 🙄⁉️ maybe that's the thing 🤣⁉️
Hi Rafa papa😊 Rafa's sleeping face is too cute😍 I wish I could sleep with Rafa 😆.
Rafa papa
Hello Mayuko 😃 They look so happy sleeping 🤣 sometimes I get very jealous when I see them, but I am grateful for their healing presence 😌.
Ah! This is the ministry! I'm pretty sure Manachie-san was raving about it, too, and I was wondering about it... Rafa-san, this is Kochikara! I see, it's even better than Hata-san's, isn't it? I'm not sure I'll be able to go there unless I have something to do 😭.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran😃. Shirakiku from Okunoto is delicious 😋Shirakiku shop is a little far away in Takatsuki 😅I think most liquor stores in the basement of Hanshin department store carry it 😌I think the variety is limited though 😁.