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abe Check-in 1abe Check-in 2
Dairy and Yeast November Report 1📝. This day was the usual Sunday liquor store tour, with a corner stop at Dairy and Yeast from Sumino's. Looking in the refrigerated case, I found a normal Abe and decided to drink it 👀. I was reporting on the August offline meeting around this time, so I drank it, thinking fondly of what Lutemi-san had brought me 💡. Slightly melon-like taste, clean aftertaste 🍈. I knew I could never go wrong with Abe no matter what time of day I drink it ✨.
Hi Yoohee 😃. I was just raising the star 🌟 of Mr. Abe 🤗. As you said ‼️ I'm sure you're right about Abe-san 👍
Good evening, Yoohee 😁. It was fun and nostalgic meeting off Hankai Train 😆. I remember a lot of things 🤣.
Jay & Nobby Good evening ⭐︎ The brands you upload are often the same as J&N's 💡. I've never had the Star Series properly, so I'd love to compare ✨.
Good evening, Mr. Lutetemi. ⭐︎ I had a flirtation with Mr. Lutemi at the end of the day, and when I realized I was home with a bottle of abe 💧.
Yoohee, I didn't know that 🤣.
Lutemi 😹👍
Kenbishi Check-in 1Kenbishi Check-in 2
Kenbishi Check-in 3Kenbishi Check-in 4
Dairy and Yeast October Report 6📝. Nada Gogo is boring with all the popular sake❓ If you drink Nada's Nama Ippon, which is released in early autumn every year, you will feel the seriousness of a major brewery and your image may change 💡. This time, I decided to try an 8-year-old aged sake, which is clearly labeled "Junmai-shu" by Kenrishi. It has a prune-like sweetness that flows with a touch of bitterness. It tastes like a light Shaoxing sake, not too strong. Looks good with Chinese food🥟.
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee! I was also able to try a bottle of Nada Nama at an event in Kobe and loved the matured flavor 😊♪
Good evening, Mr. Luteltemi. ⭐︎ You were at an interesting event in Harborland: ⛵️ This ripeness is indescribably delicious ✨ I hope they serve it again next year because it's too good just this time 💡.
山の壽THE KAN純米
山の壽 Check-in 1山の壽 Check-in 2
山の壽 Check-in 3山の壽 Check-in 4
Dairy and Yeast October Report 5📝. I decided to drink it because I thought the label popped so cute. I take the sake for hot sake, but have it cold. The sweetness of pear like Wasanbon (a type of Japanese citrus fruit) comes through quickly, and flows through with a slight bitterness. The bitterness was less than expected and the flavor was mellow. The typical Yamanohisu flavor is still present in cold sake, but I imagine it would be even more fragrant if it were heated up.
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee 🦉. I've been wanting to try this brand, but the label is just right 😆👍and I didn't realize it was for heating 😳It's great that it's good cold sake too!
Good morning, Pon-chan. I think Yamanohisu put a lot of effort into their labels 💡. I was a little bit reluctant to drink it because it's for warming up, but it's easy to drink with few peculiarities ✨.
Thank you, Yoohee-san, every time: ❗️ This one is very stable and really good for warming sake! I have not been able to buy it yet this season due to a refrigerator problem 🤣.
Chichi, thank you very much. ❗️ I guess that's how it's positioned in Fukuoka ✨ I don't heat it up very often, so I'll give it a try next time I buy some 💡. It's OK to store at room temperature, so it should be easy to keep during this season 🍶.
Kunpeki Check-in 1
Kunpeki Check-in 2Kunpeki Check-in 3
Dairy and Yeast October Report 4📝. The day after J&N's welcome party, we still didn't have enough to drink, so we went to a mysterious cheese shop for a corner 💨. Isao Heki doesn't put it in this store, but apparently the proprietress buys it elsewhere and serves the good stuff. I guess it's like Asano-san's guest sake. It has a sweetness like Japanese sweets, and a bitterness that is subtle. It was not mature for a hiyaoroshi sake, but rather light and refreshing. The label is a little too loud, emphasizing "Junmai Ginjo" more than the brand name. I think it would be better to emphasize Yume-Ginko more 💡.
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee 😃. I bought some Isun Heki at a mysterious 🧀 shop, but it's not a special dealer 😳 Not only this sake, the label of Isun Heki is very informative and a bit annoying 🙄.
Good morning, bouken-san ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀. I've heard that they don't deal directly with the brewery and buy from wholesalers when they feel like it 💡. It's a good sake, but I feel like the label is spoiling it 💧.
I asked him if he had the cherry yeast of the Order of the Blue Ribbon. I asked them if they had any of the Isobeki cherry yeast, but they said they didn't because of the poor quality of the previous one.
Good morning, bouken-san! I would like to see some of the famous brands as a standard item in the store because they are sometimes included or not included depending on the owner's decision 💧.
Honkin Check-in 1
Honkin Check-in 2Honkin Check-in 3
Happy New Year 🎍. It was not a very good start to the year, with a series of difficult news since the beginning of the year, but as this is the 10th day of the year, I would like to refresh myself. The post will start in October, when autumn is still in full swing 🍂. The aroma of pineapple is very elegant, and after the second day, it tastes a little more sour and delicious. Personally, I'm a big fan of sourness, so the best flavor was to drink it after a bit of time ✨. 720 mL ¥ 1,460
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee 😃Nice to see you again this year 😌. We drank the Chokaizan, but I happened to mention in my review that it tastes similar to the Honkin 🤗what a pleasure 😄.
Yoohee-san, I look forward to working with you again this year😊You do a great job of posting without omitting anything! I'll try my best to follow your example💦. I really enjoy the sake from Shinshu 👍✨I want to get some when I'm in Ibaraki 😁.
Yoohee-san, I look forward to working with you again this year 🙇🙇 I've never heard of Kaze Sayaka before. I've never heard of Kazasayakari rice before, but I looked it up and it seems to be edible rice 🍚I haven't had it for a long time, so I'd like to get some when I go to Ibaraki too 😁.
Yoohee, thank you for this year 🙇Thank you for posting in October 😁It's great that you post well 😊Honkin is delicious and should become more popular, but I think the production is low 🤔Kaze Sayaka, I'm curious 😋.
Rafa papa
Yoohee, I hope you have a great year 😃Honkin is delicious 😋 Maybe I'll buy some this weekend when I'm on patrol 🙄.
Yoohee, please have a great new year 🙇. Honkin is interested in the freshly squeezed Suppin Taichi that is out now 🤔I wish Hata Sake Shop was closer 😅.
Yoohee, every time ❗️ Happy New Year 🎍. I'm sure this one is highly rated. I like acidic ones too, so I'll look for some. I'm looking forward to working with you again this year 🤲.
Jay & Nobby, happy new year to you: ❗️ You certainly reviewed it as being similar to the real gold 💡. I'm glad too that our posts are often linked ON TIME ✨.
Pon-chan, I look forward to working with you this year: ❗️ No, no, I always see how carefully you post and wish I could follow your example, but I can't do it 💧. I have to ask Rafa to keep it up 💡.
bouken Thank you for your support this year ❗️ You are very quick in your research 👍 I know there are many rice varieties that are suitable for sake brewing ✨. Please visit Takatori too, not just Ibaraki lol.
Nemuchi-San, I look forward to working with you again this year: ❗️ I always think it's great that you attend so many events and review them so well ✨. If it becomes too popular, it will be hard to get one 💧.
Rafa papa, I look forward to working with you again this year: ❗️ You always get great stuff on your patrols 💡. I envy you for having so many places to visit in your neighborhood 🚗.
Aladdin, I look forward to working with you this year: ❗️ I just bought a bottle of Supin Taichi👍. I haven't had it yet so it will be 4 months before I can review 💦. I'm jealous of you Rafa 👀.
Haruei Chichi, thank you for your time: ❗️ I look forward to working with you again this year ✨ I think you will like it because it has a good acidity 👍. Personally, I find the acidity of this gold pleasant ⭕️
Sugata Check-in 1
Sugata Check-in 2Sugata Check-in 3
Dairy and Yeast October Report 3📝. "Fukuro-hozuri", "Oorigarami", "Unfiltered Nama-zake". All these fascinating words are lined up and there is nothing else to do but drink it. ❗️ The pineapple aroma is high and flows with a bit of bitterness. All three bottles had pineapple aromas, but this figure was the strongest 🍍.
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee😃. If you're a sake fanatic, you'll be caught up in the bag hanging bottle enclosure 😁 I didn't know there was such a thing 🤔. I have to drink the figure once in a while too 😋.
bouken Hello 🫴. I'm always on the lookout for the rarest of things 🫴. I've always kept a variety of shapes and sizes in my mystery cheese shop, but I've always passed them up, so now I'm thinking I might buy them in bottles 💡.
abe Check-in 1abe Check-in 2
abe Check-in 3abe Check-in 4
Dairy and Yeast October Report 2📝. We continue with Yasuda Torigoe, a field-specific series from Abe, a classic cheese shop with a mysterious cheese shop. This line is a bit pricey, so I've never tried it before, but since it's only ¥400 at the corner store, I decided to give it a try ✨. Similar to Haneya, it has a pineapple aroma and pulls away nicely. This one was a little more mellow 💡.
Haneya Check-in 1
Haneya Check-in 2Haneya Check-in 3
Dairy and Yeast October Report 1📝. We are finally in October. Another corner stop at the mysterious cheese shop 🍶. We decided to have a bewitching shade of Haneya for our first drink 🪽. It has a slight pineapple aroma and goes down easy 🍍. Being a Junmai Daiginjo, it was quite beautiful on the palate✨.
abe僕たちの酒 Vol. 11生酒
abe Check-in 1abe Check-in 2
It is quite schwarzy and flows smoothly with the flavor of rice. No bitterness at all. The crown is a crown, so I couldn't adjust the air volume, and when I opened it, it spilled over and 1/3 of it was gone 💧. This bottle was designed by the brewer. Abbe always comes up with interesting projects and I end up buying ✨. 500 mL ¥ 2,500
Good morning, Yoohee. ☀️ I drank this one too👍 I remember how easy it was to drink. I remember how easy it was to drink that made me think it was a cider. Is 1/3 of it gone? I'm about to buy it 😭
Maru-san Good evening ⭐︎ I saw your review, Maru-san 💡. Yes, this was an adult cider ✨. I made the mistake of shaking it a bit, not realizing it was a crown 💧. It was so expensive 💦.
Hi Yoohee! I'm afraid to buy the sparkling crown type because I'm afraid of spilling it 😨 And like Senkou and others, they are all expensive...
bouken Hello... I see that Senkou's expensive one is also crowned: ❗️ I heard it costs less than the screw type, so maybe they do that for small production lots 💡.
Haginotsuru萩の鶴×日輪田 HYBRID
Haginotsuru Check-in 1Haginotsuru Check-in 2
Dairy and Yeast September Report 3📝. The cat series is my favorite every time, so I chose Haginotsuru to see what else I could find. This time, it seems to be a cross between Haginotsuru, a fast brewer, and Hiwada, a sake brewed with a fresh yeast. The sweetness was soft and cotton candy-like, but it went down smoothly. There was not much bitterness. The bitterness was not so strong. I have never had Hiwada before, so I would like to try it by itself to learn more about its characteristics.
Sugata Check-in 1
Sugata Check-in 2Sugata Check-in 3
Dairy and Yeast September Report 2📝. The second drink was a first for me. It's one of the standard drinks at the mystery cheese shop, but I've never gotten around to it before, so I decided to have it by the horns 🍶. The sweetness comes on quickly with a hint of thickening, and then recedes with a touch of minerality. I had it freshly opened and it had a good balance of sweetness and bitterness, and it's one that I'd like to continue to pursue ✨. The alcohol was a little high, but there was no harshness.
Hi Yoohee 😃 Congratulations on your first appearance ‼️ 🎉Please follow me 👋 and while I was saying that... we only had one bottle 😅
Thank you, Jay & Nobby... ♪ I noticed after posting that this brand is Tochigi 👀. I had another kind later and it was delicious, so I have a feeling I'll be chasing it up again✨
Rafa papa
Good morning Yoohee 😃I didn't realize that dairy and yeast is also available at the store 😳I didn't realize that because I always go there by car... 😅It's too far by car but by train it's too far and I'll miss my sleep 💤🤣.
Good evening Rafa papa ⭐︎ You can pour about 100 mL or more of any expensive liquor and it's only ¥400✨. If you oversleep, you can still manage to get back to Nishi-Akashi 🚈💨.
山の壽 Check-in 1
山の壽 Check-in 2山の壽 Check-in 3
Dairy and Yeast September Report 1📝. The first cup was a bottle released by Yamabusyu as a relief sake for the Northern Kyushu floods that occurred on July 10. I was curious about this one since Gura-san was drinking it, and then I found it at a mysterious cheese shop 👀. It smells like muscat and flows smoothly with a slight bitterness. The aroma is more robust than a basic dry wine, but the bitterness that is typical of Yama no Kotobuki is still there.
Good morning, Yoohee 😃. I like the label on the Yama no Kotobuki, it's graphical and the colors are bold yet cohesive and fashionable. I envy you that Dairy and Yeast is so close to you! I like the brands they carry and the store 😊.
Good morning Yoohee 😃 I just bought my first bottle of Yamazan no Kotobuki at Kadoya the other day 😊. They all had fancy labels and stood out in the fridge✨.
Rafa papa
Good evening Mr. Yoohee 😃 I bought a bottle of THE KAN at the Kadoya Sake Shop tonight 😁I bought a bottle of this label, too 😋It's so bright and cheerful just to look at it 🤩.
Good morning Aladdin, ☀︎ The design is eye-catching with a good use of sleeves 👀. I wish I lived closer to you, but it's a 30 minute train ride lol.
good morning bouken! I thought you were already drinking 💡. I guess the different types of jackets have different colors, so they will stand out a lot when they are lined up 👀.
Good morning Rafa-san ☀︎ I see that everyone is buying at Kadoya one after another👍. It looks like a good brand to drink slowly in a bottle ✨. I'm looking forward to your review.
Haneya Check-in 1
Haneya Check-in 2Haneya Check-in 3
Pear, melon-like aroma with a touch of schwirling and a light flow. After the second day, the sweetness and meloniness increase🍈. It's gobbleable. I wanted SHINE at the cheese shop in the example but they were out of it, so I bought a bottle instead. I didn't buy it because it's a fresh sake and sold all year round, but when I tried it, it was still delicious with a soft mouthfeel and aroma that is typical of Haneya ✨. 720 mL ¥ 1,720
Hello, Yoohee 😃! Oh! It's finally up 🤗 As you said, it's stable and delicious ☺️ You can't go wrong with Haneya👍.
Rafa papa
Hi Yoohee 😃 I drank the same one the other day 😋I honestly underestimated Haneya 😅It would be a shame if I didn't drink this more regularly 😊It was that good 😋.
Hi Yoohee-san, ☀️ I drank Haneya quite a while ago and it was delicious. Yoohee-san's review made me want to drink it again after a long time 😋.
Good evening, Yoohee-san! I haven't had it for a while but it's definitely a delicious series, I was torn between Ozeyuki and Haneya and went with Ozeyuki💦I should have bought both because Hiyayogoro is also delicious 😭.
Hello Jay & Nobby... I'm so glad you remembered me ❗️ I have a friend who is from Toyama, so I don't often get my hands on Toyama sake myself, but I'm sure you can't go wrong with Haneya, I'm glad I bought it👍.
Hi Rafa ✨ I know, I feel like I'm a little put off because they're a little easier to find, but they're still delicious✨. I found some Murasaki Haneya, maybe I'll buy some next time 💡.
Hello Maru-san! I think everyone is drinking more Haneya this year than last year, so I bought some myself lol. Maru-san, if you see it, please buy it.
Hello, Pon-san. If I had to choose between those two, I think I would choose Oze Yuki too. I mean, I've never had it before... lol! I think Haneya's Hiyadoroshi is still available, so if you see it, please buy it 💡.
abe Check-in 1abe Check-in 2
The sizzling citrus aroma is soft and fluffy, and it pulls away with a slight bitterness. This is a summer version of Abe's that can be enjoyed in a refreshing gulp. Finally, back to the home drinking review, this time I bought Abe Blue at the cheese shop. I wanted to compare the two, but there was nothing special to choose from, so I drank it by itself this time 💡. 720 mL ¥ 2,310
Good morning, Yoohee 😃. We were drinking the same Abe-san just last night 🤗. We both agreed that it was very good 😋 after one sip ❗️ especially Nobby's favorite 🤩I'd like to drink the others too 🤩.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby. ⭐︎ Oh, you had a good time 💡. I like many of the Abbey flavors too, so far I haven't missed out on any of them ✨. This one is refreshing but also has a good balance of umami 👍.
Kin Suzume Check-in 1
Kin Suzume Check-in 2Kin Suzume Check-in 3
It has a slightly squiffy, elegant pineapple aroma with no bitterness. This time we were able to compare it with the fresh yeast ✨. I went out to buy it the day the info came out and got it👍. This one is more robust and has a stronger aroma and sweetness. I think it tastes good on its own and is easy to pair with a meal with a slightly stronger flavor 💡. 720 mL ¥ 2,090
Kin Suzume Check-in 1
Kin Suzume Check-in 2Kin Suzume Check-in 3
It is pithy in the mouth, and it seems to escape through the nose along with the aroma of pineapple. Everyone in Kansai is excited about yesterday's offline meeting review, but I'm still in July💦. The day after Rafa-san was lucky enough to get a bottle of Ras 1, I went there without any expectations and was able to purchase it after another restocking 💡. I also got the Yamahai later and compared the two, but this one was more smooth, not too sweet, and had a better balance 🍍. 720 mL ¥ 2,090
Rafa papa
Yoohee, good evening 😃. Is that Golden Sparrow... 😳⁉️ I already forgot the taste 🤣Yesterday was fun 😌Thanks for taking care of the wandering old man 🤣.
Thank you for the offline meeting, Yoohee 😊thank you for the fun 😆🎶. Golden Chun Chun Continued Luxury ~ ❣️ Sake God's Guidance! Now that I've taken care of you, I'm sure things will be good again 🤣.
Good evening, Rafa. ⭐︎ Oh, you forgot 💦. No, no, I needed some downtime too, so it was just as well 💡. I wish I had time to go to the 3rd party ✨.
Good evening, Mr. Pon. ⭐︎ Thank you for always making it so much fun ✨ All the 🐤 were pineapple and delicious 💡. Well, yesterday I searched for about 30 minutes and learned the importance of companionship lol.
abe Check-in 1
abe Check-in 2abe Check-in 3
It has a light cherry flavor and flows smoothly with a slight astringency. This was my first time drinking the Star Series. The temperature is 5-15℃, and I think it would be better to drink it not too cold. I think it would go well with meat dishes. The label could be mistaken for wine 🍷.
Musubi Yui来福酒造純米大吟醸生酒
Musubi Yui Check-in 1Musubi Yui Check-in 2
Musubi Yui Check-in 3Musubi Yui Check-in 4
It flows nicely with a cherry aroma and sweetness. I think it's the fruity side of Raifuku. I think I understand why many people preferred Raifuku to Sanzen Sakura🍒. Yui Yui is also a special distributor so they always have it available, but I had never purchased it, so I had it by the horns👍.
You're early! Good morning, Mr. Yoohee 👋 Raifuku is delicious, isn't it? I'd like to try the Sanzen Sakura too.
You're early, Sakaeran! LOL! I've certainly never had a proper sansen cherry, so I might want to try it 💡.
Hi Yoohee 😊 I used to be able to buy them before the Yui fire... It's hard to get them these days 😂. I'd like to buy some to support them as well 🥰.
Masha, good evening. ⭐︎ I see, so production numbers have decreased considerably after all 💧. I would certainly like to purchase one if it will help 💡.
Odayaka Check-in 1Odayaka Check-in 2
Odayaka Check-in 3Odayaka Check-in 4
Super slightly carbonated, a bit of sweetness comes and goes. Natural sake is available for sale, but the calm is only available in the corner. I drank it thinking I didn't see it very often, but I was drinking it at Husaye last year too 💧. I was curious about the label and couldn't resist picking it up 🐸. Oh, I also left some pictures of the food and glasses so I'll post them👍 90 mL
Rafa papa
Good evening Mr. Yoohee😃 Do you have only sake for corner 😳⁉️I wonder if the quantity is too small to sell in bottles 🙄The sake for corner only is very valuable 🤣.
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee 🌙 Was it a cheese store? The food here on the corner looks very good 😳💕.
Good morning Rafa papa ☀☀☀☀☀. I think there are some stores that sell Mild, but I've never seen it properly 🍶. I think I chose this time because of the label rather than the taste 🐸.
Good morning, Mr. Pong ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀. Yes, it's a cheese shop, but lunch changes daily and there are Chinese or Korean courses 💡. The seasoning is not too strong, so it goes well with sake 🍶.
Continue to Kochikara👋 This is the corner! That's Kobe 🫰✨! This is so cool 😇
Sake Run, you show up in so many places lol. I don't think anyone would guess from the interior that this is a sake store 💧. It's in downtown Kobe though 💡.
Shisora Check-in 1
Shisora Check-in 2Shisora Check-in 3
The melon-like aroma and sweetness is softly felt and then run over with a touch of bitterness. My impression was that the bitterness was quite strong. I had a corner shot of Shibauraku, which can be found a bit at Sake-no-wa, at the mysterious cheese shop 🧀. Self-serve sake is 400 yen per glass for any brand, and with over 90 mL of sake, including naminami, it's quite a bargain 💡.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee 😃 Mysterious cheese shop 🙄⁉️ I didn't recognize the name of the store as it used to be 😅I see they have a corner shop 😳but I'm driving there so I can't drink 😭maybe I'll have some cheese 😋.
Good evening Mr. Yoohee 🌙😃❗It's a great deal to fill up your Naminami 😃💕I'm glad I couldn't corner the Corona when I was there: ‼️
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee 😃. I see that you can drink brands that are not available at the store at a standing bar 😳I'm a lazy person and I don't have the courage to drink standing bars alone 😨.
Good morning Rafa! I'm sorry, I haven't updated the name of the store since the last one, Yes, they started in the last few months, so please come by JR, Rafa 🚈 It's very close to the station ❗️
Good morning, pyonpyon☀. Yes, the proprietor said it's a pretty good deal too ❗️ The joy of drinking is back ✨. We have a big table in there and you can sit and drink with up to 6 people👍.
Good morning, bouken! Yes, I'll ask next time where you get them from👍. I should have taken a picture of the inside of the fridge case..., It's true, it's fashionable and has a high percentage of girls, right?
Yoohee, konbanhaa. Thank you for purchasing Purple Space🎶. I'm very happy to see your review because it's selling very well in my hometown after the Red Takeshi *. (๓͈ ˘ `͈๓). *
Good morning, Eririn-san! I know what you mean ❗️ I also comment when I see someone drinking local Nagasaki sake 📝. I found a store that has a good selection of Shibaju, so now I'm going to buy them in bulk and compare them 🍶.
