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IbiGOLD BY5原酒生酒無濾過
Ibi Check-in 1
Ibi Check-in 2Ibi Check-in 3
It has been a while since we visited Dairy and Yeast Factory, a cheese shop, Japanese liquor store and wine shop near JR Takatori Station in Hyogo Prefecture, to buy sake 🍶. (The map information on Sake-no-wa is the old name of the store.) Casually looking in the corner fridge, I noticed two bottles of sake 😳! I'm going to have to drink this one 😎. I'll start with the "GOLD Sagami" 🍶. The appearance is exactly like gold crystal. The aroma is clear and fruity with a gentle sweet koji aroma. As the temperature rises, the fruity aroma becomes more pronounced with a sense of richness like fresh melon or mango. There is also a beautiful rice aroma like rice after polishing. The texture is gentle, even thickening. Mild acidity with a sense of ripeness mixed with a sweetness reminiscent of extra-rich peaches and apricots. The sense that the acidity flows down the back of the throat as if it is escaping from a thick yet beautiful layer of umami. A rich sweet umami flavor also appears when swallowing. The aftertaste is a lingering sourness. Wow, it is amazing! It is like a thick, mellow, luscious liquid that spreads through your body. You can tell that this sake was made with great care. I would love to drink it again in 4 years. Thank you very much for your hospitality 🍶.
Good evening, Aladdin 🌛. I see you drank the "GOLD Sagami" 😁. I was also surprised by the complex flavor that can't be described in one word ✨. I'd love to go to a corner bar where you can get two bottles of "Sagami" for the amazing price of one 😊.
Good evening, Gyve 😃. I saw your Daigo series and thought it was nice 🤤 and then I was blessed with a sake connection: ☺️ I was able to spend some intoxicating time with the owner, talking about sake and cheese, and enjoying the sake 🙂.