SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
boukenI've got a bunch of traveling SAKE and home drinking posts, but here first💦. They are released every 4 years. At the end of February, I was out drinking when I got a line. Aladdin informed me that he was going to be selling Sagimi at Mystery Cheez-Iya 😳. I didn't look at the instagram so I don't think I would have gotten it if he hadn't told me. Thank you Aladdin 🙇. Capron type strong upper aroma. Unique rich and strong sweetness. The bitter taste is quite strong in the second half. This sweetness is unique. The bitterness becomes stronger when the temperature is close to room temperature. There is a slight woody nuance. Sourness lingers as an aftertaste. It's a shame, but I drank more than half of it that day😇.
ヤスベェbouken . Hello 😀 I wanted to apply too, but I didn't know where the Mystery Cheese Shop was located and gave up 😢. The other day I visited a mystery chef for the first time, so I would like to participate if there is another opportunity 😇.
マナチーCongratulations on your 3000 check-ins, bouken. ㊗️ If you make it this far, you can dream of surpassing Ichiro's total number of hits 🤣.
ヤスベェP.S...Congratulations on your 3,000 check-ins🎊㊗️ Even after all this drinking, you still have your first sake... the world of sake is very deep 🤣.
ことりCongratulations to bouken-san ㊗️3,000CI Congratulations on your milestone 🎊It's a milestone worthy of the GOLD🤩 of Mr. Imi 🎊It's too dazzling ❗️I want to experience the one and only🤤 feeling🤭KochiraI'm waiting for the lottery results now🎯.
ジャイヴHello bouken, ☀☀☀☀. I thought you were drinking very good stuff, but you have 3000 check-ins, congratulations 🎉! Tremendous number of posts 😲I'll keep introducing you to unknown brands in Fukui 😁.
ルテルテミCongratulations bouken on your 3000 check-ins ㊗️🎊🎉🎉It really is a great number. A rare and perfect shot. I think we have to act immediately.
九蔵bouken, maido 🍶. Congratulations on 3000 check-ins! ㊗️✖️3000🎉 I hope our Spring Tokaido Sake Brewery Tour was of some help to you. We hope to participate in the event with you again (no rip-offs) 🍶.
Rafa papabouken Congratulations on your 3,000 CI ㊗️🎉🎊 You're a Gold🏅 and a Kiri number 🤣It's a drink worthy of the 3,000 mark 😌I wonder how far this number will grow... 🙄.
ポンちゃんCongratulations to bouken on your 3000 check-ins🎊🎊🎊! I wondered what you would drink for this accomplishment....nothing but 👣‼️ great ✨Please continue to enjoy your sake life 👣🍶.
ジェイ&ノビィGood evening, bouken 😃. 😍and congratulations on your 3000 check in ㊗️ 🎉I was wondering if you were going to go for the 3000 check in 😊😆 are really awesome 🥹and...I want to have a shot 😚.
ゆーへーCongratulations bouken on your 3000 check-ins 🎉! I was wondering what you were going to win, and I see you finally had a drink ✨. I haven't posted about it, or drunk it yet, so I'm looking forward to it 💡.
エースGood evening, bouken! Congratulations on your 3,000 check-ins 🎊㊗️🎉 A great number 🎊‼️3I'm at 400 pace in a year, it will take me another 21 years 😱Celebrate with a super rare 射美 GOLD 🥂That's the best 😄.
Mantabouken Good evening ^_^ Congratulations on your 3000 check-in 🎉. You are a Kiri number, and a GOLD👍! I'm glad you were able to tell us and GET it 😊.
遥瑛チチGood evening, bouken evangelist 🌆. Congratulations on your 3,000 check-ins㊗️🎊🎉! Speaking of 3,000, I'm afraid it's old, but it reminded me of Isao Zhang of "Blackmail ❗️"😅 You're also very good at celebrating the number with outrageous pre-drinks👍.
アラジンCongratulations to bouken on your 3000 check-ins: ㊗️×30😳 (I'm glad I could add to your celebration (even though I didn't do anything myself) 😄 I respect your stoic efforts like a sake seeker ☺️
つぶちゃんCongratulations bouken on your 3000 check in ✨Congratulations ㊗️🎉🎊Amazing ‼︎ and great record ❣️ Celebrating with the GOLD of Imi🥂 is the best ✨! We're getting ours too, but we're putting it off until the Olympics 🤣 looking forward to it!
さけランThe ministry is finally here! ✨Celebrate the 3,000 listings! At least in my area, it is unprecedented! Congratulations to bouken! ㊗️ 🎉💥💥💥 They'll be coming soon, right? The interviews 😏😏.
Masaaki Sapporobouken, 3000 check-ins is awesome 👀Congratulations 🎉Sagimi, I've never had it but it looks delicious 😋.
ひるぺこGood morning, bouken ☀Congrats on 3,000 check-ins 🎊㊗️🙌 just when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the 3,000 mark, and a GOLD shot 🥂It's no wonder you are a legend 😆.
さなDCongratulations on 3000‼️🎊 Awesome, is all I can say. I look forward to seeing more of your posts.
boukenThank you Yasbay 🙇. I see you've been to the Mystery Chee shop too😳 I'm sure your range of activities is expanding 😆. There are still a lot of drinks I don't know 🤣.
boukenThank you Manachy 🙏. I can see Zhang's numbers but Ichiro is still far away 😨.
boukenThank you Kotori 🙇. I didn't think I could buy it, so thank you Aladdin 🥺I wish you the best of luck with your win🙏.
boukenThank you Gyve 🙇. I had some ikumi in my fridge so I decided to make this one for the number 😁 There are many unknown breweries of Fukui sake, so please give me another chance 🙏.
boukenThank you Rutemi 😊. I held out to open it and waited until this time 😁. Timing is important as it seems the purchase slot was filled in about an hour 🥺.
boukenThank you, Kyuzo 🙇. Thanks to the sake brewery tour, we achieved the number earlier than planned 😆Thanks for the call 🙏.
boukenThank you Rafa 🙇. I don't buy pre-brewed sake very often, so I'm glad it was a shot in the arm at the right time 😆. I'm sure it will continue to grow as long as I'm alive & sakega exists 🙄.
boukenThanks Ponchan 🥺. I opened it just in time for the kill number as it had been sitting in the fridge for a long time for me 😁. I'll continue to post about home drinking and events as always 😆.
boukenThank you Jay & Nobby 🙇. I'll use it before 3,900 😳. I know it's not your cup of tea, but if you have a chance, please try it 🤗.
boukenThank you very much, Mr. Yoohee 🙇 I opened it this time because I thought I'd miss the chance to open it if I left it any longer. I opened it this time because if I leave it any longer, I might miss the time to open it 😁I'm looking forward to seeing your posts about offline meetings and corner parties at the Mystery Cheese Restaurant🤗.
boukenThank you Ace 🙇. I'm accumulating submissions, so I'm sure I'll reach 3100 soon 💦 I'm glad I was lucky enough to get an arsenal 😍.
boukenThank you Manta 😊 The system was to choose from a mix of GOLD and SILVER boxes, but I won GOLD 😆 I'm glad I noticed the line from Aladdin right away 😁.
boukenThank you, Chichi 🙇. Your remarks tend to flame out 😁. I hope to do my best this year and get another eimi 😊.
boukenThank you Aladdin 🙇. Special Thanks for this post is of course Aladdin 🤗. I would not have been able to buy it if I had noticed it too late, so thank you so much 🙏.
boukenThank you, Tsubu 🙇. I see you are GETTING it! That's a stone 😁. It would be nice to open it for the Olympics 🏅. I think I'll prepare a sake with a name like gold0🤔.
boukenThank you, Mr. Sakeran 🙇. I don't think you'll get coverage just because you have a lot of reviews 😅. I think you will be more likely to be interviewed for your reviews that are accurate and very targeted while making us think that you are a story character 🤗.
boukenThank you Masaaki Sapporo 🙇 I always ❤ you. I always appreciate your kind words ❤🙏Hitomi is interesting because it's a type of sake that doesn't exist in many other places 😆.
boukenThank you, Peco! I was just like 💦. The 🌸 has been falling fast due to the continuous ☔ rain 😥.
boukenThank you, Sana D. 🙇. I know this is not a very helpful post with no vocabulary or expressions, but please keep up the good work 🙏.
まつちよI just realized that now😅. While I was drinking in Hakata 😆. Congratulations bouken on your 3000 CI 🎉🎉🎉! Please keep teaching me about good sake!
boukenThank you, Matsuchiyo 🙇. I'm referring to the weird sake 🤣. I'm having fun looking at all the Fukuoka sake I don't know 😁.