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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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I had purchased this sake in Utsunomiya and found it in the back of my closet (lol). So, I chilled it to a crisp with a recently acquired Lemacom, and tried it. Yeah, it was so cold that I couldn't taste it. I took it out of the fridge two days later and tried it again and it was delicious. You can feel the sweetness of the rice 😊. I personally like it in the fall 😊. It went well with the genovese pizza 😋.
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Ushizukara" was given to me as a congratulatory gift for my transfer to another company. Komami" Special Junmai When I mentioned that I had bought a different label of "Ushizusan" on a previous trip to Akita, I was told that I should drink the black label as well! I told him that he should drink the black label too! It is easy to drink, but I think it is suitable for a mealtime drink, not a stand-alone sake. The drinking temperature is as indicated on the label. I really like Akita sake 🥰.
Shinshu Kireiひとごこち純米吟醸
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I went to Nagano Prefecture on Saturday for a day trip. Our goal was ice cream in Nagano City, but we wondered if there was anything on the way. I went to Ueda City to find a place that sells goat cheese, and I found it near the Okazaki Sake Brewery. I had to go there and bought some. No matter how many times I drink it, it is still delicious. The aroma is fruity, but the taste is not that sweet and you can drink it easily😅. We had it with whale meat that we got as a gift.
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Craft saké has been on my mind lately. My memorable 101 check-in is VERBENA, which I purchased at Young Dawn. It is made at a brewery in Fukuoka Prefecture. It is brewed by soaking lemon verbena in the mash. The taste is refreshingly fragrant with lemon verbena🍋 and tastes more like a lemon sour than a sake. But the unique flavor of sake made from rice comes later. I made a pizza using natural yeast from the Shirakami Mountains and paired it with it. It was a good price, so I will enjoy it a little bit 😊.
Rafa papa
My first sake was Tasake Congratulations on 101 check-ins ㊗️🎉🎊 Sorry I missed the 100 check-in 🙇LIBROM is delicious 😋 I bought it at the main store in Fukuoka last year during the Fukuoka offline meeting🤣.
Rafa papa, thanks for your comment! This is delicious 😋I love sake and want to support the breweries, but I also want to support new forms of sake made by young people like this as well (I just drink it because I like it lol).
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100 check-ins! Adjusting stocks to post because of that (LOL) HANA-YOSHI in my hometown of Saitama ? Huh? The scent is sweet and fruity as usual. But. It's not as sweet as I thought it would be, and it's easier to drink, in a good way? From now on, I'd like to check in at 200 first, and I hope I can conquer the whole country by then!
Congratulations on your first sake, Tasake, and congratulations on your 100 check-ins: ㊗️ I think the impression I had of the Hana-yosu no Omachi last year was quite sweet 😳I see it's different this year 😆 I think I prefer it rather less sweet 😋.
My first sake was Tasake..............................concha! Congratulations on 🎊100🎉! I'm so envious of your home brewing of Hanahiyo ✨✨.
Hello 😃, my first sake is Tasake. Congratulations on 100 check-ins at your local male ㊗️ 🎉 Let's have fun and drink our way to national domination and 200 in 😊.
Hello ☀️ 😀 Congratulations on your 100th check-in 🎉🎊Congratulations on the Kiri number and the Huayouyasute 😍Let's keep on drinking good sake 🥳.
Thank you for your comment, Manachy! The taste is my stupid tongue👅 so don't rely on it.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, my first sake is Tasake! (^O^) Congratulations on your 100th check-in! It's wonderful to see you at the Kiri number in Hahoyo! Please keep on updating us. (I hope you will continue to update us.
Erin, thanks for the comment! I just happened to find Hahoyo at the liquor store where I sometimes get it and saved it for the 100 check-in 🤣.
Thank you for your comment, Maecin! We'll keep pushing forward in search of new drinks 🤣.
Tomoyuki Kumagai, thank you for your comment. There are other delicious sakes in Saitama Prefecture, such as Sairai and Kamikame, not to mention Hana-yoso, so I will update this page in a little bit.
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I went to. The Dawn of the Young Dawn" is being held in Saitama Prefecture. I made a beeline for this, the last day of the three-day event! And a memorable 99 check-ins 😆😆😆😆. And I drank haccoba's Hanauta Pops and Sunny Day Lemonade, which I was interested in the most. Hananuta Pops has a fluffy sweet aroma with a refreshing sweetness. 🌸 Rice and agave and other trendy craftsakes, but I'm enjoying them beyond the boundaries of sake. The third one was a curry with sansho (Japanese pepper), which is made at a restaurant attached to Rice and Agave. It came with iburi gakko as an accompaniment. It was fun 😋.
RaifukuX白 活性にごり酒生酒
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On the way back from our trip to Chiba, we stopped by Ibaraki Prefecture. We heard that there is a place called Hojo Brewery, which stocks only sake from Raifuku. I drove quite a bit and bought this. It's a sweet sake, but it's not that sweet. The aroma sounds sweet, but it's not that sweet, and it goes down easy. Delicious!
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My partner and I went to Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture, for the first time. And at night, we went to a local izakaya (Japanese-style pub). It was a popular restaurant, and if we had not made a reservation, we would have been turned down. The local sake we had there was Choshi no Homare. All I remember is that it was delicious. The third picture is a tempura of swordfish landed at Choshi Port. This one was the best cooked swordfish I have ever eaten ^_^.
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This is an unfiltered unpasteurized sake from a sake brewery that I supported through crowdfunding a long time ago. It had been stored at room temperature in a warehouse at home for more than a year. I was afraid to drink it, but the aroma was still there and I could drink it (it was delicious, but not as good as I expected...). (It was not as good as I thought it would be...) But I thought it might be good if I refrigerated it. So I put it in the refrigerator. Well, let's see how it turns out!
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An old photo, . I wondered if there was ever a time when I drank Jishin? I was looking back at the photos and found this one. It was when I went to Marie Chiba's restaurant (GEM by Moto). Anyway, the pairing was so good that I am sad to say I only remember what I ate, the sake, and that it was delicious!
Fusano KankikuOcean99シリーズ うすにごり無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒にごり酒
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I was looking for a sake from Chiba and came across this one 🥰. As per other reviews, when I had just the top clear sake, it was so clear and easy to drink! I thought it was a bad one, but when I mixed it with Ori, the expression changed completely. I thought it was a bad one, but when I mixed it with Ori, the expression changed completely. I'm going to let it sit for a while and enjoy the changes.
Two days after opening the bottle, the sweetness of the rice flavor emerged from the clear feeling, which I prefer.
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I haven't had Gorin in years. I remember hearing that Gorin was a product for restaurants, and that it was rarely sold to individuals. When I found it at a liquor store in Ishikawa Prefecture, I bought a bottle without hesitation. This time, I had it at a seasonal restaurant where I visited to celebrate my wife's birthday. ☺️ Kurumada Shuzo is probably best known for Tengu Mai, but I prefer Gorin. It's a delicious food sake!
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Now, for the next in our luxurious drinking comparison, we have Tasake's Kijoshu! It seems to be a unique sake among the refreshingly spicy Tasake! The aroma is subdued, and the overtone is sweeter than the usual Tasake. The aroma is moderate, and the overtone is sweeter than usual Tasake, but the aftertaste is refreshing. Ah, the unique aroma of Tasake (I can't put it into words). It's so good! My partner prefers the sweeter Manjusen, but I think I'll stick with this one... 🥳. Now, I'll let it sit and savor it carefully. And beside me, the Manjusen is back to room temperature and I can taste more sweetness 😊.
Good evening, Mr. Tasake, my first sake! I like the comparison of Kijoshu drinks~❗️ I like Kijoshu wine, so I'm very jealous~😌I'd like to try both ❣️ but the price is... 😅
mamiko, thank you for your comment 😊It has changed my image of kijoshu for the better after my first drink, so I'm looking forward to trying some more! If it's reasonably priced, that is!
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At a liquor store I frequent these days, I found a bottle of Tasake's Kijoshu! It was the last bottle, so I bought it without hesitation. And this one was sitting next to it 😐. 500ml 3,300yen😳I usually don't buy. But the owner of the liquor store said, "I don't know any better kijo-zake than this one. Do you know what kijoshu is? We had a 7-8 minute conversation over a bottle of Tasake. I had no choice but to compare it with Tasake's Kijo-zake, so I decided to buy it! It's so good! 😳😳🥰🥰🤣🤣
According to the owner, kijo-zake is made by adding sake to the sake, where water is added during the sake making process. However, many places add cheap sake, but this is not the case here. The image is that of dessert wine.
I just met a bottle that changed my whole concept of kijoshu I've ever had! By the way, I heard that the sake bottle can be used as a single-flower vase after drinking (if I'm not mistaken, it seems to be a famous glass)
My first sake was made by Mr. Tasake Good evening! This kijoshu is delicious 😋. There are different variations. There are different variations of this sake, including raw sake and kijo-zake made with kijo-zake, so if you have a chance, please let me know. If you have a chance, please try it 😆. If you have a chance, please try it 😆.
Thank you, Uta! It's a good price, so even if I find it, I might have to be willing to jump off the clean water stage to buy it (lol).
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I drink too much these days! I have been told that I can only drink twice a week as a rule. I am not a strong drinker to begin with, so I can only drink 2 gou of alcohol at home (tears). But I almost opened a four-pack of sake in one night with my partner at our local restaurant, SARA in Saitama. SARA from my hometown in Saitama, Japan, with just the right amount of fruity and sweetness that you can feel on your tongue: ☺️ I regret buying it in November and not drinking it so far 🥲. If I come across it, I'll definitely buy it: 😤😤😤
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Drinking, the third kind, is here. The blackboard at the store reads "Matsumidori" in hiragana. The label on the front is "Matsumidori" and the label on the back is "Matsubiyu". The label on the back is "Matsumi-Yu" (≧≦) Well, it's stylish ☺️ But the sake tasted clean and easy to drink without being pedantic. I could detect a bit of character in the overtone, but I'm not sure. 😆🤣