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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Wankappu Check-in 1Wankappu Check-in 2
Last fall, I offered this ozeki to my father and grandfather when they visited their graves. My aunt let me have it because there was no one to drink it and it could be used for cooking. I put it next to my father's picture for now. I was a beer drinker, but I drank Ozeki for the first time without thinking. I thought, "It's delicious. That's what I thought. That was the beginning of my interest in drinking sake. I came to know about Yumemiru Hitsuji when I saw it on Sake-no-Wa and Sake Time. Alcohol content is between 11 and 12 degrees. The rice polishing ratio is 78%. It's a little rough, but it's not too sweet, so you can drink it in one cup. If you're not satisfied with amazake, this may be just right for you. I didn't understand this when I was younger, but I think it's important to be able to buy it easily. It's a little bit of happiness to be able to buy it at a convenience store on your way home from work or whatever. That's the image I have of Ozeki-san.
Ubusuna Check-in 1Ubusuna Check-in 2
I was curious about this sake when I saw many people opening bottles at the end of last year. When I saw it at a liquor store, I immediately put it in my basket and kept it carefully until today. I've decided that I'm going to have my husband open the special sake when he's around. I told him, "It seems to be sizzling," and opened the bottle. Pop! We were both a little surprised to hear the sound. The aroma was subdued. When you pour it into a glass, you can see it fizzing. The taste is nice and easy to drink. The sweetness and sourness are like apples, with a bitterness in the latter half, which makes it refreshing. The alcohol content is 13 degrees. Yamada Nishiki. According to the official website, the label represents the image of bacteria and microorganisms that are necessary for the soil. The back of the label is also cute, with a horse drawn on it. It is now one of my favorites.
Tenbi Check-in 1Tenbi Check-in 2
The first day of the three-day weekend. I finished my favorite Yamamoto Nigori, so... okay, let's open the bottle. Today's sake is Amami. Junmai Ginjo Nama Genshu. The aroma is... Well, it smells completely different from any other sake I've had recently. I guess this is what you call a gassy feeling. It's a stimulating aroma with no rice-like flavor. When I put it in my mouth, it tastes different from other sake I've had recently. I wonder what it is. What does it taste like? Ah, yes, coffee. The taste from the mouth to the nose is like freshly ground coffee. It's gorgeous, and yet it goes in beautifully. It's just... I was surprised. Sake is made from rice, but it can be expressed in so many different ways. I enjoyed it so much that I would like to try many different kinds of Tenbi-san as well. My favorite ◎.
Hououbiden Check-in 1Hououbiden Check-in 2
Today is the day that the person who has taken care of me since I came to my current workplace was ordered to be transferred. I was thinking a lot of things that didn't add up, but I'm a working person who can't do anything about it, so I opened the bottle. Today's sake was Hououmita Black Phoenix. My husband, who can't drink, smelled it and said, "Real Gold? I smelled it too and said, "It's true. No, no, no. I always keep a record of how many times I sip it and check it, but this liquor changes so quickly... The aroma is more robust than at first, and the sweetness and acidity are becoming clearer. Even when I first sipped it, I found it slippery and tasty, but now it's juicy and delicious. The label is cool and I will try to keep it well peeled off.
Do Check-in 1Do Check-in 2
I started work yesterday, and today was my day off, so I went to a certain liquor store. I bought a lot of sake for this month. And I bought a bottle of nigori sake for this month too. It's Yamamoto Shuzo's Hakubakudo. When I opened it, I was nervous that it would spurt out, but it opened rather easily. It has an alcohol content of 15. The aroma is a sweet scent of rice. It looks like it's very sloppy, but it's surprisingly smooth. Maybe it's because it's on the top clear side. I wonder if it is more sloppy in the second half. I'm excited to enjoy the changes. The fizzy feeling on the tongue is also good. The sweetness is not completely absent, but the sourness and bitterness also collaborate to create a refreshing aftertaste. It's somewhere in between rough and silky. At any rate, it's also delicious. It hasn't been long since I started keeping track of my sake, but I'm happy to be able to enjoy the variety of sake I encounter.
On January 22, I came across it again at a local liquor store and bought a bottle again. I've decided that I'm addicted to this sake. The first time, I mixed it sparingly, but it became sloppy in the second half, so this time, after opening the bottle, I turned it upside down a few times and had it thicker all the way through.
Aramasa Check-in 1
Aramasa Check-in 2Aramasa Check-in 3
I'm going to drink it on New Year's Eve. Shinsei's Flax Cat♪ I thought that I wouldn't be able to find any of Shinsei's sake even at their special shops... I thought that I would never be able to find Shinsei-san's sake, but I found it, and I was very excited until today. Now it's time to open the bottle. The aroma is modest. The taste is... Oh, sake? It's made from rice? It's so clear, sour, sweet, and tangy without any peculiarity. I've been thinking about what it's similar to, and I think it's apples. Crystal clear apple juice. Just a complex sourness, also the smell and taste after some time... It would be a shame to describe it as apple juice! Maybe those of you who like the old, the ⭐︎ sake will yell at me that it's not sake, but... Flax cat, you are delicious.
Hakkaisan Check-in 1Hakkaisan Check-in 2
I'm going to drink tomorrow and the next day, so I might as well take a rest day. However, I opened the bottle after taking a bath. Today we'll be drinking Hakkaisan Foamed Nigori Sake. This is the type that lists carbon dioxide as an ingredient. The opening is a crown, so you can't store it. But I'm sure I'll finish it in no time. Compared to yesterday's Suzune, it has more alcohol and less sweetness, so it's refreshing to drink. It's easy to find, so you can easily enjoy the gori foam.
Suzune Check-in 1
Suzune Check-in 2Suzune Check-in 3
Tomorrow I'm going to buy fish first thing in the morning, so I chose a light sake for today. It's Ichinokura's Suzune. I read the back of the bottle and realized it was nigori for the first time, so I turned it upside down a couple of times and opened the bottle. The aroma was a hint of sweet sake. The color is already slightly muddy. It's also rather springy. It tastes like a lactic acid drink or a sports drink, with a refreshing sweetness and fizz. The alcohol content is very low at 5%, so it doesn't feel like alcohol at all. To be honest, since I don't like Mio, I avoided it, but it's not too sweet and it's easy to drink. If it were me, I thought I would recommend this sake to beginners.
Kamoshibitokuheiji Check-in 1Kamoshibitokuheiji Check-in 2
I've finished work. Today's sake is It's La Maison by Jyoshito Kuheiji. It requires refrigeration, so the aroma is subdued immediately after opening the bottle. It's more like a white wine than a sake. It is light in the mouth and slightly carbonated. Ah, it's delicious. When it is cold, it is easy to drink like a light white wine. After a while, the aroma becomes clearer and you can enjoy the well-balanced sweetness, sourness and bitterness. It's light and easy to drink, so it was perfect to open today, the last day of work. However, I'll be busy preparing for New Year's Eve tomorrow, so I'll be sure to add a chaser so I don't get drunk.
Takomama-san konbanha(´∀∩) I saw it at the last shopping trip, but it didn't fit in my cooler box, so I passed it by (>_<) It's delicious❣️. I'll try to buy it next time🎶.
Hi Eririn, nice to meet you and good evening. This baby is reasonably priced, easy to drink and delicious😊I think it's good for everyday use or drinking with friends...
Miyozakura Check-in 1
I'm feeling good today, and I still want to drink. I'll have a panda cup. I think it's great that it's so easy to drink in one cup. Some breweries have cute packages with deer or cats on them, and it's nice to be able to try a small amount of the sake you're interested in. So here we are, opening the package. The color is yellowish. The aroma is sour. It's sweet and sour. The taste is also rather sour. Although it does not go as much as vinegar. You can feel both bitterness and sweetness, but sour is the first impression in the sake. Merry Christmas, as I borrowed my father's sake and I think I have to go buy a new one tomorrow.
Zaku Check-in 1Zaku Check-in 2
Today's drink for Christmas Eve is Saku Honochi The aroma is quite pleasing. It tastes moderately sour and sweet. It's not too sweet, so you won't get bored with it. It says on the label to drink it chilled, so we had it cold. My favorite
Kazenomori Check-in 1Kazenomori Check-in 2
Today, while preparing stewed tuna We will have Kaze no Mori Akitsuho 657. The aroma is modest. The taste is a little sweet and slightly carbonated. After that, it has a peculiar bitter taste. You don't feel much alcohol, but the alcohol content is not bad, so it's a drink to be careful with. As it says on the label, it's grapes. It's more like a Shine Muscat, juicy, sweet and slightly carbonated. I thought I might like fizzy drinks while drinking it.
Hirotogawa Check-in 1Hirotogawa Check-in 2
I have to work tomorrow, but I gave in to temptation. I opened a bottle of Hirotogawa Special Junmai. I'll have it at room temperature. The aroma is modest and elegant. I couldn't help but smile at the gentle sweetness in my mouth. It is soft and gentle But it is delicious. I'm going to hold back with two cups today and enjoy it again on the weekend.
長兵衛 Check-in 1長兵衛 Check-in 2
It is the season when you can get various kinds of sake at mass merchandisers. This time, we have One Cup Ozeki's Daiginjo sake, Osakaya Chobei. The aroma is refreshing, but there is a strong scent that is unique to Shoal. The moment you put it in your mouth, it's sweet! Maybe it's because I don't feel the acidity, but it's not as sweet as syrup, but it's rather sweet. It's sweet when it's chilled in the refrigerator, so it's probably even sweeter at room temperature. This time I compared it with a popular sake, so I couldn't express it well in words. I apologize for that. By the way, I used the background as a work that my child made in arts and crafts this time. It's the world of the picture book, "The Chair of Please".
Senkin Check-in 1Senkin Check-in 2
My first record is a snowman. They only sold one bottle, so I bought it. It tastes just like it is rumored to be Calpis for adults. Of course, it's not as sweet as real Calpis. The aroma is sweet, and when you put it in your mouth, you can feel the sourness, followed by the astringent bitterness, and the gaseous feeling makes you feel Calpis. The feeling of having drunk alcohol comes afterwards. Be careful not to drink too much.