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Aramasa Check-in 1
Aramasa Check-in 2Aramasa Check-in 3
I'm going to drink it on New Year's Eve. Shinsei's Flax Cat♪ I thought that I wouldn't be able to find any of Shinsei's sake even at their special shops... I thought that I would never be able to find Shinsei-san's sake, but I found it, and I was very excited until today. Now it's time to open the bottle. The aroma is modest. The taste is... Oh, sake? It's made from rice? It's so clear, sour, sweet, and tangy without any peculiarity. I've been thinking about what it's similar to, and I think it's apples. Crystal clear apple juice. Just a complex sourness, also the smell and taste after some time... It would be a shame to describe it as apple juice! Maybe those of you who like the old, the ⭐︎ sake will yell at me that it's not sake, but... Flax cat, you are delicious.