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Kamoshibitokuheiji Check-in 1Kamoshibitokuheiji Check-in 2
I've finished work. Today's sake is It's La Maison by Jyoshito Kuheiji. It requires refrigeration, so the aroma is subdued immediately after opening the bottle. It's more like a white wine than a sake. It is light in the mouth and slightly carbonated. Ah, it's delicious. When it is cold, it is easy to drink like a light white wine. After a while, the aroma becomes clearer and you can enjoy the well-balanced sweetness, sourness and bitterness. It's light and easy to drink, so it was perfect to open today, the last day of work. However, I'll be busy preparing for New Year's Eve tomorrow, so I'll be sure to add a chaser so I don't get drunk.
Takomama-san konbanha(´∀∩) I saw it at the last shopping trip, but it didn't fit in my cooler box, so I passed it by (>_<) It's delicious❣️. I'll try to buy it next time🎶.
Hi Eririn, nice to meet you and good evening. This baby is reasonably priced, easy to drink and delicious😊I think it's good for everyday use or drinking with friends...