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美味しかったけど酔っ払っててうろ覚え。 無駄の多い20代を過ごしてしまいましたが とある日本酒バーで酒の好みを話したところ 嘗て無いほど旨い日本酒との出逢い! (巌 特別純米酒 ひやおろし) 一杯一杯の記憶を積み重ね それに匹敵する日本酒を探したいです。 次の日に残らないのは二合まで。 勢いで四合までは飲めるけど次の日は廃人。 己を知り、酒に飲まれない30代を目指しています。

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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It tastes gorgeous, like a Junmai Daiginjo! The bottle's appearance makes me want to drink it straight from the bottle, but But I would carefully transfer it to a sake cup and drink it while enjoying the aroma! The weight of the bottle is just right, so you can enjoy it slowly. Wooooo! When I came to work yesterday, I saw a silver bottle sitting on my desk... "What...?" I thought it was whiskey, but it was sake. If I tell the public what I like, I can sometimes get a gift. I realized again that I should mention it in various places. This is the first time I've seen this package. Cool! Unfortunately we were not there, but an acquaintance who came on a business trip He said he had left some local sake for us. I suppressed my desire to drink it right then and there...! I did my best to enjoy my evening drink...!
Nishinomonひとごこち 無濾過瓶火入純米吟醸無濾過おりがらみ
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At a friend's house that has been turned into a sake brewery. The sister of the supplier (laugh) said, "It looks like a ramune. She said, "It's like rum. When I drank it, it had a refreshing sweetness. It really is like a Ramune. There is no gassy feeling, but it's like a stale rum. Not just sweet and tart. It has a refreshing sweetness. It is easy to drink on its own.
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Drunken Whale series at a friend's house. I've never seen this one before. I think I often see this whale with its whole body drawn on it. Hokkaido rice. It tastes similar to junmai ginjo... It was sweet and tangy. My friend on the guest side, whom I hadn't seen in a while, was lying crushed. The best hospitality.
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Sweet and very easy to drink! I can gulp it down light! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! A home tavern was opened at a friend's house in the neighborhood. The curtain was also prepared by another friend to commemorate the opening and it was too good to be true.
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Thick and sweet in the mouth. It is tangy and passes through the nose. Sake-like feeling. It tastes best when chilled to a crisp as recommended. When warmed up, it tastes bitter and hard to drink. Wooooo! This is the second bottle at the liquor store I discovered the other day. What's with this middle-of-the-road label? But "Enjoy the powerful flavor." I bought it because I was attracted by the words "Enjoy the powerful flavor. I also chose a lower acidity level than the previous bottle. But was the mouthfeel better than last time? I can't tell from the numbers alone....
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Sweet but not fruity. Not too much through the nose, but stays in the mouth. The sweetness and richness of the rice is firmly felt. It is freshly squeezed, as if freshly squeezed. I drank it with the Kakuni with a glass of water. Wooooo... Found a liquor store in the neighborhood of my local supermarket! From the "soon to be gone sake" section. They all have carefully written descriptions. The description matches the feeling of drinking this sake as well. I would definitely like to go back. I'll definitely go back again.
GekkeikanTHE SHOT 鮮やかジューシー純米
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I can drink it easily as it is. I thought it was more fashionable than a single cup, so I bought a packet. The result is active for online drinking. Bright and juicy as it is. Sweet and fresh, with a 14% alcohol content. It has a mouthfeel that makes you drink it like a chu-hai. The snack is a whole hanpen. So far, it has been baked with cheese and mayo I've been seasoning them without question Recently, I realized that it tastes good enough to eat as it is. Although it is sometimes treated as a healthy food Biting straight out of the bag gives it a junk food feel It is also delicious.
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It was sold only at 7-Eleven. I didn't know there was such a thing, so I bought one. At first, it seemed dry, but as I drank more and more of it But as I drank more and more, it became sweeter and sweeter. But I couldn't taste much flavor...
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This is a set of 6 bottles of Junmai-shu (pure rice wine) made with high quality sake rice from Niigata. This set allows you to easily compare the individuality of the six breweries." ↑I bought the set and brought it to a friend's house. I brought it to my friend's house. I stamped the paper cup to make it easier to recognize. I think it was a good idea, but I think it was a good idea, but in the end I couldn't tell which one was which after drinking for a long time. The third green bottle from the left is the best. It was clean, light, and easy to drink. The green bottle, third from the left, was the cleanest, lightest, and easiest to drink. All of them are easy to drink and delicious... 、、、、? At the end of the day, I ended up pouring the wrong cup.
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I had this at my in-laws' house. It's been a while since I've had ginjo sake. It has no peculiarities and is sweet and easy to drink. This was the first sake I gave to my father a long time ago. This was the first sake I ever gave to my father. At that time, I didn't even know what kind of sake there was. I didn't even know what kind of sake there was. Now, I know that this is not my father's favorite. I now know that this is not my father's favorite. Laughter
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It was created in pursuit of "the taste of heated sake. As we said, it feels gentler when heated lukewarm. It's very soft on the palate, sweet and mellow. It's a little more tangy at room temperature. However, the aroma was a little unpleasant. Even after drinking it, this aroma kept escaping from my nose. I wish I could just taste it, but I picked my nose and drank it. It's very funny, and the amount of breath It's not worth it. It's sweet, but a little twangy. What does this smell like in general? Some sites say it smells like caramel, others say it smells like savory rice. I think I like the smell of caramel, but... But is it because it comes with pudding? I'll check it when I have a chance to smell it by itself. Woohoo! To the delicious reviews here. It says it's a Seven-Eleven purchase, and I looked for a few places, but couldn't find it... However, even in the same convenience store, the liquor they carry is different. But it turns out that the same convenience store carries different liquors, even within walking distance. After all, I was caught in the phrase of "thick and delicious mouth I went to the trouble of buying it on Amazon. The first economic contribution by this app.
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Drinking out after a long time. Very pleasant from noon with friends in the neighborhood. Menu From "Surprisingly Delicious Hot Sake". Order something with a strong rice flavor③. I didn't like it because it smelled more like ginjo than rice flavor. I felt it was more intense when it was hot, so I left it alone. I drank it again when it had cooled down, but I still didn't like it. The color was a little brownish. In general, I found out that I don't like colored sake.
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I was getting drunk, so I went for cold sake. It was recommended that it has no ginjo aroma. It has a refreshing sweet aroma. It smells more like a melon. It is sweet and refreshing. It is said that it was stored in the snow before being heated. The label is also very cute. -It is said that it is matured at a constant temperature of 2℃, and only the astringency is removed and the sweetness remains. As explained, it is very easy to drink. The sake brewer passed away and there was no plan to make it this year. but this shop was able to get it specially. It was the last bottle of the year, so it had a story behind it. The story of the master made it even more delicious.
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Drinking out after a long time. Very pleasant from noon with friends in the neighborhood. Menu From "Surprisingly Delicious Hot Sake". Order something with a strong rice flavor (2) Sweet aroma, not harsh at all. It's cleaner and a little more acidic than (1). I think I like it better than (1).
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Drinking out after a long time. Very pleasant from noon with friends in the neighborhood. Menu From "Surprisingly Delicious Hot Sake". Order something with a strong rice flavor. A sweet aroma that doesn't sting at all. Like a sweet soy sauce? I could smell it all the time and not feel like I was drinking. The mouthfeel is like sweet sake. It was delicious and rich in flavor.
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I was able to buy it at Lawson. Sweet aroma. Cold sake is refreshing and easy to drink. It has more sweetness than umami. As it gets warmer, it starts to taste a bit bitter. It's hard to find a sake that's refreshing even when it's warm...