いとう猫Shirayuki純米吟醸酒 生原酒Konishi ShuzoHyogo8/19/2024, 11:09:52 AM8/19/202417いとう猫The fruity taste that can only be achieved by ice aging is amazing! This is sweet and delicious!Japanese>English
いとう猫お館様八巻酒造店Yamanashi8/11/2024, 2:18:40 PM13いとう猫It is delicious. It lives up to its claim that you can taste the unique richness of junmai. Is it sweet enough? I went all cold, but I failed to mention that warm heating is also recommended. Summer is bad.Japanese>English
いとう猫Sawanoiさわ音Ozawa ShuzoTokyo6/24/2024, 10:55:40 AM14いとう猫Can you taste and feel the alcohol? Delicious when chilled to a crisp. Good for dinnerJapanese>English
いとう猫飛騨のどぶWatanabe ShuzotenGifu5/27/2024, 11:09:13 AM5/27/20243いとう猫It's very thick. About the size of nectar. I don't see anything about shaking it well, but you shake it, right?Japanese>English