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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


OosakazukiSAKE DI PASTA Light‼
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At Makino Sake Brewery We stopped by on our way to Kusatsu Onsen and talked with the store's brother about many things. He told us that Takasaki City in Gunma Prefecture, where the brewery is located, has long been a flourishing wheat producer and has many pasta shops. A quick Google search shows that Takasaki is the number one pasta town in Japan! Gunma prefecture has the 1st largest number of Italian restaurants per capita! Oh I didn't know that 🍝. I was recommended the "SAKE DI PASTA" series of pasta drinks, of which there are three types, and I chose the "Light! which goes well with oil-based pasta such as peperoncino. It is fruity, juicy, and light. It is also delicious on its own without pasta 🍶✨. I also learned about the Maccho series I posted earlier (which for some reason is not available at the brewery), and bought another bottle of a different sake made from a different type of sake. Looking forward ✨
OosakazukiMACHO FUSION 80 山田錦×愛山 純米
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At Anzai Shoten in Kusatsu Onsen Macho series with a big impact! Low-pasteurized is high-protein, in other words, macho! It's sharp! The rice is a fusion of Omachi O O Aizan, which gives the image of Oka Macho! A playful and stylish presentation ✨ The taste is fruity and completely belies the expectations of the label! Mecha Macho 💪.
Zarusohorai純米吟醸 赤ラベル
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Now try the red label! The red label is more fruity and delicious than the green! The mild, refreshing sweetness on the tongue is delicious 🍶✨. But I remember it was even more fruity than the one I remember from the pub where I drank it before. Maybe the taste was boosted by the food and the fun atmosphere with friends 😁.
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Delicious local alcoholic beverages at the izakaya I bought this sake because it was sold at a local supermarket! There was a green label junmai sake and a red label junmai ginjo, but I didn't know which one I had at the izakaya, so I bought this one for now. Well, here it is! It was a little fruity, with a hint of rice sweetness. It is easy to drink, with a slight alu-ness that is refreshing! It's delicious with fries 🍶✨. But the one I had before was more fruity, so it might be the red label, I'll buy the red label next time.
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Hot summer is a shoo-in. The platinum-colored label is stylish, reminding one of the Olympic torch! The slightly smaller capacity is also stylish! I saw this at Sake-no-Wa and was curious about it. When I drank it, I found it to be moderately carbonated and sweet like muscat! I drank the first glass in a wine glass, but I can enjoy this sweetness better in a vessel like an inokuchi or shot glass! Stylish and delicious 🍶✨
Michizakura純米大吟醸 彗星45
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Souvenirs of your trip to Hokkaido I went to "Sanzen Sakura Sake Brewery", a sake brewery that moved from Gifu to Higashikawa in Hokkaido! Higashikawa-cho has water and rice, but no sake, so the town was lured with a public-private partnership system! A month after our trip in June, we finally opened a bottle of this chilled sake! Fruity! This is probably the best sake I've ever had! The fruity flavor melts on the tongue and then recedes quickly without any lingering aftertaste. I love it 🍶✨ We took a ferry and car trip, so we didn't take a plane, but Higashikawa is a nice place with Asahikawa Airport nearby, Biei and Furano. The lavender photo is Furano, same color as the label💜.
Masaaki Sapporo
Mota, I see you went to the Sanzakura Sake Brewery ✨The country setting is a nice touch 😁.
Masaaki Sapporo, a beautiful sake brewery in the middle of fields and waterways. There were also stylish stores in the town, which was very mysterious 😁.
Imanishiki特別純米 中村川のたま子 生酒
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Rewards after a health checkup, part 2 Cute tadpole with a cute label, a fanny octopus object in the restaurant, and a fun holiday~! Food and drinks are only good if you have a healthy body, don't drink too much 🍶✨.
十六代九郎右衛門純米 ひとごこち 火入れ原酒
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Rewards after a medical checkup, Part 1 Best only for lunch! Kitchen 078 is a restaurant 🐙 that serves craft beer and sake, with the octopus from Akashi, Hyogo Prefecture as a guess. After the first craft beer, this one with a long name! Kuroemon XVI! Yum 🍶✨
Good evening, Mr. Mota 😃. Thanks for the checkup 😌A lunchtime drink over the mountain is a great reward 🤗I'm sure it's one of the best! The octopus looks delicious too 🐙😋.
Jay & Nobby, I was pleasantly intoxicated because I had a checkup without breakfast or lunch w this 16th generation Kuroemon was replaced 😂.
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It's hot! It's summer! I was traumatized by the image of the sake I drank before, thinking that summer sake feels thin and not enough, but this is delicious! The sweetness of the rice, the moderate acidity, and the cool and sexy label make it perfect for summer nights 🍶✨.
Hello. Thank you for drinking sake from my hometown, Minamiaizu Town!
nabe, I envy your hometown with its delicious sake! I will enjoy Minamiaizu 😁.
Kuromatsusenjo純米吟醸 ひやしざけ生 カワセミ
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Seasonal Play Sake, Kingfishers Refreshing acidity makes it easy to drink like a dry white wine! Good chilled! With this, we have conquered 4/5 of Kuromatsusenjo's Seasonal Play Sake series! The swallows I have yet to try are from spring to early summer, so I'll be back next year. Interesting that they are the same brand but have completely different flavors 🍶✨.
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A New Year's Bottle I saw a guy from Bali who came to Japan and found out how good sake tastes and became able to drink much better than before. At first, he was not good at drinking sake because he got a headache from the drinking party at work. The sake "Takashi" was left as a memorable picture of him. It was dry, refreshing, and delicious 🍶✨.
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鮨 みやもと
Birthday Celebrations Record of a lunchtime drink at a nearby sushi restaurant, served by my wife It seems that this sake, called "Mujirino-shu," is a special kind of sake, freshly squeezed in early spring, pure and new-born! Perfect for my birthday! Thank you so much 🍶✨
Good evening, Mr. Mota 😃. Happy Birthday 🎂 Happy Birthday 🎉! Lunchtime drinking with your wife at a sushi restaurant! Great way to spend your birthday 🤗.
Thank you, Jay & Nobby! My birthday was in March, so this is a belated post, but I'm happy to feel like I've celebrated twice 😁.
Go信州地酒頒布会 ひと美
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In Matsumoto, Nagano A glass of wine at a restaurant called "Agareya" in Matsumoto, where we stayed when we hiked to Happo One. It was the first time I enjoyed it with a glass of wine! How stylish! I enjoyed many delicious dishes, but I've almost forgotten about them, so I'll have to go back again! Nagano is the best 🍶✨!
Fukukomachi純米吟醸 美郷錦 AKITA雪国酵母
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Invited by the fresh glossy green label The taste is also refreshing, with a soft sweetness that quickly spreads to the palate! It has a light aftertaste and goes well with meals. It was empty in no time... Umai is fast 🍶✨.
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Souvenirs from Tango Travel After sightseeing at the boathouse in Ine, I went to Mukai Sake Brewery. As a nigori lover, I chose the less orthodox Kyo no Haru no Nigori! The illustration of the boathouse on the label was a nice touch! According to the proprietress, it is dry despite being nigori. Carrying it in the car, I was blown away when I laid it down! The inside of the car was filled with a faint sweet aroma. Now, open the bottle...hmmm...bitter? I was confused by the first taste, but after a few days it softened and I enjoyed the nigori taste 🍶✨.
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Meeting at Secret Liquor Store I was curious to see the "Koshi" that you guys posted. I encountered it at a liquor store that is like a house in a building that was told to me by a senior colleague! It has a soft sweetness that blends day and night, a clean fruity gasiness, and is light while the flavor is well developed in the mouth! I can imagine what it must be like to drink Hakuba! This is so good 🍶✨!
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Trip to visit the hometown with friends from Tango When I received this sake before, I was surprised by its red color and sweetness. I was surprised by its red color and sweetness. I used to taste it by itself at home, but it is exceptional to have local fish with local sake! It goes well with sashimi! Tango is a beautiful place with beautiful sea, people, fish and sake 🍶✨.
Azumarikishi純米酒 低アル特濃 ニゴリ酒
Level of niggles (revised submission) From memory, I thought it was nigori active nama sake, but when I checked with my senior who drank it with me today, I found out it was a limited edition sake with a fancy pink gorilla label called "Junmai-shu Low-Alcohol Tokuno-Nigori-shu" (hence my new post). It is a mellow, drinkable, or rather eatable, drinkable yogurt! It was beyond the level of nigori! Shocking and delicious 🍶✨!
天覧山立春朝搾り 純米吟醸 生原酒
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From my mother at home As I was going back through my photo folder, I found this sake that looks like a sacred card sent by my mother. Tenranzan Risshun Morning Press? Mom "I went to Hanno and bought it, it's delicious, try it, it's been prayed for by a Shinto priest!" I said, "Wow, I've recently started to be interested in sake, thank you." I told her it was delicious, but I didn't know anything about it at the time and thanked her normally. I now know that this sake is "an auspicious sake made on the first day of the spring and pressed to pray for good health, family safety, and business prosperity. Next year I hope to be able to give a gift of Risshun Asashibori 🍶✨.
Kuromatsusenjo純米大吟醸 直汲み生原酒 フクロウ
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Now the owl. I didn't know much about junmai or daiginjo, but I took the opportunity of writing this comment to learn. Both had a nice gassy aroma, but compared to the rabbit (junmai ginjo, light nigori) I had earlier, the owl (junmai daiginjo) seemed to have a more refreshing taste. I think I rather like rabbit. Maybe I am a nigori lover after all. It's the same brand, but you can enjoy it 🍶✨.