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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)

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五神純米吟醸 生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)
Purchased at a department store Goshin of Nara was there for tasting and selling. When I was in Kansai, I used to drink it often at izakayas in Nara 🤤. It's been a long time since I bought it. Cold sake The unique ginjo aroma of nama sake Crisp and refreshing Slightly dry taste with enough umami of rice. Suitable as a mid-meal drink and goes well with strong-flavored food. Akizuka may be a similar type of sake.
如空純米吟醸 White bear純米吟醸
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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)
Purchased at a department store Jackets. Summer sake has a lot of fashionable labels. Cold sake The aroma is rather subdued. It is characterized by its crispness, acidity, and good umami. It is also good on the rocks. The acidity is very strong, so it goes well with fatty food.
Rihakuやまたのおろち 辛口特別純米特別純米
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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)
Purchased at a department store. Rare. I went to the trouble of buying it because they were selling Li Bai tasting. Cold sake. The aroma is subdued. Unlike the junmai sake I posted earlier, it has a sharp taste with a clean aftertaste. It is made with soft water and has less umami and volume, so it may be best for those who like light, dry sake. The aftertaste is short. Suitable for intermediate level sake drinkers.
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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)
Purchased at a department store. Rare. I went to the trouble of buying it because they were selling Li Bai tasting. At room temperature. The aroma is subdued. The water is soft and not that heavy, making it an easy drinking, calm mellow sake type. There is a slight sweetness from the rice. The aftertaste is normal. Recommended for intermediate to advanced drinkers.
Gangiノ壱 純米無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)
Purchased at a department store. Rarity may be higher in some areas. Drink cold. Slightly dry and easy to drink without getting tired of drinking. It has a full-bodied flavor, but it is not so assertive, so it is good with fried food. The aftertaste is normal. We had it with fried oysters. Suitable for intermediate level sake drinkers.
Gangiスパークリング 純米発泡にごり生原酒純米原酒生酒発泡
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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)
Purchased at a department store. Rarity is normal, or slightly higher depending on the region. Cold sake. It has been a while since I had a sparkling nigori sake. The first sip gave me the impression that it was the most carbonated sparkling sake I have ever had. The sparkling sake I have had so far was slightly carbonated like a match, but this one was a bit like a weakly carbonated Mitsuya cider. The carbonation seemed to gradually weaken as the sake was drunk. There is not much of the sourness and bitterness characteristic of nigori sake. However, there is enough umami. The aftertaste is normal. It is suitable as an after-dinner drink or as a mid-meal drink with sweets. It is a taste that even sake beginners can enjoy.
Tsukinowa白麹純米 白ラベル〈ピロくま〉純米
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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)
Sake Drinking Outside Department Store Edition Here is the third and final drink of the Iwate Sake Triptych 🎻, which we chose as the last drink of the entire event! 11Tsuki no Wa - White Koji Junmai - White Label (Pirokuma) The label design with "Pirokuma", the caktor of Tsuki no Wa Sake Brewery, is cute and soothing. ☺️ This is also recommended by the store staff's brother and uses white koji, which is a koji used for shochu. You can see it often these days. When you taste it, it is more like a dry light white wine than a shochu. I liked the refreshing sourness unique to citric acid. ❗️ It seems to go well with all western food as well as the standard cheese🧀👍 I promised my brother from Iwate that I would see him again next year ❗️ and we parted with a "Iwate banzai 🙌"! It was a great night to see that Iwate sake is steadily evolving 😊.
Hi Haruei Chichi 😃 Cute label😊good recommendation 🤗I'm curious about the refreshing acidity! Makes me want to drink Iwate sake!
Jay & Nobby, here we go again 😊. The label is cute ❗️ Please support Iwate Sake too: 🙇‍♀️
Hamamusumeganshu 浜娘生酒
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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)
Sake Drinking Outside Department Store Edition Click here for the second drink of the Iwate Sake Triptych🎻. ⑩ganshu Hamamusume (Nama Sake) The brother who is from Iwate recommended us to check the menu again, and we found a brand we had missed! Akabu's sister brand Hamamusume! I guess this used to be the main brand of Akabu Shuzo before they moved to Morioka... What came out was a stylish label that was the complete opposite of the image I had of the brand. This seems to be a sake made under a special concept. After returning home, I googled the name "ganshu" and found that it is a phonetic pronunciation of the Iwate sake, and the name was given in the hope of promoting it to the world. It was sold in March this year as a limited edition set of three bottles, together with drunken sake and Washinoo sake. They are very enthusiastic about it! The brother was so thoughtful to pour a glass full of sake, and when I sipped it, it tasted just like white wine! It has both acidity and sweetness, and it really tastes like a fine white wine. ❗️
Hi Comrade Chichi 😃I would like to try Hamamusume once 😆ganshu is nice 😆I heard that Iwate sake is more popular too...
Good evening, Haruei Chichi😄 I didn't know there was such a beach girl 😳 I didn't know that  ̄ ̄▽; 💧. It's a raw sake from Ginga, so it must be a definite taste 💕😋.
Good morning Comrade Manachy 😃. Gamshu is a pretty good collaboration project, so I hope you'll do your best to expand it a bit more nationally: ‼️ Maybe I'll volunteer to promote it in the Kyushu area 😆.
T. KISO, also here😊. That's right ❗️ I too was taken aback by the completely different image from that beach girl 😁. But as you pointed out, although the image is different, it was quite tasty👍
Kikunotsukasa心星 〜Shinboshi〜純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)
Sake Drinking Outside Department Store Edition The rice is a trio of Iwate sake, my second hometown. Let's start with this one! Shinboshi (Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu) The aroma is fresh, juicy and fruity, reminiscent of melon🍈 strawberry🍓 ❗️ Full-bodied, sweet and bitter. It has a crisp and refreshing aftertaste, perfect for this time of year👌. By the way, this brewery (Kiku no Tsukasa Sake Brewery) is located in the old town of Morioka City, and across the street is a retro Showa-style liquor store with a corner shop called "Gakko" (school). When I was talking with my wife, the shopkeeper looked surprised and asked me, "How do you know so much about Morioka? I quickly replied, "I don't know much, I'm a former resident of Morioka, so it's only natural that I should know about it. I never thought I would meet someone from Morioka in Hakata. I'm so happy to see you, so I'm going to do you a favor and keep it a secret today. I restrained my urge to jump up and down and proceeded to the next order: ✌️
Yauemon純米吟醸 真夏の吟の夢純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過にごり酒
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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)
Alcoholic Drinking Outside Department Store Edition Next, here it is! (8) Yaemon Junmai Ginjo Mansatsu no Gin no Yume (Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama-zake, stored in ice temperature, nigori) A lightly nigori (lightly cloudy) draft sake with a spring theme. Junmai Ginjo series expressing the flowing seasons on the label and in the quality of the sake The design, reminiscent of a tropical country 🏝️, is more like midsummer than spring. The gaseous sensation was lessened, probably because it has been opened and closed many times, but the stimulation was still there! The somewhat clear acidity and moderate bitterness made it highly suitable as a summer sake👍.
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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)
After my medical checkup and exams, I haven't had sake in a while. I was attracted by the summery morning glory patterned bottle and bought it. ☺️ Made with strawberry yeast 🍓 of "Sagahonoka Yeast". Junmai Daiginjo with a fruity aroma and sweet and sour taste. Low alcohol content and easy to drink neat😊. Each eel kabayaki was boldly served on a bowl of rice. Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 13%. 720㎖ ¥1,550, tax not included
Kikuizumi吟冠 吟醸酒吟醸
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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)
Alcoholic Drinking Outside Department Store Edition Then, here is the next one (7) Kikyuusen Ginjo-shu This is a local brand of Nishida Shuzo, famous for Tasake (rice wine). This one is the original brewer. Although it is alkali-sweetened, it has a nice sweetness and acidity without any unpleasantness. And the bitterness that comes later. I was able to find a wonderful sake that is as good as Gakki 👍! I drank a total of 11 glasses that day, but I can't keep up with the data organization so I'll stop here 😆.
Haruei Chichi, good evening 🌙Drinking out at a department store sounds like a lot of fun 😆. I'm sure it's a great drink 🎵 if it's as good as Gakki's 😊. But 11 drinks 😳 that's great 👍 strong 😆.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi😄. Oh ❣️ you finally had a drink 💕︎ It certainly tastes as good as gakki👍
Hmm❓June 12❓ You are drinking before me❓❓
Good morning, Mr. Galilan 😃. Hi, thanks to you, I've enjoyed it to the fullest! My first Kikusen was a satisfying taste👍.
Good morning, T.KISO 😃. Gakkie, let's market it together with Dewazakura as one of the three major aluzake 😀.
Haginotsuru新酒の生メガネ専用 〜全員メガネの蔵人で造りました〜原酒生酒
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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)
Alcoholic Drinking Outside Department Store Edition Then, here is the next one (6) Haginotsuru new sake for glasses only 〜All the brewers are glasses wearers. The first Hagi no Tsuru is not a cat, but here 👓. It is a low alcohol sake of 14 degrees and has a very strong acidity. ❗️ But it is not only sour, it also has sweetness and umami, and the sourness is not the only thing that stands out, making it easy to drink👍. This is definitely for summer! But it's still a new sake... How interesting 😁.
Denshu純米吟醸 生 うすにごり純米吟醸生酒にごり酒
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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)
Alcoholic Drinking Outside Department Store Edition Next, here it is! (5) Tasake Junmai Ginjo Nama Nama Usu Nigori We'll have another glass of Tasake too: ❗️ It's a pity that it's served stirred from the beginning, which is the fate of outside drinkers... 😅 From the aroma, there is a unique nigori sourness and bitterness in the air! When you sip it, the lees is effective as expected, and the sweetness, umami, bitterness, and acidity are all present. I think the umami and bitterness are the strongest among them. It is a sake with a full-bodied taste. The lees is still very effective.
Chichi, my best friend forever, also here: 🙇‍♂️ I put Hana Yuu in between the rice wine 😁. I got this one and drank it on my daughter's birthday and it was delicious 😊.
Good morning to my forever best friend Manta 😃. Oh yes, I've become a Hanamup sandwich of Tasake 😆. This kind of luxury can only be enjoyed when drinking outside 👍.
Hanamura純米吟醸生 出羽燦燦純米吟醸生酒
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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)
Alcoholic Drinking Outside Department Store Edition Here's the next one! Sequel to the drinking comparison Hanamayu Junmai Ginjo Nama Dewasan The aroma is more intense and easy to recognize! It has a hint of muscat and pear. On the palate It's not flashy, but it's graceful and juicy. I think it would be an exaggeration to say that it has a full body, which is hard to imagine from its elegant dress 😁. It has more bitterness than OMACHI, and after a long, aggressive attack, it quickly slows down. It's like a young lady from a good family with a firm guard 👍.
Hanamura純米吟醸生 雄町純米吟醸生酒
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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)
Alcoholic Drinking Outside Department Store Edition Here's what's next! Let's compare drinks: ✌️ Hana Yuu Junmai Ginjo Nama Omachi The aroma is a little peculiar. I wonder if it's a young peach... But when you taste it, it's just as you'd expect from Omachi! It starts off sweet and juicy, with a hint of acidity. And then the bitterness comes in afterwards! A wonderful gradation of flavors! It's all nicely put together👍
Hi Haruei Chichi 😁. You drink a lot of good sake. I'm very interested in the gradation of flavors 😄. This sake is waiting for its turn in the fridge, so I was very curious about the gradation of flavors 😄.
Hi Lutemitemi 😃. Thanks to you, I was blessed with a good drink: ❗️ It's somewhat cool to describe it as a gradation ❓ But actually, it's the usual pattern of sweet-juice-juice-juice -> bitterness -> sharpness 😅.
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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)
Alcoholic Drinking Outside Department Store Edition Next, here it is! (1) Tazake: Kijoshu From the aroma, you can already feel the sweetness that only kijoshu can offer! When you taste it, you will be surprised. It is rich, mellow, sweet and delicious! It also has acidity, but it is sweet and delicious anyway. ❗️ In other words, it is so sweet that it burns your throat! Hee-hee, give me some water! ❗️ A little too much 😆. I googled it later and found out that they use special junmai (rice wine) as part of the brewing water, which is a staple of tasake! That's so extravagant! Now I want to taste it with tea over ice cream 🍨! I'm talking nonsense❓
Good evening, Mr. Chichi, my best friend forever ^ ^. The sweetest sake that burns in your throat matches with vanilla ice cream👍 I didn't go through with it this year, but I wonder if my wife wanted to drink it?
Still going on past drinking reviewᶠⁱᴳʰᵀᵎᵎ(*˙˘˙*)و⚑⁎ We're done....
Good morning, Manta, my best friend forever 😃. I think this would definitely go well with ice cream 🍨. If I see it in the store, I'll definitely "buy" it 👍.
Good morning, Erin 😃. I see you finished first, tsk 😆. No problem, I'm almost done too. I'm still in double digits though 😆.