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☆☆☆☆☆ I was trying to do charcoal yakitori on the campfire grill I bought for camping that got cancelled last week, but I was too lazy and it got late 😅. It will be Genghis Khan time now! I bought a bottle of Kurosho Senjo because of the cute bear on the jacket! It is a delicious sake with a round, umami flavor, moderate acidity, and a gentle sweet fruity taste! I've never had a chance to try Kuromatsusenjo even though it's relatively close to the brewery, but there are so many delicious sake from the Nanshin area! By the way, Shinshu also has a culture of Genghis Khan, but I eat it Hokkaido style!
Hi Gyaban 😃 I knew there is Jingisukan in Tono city, Iwate prefecture, but I'm curious to know if there is one in Shinshu too ❗Jingisukan and beautiful sake are abundant in Shinshu, a wonderful place 🎵Bell's Jingitare is delicious 😋.
Hi there, Mr. King of Noodles and Sake! Tono is famous too 😀. In Shinshu, I think Genghis Khan Road in Shinshu-Shinmachi is famous. Iida is also a town of grilled meat. My hometown Suwa has a slightly unique culture of eating in a Yoshitsune pot. Please come and enjoy Shinshu sake and Genghis Khan 😊.
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☆☆☆☆☆ The lingering summer heat is still very hot, but the hiyaoroshi season has arrived! I wanted to drink Kuromatsu Senjo, which was on the flyer I got at the store, but it had just arrived at the store and was not yet cold, so I had to try this one that had been refrigerated first! It is a beautiful sake with Masumi-like sweetness and umami flavor! The Yamahai-like character can be felt at the back of the bottle. It has a rather ripe fruitiness, a rich flavor and a rather long finish. The recommended drinking style is room temperature and warmed sake, so I may try it later! I prefer MIYASAKA to Masumi, and prefer Honkin, Mikotsuru, Takaten, and Toyoka, but Masumi's seasonal sake is also very tasty, so the local sake from Suwako-shu is great! There were several kinds of Yukino Kayasha in the store, so I had a hard time deciding, and I thought about trying Imanishiki for the first time in a while, but I decided to go with Kurogyu no Hiyayoro in addition to Kuromatsu Senjozo! Next week is also a three-day weekend, so I can drink at home 😀.
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☆☆☆☆☆ I'll drink some more. So, Keitora's summer sake. The aroma smells like sake, but it is refreshing. It was left in the store at room temperature, so it still has a sense of not being fully chilled yet. This is a sake that should be chilled to the perfect temperature. It is very satisfying because it has the umami of rice like Junmai. The aroma seems to be good at room temperature or even heated, but what do you think? It's clean, well-balanced and delicious, just like Keitora.
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☆☆☆☆☆ Jacket purchase. It has a fresh vegetable feel as if it were a vegetable label. It is not so much a refreshing wine as it is a wine that has a certain taste of vegetables, which is exactly the kind of atmosphere you want to pair with vegetables. It has a strong flavor as a sake, but it has the depth of nostalgia to complement salads and other dishes without interfering with them. It is delicious.
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☆☆☆☆☆ I was too sick to have a post-workout drink last Saturday. I'm still not fully recovered, but I'm off tomorrow so I'll have a drink, or rather a bottle. It tastes clean and clear. It has a light taste, but the citrusy acidity tightens it up. It is a delicious sake that is typical of Honkinen. The taste is exquisite and not too delicate, which can be clearly recognized even if you are not feeling well.
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☆☆☆☆☆ Kameizumi alone wasn't enough, so we went with Daishichi, Junmai Nama Hashiroshi. Cold at first (like cold sake) and then warmed. It's the complete opposite of Kameizumi. It's good cold, but it's more mellow and tasty heated. I am happy to be able to drink both Kameizumi and this type of sake.
Kudokijozu新酒 しぼりたて純米大吟醸生酒
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☆☆☆☆☆ Happy New Year! It has been a difficult start to the year for those in Noto and other affected areas on the Sea of Japan coast, and we wish you a safe and speedy recovery. We have a new bottle of Kudokibe, a four-pack, which arrives every year at the end of the year and the beginning of the new year. On New Year's Day this year, we had it again with Satsuma Kiriko, the most expensive bottle we have on hand. It is fresh and fruity. It has a mellower impression than last year. It has a good balance of sweetness and umami, and is a very tasty sake perfect for the New Year. I think I prefer it to last year's. It is too good. I drank it with ankou nabe, a hot pot of anglerfish from Kitaibaraki, which I ordered with my hometown tax payment, and it is also too good to eat with ankou nabe. I am very satisfied. I plan to drink a lot this year as well, referring to your posts. I know I won't be involved in many things, but I look forward to working with you.
Gyaban, Happy New Year 🎍and one more thing, congratulations on your 1200 check-in 🎉🎊 I also got this KODOKOI-YOUGIWA! I'm looking forward to seeing your review: ❣️
Happy New Year, Ponchan! So the last one on New Year's Eve was 1200 check-in? I hadn't noticed 😅. I've never been disappointed with kudoki-geki, but this one was delicious.
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☆☆☆☆☆ New Year's Eve. Thank you all for a year of drinking. I've bought several bottles and the last one for this year is Keitora. I feel like it's been a while. I've been drinking since the day before yesterday, so I chose this bottle because I thought it would be hard to drink more than 20 degrees Celsius if I didn't digest the strong one as soon as possible. It has a slightly sharp acidity and a strong alcohol content, but it also has a rich sweet and savory flavor, which is typical of nigori. It came with a tag warning us not to open the bottle, but I don't think it felt fizzy. I've been busy drinking mainly outside the home, so I haven't been able to get involved with you all, but I've been referring to your posts in many ways. Thank you for the past year. I hope you have a wonderful sake life until the end of this year. And I look forward to working with you again next year.
Yuki no Bosha山田穂純米吟醸ひやおろし
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☆☆☆☆☆ I got it because I saw Yukino Kayasha at a liquor store for the first time in a while. It's seasonal hiyaoroshi. The aroma is a little strong, but the taste is clear and refreshing. The slight acidity gives it a dry taste and a nice sharpness. It is not a sweet and fruity sake, but it is refreshing and delicious. Postscript After a little while, the impression changes to a more profound and mellow one. I think. It is delicious.
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☆☆☆☆☆ Tonight was the Suwa Lake Festival Fireworks Display. The typhoon that had been feared was averted, and the event went off without a hitch. After the fireworks display at Suwa Lake, Suwa in Shinshu will move into the autumn season. On such a night, the summer-only fireworks label of Lake Suwa is available. It has been a long time since I drank Yokobue. It is gorgeous and refreshing. The deliciousness of Yamae-Nishiki spreads beautifully and disappears with a slight sharpness. It is a perfect bottle for the end of summer in Suwa. I have been drinking only Mikotsuru and Honkin recently, but Yokobue-san also makes good sake.
Good morning, Gyaban 😃. I'm glad you had a nice summery bottle and a safe fireworks display! I used to go there but it started raining so hard that I laughed during the show and I got soaking wet 😅.
Good morning, Harry! I think I have seen this label for the first time myself. Maybe you came here when the tour was cancelled in the middle of the 🎆? Since then, Lake Suwa has come to be associated with the image of rain.
Gavin, yes, that's right. At first we were able to do it, but then it started raining so hard ☔️ that we gave up on umbrellas and walked to the station 🚶‍♀️. Well, it was a very impactful memory 😆.
Harry, that was a disaster. I was in Kamisuwa that year, which was rare for me, and I remember the trains stopped, so I'm glad you were able to get on safely. It was a surprisingly heavy downpour, so that must have had a strong impact 😅.
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☆☆☆☆☆ The 13th and 14th are local taiko festivals. The 15th was fireworks at Lake Suwa, and the 16th was local fireworks, so summer as usual returned after a long absence. The Taiko Festival was held for the first time in four years, and it was a lot of fun. The Taiko Festival has been held for the first time in four years, and it has been a lot of fun. Tonight is the one I drank before and enjoyed. The sweetness spreads from the fresh sourness of the carbonation. It goes well with the short Shinshu summer. I heard that the classic label Mikotsuru is popular at the bar I stopped by yesterday. Modern Mikotsuru is good, but a classic one is also good once in a while. I can't go wrong with Mikotsuru.
Good evening, Gyaban-san. Congratulations on your 1100 check-ins 🎉. The festival can finally be held on a daily basis 🎵. The taiko drums look so powerful ✨. Carbonated fresh drinks on a hot night is the best 😊.
Hi ma-ki-! I didn't notice the 1100 check-in at all😅 I'm glad to hear that the evening festival went well last night. The carbonation was weak, but the bubbles were well balanced and suited for a summer night 😊.
Kakuemon夏酒 荒責混和純米吟醸
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☆☆☆☆☆ I was totally in the mood for Obon, but I had to work today 😢. Lunch was a BBQ at work, but we always decide on short notice, so the drinks are for the evening. So thank you for your hard work. It's been a while since I've had Kakuemon summer sake. Shirokuma label. It is refreshing and light, but also has a strong umami flavor. The slight acidity finishes it off nicely. It is best to drink it well chilled. It is delicious.
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☆☆☆☆☆ I don't keep track, but I drink every week😅. I had a hard time deciding what to buy, so I bought some Shinanotsuru from the liquor store that serves as our fridge. There were several kinds, but I bought the most expensive one. It tastes sweet and fruity. It tastes like apples and melons. When you put it in your mouth, it has a rather robust flavor, with a hint of sourness, and a little bitterness lingers in the aftertaste. It is a delicious one. Shinanotsuru is another sake brewery that seems to be gaining popularity.
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☆☆☆☆☆ I was going to stock up but I guess I'll open some. I don't know when I'll be drinking it at home next, but now that I've opened it, I need to finish it as soon as possible... It's sweet and fruity, well, it's definitely good. Delicious as always. Personally, I prefer it to the hi-ire sake. I prefer the original sake, but Gokotsuru is delicious within the margin of error. This time, I can feel a little bit of sweet and sourness. The nearest liquor store that carries this is the best.
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☆☆☆☆☆ I bought Mikotsuru Yamanishiki because it was in the store, but I chose it because it was hot and I wanted to drink a dry summer sake to refresh my taste buds. It was just as dry as the name "dry sake" suggests. The sweetness of the rice is also present. The sweetness turns to bitterness and remains in the mouth. It is best to drink it cold or on the rocks. Among the sakes that claim to be super dry, this is a sake that you can enjoy dryness as expected.
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☆☆☆☆☆ I enjoy "With the sky after the rain" on a rainy night. It has a refreshing acidity like lemon. It blows away the rain with its refreshing and clear taste. It has a bit of bitterness and is not light, so it is refreshing and drinkable. It is definitely better on a hot day when it is cooled down and sipped, but it is not bad on a night like this. I was going to buy something at the liquor store, but I had to work late and couldn't make it in time for closing time. I only had this one bottle in stock: ......