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Banshuikkon純米吟醸 SPRING SHINE純米大吟醸
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What a great time we had, 14 different kinds of fun! Time: 1 hour Price: 2,200 yen including consumption tax The restaurant seemed to be a place where sake lovers gather, as there were quite a few customers coming in! We finished with Hyogo sake. It was a very elegant sake! On the second day, we went to the restaurant we had reserved earlier. The restaurant was full on that day, so the manager suggested that we make a reservation and we did! Let's try some horse sashimi! Now, work and study! extensive knowledge Rice used: Yamadanishiki from Yoshikawa, Polishing: 55%. What is the gravity system? After the vatting, the sake is not first collected in a dripping jar, but is moved directly to a vat at the bottom of the hill by gravity alone, without using a pump. The next day, the sake is bottled in a clean room. The next day, the sake is bottled in a clean room. This system minimizes stress on the liquid, allowing the sake to be bottled as it is, with all its original qualities. What is "Shin Gin Seibai"? Shin Gin Mai is a method of milling rice that efficiently removes proteins from the surface layer of the rice, leaving the necessary components by shaving the rice in the direction of its thickness. Even if the rice polishing ratio is the same, sake made with "Shin-Gin" rice has a lighter and cleaner flavor.
Hello, Shinshin-san. This restaurant is nice...and Shinshin-san, even if you drink this much, does it not leave a residue the next day?
There are stores of this style in Kushiro and Kagurazaka. I woke up today in good spirits...I took a morning walk around the Kumamoto Castle area🚶.
Oh no. You are strong. I'll upload this post too, but I got sick from the train ride and had a hard time the next day too 😢. I'm looking forward to more posts... ♪
Naruka純米 直詰め生【白ラベル】純米生酛生詰酒
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Sour, such a sake, so it is well remembered! I didn't know there was such a sake. extensive knowledge It is made from Chiba Prefecture's Fusakogane rice with a 77% milling ratio and No. 7 yeast. It has a grapefruit-like isoamyl acetate aroma, and this year it was made a little sweeter for early drinking. On top of that, you can enjoy the sharpness of its characteristic acidity and the slight carbonation that is typical of direct bottling. It has more sweetness and acidity than usual, and has a three-dimensional, clear taste. Rice used: Chiba Prefecture Fusakogane Rice polishing ratio 77 Alcohol content: 14% (undiluted) Yeast No. 7 Structure: Nama yeast
Glorious Mt.Fuji森のくまさん 純米大吟醸無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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If you come to Kumamoto, this is the one! Eikofuji Morinokuma-san Junmai Daiginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu It wasn't available yet, so I asked the waiter to open it! Stir slowly to mix the origami! Small bubbles on the wall of the small beer glass! It was a delicious sake with a delicious sweetness! extensive knowledge -Kumamoto Castle Reconstruction Prayer Sake 2023- (Japanese only) Alcohol content: 16.8%. Sake degree: -4.0 Acidity: 1.5 Amino acidity: 1.0 Rice: Morinokuma-san Rice polishing ratio: 50 Condition: Nama-shu
Meikyoshisui純米大吟醸 m’23純米大吟醸
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From Kyushu to Nagano There are two types of Nagano sake with the same brand name, so let's go! Meikyojimizu Junmai Daiginjo m'23 It's been a long time since we've had this brand. Polished to 45%. You can drink it easily. Knowledge Rice used: Yamadanishiki/Miyamanishiki Polishing ratio: 45 Sake degree - +6 Acidity: 1.6 Alcohol content・・・16 The "m" in "m'23" is the "m" of "Meikyojosui," the "m" of the brewery's president, Makoto Osawa, and the "m" of the brewery's chief brewer, Minoru Osawa. The "23" comes from the brewing year 2023.
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The sake with the Fukuda name has been newly reborn as Fukuumi! I've had Fukuda once, but this is the first time I've had Fukuumi. It was not in the registered name of Sake-no-wa! Compared to Chiebijin, it is a more subdued sake. It is not a very strong sake. Knowledge A new brand from Fukuda Shuzo, named "Fukuumi"! It is a raw sake brewed on the theme of the winter sea with its powerful cold waves and rough seas. Ingredients: Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio: not disclosed Alcohol percentage: 14
Chiebijin純米吟醸 山田錦 一度火入れ純米吟醸
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Graduating from Kumamoto Sake to Kyushu's Other Sake Chiebijin Junmai Ginjo Yamadanishiki has been three years since We met twice at Monkichi, a port town in Sapporo. There are only a few more left! We'll take them all! It was a little sweet and easy to drink! I want to visit Oita again ✈️ extensive knowledge Type:Junmai Ginjo Hi-iri Ingredients : Rice, Rice malt Sweetness/Slightly spicy/Sweetness ratio:Nihon-Shu-Goodness:±0 Acidity:1.8 Rice Polishing Ratio: 55% (Yamadanishiki from Oita Prefecture) ■Alcohol: 15
Zuiyo菜々 純米酒純米
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Another Kumamoto sake is this one, Nana Junmai-shu. It seems to be a sub-brand of Zuitaka. This is another dry sake in the same genre as the previous Cicada, but a little heavier! Let's finish Kumamoto sake at this point! We have a lot of interesting sake to try! Knowledge The name of this sake comes from the fact that it is made from "Rape Blossom Rice, Gin-no-sato," which is made from the residue of rapeseed seeds harvested in the spring and then rolled into manure to create healthy soil that does not require herbicides, and organic fertilizer made from the lees of rapeseed seeds. Alcohol content: 17%. Ingredients] Rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Rice Polishing Ratio] 65%. Sake meter degree 】+2,0 Acidity 】2,3
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Since they had a lot of Kumamoto sake on hand, let's try to compare them! Unfortunately, they did not have any Kumamoto sake! There were some brands that we had tried before, so let's compare the first ones! I liked the name of Semi Junmai Ginjo, so I decided to try one type 🆗. It is a Junmai Ginjo, so there is no bitterness, but as expected, it is a little heavy! It also goes down your throat nicely! Sipping it while eating stick dumplings! This restaurant has a wide variety of sake cups! With this small beer glass, you can have just a little bit of what you want to drink! After you finish drinking, you can wash the beer glass with the large glass of "peace water" that was brought to us and dilute your body with the water. Now, we still have a lot of sake to drink, so let's get started! extensive knowledge This product is based on the image of cicadas, which spend their long larval period underground, and sake, which is matured and laid down in the cool depths of a warehouse. Ingredients: Rice (produced in Yamato Town, Kumamoto Prefecture), Rice malted rice (produced in Yamato Town, Kumamoto Prefecture) Raw materials: Yamadanishiki and Hananishiki Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol 15% (15 degrees Celsius) Sake degree +3 Acidity 1.6
Hououbiden碧判 純米吟醸 無濾過本生純米吟醸生酒無濾過
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We compared it with Kurei's Houou Mita Heki-ban Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Hon Nama. I bought this at a liquor store in Hakodate in the past and drank it alone at a hotel. It has a little more sweetness than Kurei. I love it! There is a room in the back of the store that is entirely air-conditioned and lined with bottles of sake like this! The detailed descriptions of the sake are a great way to learn about sake that you don't know about. It's a good preparation for what I'm going to study tomorrow 📚. The two guests in front of us were in this room at the same time choosing their sake. They asked me which sake was the best, and I answered Kurei and Houou Mita without hesitation! extensive knowledge Rice : Yamadanishiki, Gohyakumangoku Rice polishing ratio : Koji 50%, Kake 55 Alcohol content : 16-17
Kure純米吟醸 CEL うらら 生詰め 原酒純米吟醸原酒生詰酒
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First time in Kumamoto in a really long time Two nights of work and study! Kumamoto is known for its shochu (Japanese liquor), but we were looking for a place to drink sake. We called this restaurant to check the availability and the rules of the restaurant. Check the location and first eat ramen at a nearby Kumamoto ramen shop And buy some stick dumplings as a souvenir 🥟. There were two customers ahead of me and I was the second customer. The friendly female waitress gives me a lesson on how to drink the store's alcohol. Let's get started: ▶️ Local Kumamoto sake is in the middle, and other sake from all over the country are arranged in order from north to south! The two that caught my eye right away were this and this! Kure Junmai Ginjo CEL Ura, raw and unpasteurized! I'll spare you the detailed description. This sake was full of pineapple flavor, just the way I like it! Pair it with dumplings! Brief description Rice used: Tosa Rei Polishing ratio ... 60 Sake degree ... -5 Alcohol content ... 14