はなぢShinomineChiyo ShuzoNara9/8/2024, 11:24:31 AM9/8/2024手打ち蕎麦 むらおか19はなぢApparently, it was the last one! Soba and sake go well together!Japanese>English
はなぢKamoshibitokuheiji純米大吟醸Ban JozojoAichi9/8/2024, 10:45:05 AM8/21/2024焼きとり わびさび18はなぢThe bowl is beautiful. I don't remember the taste...Japanese>English
はなぢKid特別純米酒Heiwa ShuzoWakayama9/8/2024, 10:42:52 AM8/21/2024焼きとり わびさび18はなぢThe first drink is always good.Japanese>English
はなぢHakuryu永平寺 白龍 純米大吟醸Yoshida ShuzoFukui9/8/2024, 10:36:45 AM8/18/2024神十蕎麦22はなぢThe best soba and the best sake There is a reason why we are so particular about FukuiJapanese>English
はなぢHakurakusei純米吟醸Niizawa JozotenMiyagi9/8/2024, 10:31:30 AM7/17/2024北前居酒屋 佐勘 東梅田店19はなぢThe others I drank were GANKI Junmai Unfiltered Nama Sake (Yamaguchi, Yaoshin Shuzo) HIROKI Special Junmai (Fukushima, Hiroki Shuzo Honten)Japanese>English
はなぢZaku玄乃智 純米Shimizuseizaburo ShotenMie9/8/2024, 10:27:19 AM7/5/2024手打ち蕎麦 むらおか20はなぢCrisp, refreshing and delicious Good soba goes well with good sakeJapanese>English
はなぢKuzuryuKokuryu ShuzoFukui6/29/2024, 9:41:42 AM6/26/2024和しょくや Standing 佳肴9はなぢI think it was relaxing and refreshing at the same time...Japanese>English
はなぢEmishikiEmishikiShiga6/29/2024, 9:40:10 AM6/26/2024和しょくや Standing 佳肴7はなぢclear and dryJapanese>English
はなぢAsamayamaAsama ShuzoGunma6/29/2024, 9:36:45 AM6/26/2024和しょくや Standing 佳肴7はなぢClear and easy to drinkJapanese>English
はなぢKaze no MoriALPHA TYPE2Yucho ShuzoNara6/24/2024, 2:09:19 PM6/19/202425はなぢThe amazing rice polishing ratio of 22%. I think the price is unbeatable for this quality. The sake that made me fall in love with sake!Japanese>Englishma-ki-Hello, Hanaji-san. I had my first saké from here this week and it was really delicious✨. It's the sake that made me fall in love with it 😊. I think there is a sake that is the kick-start 🎵.Japanese>English
はなぢYukinobijin純米吟醸Akita JozoAkita6/24/2024, 2:04:12 PM6/12/2024ろあん 大阪堂島店19はなぢDry with a bit of a matte finish.Japanese>English
はなぢ鳥海山純米大吟醸Tenju ShuzoAkita6/24/2024, 1:45:01 PM6/12/2024ろあん 大阪堂島店15はなぢFruity, refreshing and easy to drink.Japanese>English