l'eau牧水Takeshigehonke ShuzoNagano2/2/2025, 11:53:38 AM2/2/202514l'eauSetsubun👹 and the HIATUS Hibiya Ongakudo live video and Sake like really good water that you can drink easilyJapanese>English
l'eauKagatobi特別純米 満FukumitsuyaIshikawa2/2/2025, 11:35:06 AM1/2/202518l'eauIt was the New Year's drink of 2025 🍶. Easy to drink even though it has a strong sake taste.Japanese>English
l'eauHokusetsuHokusetsu ShuzoNiigata12/22/2024, 12:00:13 PM3l'eauDry and delicious 😋.Japanese>English
l'eauSenchu HassakuTsukasabotan ShuzoKochi12/22/2024, 11:32:42 AM3l'eauAlong with the rewarding sushi, a delicious 😋.Japanese>English
l'eauKaikaDaiichi ShuzoTochigi10/12/2024, 1:51:45 PM12l'eau2024, the remainder of the New Year's toast....the last of it was delicious because of the organization of the fridge!Japanese>English