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It's a great way to enjoy a slightly carbonated beverage. The aroma is faintly sweet with a hint of rice and lactic acid bacteria drink. It tastes like flame-broiled sake, but it's a little bit raw. A pleasantly refreshing taste of sourness and chillier, slightly carbonated water. It has no alcohol content of 15%, so I think you can drink it straight from the bottle when you open it. It's not thin tasting or anything, but just easy to drink. It's said to be opened with caution, but if you don't shake the bottle beforehand, it's unlikely to spurt out even if you open it all at once. Fortunately? It looks like it's only available in 250ml bottles, but if you buy a #4 bottle or a bottle of wine, you could finish it in an instant.
Oroku純米にごり 出雲麹屋純米にごり酒発泡
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Refreshing Sparkling, the perfect welcome drink Even the 300ml bottle has a bulging cap, and opening the bottle is a slow process. Not a strong aroma, but sweet and sour like a young green apple. The taste seems to be masked to some extent by the fizziness that agitates the bitterness, but the flavor of the bitterness is strong, with a hint of sweetness. The moderate acidity and the bitterness from the bubbles quickly erases the aftertaste. It's a perfect pre-dinner drink because it has a very crisp finish, even for an unrefined sake.
Toyonoaki純米 ひやおろし純米原酒生詰酒ひやおろし
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Aコープ ふるえ店
If you want to taste the richness of the sake, you should warm it up! Hiyaoroshi (unpasteurized sake) using Gohyakumangoku The aroma is very subdued, with a slight sweet smell of steamed rice. It has a light attack when it's chilled, and it's mild with little astringency and bitterness, so some people may find it light. When it's warmed up, the rich flavor and sweetness of the rice come out all at once, and it has a mellow taste that's different from cold sake. Like a cold one? An unprocessed sake with a sense of calmness If you don't like it hot, I recommend heating and cooling it. By the way, Hou no Aki is not only the soul food of the people of Matsue, but it is a major brand in Matsue, and it is not too much to say that it is soul sake!
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As a good companion for meals. Junmai-Ginjo with Imai Tsuyahime rice The aroma is gentle and not too fruity with a hint of ginjo. The taste is very dry and sharp for a pure rice ginjo. But it's still beautiful and slightly sweet when compared to Junmai sake Warming it up gives it a more rice-like flavor, making it perfect as a mid-meal drink. But that doesn't mean it's cold and tasteless. You can enjoy it while eating, cold at first and then warmed up during the meal.
AramasaNo.6 R-type純米原酒生酒
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The "R" in "R-type" is "R" for cold sake. The aroma is just a hint of sweetness and the faint scent of freshly cooked rice. Ecru had an oddly light taste and ease of drinking, but this one has a complex taste, the sake making process. The slight fizz and acidity that stimulates the tip of your tongue while you feel the flavor of the rice that was in the aroma cuts through the sweetness. However, these impressions are chilled to the bone and the sweetness comes to the fore as the temperature range rises. In the normal temperature range, it's a bit like sugar water, to put it mildly. The R in R-type makes me wonder if the R in R-type refers to cold sake. On the other hand, it's amazing how they've managed to keep the sweetness of the sake to a minimum when it's cold.
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A dry Daiginjo that is completely different from the regular Shinigami The regular Shinigami is a Junmai Daiginjo, while this one is a Junmai Daiginjo. You can smell the freshness of rice and the fruity aroma of a Daiginjo, which is typical of a raw sake, but the aroma is modest in volume In the mouth, the aroma is discreet, but the sweetness is almost nonexistent, and the attack and acidity of the raw sake cut through the aftertaste. It's a Daiginjo, so the taste is very delicate and beautiful, but the core is firm, which is something you would expect from a regular Shinigami.
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Instead of beer, we'll start with A low alcohol, slightly fizzy, 12 degrees Celsius, unpasteurized sake It's a combination of nigori, sparkling, unpasteurized sake and a high level of sweetness, but it's not that sweet when you drink it You can feel the sweetness of the rice, but the bitterness of the carbonation covers it exquisitely and the overall impression is very refreshing. The bubbles aren't so fizzy that it's hard to open the bottle, as is often the case with active bitter, so you can guzzle it while opening the bottle a bit roughly for a pre-dinner drink if it's this size 1 bottle. By the way, although it's low in alcohol, it's basically a mellow sake in Tottori, so the taste is quite dense
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Endlessly calm The sake was released in the Ikashin to celebrate the 20th anniversary of special junmai sake Hatcho Slightly sweet and acidic, with a light citrus aroma. In the mouth, you get the sweetness and flavor of the rice, but the acidity keeps the sweetness just right. Sweetness, flavor, and acidity linger slowly and long. The opposite of etiquette and the impact of the name, a gentle and gentle drink When I heard about the Izumo Toji's style of San-in Ginjo brewing, the Itakura Sake Brewery's Mukyoku Tenchyun series jumped out at me This YAGOOOO especially has nuances of flavor similar to the Tian Yun of Immortality I've only had it cold, but like the Mukkyo Tenkan series, it's a great all-rounder for both cold and warmed sake.
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Light Daiginjo A sweet aroma with a fruity, daiginjo-like flavor When you take a bite, the sweetness of the rice, which is typical of highly polished rice, spreads in your mouth. And when you swallow it, the slight spiciness of the alcohol will cut the sweetness in your mouth. Is this dryness in the throat an effect of the brewed alcohol? I don't see much of the acidity that's been the trend lately. On the third day after opening the bottle, the dryness of the wine diminishes and the sweetness is a bit harsher. The best way to drink this Daiginjo with its typical fruity flavor and crisp aftertaste is to drink it all at once with a large group of people for the first bottle at a banquet.
Chiyomusubi純米吟醸 夏酒原酒生酒無濾過にごり酒
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Cool it down and you'll feel better than you thought! It's called a "pure rice ginjo," but there is no fruity, ginjo-like aroma, and it smells like freshly cooked rice The taste is a long-lasting sweetness of modest rice. It is lightly muddy, but its texture is fine and does not affect the taste. Officially, it is described as modestly sweet and refreshing, but that is in comparison with the richer sake from Tottori If you don't drink it chilled or on the rocks, the sweetness instantly fills your mouth as the temperature range rises. This is a very unique summer brew, probably because of the strong rice, Tori 105.
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A balance of lightness and richness A summer version of Special Junmai Sake Hachigo As far as the etiquette goes, it's usually the raw sake version of Yasgo Since it is not a ginjo, the aroma is subdued and the rice flavor is unique to unpasteurized sake The taste is dry and light in the mouth, but by the time you swallow it, the flavor of the rice fills your mouth at once. From there, the aftertaste cuts through quickly with acidity. It has a light hint and a crisp finish, but it also has a freshness and strong attack that is typical of a raw sake, with a strong contrast in flavor. I haven't had a regular Hachigo recently, so I can't really tell the difference, but I thought it was more than just a light, Sanin-type summer sake
Toyobijin醇道一途 純米吟醸 酒未来純米吟醸
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As an after-dinner drink like a dessert wine In the mellow series, this time we use Sake-Mirai The scent is a little young and sweet, like a melon, and it's wafting in the air When you drink it, you won't feel the intense sweetness of the aroma, but rather the sweetness spreads gently in your mouth until you swallow it. The sweetness is relatively long and lingering, with acidity that fades slowly The sweetness is less pronounced than the Toyo Bijin Junmai Daiginjo and more fruit-like than the Daiginjo. I'd rather enjoy the taste of the drink after a meal than to complement the food as a mid-meal drink.
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I haven't had it yet, so it's an extravaganza. Junmai sake from the Okayama brewer Omi Shuzo, which was discontinued in 2018 The brewing license was transferred to a company in Hokkaido, so there's no chance of it being reinstated. I didn't know that the brewery was planning to close down, and I've been aging it myself since I bought it at the brewery, but I don't know when I'll be able to open a bottle of this sake that I can't drink anymore.
Kirei辛口純米 八拾純米
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Ideal for use as a standing reserve of junmai sake. The aroma of the chilled rice is very subdued and rice-like. Again, it has an understated rice sweetness, followed by an astringent and acidic taste that cuts through with a short lingering effect. The aroma and taste of rice become stronger when it's heated up. After a week or so after opening the bottle, the sweetness of the rice became somewhat stronger. It's dry and crisp and drinks like water. More than anything else, the price for a bottle of Junmai-shu at 1980 yen including tax is excellent!
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The Grim Reaper when it matures? The aroma is not strong, just a hint of rice. You can feel the slight sweetness of the rice, but then you can feel the astringency of the alcohol and the astringency. It's got a good kick, and is generally dry in nature. When warmed up, the sweetness of the wine becomes noticeably sweeter in the mouth. Is it more of a warmed-up-only version? If you don't take into account the alcoholic nature of the wine, it has a grim reaper-like nuance to it. It's a junmai warmed sake for the most part.
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An introduction to matured sake Poured into a bowl, it's a confetti color. The aroma is like kelp dashi and pickled vegetables In the mouth, the flavor of the rice spreads with just the right amount of acidity and astringency. I don't feel the alcohol stimulation nearly as much. Warming it up will enhance the flavor. The specs are undisclosed, but it definitely belongs to the category of aged sake in terms of appearance, aroma and taste. But all of them are relatively mild, and I'd recommend them to people who aren't used to aged sake.
Gassan涼夏 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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A summer sake with a rich San-in flavor Most summer sake has a lightness to it, but Tsukiyama Ryouka doesn't seem light at all. The aroma of rice and fruity aroma of junmai and ginjo is present, but it is subdued And yet, on the palate, the sweetness of the rice is intense, even on a cold day It is only proposed as a summer sake, so the aftertaste disappears quickly and leaves no sweetness in the mouth. For those who find the lightness of summer sake lacking, this is a must drink!
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The nose is fruity and opulent, with sweet and acidic notes of plum. As expected, the sweetness spreads as it does on the nose, with a slight sour taste. The aftertaste is fruity and sweet and fades away. The taste itself is strong and you'll feel a good sense of satisfaction when you finish this cup size. And I'm more than happy to see the cost of 220 yen per bottle.
Jujiasahi純米吟醸生酒 己亥純米吟醸生酒無濾過
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Junmai-Ginjo sake released every year in the name of the zodiac sign This is last year's version of the Chinese zodiac. It has a gorgeous scent like a ginjo, but it's not pungent, but it's not overpowering. Since it is unfiltered and unpasteurized, it has a roughness and freshness to it, but since it is not an unpasteurized sake, it has a good balance. good It has just the right amount of rice flavor with just the right amount of acidity on the finish. Although there are no outstanding characteristics, the finish is not overdone, and you can feel the flavor of Junmai and the gorgeousness of Ginjo.
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This is a Daiginjo, which is treated as a regular sake because it uses equal amounts of rice Very fruity and sweet aroma like other otters In the mouth, it's also sweet, without any bitterness or astringency There's a slight acidity and basically a fruity sweetness that lingers on. For better or worse, it's very easy to get to grips with, but it's also very lacking in flavor. A good way to feel the otter is easy on the wallet.