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Toyonoaki純米 ひやおろし純米原酒生詰酒ひやおろし
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Aコープ ふるえ店
If you want to taste the richness of the sake, you should warm it up! Hiyaoroshi (unpasteurized sake) using Gohyakumangoku The aroma is very subdued, with a slight sweet smell of steamed rice. It has a light attack when it's chilled, and it's mild with little astringency and bitterness, so some people may find it light. When it's warmed up, the rich flavor and sweetness of the rice come out all at once, and it has a mellow taste that's different from cold sake. Like a cold one? An unprocessed sake with a sense of calmness If you don't like it hot, I recommend heating and cooling it. By the way, Hou no Aki is not only the soul food of the people of Matsue, but it is a major brand in Matsue, and it is not too much to say that it is soul sake!