RobinWakanoi特別純米WakanoiYamagata12/7/2024, 2:53:41 AM12/6/202415RobinMiyamanishiki produced in Yamagata Prefecture Polishing ratio 60 Sake degree -2 to +2 Alcohol content 15 Self-ratings 4Japanese>English
RobinKatori80純米Terada HonkeChiba11/25/2024, 4:55:58 AM11/24/202422Robin100% Miyamanishiki Polishing ratio 80 Sake degree +3 to +7 Alcohol content 15 Self-rated 4Japanese>English
RobinHokuyo純米Uozu ShuzoToyama11/25/2024, 4:52:51 AM11/22/202418RobinDomestic rice Polishing ratio 70%. Sake degree ±0 Alcohol content 15 Self-rated 4 Good cost performanceJapanese>English
RobinShichikenひやおろし純米ひやおろしYamanashi MeijoYamanashi11/12/2024, 6:24:44 AM11/1/202425RobinHitogokochi, Asahi no Yume Polishing ratio 70%. Sake degree unknown Alcohol content 15 Self-rated 4Japanese>English
Robin尚仁沢純米森戸酒造Tochigi11/12/2024, 6:20:04 AM11/1/202419Robin100% Gohyakumangoku grown in Tochigi Prefecture Rice polishing ratio 65 Sake level unknown Alcohol content 15 Self-rated 4Japanese>English
Robin舞桜こだわり純米 チーバくん純米守屋酒造Chiba10/8/2024, 5:51:27 AM10/7/202417Robin100% Chiba rice Polishing ratio 60 Sake degree +1 Alcohol content 15 Self-rated 4 Old-fashioned tasteJapanese>English
Robin御園竹大辛口 生酛原酒原酒Takeshigehonke ShuzoNagano9/16/2024, 11:14:31 PM9/16/202422Robin100% Miyamanishiki rice produced in Nagano Polishing ratio 70%. Sake degree +9 Alcohol content 20 Self-rated 3 Normal sakeJapanese>English
RobinFukucho辛口純米 夏純米Imada Shuzo HontenHiroshima8/17/2024, 12:00:00 AM8/16/202420RobinYamadanishiki produced in Hiroshima Prefecture Polishing ratio 60 Sake degree unknown Alcohol content 15 Self-rated 4Japanese>English
RobinFukuiwai辛口純米純米Tohei ShuzoChiba8/1/2024, 5:04:37 AM7/18/202418Robin100% Yamada-Nishiki Polishing ratio 70%. Sake level unknown Alcohol content 15-16 Self-rated 4Japanese>English
RobinKikuizumi吟冠吟醸Nishida ShuzotenAomori8/1/2024, 5:01:21 AM7/31/202417Robin100% Hanafukiyuki Polishing ratio 60 Sake level unknown Alcohol content 15-16 Self-rated 4Japanese>English
RobinKagatsuru前田利家公特別純米Yachiya ShuzoIshikawa7/3/2024, 5:14:19 AM6/30/202417Robin100% Gohyakumangoku Polishing ratio 60 Sake degree +1 Alcohol content 15.5 Self-rated 4Japanese>English
Robin香梅月見うさぎ純米吟醸香坂酒造Yamagata6/23/2024, 6:41:59 AM6/22/202416RobinYamagata Prefecture, 100% Izuwasanzu Polishing ratio 60 Sake degree +3 Alcohol content 15 Self-Rating 5Japanese>English
Robin秋水特別純米河津酒造Kumamoto6/9/2024, 1:42:12 AM6/7/202415Robin100% Hananishiki Polishing ratio 60 Sake degree 0 Alcohol content 15 Self-rated 5Japanese>English
RobinChichibunishiki特別純米酒特別純米Yao HontenSaitama6/9/2024, 1:37:44 AM5/30/202416RobinDomestic rice Polishing ratio 60 Sake degree +2 Alcohol content 15 Self-rated 4Japanese>English
RobinSanran山廃純米純米外池酒造店Tochigi5/27/2024, 3:23:41 AM5/26/202421RobinDomestic rice Polishing ratio 65 Sake degree unknown Alcohol content 17 Self-rated 5Japanese>English
Robinあその純米Yamamura ShuzoKumamoto5/2/2024, 3:34:34 AM5/1/202415RobinDomestic rice Polishing ratio 65 Sake degree unknown Alcohol content 15 Self-rated 4Japanese>English
RobinMinenosei吟醸純米酒純米吟醸Miyazaki ShuzotenChiba5/2/2024, 3:31:39 AM4/25/202415RobinYamadanishiki produced in Hyogo Prefecture Polishing ratio 60 Sake degree +3 Alcohol content 15.5 Self-rated 4Japanese>English
RobinNaruka特別純米 直詰め生 青特別純米AzumanadaChiba5/2/2024, 3:17:50 AM4/25/202418RobinToyama Gohyakumangoku Polishing ratio 60 Sake degree +5 Alcohol content 15 Self-rated 5Japanese>English
RobinSanran純米外池酒造店Tochigi5/2/2024, 3:12:05 AM4/24/202415RobinGohyakumangoku grapes produced in Tochigi Prefecture Polishing ratio 60 Sake degree 0 Alcohol content 15 Self-rated 4Japanese>English
RobinKid純米Heiwa ShuzoWakayama4/27/2024, 9:03:21 AM4/20/202420RobinYamadanishiki, Gohyakumangoku Polishing ratio: Koji rice 50%, Kake rice 60 Sake degree +3 Alcohol 15 Self-ratings 4Japanese>English