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The standing aroma is soft rice and fresh green apple fruit. The clarity of alc.14. The cool fruity aroma stands out in the nose. The sweetness and acidity are integrated and start with a crisp, thin texture. The umami is light without being clingy. It is slim and sweet, but the aftertaste is not dull and not stressful, as a slight astringent taste appears in the aftertaste. It has a fruity mid-palate with a light body and sweet ginjo aroma typical of abv14. Very tasty for summer.
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The nose is cool and vegetal rather than fruity. The wine has a full fruitiness reminiscent of white grapes. It has a subtle herbal overtone. The wine is moist and juicy with a gentle sweetness and elegant acidity. The banana-like fruity aroma starts in the mid-palate and spreads to a smooth rice flavor. It is fresh and moist with a dry finish. Perfect for summer. It is extremely tasty.
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The standing aroma is gentle with a slight, crisp ginjo aroma. It has a firm flavor with a strong body. It is thick and voluminous. Next comes bitterness, acidity, and astringency, followed by a lovely sweetness that spreads and then rapidly dries up in the aftertaste. It has a strong structure and sweetness, yet the astringency and spiciness are sharp. The impression is one of sharp contrast. It has a thick, acidic, umami mouthfeel. It will age well.
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The aroma is sweet, with a hint of koji, and a lively blue scent of new sake. There is a hint of grapefruit fruit in the aroma. A sense of gas. The peach-like fruitiness and elegant sweetness swells, but it disappears in an instant. It is an image of a sharpness, or rather, the taste spreading and dissipating. The rich sweetness quickly turns into clarity, a new style of cleanliness. There is really a bit of astringency in the aftertaste. It doesn't show its face, but the acidity is well balanced. A little bit of hardness, but on the contrary it is a good framework. The wine is very light and sweet. This is a very light sweet wine with a complex fruit and texture that hides in plain sight. Very tasty.
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It has a hard, new sake aroma. Green apple-like fruit aroma. A sense of gas that spreads to the tip of the tongue. The first taste is fresh and light. The sweetness and umami swell up in the middle, and at the same time the acidity stands out clearly. The aftertaste is slightly coarse and dry, but the sweetness of koji and a slight astringency appear in the aftertaste. The impression is that the freshness is kept while the flavor and the body are brought out firmly. It doesn't have a sharp drop, but the body is slowed down by the umami, fruitiness, and spiciness. It is very delicious.
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The aroma is a grainy, slightly withered nuance. From the fact that it is a Hitomebore 4 year old, I was expecting a heavy first taste, but on the tongue, it is clear and smooth. There is a pleasant aroma of aging on the nose. In the middle of the palate, a slight deliciousness spreads, and from the white grape like fruitiness and translucent sweetness, the deliciousness swells once again, and from there, without slackening off, the acidity rushes up as if to say, "Don't let your guard down. There is a slight astringency in the aftertaste. Along with the sense of acidity, you can feel the firm minerality. I was surprised that the light body of Alc.14 was filled with five flavors with excellent height difference. It has a rich flavor that can only come from aging. The design of high acidity, light body and lush minerality You can enjoy it without dullness, lethargy, and clutter. It is a clear and delicious dry wine. This deliciousness from aging is irreplaceable. Very delicious.
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Organic standing incense. A hint of coconut. Hard acidity, astringency and astringency. 16-17 Alc. Still hard after taste. On the second sip, the richness of the flavor spreads smoothly and roundly on the tongue. In the third sip, it has a milky nose, a fresh and clear first taste, a grape-like aroma, a spicy climb with astringency, and a smooth flavor. It gives various impressions depending on the temperature range and air exposure. Overall, it is an unfiltered raw wine with high acidity and smooth umami with a spicy astringent finish. It seems to go well with cheese and herb dishes. You can definitely enjoy aging.
Tenju純米吟醸 OneZero-OneZero生酒
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Standing nose with a hint of citrus. It has a thick texture and a dense first taste with a swelling sweetness. The sweetness turns to umami on the mid-palate, with a pleasant melting spread. The volume is 15% at the extraction. The aftertaste is astringent and not too dull. It is thick but soft, and the umami spreads. This is a delicious dry wine that people might say is sweet. I think it is a good sake that the thick impression of the first taste, which seems to be even "sticky", spreads as umami and cuts the after taste with astringency like a flower opening and scattering. It is very delicious.
DaisekkeiSummer Light純米原酒生酒
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The aroma is grassy. It is cool and crisp. No fruitiness. There is a sense of gas. White grapes and green apples on the nose. It has a hint of fruitiness combined with natural and milky sweetness. The acidity is strong, but there is also an astringent taste, so the impression is not juicy but rather hard. However, it is not a hard type, and it seems to give a firm structure to the freshness and elongation that is typical of low-alcohol Kihara. There is no dullness, and the finish with astringency and acidity is dry. It is quite three-dimensional for a "low-alcohol Ikuhara with high acidity," with a strong body and a dry finish. It is dry without being too persistent. Very delicious. It should be enjoyed chilled. It is also good on the rocks.
御前酒9 white bottle生酒
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The aroma is moderate. The taste is dense. It has a strong flavor and sweetness, with a massive impression. The body is thick and firm. The acidity is strong from the beginning to the end, supporting the strong body without becoming sloppy. A little astringent from the mid-palate, tightly squeezing the sweetness and flavor, so it seems to be divided into sweet and dry. It will be fun to age.
alt 1
The aroma is discreet. Sweet nuances. There is a hint of melon fruit on the nose. It has a sense of gas. It has a moderate texture with a slightly sweet and pungent astringent taste. Fullness and sharpness. The back end disappears nicely, and there is a fruity scent like green apples afterwards. The whole mouthfeel is very fruity. It is very delicious.
御前酒9black bottle純米ひやおろし
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It has a round, creamy standing scent. No hint of fineness. Smooth to the touch. It is acidic and sweet, with a hiya-oroshi style swelling. Astringent and pungent flavors rise up from the middle, with a strong texture. The texture is intense. The back end is calm and the rice flavor spreads abundantly, but the acidity and piquancy do not leave a sloppy taste. It is said to be matured for one summer, but I can sense that there is still a lot more to come. The acidity and astringency are the characteristics of this well-balanced, well-balanced and dry sake. It is worth drinking and is delicious.
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丸みのある果実香。爽やかでソフトな舌触り。甘味強いが、控えめながら酸が支え、トータルでジューシーな味わい。含み香に磨いた米の感じ。後味にまったりとした旨味が広がる。旨口だが、米くささや渋味がなく、程よい立体感と軽やかさ。舌先にじんわり旨味と酸が染み込む。すっと飲むと清涼で果実的でジューシー。ゆっくり回すと丸さと荒さがころころ回る。 綺麗よりの甘旨口。とても美味しい。
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美山錦。 立香は落ち着き目。無濾過らしいいがらっぽい米の香りに果実香と僅かにスパイス。みずみずしくしっとりとした甘味で、するりとしたファースト。中腹から急速に辛味と渋味が立ち上り、均整の取れたデザインで味わいが膨らみ出す感じ。酸がしっかり仕事しており、最初のつるりとした質感と相まって、力強い骨格ながら飲み疲れしないストラクチャー。含み香に白ブドウ、抜けはほんのりクリーミー。アフターにビシッとした酸のニュアンスとみずみずしさを同時に感じさせる。 何これ。すごい美味しいんだけど。 温度帯と熟成加減で無限に広がり見せそう。 飲みごたえとみずみずしさを完璧に両立させた辛口。 おそろしく美味しい。
Wataya綿屋倶楽部 純米〈黒〉純米
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米らしくクリーミーなのに透明感もある立ち香。 口に含むとやわらかな旨味と伸び良い甘味。 一気に強目の酸が広がり、抜け香はとてもまったり。 ふんわり感。 渋味は仄かだが、酸と旨味でかなり幅のある立体感を構築している感じ。 苦味、渋味、辛味をあまり使わずに、素直な甘さと広がりのある旨味、存在感のある酸味でデザインされたバランスが、ふんわりやわらかなタッチを生み出してるのかもしんない。 ふくらみを持たせつつも結構軽快な辛口。 とても美味しい。
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立香はあまり強くない。 米と青リンゴのような果実香。 するっと飲むと甘やかで滑らかでみずみずしく清涼。 ゆっくり含むと、清涼感の後、中腹から強めの酸が広がる。 渋味や苦味、辛味も顔を出し、ややハード。 飲み後はまろやかな旨味が広がり、ビターな後味。 みずみずしさと飲み応えの両立って感じ。 食事にも合いそうな辛口。 美味しい。
Yonetsuru純米酒 生純米生酒
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立香は米の匂いの中に仄かな果実香。 みずみずしくジューシィな酸、ボリュームのある甘味、純米らしい力強い旨味。 含み香にほんの少しだけブドウのような果実香。 抜けは純米そのもの。クリーミィな匂いがボリューム良く抜けていく。 まろやかで滑らかな甘旨口だが、荒々しい辛さも感じられる。 濃い目。濃醇。 温度でガラッと変わりそう。ロックも良いかも。 結構美味しい。
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清涼感のある立ち香。僅かにリンゴの香り。ガス感あり。舌先でピリピリ。酸強いが表には出て来ず、サッパリとした印象だけ与える。口馴染み良い。中腹で伸びよく、旨味とともに非常にみずみずしさ。アフターに渋味とボディ感。米の濃厚さがちらっと顔を出す。ビターでパワフルな地力にも関わらず、とてもみずみずしく軽快に仕上げている。すっごい瑞々しいんだけど、水っぽい訳ではない。不思議。 とても美味しい。止まらない。
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立香は重め。米の香り、発酵感、果実香は仄か。16〜17の度数の通り、アルコール感と味わいの濃い印象。タッチはライト、口馴染みは中くらいだが、苦味と辛味が強く、マッディ。中腹から濃醇さとやや荒めの口当たりが顔を出す。甘味や酸はあまり感じない。飲み上がりは舌先に辛味と渋味を残すがダレはない。 キンキンに冷やしてつーっと飲むと爽涼で仄かな甘さのタッチと中腹から立ち上がる辛さ、ボリューム感を楽しめる旨辛口。 体温に馴染んでくるとマッディでボリュームのある渋辛口。 オンザロックが良いかも。