SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
profile iconダイスケ
日本酒を飲める男ではなく、日本酒を語れる男になりたいなぁと思い始めております。 全国のいろんなお酒を飲む!という気概のもと、日本酒を購入してちびちび飲んでます。 飲んだことないお酒を買うのが楽しくなってきた今日この頃ですが、日本酒を語れる男への道のりはだいぶ険しそうです……汗

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ダイスケI've recently started drinking sake, and I'm hoping to drink some of the more popular and famous brands, but this sake is really good, even for a ...... beginner like me! That's the only word I can think of to describe it 😅😅😅. As soon as you drink it, the aroma and flavor spreads in your mouth, and the aftertaste is so light that you can drink as much as you want ☺️☺️.
MantaDaisuke-san, please excuse my comment. Jishinma is delicious, isn't it☺️? I remember the first time I drank a bottle of Yamadanishiki, I was so surprised👍. I'm drinking Jikan now😊.