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I drink Kabutomushi for the first time, which I have heard rumors about! The aroma is fresh and citrusy Somehow I feel lemon. When you put it in your mouth, it tastes sour! Not only sour, but also bitter, and not at all bitter. It's a lemon squash for adults! I can see why it is so popular! This is the kind of flavor that makes me want to buy it every year!
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rhinoceros beetle (esp. Japanese rhinoceros beetle, Trypoxylus dichotomus) Another summer in Sengkyo Kabutomushi season has come 😊. The illustration has been changed from a sticker to a print on the bottle, which is a nice touch 😄. The color is a little yellowish and the aroma is a little silky. The sourness is also refreshing and delicious 😋.
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It is a common bottle, but it is an original from my favorite liquor store. I'll have some 😍. Very delicate acidity! It's ridiculously fine, so you don't feel the squishy crush in your mouth. Taste is like a rummy with no sweetness. The upper jaw has a freshness like fresh fruit juice 😊. As you continue drinking, a slight sourness and a slight astringency stays on the tip of your tongue. Neither of these flavors have any corners or peculiarities, and you will keep on drinking for the flavor😅. I can't describe what it tastes like at ........., but it tastes like a diluted mixture of citrus and melon juice 😋.

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