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のぶぞーFirst, Cockatoo: ‼️ The acidity, which is typical of Sentori, encouraged me to drink it and it went down smoothly. The sweetness was less than that of Akatombo, but it was delicious as expected of Sentori. ‼️
NEW34 Great effervescence right after opening the bottle. The aroma is gorgeous, but the mouthfeel is light and dry, so it's delicious with a strong meal.
NEWOn the second day, it becomes mellower and more delicious at once.
タッチたっちI finally opened the beetle. I think the acidity was gentler than I expected. I drank it with squid tempura and it went very well with it. I ate too much.
えりりんTouchTouchTouchCombanHa! If you drink it while eating, you can drink it without end and it tastes so good that it will be gone in no time 🥰.
部下🐤Camping near here today ⛺. Summer camping is like a kabuki beetle, so I actually captured two of them this year, and I brought the second one 🪲. By the way, there was a dead praying mantis on the table at the site 🤣🤣. What did I think when I drank the first one? Delicious, but not as impressive as when I drank it 2 years ago... I have the same impression today, Tasty is tasty. After all, everything is 20% better when you drink it outdoors 😁. The acidity and bitterness are good, so I thought it would be better if there was a little more sweetness!
えりりん August 🦑🎣. The weather was ☔️, so I was in a hurry. We went to Akita to fish 🎣. On the way, we stopped by a liquor store and got σ´``σ get! It was a bit of a slapstick move. I also happened to see fireworks 🎆🎇. And they liked the drinks too 🎶. I finished off the meal with some frozen Ikebeki Ramen 🍜🍶´- I couldn't stop! I matched it with 🍶´- they laughed because they couldn't stop 😂😂😂 The rain clouds caught up with us 🎣 and we couldn't 🎣 and had a drink 🤣.
さけランYou're back and you're tobogganing so fast! 😆🤟 I'm just wondering if it's not too early in the morning? I'm not sleeping 💧. I haven't eaten kisses in a while💦. Tempura is the best 😋 ministry!
えりりんHoly sake-run, konbanhar! Thanks❣❣❣ I'm sleeping for 3 hours 🤣. I caught a whiting and it was so tasty and fluffy when I tempura it 🎶. Maybe I'll go tomorrow 🎣🎣.