Milan HauserMilan Hauser
I only started exploring sake









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Milan Hauser
Type: honjozo, rice polishing rate: 65%, alc : 15.5% Nice surprise. I really liked this honjozo. I would put it on 3rd place in my honjozo list, behind Kameizumi and Kenbishi. Mild but beautiful sweet aroma of rice and ripe bananas. Flavor is refreshing but with kind of depth. Too bad I only bought 300 ml bottle.
FurosenPurple label純米吟醸山廃原酒
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Milan Hauser
Give me rich yamahai with high alcohol content and I am the happiest person in the world. Type: junmai ginjo genshu yamahai, rice: Yamada Nishiki, polishing rate: 55%, yeast: in house yeast, SMV: +2, acidity: 2.1, amino acids: 2.1, toji: Yasuo Yokosaka, alc.: 17% Aroma is mild and grainy. Body is rich with strong umami. There is gentle acidity and just the right amount of dryness. It is mellow. Signs of yamahai and aging. Sake was aged for one year and pressed in wooden funa. Happy weekend!
Milan Hauser
I heated it up today. The aroma mellowed out. No aroma of grain, more flowery tones.
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Milan Hauser
I wanted to try Mr. Noguchi Naohiko's sake for a long time and the day finally came. Type: junmai, muroka, nama, genshu, rice: Gohyakumangoku, polishing rate: 60%, alc.: 19% This is how I like my drink: robust, deep, dark and with high alcohol content. Aroma of rice, flowers and exotic spices. Flavor is rich and layered with strong sweetnes and strong acidity followed by earthiness of alcohol. None overpowers the other, there is beautiful balance. Poetry from the hands of Mr. Noguchi Naohiko.
NitoAiyama 48純米大吟醸
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Milan Hauser
Today is my birthday so I opened a bottle of daiginjo, although, I prefere more full-bodied drinks. Type: junmai daiginjo, rice: Aiyama, rice milling rate: 48%, alc.: 16% Aroma is floral with a hint of freshly cut grass. Flavor is fruity with strong sweetness and sharp acidity. Finish is clean. I wanted to try Nito for a long time, because I find their labels very funny. I finally got it for my birthday. It's elegant and clean.
>Milan Hauserさん お誕生日おめでとうございます㊗️ 心待ちにしてたお酒が飲めて、 素晴らしいお誕生日ですね✨
Milan Hauserさん、お誕生日おめでとうございます🎉🎂 お祝いにピッタリないいお酒!素敵な誕生日になりましたね✨
Milan Hauser
@ポンちゃん Thank you very much!
Milan Hauser
@ちょろき Thank you!
Milan Hauserさん こんばんは^ ^ お誕生日、おめでとうございます🎉 ニ兎はまだ呑んだ事がないんです🥲 愛山の48%、美味しいですよね👍 なみなみ注いで溢れさせるスタイル😁
Milan Hauserさん、お誕生日おめでとうございます🎉二兎は美味しい日本酒ですね🍶🎶干支ラベルの二兎予約しました😊
Milan Hauser
@おやじぃ Thank you! 🙂
Milan Hauser
@Manta I will, thank you 🍶🙂
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Milan Hauser
Type: tokubetsu honjozo, rice polishing rate: 60% ginjo and 70% honjozo, SMV: +3, alc.: 14.7% I had this sake in yakiniku restaurant. It is blended sake with 25% of ginjo and 75% of honjozo. It is more than suitable for grilled beef. It's light and dry with slight depth.Blended to a beautiful balance of refreshing flavor and depth. Kijuro was a name of famed Hakushika's Tatsuma family member who lived in 19th century.
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai daiginjo, rice: Omachi, polishing rate: 50%, alc.: 16% Aromatic. I can sense peach and freshly cut grass. Flavor is fruity, sweet with gentle acidity. Very clean with slight fizziness of gas.
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Milan Hauser
Type: tokubetsu, junmai, rice: Gin no Sei, Akita Sake Komachi, polishing rate: 55% and 58%, alc.: 16% Aroma is fruity ginjo with green apple and freshly cut grass notes. Flavor is juicy with sweetness and acidity and with umami of rice spreading in mouth. Finish is short and dry. This is the kind of sake that will please anyone. It's fragrant and easy drinking. There is a fresh taste because it was pasteurized only once.
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai ginjo, rice: Yamada Nishiki, polishing rate: 60%, SMV: +14, acidity: 1.8, amino acids: 0.9, alc.: 14% Wanted to try this sake for a long time because of the basketball jersey like label. Aroma is subdued. I can smell grain and weak ginjo notes such as green apples. Flavor is light and dry with sharp acidity, especially on the 2nd day. There is noticeable umami of rice and grain flavors. It's not bad but not my type of sake. Pairs well with white fish.
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Milan Hauser
Style: junmai, muroka, nama, genshu, mizumoto, rice: Yamada Nishiki, Gin no sato, polishing rate: 70%, yeast: ambient yeast, alc.: 17% I love high alcohol sake. And, oh boy, this one is special. Brewed in Nara near Mt.Yoshino using ancient yeast starter method called mizumoto. Aroma is licorice and plums. Flavor is sour with strong umami and wild and earthy tones of mizumoto yeast starter. There is noticable lactic acid taste. Apple juice, umeshu, yogurt. Lovely drink that I want to buy again
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Milan Hauser
Type: honjozo, taruzake, rice polishing rate: 65%, SMV: +3, acidity: 1.3, yeast: KT901, alc.: 15.2% This is a big bottle full of wooden goodness. I feel like I am in wooden cabin. It has been aged in Yoshino cedar barrel for 7 days. This sake has strong aroma of wood. Aroma of wood is stronger than Kiku-masamune's taruzake I had before. There is also a hint of yogurt aroma but it's overtaken by cedar. Flavor is on the drier side with crisp acidity. It feels light with rather long finish.
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai ginjo, nama-chozo-shu, rice: Hattan Nishiki, rice polishing rate: 55%, alc.: 16% I can't smell any ginjo aroma. It's more like classic junmai and aged sake aroma. It has aroma of very ripe fruits. Like mellon and ripe apricots. There is savoriness in the aroma too. It tastes rich. It feels sweet and astringent. Not your ordinary namazake. It has been pasterized once before bottling and aged as unpasterized sake. There are strong notes of aged sake in the flavor.
TamagawaRed label純米山廃原酒生酒無濾過
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Milan Hauser
I must say wow! This is my kind of sake: strong, rich and full of umami. And the colour is so very beautiful! Type: junmai, yamahai, rice: Kitanishiki, rice polishing rate: 66%, yeast: in house yeast, alc.: 19 - 20% Colour is yellow. I have a runny nose so I could not smell properly but I could get ripe bananas, brown sugar and rice. A lot of rice. It is rich sake with wild yamahai notes, noticeable acidity and strong umami. Rich with alcohol too. I know I will by this again in near future.
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Milan Hauser
Happy Saturday, my friends! I always loved their label. Just looking at it makes me very calm and relaxed. Type: honjozo, rice polishing rate: 68%, SMV: +15, alc.: 15% Yes, this baby is dry. There is a gentle acidity followed by rich umami and dryness. Aroma is very mild. I can feel oriental spices in there. I can imagine this would go well with all kinds of food due to it's dryness. Especially with sashimi and sushi.
AmanotoLand of Water純米吟醸生酒
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai ginjo, namazake, rice: Miyama Nishiki, polishing rate: 55%, alc.: 15% Aroma is very faint, unlike ginjo. I could smell grass and rice. Flavor is clean and refreshing. I could not taste any characteristics of namazake, it is neither juicy nor gassy. It is dry sake with surprising umami characterized by nuttyness and mushroom like flavor. Finish is dry and refreshing. Summer sake that will go well with all kinds of food due to it's clean flavor.
十八盛Panda no kimochi純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai, namazake, rice: Asahi, rice polishing ratio: 50%, acidity: 2.0, yeast: No. 14, No. 7, No. 1801, alc.: 16% Aroma is fruity. I could smell white peach and notes of grass. Flavor is sweet with refreshing astringency. I could not feel much sourness, especially as the sake was closer to room temperature. It has refreshing atack and fizziness of unpasterized sake. The label is very cute indeed.
YokoyamaSummer Jungin純米吟醸
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai ginjo, rice: Yamada Nishiki, rice polishing rate: 55% kakemai 50% koji rice, alc.: 15% Very refreshing fruity sake. Easy to drink. This is a summer sake, that's why it's meant to be refreshing and light. Aroma is fruity, like melons. There is savouriness of Yamada Nishiki in the aroma too. Flavor is juicy, fruity, savoury with refreshing bitterness at the end. I don't know if it's true but I read that this sake was produced on a small island. I'll finish the bottle tonight.
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai ginjo, rice: Gin no Yume, rice polishing rate: 55%, SMV: -5, acidity: 1.5, amino acids: 0.9, alc: 14.5% This sake is made with Cel-24 yeast. So the aroma is strong and fruity. I could smell green apples, spices and flowers. Flavor is fruity too with moderate sweetnes and acidity. It is not as juicy as Kameizumi Cel-24. It is lighter and refreshing. There was pleasant fizziness on the first day. On the second day, the flavor of alcohol is not so strong and the sake is milder.
KikuhimeJunmai Yamahai純米山廃
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai, yamahai, rice: Yamada Nishiki, rice polishing rate: 70%, SMV: +2, acidity: 2.0, alc.: 16% I wanted to try this sake for a long time. Color is golden. Aroma of dried fruits, notes of wood. Flavor is sour, with hints of plums, raisins and other dried fruit and nuts. The flavor spreads nicely. Dry finish. This sake was definitely aged for longer period of time before bottling. It has classic aged sake and yamahai characteristics. It's rich and heavy sake. I love it this way.