Milan HauserMilan Hauser
I only started exploring sake









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Milan Hauser
I always liked One Cup Ozeki. It's surprisingly easy to drink. Good drink for cheap money. I drank it cold. It fell light bodied with gentle sweetness and umami. What I didn't like was, that this "mini" cup is too small and I finished it in no time.
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai daiginjo, rice polishing rate: 50%, alc.: 16% Floral aroma, vanilla, marshmallow and a little bit of savoury aroma. Flavor feels dry with sharp acidity and bitterness of alcohol. Earthy flavor lingers for a while. Not too good not too bad. Decent price here in Europe.
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Milan Hauser
This sake is called "Snow" and it is made out of water that comes from melted snow. The bottle looks cold too and I liked the paper cap. Type: junmai ginjo, rice: Yamada Nishiki and Gohyakumangoku, polishing rate: 55%, alc.: 16% I expected stronger aroma from junmai ginjo. Mild aroma of fruit, vanilla and candy. Flavor is sweet with sharpness of alcohol. I could feel some bitterness too. It was clean, crisp and mellow, like slowly descending slowflakes.
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai ginjo, rice: Gohyakumangoku, polishing rate: 50% koji rice 55% kakemai, SMV: +5, acidity: 1.1, alc.: 15-16% Mild aroma of sweet fruits, bananas and some dried fruits. Flavor is pleasantly dry with noticeable umami and little sweetness. Hints of mellon, nuts, spice and mint. Crisp finish with alcoholic feeling. I really like this ginjo. I like it at room temlerature because it has deeper flavor.
Milan Hauserさんこんばんは! キレイなキリコですね。細くてスタイリッシュで、涼し気だけど少し温かさもあって久保田にぴったり合いますねー
Milan Hauser
@sato Thank you! Hope you had a nice evening too!
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Milan Hauser
Type: honjozo, polishing rate: 70%, SMV: +7, acidity: 1.4, alc.: 15% This is a classic. Aromatic honjozo. I could smell alcohol. Flavor is dry and light. Suitable for almost any kind of dish.
KozaemonJunmai Yamahai純米山廃
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai, style: yamahai, rice: Yamada Nishiki, polishing rate: 65%, alc.: 16,5% I haven't had sake for months! Finally got my hands on a bottle of Kozaemon Junmai Yamahai. The color is yellowish. Aroma is soft with floral and spicy notes. There is strong citrus like acidity in the flavor. I would say it's rather dry. There are notes of earthy flavors due to yamahai method. I can taste notes of aging too.
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Milan Hauser
I liked the sake, however, I wouldn't guess it was kimoto style. It's some time ago so I don't remember the aroma. Flavor was slightly sweet and then some bitterness. A hint of yogurt which might be a sign of kimoto. It is good with food but without it too! It has a character.
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Milan Hauser
Enjoying sake after a long time. In beautiful Kota Kinabalu. Type: futsushu, Rice: Koshihikari, SMV: +3, acidity: 1.2, amino acid: 0.8, alc.: 13.5% Ricy aroma. Dry, light, refreshing. Suitable with fish, meat and basically anything.
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Milan Hauser
My first Jikon. It's too expensive here in Shanghai. Type: junmai ginjo, style: namazake muroka, rice: Yamada Nishiki, polishing rate: 50%, alc.:16% It smells like fruit milk candy. Flavor is refreshing with sweetness followed by strong umami and light refreshing acidity.
KiwamihijiriHENPEI SEIMAI純米吟醸
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Milan Hauser
I chose this bottle because it's made from flat polished rice and I wanted to try it. Type: junmai ginjo, rice: Yamada Nishiki, polishing rate: 60%, alc.: 16% I didn't get ginjo aroma. I got mild rice aroma, alcohol and just a hint of floral aroma. Flavor starts mellow then dry finish with umami that resonates in the aftertaste. I expected ginjo aroma and flavors and to my surprise I got somewhat traditional sake with rice flavors and dry finish. Very clean however, without any peculiarities
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Milan Hauser
I opened the bottle three days ago and next day I got Covid. Type: junmai daiginjo, style: pasteurized once, rice: Yamada Nishiki, polishing ratio: 50%, alc.: 16% This daiginjo is yellow and rich. Not your usual daiginjo. Aroma of rum and raisin icecream, bit of huangjiu. There is a strong acidity and richness. Plum wine like juicyness.
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Milan Hauser
I bought this sake because I liked the label. The label feels vintage. The sake is different from what I drank so far. Type: junmai, rice: Koshitanrei from Kamiwashinden, Kashiwazaki City, alc.: 16% Aroma of melon, vanilla and lactic acid. Flavor is dry, with some acidity and savoury flavor of rice. Very savoury. Lingering aftertaste. I had problems to pour a secong glass the first day. The minerality and saltiness was too strong. Probably because the rice grows right next to the sea.
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai daiginjo, rice: Omachi, polishing rate: 50%, alc.: 13% Color is just slightly yellowish. Aroma of sweet fruits like bananas and white flowers. Flavor is a bit on the sweet side. It is an elegant sake and there is nothing to dislike about this drink.
Milan-san, Hello!! Did you feel like a banana? I felt like a peach! It's funny😄
AramasaPrivate lab AMANEKO純米
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai, rice: Akita rice, polishing rate: 55% koji and 60% kake rice, yeast: no. 6, alc.: 13% Unlike any sake I drank before. The acidity is strong. Aroma mild. Peach, root vegetable, freshly cut grass. Flavor is refreshing. Strong citrus like acidity is followed by savoury umami of rice. Grapefruit for sure. Low alcohol (13%) so no bitterness. Strong acidity is from using white koji. Sake was brewed in cedar tank (no. 14). It's refreshing and sour. Great for summer. Love it.
KankikoSmall pleasures純米吟醸
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai ginjo, rice: Yamada Nishiki, polishing rate: 50%, yeast: No. 1901, alc.: 17% Aroma is fruity and classic for ginjo. with notes of pear and white flowers. Flavor is juicy with decent sweetness, mouth-filling umami and bitterness of alcohol. The bitterness lingers for a while. It is rather rich.
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai ginjo, style: pasterized once, rice: Omachi, polishing rate: 50%, alc.: 14.5% I could not find much information about this sake. The label looks playful and summery. Aroma is mild and grainy. Flavor is dry with sharp acidity and grainy notes. It is clean and refreshing.
Fusano KankikuSpecial yell純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Milan Hauser
The bottle looks beautiful. The label is orange and reminds me of fruit. Type: junmai daiginjo, style: muroka nama genshu, rice: Yamada Nishiki and Omachi, polishing rate: 50%, alc.: 15% When I smelled the sake I knew exactly what it will taste like. The aroma is fruity like pineapple with citrus. Flavor is sweet and sour, refreshing and quite rich. It is juicy like pineapple with a touch of grapefruit like bitterness. It is refreshing and there is a tangy taste because it is unpasterized.
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Milan Hauser
Elegant and good looking label. Type: tokubetsu junmai, style: muroka, namazake, rice: Akita rice, polishing rate: koji rice 55%, kake rice 59%, alcohol: 16% It's simply delicious. There is nothing one can say against this drink. Charming fruity aroma like pears. Flavor is fruity and deep. There is a nice balance of mild acidity, sweetness and earthy finish. I didn't get any of the gentle fizziness which is characteristic for namazake.
TamasakuraJunmai Nigori純米にごり酒
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Milan Hauser
I rarely drink nigorizake because I am not a big fan of it. This one is actually the best nigorizake I had so far. Type: junmai nigorizake, rice: Hyakumangoku no Shiro, polishing rate: 70%, SMV: -34, acidity: 1.7, amino acids: 1.5, yeast: no 701 Aroma of nigorizake: sweet cream, rice and lactic acid. Mouthfeel is velvety and thick, however, no big chunks of rice. Flavor is sweet but not overly sweet with nice acidity. The flavor seems to be more fruity than the aroma suggests.
Shichihon'yariJunmai Daiginjo Wataribune純米大吟醸
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai daiginjo, rice: Wataribune, polishing rate: 50%, alc.: 15% Aromatic. Aroma is not overly strong and pleasantly sweet and floral. Flavor is a big surprise. It is juicier and more full-bodied than the aroma suggests. It's not acidic nor spicy. There is fizziness like that of namazake which is very pleasant. Mouthfeel is silky and oily. Great sake from once almost forgotten rice made by ancient kura.