It's been a while since I've seen Bakuren.
I love "Kudokibe", so naturally I love "Bakuren" too!
Are there different kinds of bakuren? Bakuren is delicious!
It's a very dry sake, but it doesn't feel dry, but this time it feels a little dry!
But this time it feels slightly dry.
The representative of the sake that claims to be super dry but almost never feels dry was too good to be true this time, too 😀. ぎゃばん☆☆☆☆☆
I remember drinking Honkin Yamahai, probably the first time it was made in a long time, and I was under the impression that it was a lactic acid drink.
I haven't had Honkin Yamahai since then, so I haven't had it for a long time (Honkin's seasonal sake is sold out at my favorite liquor store if I'm not careful).
It's a lactic acid type with a slightly matured taste, and it's delicious in its own way!
I think it was more of a lactobacillus drink, but maybe my memory is wrong, or it was just after opening the bottle, or is it a different sake?
It's on the heated sake menu, so I guess it's good for heated sake too.
Whatever it is, it's too good, right, Honkin? ぎゃばん☆☆☆☆☆
Aromatic, gorgeous, and refreshing, with a complex flavor that develops into a delicious taste.
It's also good as a mid-meal drink. ぎゃばん☆☆☆☆☆
It's a nice, refreshing wine with a hint of umami.
Sharp but not sharp, with a lingering aftertaste.
It has a slightly matured taste, which is rare in this restaurant's lineup. YanmaORI-ORI-ROCK特別純米生酒おりがらみ ぎゃばん☆☆☆☆☆
The kind that has a strong acidity followed by a delicious taste.
I can't tell if it's starchy or not, but it's a very tart acidity.
I'm having a bit of a hard time deciding what would go well with the food I ordered, but it's so good that I end up drinking it while I'm still wondering! 

Deep Sake, I always go there on a whim without a reservation, but the counter is full and it's my first time to sit at a table!
It's been a long time since I've been to Oze, and I wonder if I've ever had this pink.
It is a peach-colored nigori sake with a sweet and sour taste, perfect for the cherry blossom season!
In Matsumoto, it was not 🌸 but ❄ during the daytime...
I mean, it was more like dancing... it was raining hard... あおちゃんGood evening, Gyanban 😊.
Nice to meet you😊
Oze snow looks delicious😍
I'm going on a trip to Matsumoto at the end of the month and I've put deep sake as a candidate 😊 I'm going without a reservation 😅.
I'm worried about ❄️ because I'm going 🚗😆. ぎゃばんNice to meet you, Ao-chan 😀
I'm not from Matsumoto, so I don't know about the snow situation, but I think it's not a problem because the snow melts quickly in the city during this season. ぎゃばんHowever, you can't be too careful until about before GW, so please watch the weather forecast and wear studded shoes if possible.
Have a nice trip to Matsumoto!
Mr. Fukazake, there is sake in the prefecture, but please drink a lot of local sake to meet the local people 😊. あおちゃんThank you, Gyaban 😁.
I'm going with studless just in case 👌
I'm looking forward to your deep drinking 😊. ぎゃばんI hope you can drink a variety of sake at this izakaya, which is as good as any in the city 😃. ぎゃばん☆☆☆☆☆
Pitchy on opening, popping acidity and sweetness.
Carbonation makes the sourness stronger than the back of the bottle.
Well, they are both in the same strain of Moebijin.
This one is also delicious! ぎゃばん☆☆☆☆☆
I wanted to drink a couple of...
So I chose Urachibijin
Gentle sweetness and a complex sense of sourness, including miscellaneous flavors.
The aftertaste is rather refreshing and disappears, delicious!
At the end of the meal, I was a little short on the amount of sake, so I asked for an additional sip of LAPIN, a springtime sake!
It was a luxurious experience to be able to compare the two sakes! ぎゃばん☆☆☆☆☆
I've already had a couple of drinks, but I still have some karasumi left, so I'm going to finish it off with half a bottle of warmed sake!
Is this your first time heating up Hirotogawa?
Heated Hirotogawa sake must be absolutely delicious!
I'd say it's just before hot sake.
Just the right temperature for karasumi!
The sweetness remains in the heated sake, and there is no bitterness or other unpleasant taste, making it a beautiful sake.
I would like to compare it with cold sake, but I think it has a stronger sweetness than cold sake.
Heated sake is the best! T.KISOGood evening, Gyaban-san😄
Heated Hiroto Tokusyu is the best 👍
I bought a bottle today 😊. ぎゃばんGood evening, T.KISO!
This was my first time to try Hirotogawa Tokusyu, and it was great!
You can enjoy a whole bottle! ぎゃばん☆☆☆☆☆
kyumaiyari-ri (a village in the southwestern part of Japan)
A rich, mellow taste of sinking sake yeast, but with a modern atmosphere.
This is really delicious.
It is a delicious sake that goes very well with karasumi! ぎゃばん☆☆☆☆☆
Fresh and rather guttural, this is also a sake with a dry taste.
The aftertaste is not very long, but it leaves the impression that it is smoothly drained away while leaving a bitter and cloying taste.
Delicious! ぎゃばん☆☆☆☆☆
I thought I'd had one of these before, but I don't think I ever checked in.
It's crisp and refreshing and suitable for eating in.
Most of the sake I've had so far has been overshadowed by the taste of the saikyo-yaki, but this one complements both and tastes great!
It is a rare sake in this store, but I like it.
Delicious! ぎゃばん☆☆☆☆☆
Classical and modern
Exquisite and easy to get into, while still retaining its quirks.
It's a draft sake, but I think it would be great warmed up to lukewarm!
Delicious! ぎゃばん☆☆☆☆☆
The crisp acidity gives way to a deep umami that is typical of ogara-mi.
Sake that is rich and delicious right through to the aftertaste. ぎゃばん☆☆☆☆☆
Piquant, fresh and sweet
Slightly tangy acidity
Delicious sake with a clean finish
Apparently they had the same one a year ago, so it must have been in the store lineup at this time last year!
I'm drinking the first glass as if I'm going to finish it right away! ぎゃばん☆☆☆☆☆
Freshly squeezed in autumn
Slightly acidic and refreshing, but with a hint of sweetness.
I think it's relatively good with food among what I drank today.
It doesn't have the maturity and depth of an autumn sake, but it has the freshness of freshly squeezed sake.
It is delicious! ぎゃばん☆☆☆☆☆
I haven't had a packaged liquor in a long time, but what do you think?
I don't remember it being this sweet. I had an image that it was a bit more light and refreshing, but maybe my memory is wrong.
It's a sweet and refreshing sake that enhances the sweetness while retaining the refreshingness of Gohyakumangoku, it's the best!
By the way, all the customers at the counter were women except myself!
How amazing! ぎゃばん☆☆☆☆☆
I was looking in the fridge and found a label for Jyushiyo.
I can't find it anywhere else in the store I go to, so I just have to order it!
I haven't had a Jyushidai since the Honmaru I had the night before the Imoni party in Yamagata last year!
Unlike the fruity Honmaru, it has a robust unfiltered flavor!
The lingering taste is soft sweetness and delicious!
Personally, I like Kudokibe, but Jyushidai is also very tasty!
I wish there were more places where I could drink it... ぎゃばん☆☆☆☆☆
Don't ride if you've been drinking.
The law has been changed to make it stricter on bicycles, so don't.
Limited edition sake brewed with sake rice grown by Yamamoto.
The first sip is rather old-fashioned and comes with a bang, without feeling uniquely Yamamoto.
But as you drink it, it is rather clean and tasty, with a full-bodied sweetness. RecommendedContentsSectionView.title