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Seikyo純米吟醸 雄町純米吟醸生酒無濾過
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<"The mildly sweet bitterness of the mildly ripe. The aroma is a candy sweet ho-hum. When you put it in your mouth, the syrupy sweetness melts in your mouth. From there, the sweetness swells to a slightly ripe, bitter sweetness. In the back, there is a soft rice flavor. Yum! The aftertaste is a gentle sweet and bitter sweetness. It has a gentle, matured feeling that is not unpleasant at all. Although it was produced in April, I felt a pleasant hint of ripeness, as if it had been laid down for a while. The acidity is very mild until the temperature reaches around 10℃, but it becomes a little sour around 15℃, which is also very nice. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, I would compare it to Yasuya Tsukishima's father in "Ears to the Past". He is the father of the main character, Shizuku. He is a little bit matured, but his fairness and kindness are very nice. He is one of my ideal father figures. Degree of liking: ★★★★ I will post the full version on my blog, with character images, etc. added. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit the link in my profile.
Amabuki龍王 冷庭 ULTRA DRY 超辛口 純米酒純米
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<Sour Sour Sururi Ultra Dry - KARIZUBACHI! >Sour suri Long time no see, Amabuki. This time it is an ultra dry summer sake. It's a cool design, isn't it? But "hiya-ga-den" in a cold garden is a pun, isn't it! Well, I don't dislike this sense of combining the cool design, the goofy and cool "Ryuoh" and the subtle "Reiwa". Let's drink it right away. The aroma is clean and tasty, with a hint of acidity. You can tell just from the aroma. This is a beautiful dry sake. When you put it in your mouth, you can feel the slight acidity. The acidity is pungent, and the umami flavor is also slightly present, but it is just as clean and dry as it should be! Ultra dry. It has a wonderful sharpness. If we were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be the sword of Master Yupa in "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind". It is carved out of the shell of a king bug, and has a sharpness that can pierce ceramic armor. Hmm? I thought the shape of this chart looked familiar, but it is exactly the same shape as the Chokai mountain I mentioned three posts ago. Degree of liking: ★★★☆☆☆ I will post the full version on my blog, complete with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "Korune Sake" or visit the link in my profile.
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<Sour and sweet, even more intense and rich. N-888 is the 888th sake that came closest to the ideal out of the 1,200 trials that Niigata Meikozo went through in order to create a sake that would suit the modern diet. 888th may seem a bit excessive, but 1,200 trials is an impressive number. Now, let's drink! The aroma is mild. There is a faint citrus-like acidity. White malted rice? The mouthfeel is smooth, but then the acidity and sweetness come in! From there, it spreads out more slowly. This is rich. However, it disappears nicely at the end. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be Dora's youth in "Laputa: Castle in the Sky. Although it does not appear directly in the movie, there is a portrait of Dora hanging in her room. It is also cute and cool. She looks powerful, energetic, strong, and yet cute. And she has style! Satisfaction: ★★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
Kure特別純米酒 花火をみながら晩酌する河童特別純米生酒
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<No way! 19 degrees at +12. Sake degree +12! This is quite a strong spec. I thought, "I might have messed up a little," but then I drank it. What? What is this? No way! It's so easy to drink! You feel a slight sweetness at first, and then it goes smooth on the palate. The alcohol content feels like 15 degrees. Ya! The aroma is gently fluffy with lactic acidity and alcohol. There is a hint of dryness typical of Kochi, but it is beautiful. The mouthfeel is easy to drink, with a slight sweetness and acidity. It has an acidic and spicy flavor, but the acidity is smooth without being harsh. In the latter half of the bottle, the acidity and umami spread more slowly, with a slight umami aftertaste. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be Mr. Caproni in "The Wind Rises. He is a famous Italian airplane designer who appears in the dreams of the main character, Jiro. At first glance, he seems friendly and is a great man who should be respected, but upon closer inspection, he is a dangerous man. Satisfaction: ★★★★☆ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
Sogen純米酒 Samurai Prince純米
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<Gentle, tasty, and comforting. The aroma is a hint of the deliciousness of rice and alcohol. It is pleasant. The aroma is relaxing, but it looks delicious and raises the tension. In the mouth, there is a gentle sweetness of rice and a hint of acidity. From there, a soft umami flavor comes out. It is very gentle, but the core is firm. There is no bitterness at all, and it is very clean. It is not sharp and clean, but round and pleasantly clean. It has a calm taste that is different from fresh or fruity. It is still delicious. It is easy to match with meals and looks delicious with anything, especially Japanese food. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, I would compare it to Rastel's mother in "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind". She is the one who rescues Nausicaä from capture on Pejite's ship. She is full of motherly love. She is the woman who tenderly embraces Nausicaä, who was not blessed with a mother's love. Satisfaction: ★★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "Korune Sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
Sogen純米 石川門純米
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[Sogen Junmai Ishikawamon <Deep, gentle, sweet, new retro. The aroma is a retro type with fine grains and a hint of sweetness from the candy. The aroma is a retro type with fine grains and a hint of candy sweetness. It is very elegant, and foreshadows a taste that is completely different from the modern type. The taste is also elegant, yet profound, with a gentle sweetness of brown sugar and grains. It's not fruity, and it's clearly not modern. But it's also a little different from retro. It feels new, even though I should know it well. To put it another way, it's like rediscovering the taste of fine white rice at a ryotei. Slowly, I was happy. It was so delicious that I unusually had another cup. For the second cup, I warmed it by hand and served it at room temperature. Then the pleasant sourness and umami opened up slightly, and it tasted even better! It was a wonderful sake. If I were to compare it to Ghibli's "Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind," I would say it was like Mother Rastell. She is a kind mother with a lot of maternal love. Satisfaction: ★★★★☆ I'll post the full version on my blog, complete with character images and such. If you'd like, you can search for "korune sake" or come from the link in my profile section.
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<It's tangy, refreshing, and full of flavor. It's nice to meet you, Sensuke. I've seen it a few times, but I've never had the chance to try it. Finally, I can drink it. How is it? The aroma is a fruity muscat sour ale. It's good. In the mouth, there is a refreshing sourness and a hint of sweetness, followed by a slight carbonation. From there, the umami swells up and is firm. Then, a refreshing aroma comes through to the nose. The sweetness is moderate, and it is a fine, refreshing sake for sipping. If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be like the dragonfly in "The Witch's Delivery Service. I thought he was a fruity pick-up artist from the aroma, but he was surprisingly robust. His age is not shown in the movie, but in the original story, he is 14 years old, one year older than Kiki. 14 years old, he builds a human-powered airplane with his friends and serves as its pilot, so he is actually a very capable guy. Satisfaction: ★★★★ I'll post the full version on the blog, complete with character images. If you'd like, you can search for "korune sake" or visit the link in my profile section.
女城主純米吟醸 益々繁盛純米吟醸
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<It's a soft and refreshing sake with a hint of alcohol. This is a huge 4.5 liter bottle. 4.5 liters equals 2.5 bottles. 4.5 liters equals 2.5 masu, or 2.5 bottles. 4.5 liters means 2.5 masu (2.5 bottles). The aroma is retro and delicious, with a hint of brown sugar. The mouthfeel is mellow. Lactic acid, rice flavor, and a hint of sweetness. It's a classic. From the mid-palate, there is a hint of alcohol in the aroma. The flavor spreads slowly. It's delicious! I have the impression that it has become more and more delicious than last year. It's the same retro umakuchi, but it seems to be of higher quality. It's not Ghibli, but it's like Zenigata's father in "Cagliostro's Castle. It's like a police captain born in the first digits of the Showa era. He is a very good character with a flavor that comes out slowly. In my opinion, Cagliostro's father is the best in the Lupin III series. Satisfaction: ★★★★ I will post the full version on my blog, complete with character images and such. If you'd like, you can search for "Korunezake" or come from the link in my profile section.
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<Almost juice low alkaline sweet light apple The catch copy is "Surprising apple even though it is sake! Pomme" means "apple" in French, so "apple pomme" means apple apple apple. It reminds me of the scientific name of the western lowland gorilla, gorilla gorilla gorilla. The smell is apple. It's like apple juice in your mouth. Light! The taste is only sourness and sweetness of apples. There is no umami, bitterness, or even alcohol. It's delicious. If you want to drink something light, or if you are looking for a sake like this, I highly recommend it. If you are looking for a sake that is light, I highly recommend it. The specs are so weird it's funny, but I'm running out of words so I'll skip it. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be the baby in the pram in "The Witch's Delivery Service". If she doesn't have a pacifier, she starts crying. It reminds me of the time when my daughter was a baby and I gave her a grated apple. Satisfaction level: ★★★☆☆ I'll post the full version on the blog, complete with character images and such. If you'd like, you can search for "Korunezake" or visit the link in my profile section.
白木久暁の蝙蝠 無濾過生原酒 焼酎酵母仕込み純米原酒生酒無濾過
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<Juicy grapefruit, sour, sweet, bitter. This is a sake from Shirasugi Shuzo in Kyotango City, Kyoto Prefecture. The brewery has a mysterious obsession with using edible rice instead of sake brewing rice. It is said that this bat-san uses all Koshihikari rice. And the yeast is for shochu. The koji is partly white, but even that is unusual. The naming, the label design, the raw rice and the yeast. It is so different from the usual one that we can't imagine the taste at all. Then, let's drink it. The aroma is sweet and fruity with citrus. Oh, this citrus is like white koji. When you put it in your mouth, it has a fruity sour sweet taste and a slight bitter taste. This is a grapefruit, isn't it? It's also the one with sugar on it. Juicy and delicious! If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be Anna, the main character in "Marnie of Memories". This is Anna when she is with Marnie. Due to various reasons, Anna has a bitter taste in her heart and rejects others. However, she has sweet and sour feelings for Marnie. Satisfaction: ★★★★ I'll post the full version on the blog, complete with character images and such. If you'd like, you can search for "korune sake" or come from the link in my profile section.
Kubota碧寿 山廃純米大吟醸純米大吟醸山廃
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<The pure flavor is soft and elegant. The aroma is alcohol. But this is strangely elegant. It has a light umami taste in the mouth. There is no sweetness or sourness, just pure umami that flows elegantly. In the latter half of the taste, there is a slight bitterness that accompanies the spreading umami, but it is still elegant. On the recommendation, I tried it lukewarm. When I did that, the umami became gentler and larger. The bitterness has decreased and the acidity has come out a little. I paired it with a cocotte of albacore. A little bit of shichimi (seven spice) on the milt and the nutritious and savory taste of rice. It was a perfect match for Mr. Kubota. It was a marriage (marriage). Congratulations! If you compare it with Ghibli, it's Serum of "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind". He is a "man of the forest" who appears only in the original story. He hates fire, lives in the rotting sea, and is the firstborn of a family that lives with bugs as friends. He has a beautiful appearance, is kind, and seems to be in love with Nausicaa, but he has a mysterious atmosphere that transcends love. She has shed her sweetness and sourness, and seems to be somewhat sharpened. Satisfaction: ★★★★ I'll post the full version on the blog, complete with character images and such. If you'd like, you can search for "korune sake" or come from the link in my profile section.
Sharaku純米吟醸 愛山純米吟醸
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<Fruity, richly sweet and deeply delicious. Following the aged Collage I posted yesterday, here is the last glass of the day, Collage Aizan. I've been blessed with a good encounter with Aizan lately. I'm glad. And with Collage Aizan, you can't go wrong. The aroma is fruity sweetness with a nice alcohol and lactic acidity. When you put it in your mouth, it is very complex, with the fresh sourness and sweetness of apple, and the happy bitterness and umami. It has a deep flavor typical of Aisan. Ummm! It disappears softly and has a beautiful aftertaste. I thought the Collage Aged was today's No. 1, but it easily surpassed that. Impressive! If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be Fio from "The Red Pig". He easily surpasses the loneliness of not having his father working and has the ability and cheerfulness to live on his own. She's cute and capable! Satisfaction: ★★★★★ I will post the full version on my blog, complete with character images and such. If you'd like, you can search for "korune sake" or come from the link in my profile section.
Sharaku純米吟醸 初しぼり 生酒純米吟醸生酒古酒
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<Honey sweetness, fruit acidity and ripe flavor. It's been a while since I've had one of these. It's my favorite brand. This is their first Shibori nama sake. But don't be fooled. If you look carefully, it was made in December 2019. In other words, it's been aged for two years. It is said to have been stored in a liquor store where the temperature is properly controlled. In a way, it's even more valuable than regular new sake, isn't it? I'm so excited! The aroma is an aged aroma that seems to have a lot of flavor, plus the sweet acidity that is typical of Keisaraku. There is no doubt about it. From the very first taste, the sweetness, sourness, and aged flavor come together. The sweetness of honey, the fruity acidity, and the aged umami run around. Wonderful! If I compare it with Ghibli, it is Ms. Yoshiko Matsuzaki of "From Up on Poppy Hill". She is Umi-chan's mother. Her beauty becomes more and more attractive as she gets older, and she is powerful enough to go to America to study by herself in the early postwar period. She also has the kindness to hold Umi in her arms without asking any questions. She has the depth of a woman who lost her husband and suffered a lot. She is a wonderful adult woman. Satisfaction: ★★★★ The blog will have the full version with complementary character images and other information. If you'd like, you can search for "korune sake" or come from the link in my profile section.
十八盛panda no kimochi 無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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<Melon-like, soft, sweet and sour. The aroma is a faint hint of sweetness. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel a slight carbonation. It is followed by a soft melon-like sweetness. I also like the fruity, refreshing sourness and pleasant bitterness. This is the sweetest of the four in the series. It's the sweetest of the four. It's raw sake, and it's been six months since it was made, so it might not taste exactly like the original, but it's good! The brewing process is interesting, and it's a blend of another brand from the same brewery, "Tagaji Junmai Daiginjo Asahi (Association No. 14 & No. 7 yeast)" and "Juhachimori Junmai Daiginjo Asahi (Association No. 1801 yeast)". So, although it doesn't say so, it is actually Junmai Daiginjo. If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be the ending theme of "Witch's Takkyubin", "Yasashi ni Owareta Nara". It's refreshing, positive, and has a sweetness that warms the heart. Satisfaction: ★★★★ I'll post the full version on my blog, complete with character images and such. If you'd like, you can search for "korune sake" or come from the link in my profile section.
Hanahato秋の純米吟醸 無濾過原酒純米吟醸原酒無濾過
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<Sweet, sour, bitter, with a distinct taste of grapes. I drank this the other day, too. But the one I drank the other day was a noble sake that had been aged for eight years, so I can't refer to it at all. But this time's sake also seems to be a little out of the ordinary. I'm looking forward to it. The aroma is not very strong. On the palate, it's fruity, sweet, sour, and bitter. It definitely has a slight grapey feel to it. It is clearly delicious. The sweet, sour, and bitter taste continues to the aftertaste. The lingering aftertaste is long, and it disappears slowly and happily. Delicious! If I compare it with Ghibli, it is Sora-chan of "From Up on Poppy Hill". She is the younger sister of the main character, Umi-chan. She is clearly cute. She is only one year younger than Umi-chan, but she looks more like a spoiled child because Umi-chan is very strong. Satisfaction: ★★★★ I'll post the full version on the blog, complete with character images and such. If you'd like, you can search for "korune sake" or come from the link in my profile section.
Taiheizan艸月 別誂 ひやおろし 純米純米生酛ひやおろし袋吊りおりがらみ
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<Lightly nigori, sour and fluffy, hiyaoroshi The color is slightly white and lightly nigori. It is rare to find a lightly nigori hiyaoroshi. The aroma is almost imperceptible. On the palate, there is a gentle sourness with a moderate sweetness and umami. It has a full-bodied acidity, sweetness, and umami that is similar to Usu-nigori. After drinking, the aftertaste recedes quickly and disappears nicely. When the temperature rises a little, the sweetness opens up and it becomes even more delicious. If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be Satsuki and Mei's mother from "My Neighbor Totoro". This is Ms. Yasuko Kusakabe. In the movie, her kindness and weakness stand out, but I think she's actually a very interesting person. "She says, "I can't wait to get out of the hospital and see the ghost. When he gets out of the hospital, his gentle sweetness and deliciousness will open up and he'll be even more fun. Satisfaction: ★★★★ I will post the full version on the blog, complete with character images and such. If you'd like, you can search for "korune sake" or come from the link in my profile section.
Oze no Yukidoke愛山 大吟醸生詰大吟醸生詰酒
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<"Gentle, big, sweet, elegant. Ozeki from the Gunma Ryujin Shuzo. It's been a long time. And it's Aizan, my favorite aluzoe daiginjo. I'm really looking forward to it. By the way, I found out later that it's been 10 years since they made an Aizan aluzoe daiginjo. The aroma is mildly fruity alcohol. When you put it in your mouth, it has a gentle, large, enveloping sweetness. It's so sweet and delicious. It's so sweet, yet elegant, and it disappears nicely and fluffily without being too sweet. It's not sticky at all. This is the alzoe effect! When you breathe after swallowing it, you can feel the sweet alcohol lingering in your nose. This is happiness. If you were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be Toet-san from "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind". She is the mother who asked Master Yupa to be her godmother. It was as sweet as a mother's free love for her baby. Satisfaction: ★★★★☆ I'll post the full version on the blog, complete with character images and such. If you'd like, you can search for "korune sake" or come from the link in my profile section.
Koeigiku白月 無濾過生原酒原酒生酒無濾過
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<The sourness of the fruit is clear. The child is healthy. The aroma is mild green apple acidity with a hint of bitterness. In the mouth, the acidity of white grapes and apples bursts with a light carbonation. A pleasant bitterness follows soon after. The sweetness is only slight, but it lingers until the end. The alcohol content is low at 12 degrees. But it feels like 13-14 degrees. It is low alcohol, but it is not weak. Kouyoungiku has a good balance of sweetness, sourness, and bitterness, and is a clear sake despite its low alcohol content. Shirazuki is also like Kouyoungiku. However, it is a little sour and clear in this category. It goes well with summer. But personally, I'm not good at sour sake, so I didn't fall in love with it. It's a good sake, though. It's a matter of taste. If you compare it to Ghibli, it's like Satsuki from My Neighbor Totoro. She is full of vigor and vitality. Her mother is in the hospital, which is bittersweet, but she seems to be enjoying her new home. Satisfaction level: ★★★☆☆ I'll post the full version on the blog, complete with character images. If you'd like, you can search for "Korunezake" or come from the link in the profile section.
Hakuryu純米吟醸しぼりたて 直汲み無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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<Refreshing, powerful, unfiltered, raw. Next to Kuroryu is Hakuryu. This week was full of Ryu with Ryujinmaru, Jyushiyo Ryu no Bastard, Kuroryu and Hakuryu. Now, let's actually drink it. The aroma is a pleasant alcohol and fruity white grape. When you put it in your mouth, you can taste the sourness and the sweetness that is a little more reserved. From the back of the palate, the bitterness of the umami comes through. It is refreshing but powerful. The aftertaste lingers for a long time and then disappears. It is a very clear unfiltered, unpasteurized sake. It has a bit of a gloomy taste, but on the contrary, it has a good flavor. It's refreshing, powerful, alcoholic, and fruity. It's delicious! If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be Dora's younger days from "Castle in the Sky". In fact, there is a portrait of her from that time in the captain's cabin of the Tiger Moth. So cute and so cool! I'm not lying when I say that Sita looks just like me when I was younger! Satisfaction: ★★★★ I`ll post the full version on the blog, complete with character images and such. If you'd like, you can search for "korune sake" or come from the link in my profile section.
Kokuryu夏しぼり 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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<A refreshing, clean, umami, spicy, high-quality sake for adults. The aroma is slightly refreshing, with sourness, umami and clean alcohol. After a beat, the sourness of the lactic acid and the elegant umami taste come in slowly. The sourness and the umami stay as they are, and they remain softly until the aftertaste. It's delicious! I looked it up and found that it has a high alcohol content of 17% and a super dry sake degree of +9.5. Naturally, there is almost no sweetness. If you look at it like this, it looks hard to get used to. But that's Kuroryu, and it was very easy to drink, even for me who is not good at dry sake. The dish to go with it is vinegared miso with squid and cucumber. After all, I want to match seafood with Koryu. The squid's sticky and slightly sweet taste goes well with it. If you compare it to Ghibli, it is like a policeman in "The Witch's Delivery Service". He is a solid, mature, handsome man. At first he seems a bit strict, but he's a good guy. In the ending, he winks at Kiki, so I guess they got along well. Satisfaction: ★★★★ I'll post the full version on the blog, complete with character images. If you'd like, you can search for "korune sake" or come from the link in my profile section.