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342 Iwamuracho, Ena, Gifu
map of 岩村醸造
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Yanagiya (柳家)
The unique taste of rice was clearly and distinctly felt, and the subtle acidity and firm bitterness were crisp and delicious, without feeling too much of the high alcohol content of the original sake.
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Souvenirs from my sister and her husband. They are always heavy from their travels. I am sorry for the weight. I kept it in the fridge for a while, but opened it on the last day of a three-day weekend. As the bottle label says, it is a very clean and dry wine. It has a very sharp acidity. It tastes better at room temperature than chilled. It was too late to notice.
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こととや CoCoLo新潟店
Gifu Sake Comparison! At Kotobukiya in the new Niigata Station CoCoLo. There are not many places where you can buy sake from other prefectures Sake from outside of the prefecture. Iwamura Brewery's main brand "Onna Jyoshu", a sake brewery in the castle town with Iwamura Castle, one of the three largest mountain castles in Japan built in the Kamakura period, as its symbol, and a label with a design of Oda Nobunaga's aunt Otsuya no Kata, who is said to be "the most beautiful woman of all time", are said to have been created to celebrate the 800th anniversary of Iwamura Castle construction. It was created to commemorate the 800th anniversary of the construction of Iwamura Castle. It has a mild aroma, It has a mild aroma and is dry and crisp, It has a dry, crisp aroma with a hint of sweetness, but it is refreshing throughout, It is crisp and light when cold, It is crisp and light when cold, and crisp and dry when warmed, It is clear and dry without any harshness even when heated up. ===Rice Ingredients:Rice(domestic),Rice malt(domestic) Rice used: Hidahomare? Polishing ratio: 50% for koji rice, 60% for kake rice Alcohol Content: 15-16 degrees Sake meter degree: +10.0 300ml 624yen === The price is ★★★★☆☆☆
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Drinking Gifu's Local Sake 2024 in Osaka⑬. The "Onna Jyoshu" booth. The sake brewery can be visited along the railroad track that runs about 100 meters from the store entrance to the brewery. It looks like a trolley was passing through. Enanohomare Special Honjozo Hiya Harajuku. It is sweet and voluptuous. The sake is thick and sweet, but has a nice sharp aftertaste. It's a little tangy and bitter. The brewer was soon replaced by an assistant, so we moved on to the next booth.
女城主ゑなのほまれ ひや特別本醸造原酒
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MyDome Osaka (マイドームおおさか)
Drinking Gifu's Local Sake 2024 in Osaka⑬. A female castle owner whose name I've heard but never seen We drank Enahomare special honjozo hiya-harazake Polishing ratio 60% Hidahomare Sake meter -5 I think it was recommended to me when I asked "Which one is sweet? I think it was recommended to me when I asked. I was told it was a sweet sake, but I got the impression it was thicker than sweet.
BOUCHAN Hello 😊 I enjoy reading about Gifu's sake 🍶 I have nostalgia for it 😊 I used to drink a lot before I had a customer in Iwamura I used to go there a lot before it was integrated Iwamura town in Ena county is a country town with a mountain castle 😁.
Hello kan ☀. I see you had a connection with this sake 😊. The name Iwamura Brewery comes from the town of Iwamura 😳I learned a lot 🤓. I would like to visit a town with a mountain castle.
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good! I had had this a long time ago and remembered that it did not suit my young taste buds. It was so refreshingly dry! It has a slight umami and citrus taste in it. with a hint of citrus and a touch of arganic. It's a good feeling!
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Event. Sake Fair 2024. 2 hours have passed... I'm finally getting drunk and can't take the taste anymore😅. I'll be the last to comment and I'll drink as my heart desires for the remaining hour 🤣. Here is the sake. The color is clear. The taste is moderately sweet and sour. The mouthfeel is refreshing and clean. The sweetness comes out in the aftertaste, with a hint of sourness behind it. I wonder if they named this sake "Onnajoushu" after the image of a female lord of a castle, or because of its taste.... I should have asked the origin of the name 😅. After this, I kept drinking until the fireflies' light was flowing with full of time 😚. It was a most enjoyable event with many new sakes🍶 🤗.
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Delicious with seasonal vegetables♪ Rich rice flavor and sweetness. Sparkling but not that fizzy. The aftertaste is more lingering than sharp.

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